
Mafia Vs Billionaire (BL)

Noah Reece is an Asian-American living in a rundown apartment in Chinatown. He is an office worker who has a side business which his colleagues often refer to as Scraps collector. One night he accidently meets with Lucas Trevillion in a slum area where he lives in, which Noah didn't know at that time Lucas was having a mental breakdown. He brought Lucas back to his house, served him cheap food and lent him his tattered clothes which he later regretted after finding out that Lucas was actually the youngest son of the owner of the company where he worked. When Lucas finds out that Noah actually works at the branch company he manages, he starts sticking around Noah. Whether it's visiting his apartment on the weekends or doing everything he could just to get Noah's attention. One day, Lucas has a panic attack during a meeting which Noah also attends. Noah tries his best to calm him down by letting him grab onto his body, hugging him tightly. Afterward, Lucas confesses his love to Noah, in which Noah only reply with, “Would you still want me if I'm telling you I'm an ex-mafia?"

Yeo_ja · ファンタジー
17 Chs


The jet black sky looked clear behind Lucas' sunglasses as he stared up for a moment then exhaled deeply. Exactly why would he promise something he'd never do or never would, Lucas wondered.

"You are being dramatic, stupid." Someone suddenly said that to him.

Lucas turned his head and stared at the boy who was Michael. But he immediately looked away lethargic and said, "I don't want to talk to you."

"You are the one who promised to bring us to the amusement park, but now you are acting like you're being dragged here." said Michael while licking his melting ice cream.

The two of them were sitting on a bench under a large tree when the conversation heated up.

Lucas suddenly straightened up. "Just who the hell came to an amusement park during the hottest time of the day?" He snapped.

Michael gave him a side eye and calmly whispered, "Everyone."

What Michael said was true. Because the two of them were currently surrounded by people. People jostled, children crying, and a series of hysterical screams as the roller coaster flipped over.

Lucas looked around and felt hopeless. He then leaned back again and said, "I'm beat."

But suddenly someone came to his side and pressed a cold bottle to his face, causing him to jump. "Who's beat?" He asked.

"You finally came. What took you so long?" Lucas quickly opened the lid and gulped it down.

"Long queue in the restroom. Did we miss something?" Noah sat down.

Lucas looked at Noah with a bewildered expression and said, "Um, yeah, we missed the entire roller coaster ride!"

Noah laughed. "You are the one who said you are scared of heights." Noah put down his water beside and waved his hand. "Emma, come here."

Emma quickly approached Noah.

"Turn around" Noah grabbed the strap at the back of Emma's dress and tied a ribbon. "There you go."

"Thanks Noah." Emma immediately slid down to join Andrew, blowing bubbles with a stick from a bottle of soap.

With a satisfied smile, Noah lays his back on the bench, trying to relax. But after just a few seconds, Noah immediately sat up straight again and looked at Lucas with a mixed expression. "I really have tried to act calm and relaxed but do we really have to be watched over by a bunch of bodyguards all day today?"

Lucas looks around them and finds his bodyguard standing on every corner from where they are sitting. "Just ignore them," said Lucas nonchalantly.

"Just how to just ignore the situation where everyone in this amusement park keeps looking at us?" Noah can see several people whispering ear to ear by the time they walk past them, some even tried to take their picture which was then stopped by the bodyguards. Afterward Noah decides to buy a bucket hat for each of the kids to hide their face from the stranger. "We are not even a celebrity," said Noah in frustration.

"Don't worry," Lucas said with a chuckle, "we can just pretend we're a celebrity family, and we're here for a photoshoot. That should get them off our backs!"

"If It's for safety, worry no more. I alone can protect all of us."

Upon hearing what Noah just said, Lucas straightened up and widened his eyes while looking at Noah. "Like a bodyguard?" Lucas was surprised by Noah's confidence in his ability to protect them from any danger. Despite his initial surprise, Lucas eventually thought that Noah's comment might be meant to be humorous and he began to laugh.

"Have you finally lost it?" Noah knitted his brow and asked with a serious expression.

Lucas suddenly took off his sunglasses and put them on Noah. "Perfect." He then got up from the bench and stood in front of Noah. "Rather than a bodyguard" Lucas bent down to look at Noah closely. "You are more like a mafia boss."

Noah lifts his left brow when looking at Lucas' sparkly green eyes. "I'm sure the job won't be easy," Noah replied in a dry tone, emphasizing his point.

"Noah.." shouted Emma while running toward him. "I want to play the teapot again."

Lucas immediately rolled his eyes. Lucas refused to join them, crossing his arms and shaking his head. "No way. I'm not playing that damn teapot again."

Noah was thinking the same thing as Lucas since he almost threw up from the hell's like spinning but didn't dare to refuse Emma directly. Noah knelt down to talk to Emma. "I know how much you love the teacup ride, Emma, but let's save it for another day. We still have lots more to do before we leave, and I don't want you getting too tired. Besides, I heard there's a Ferris wheel that just opened up!"

"Really? I want to ride the Ferris wheel !" said Emma while jumping up and down happily.

"Well then let's go." Noah took Emma's hand and walked together. "Michael and Andrew" The two of them immediately come along.

"But isn't a Ferris wheel a better ride during the sunset? I heard about that."

"ROOF! " Noah suddenly shouted to the kids and threw himself at Lucas. Both of them were falling to the ground with Noah lying on Lucas while the kids immediately ran inside a nearby restaurant swiftly.

Just a second ago when Noah was looking at Lucas, he also saw a red dot moving from the ground climbing onto Lucas' right foot and slowly moving to his waist. Noah had just noticed a sniper on the rooftop aiming at Lucas with a gun. He knew he had to act fast and threw himself at Lucas to protect him from the potential danger.

Lucas was confused and bewildered by Noah's sudden actions. He was unsure of why Noah had thrown himself at him and why the children had run off. He had no idea what was going on and was feeling increasingly anxious.

"Lucas. Listen carefully about what I'm going to say now. Don't take this personally. This is a dire situation, no choice." said Noah.

Lucas opens his mouth trying to say something but the next thing he sees is pitch black. In a split second, the bodyguards had gathered around them. Without further ado Noah immediately gave them an order.

Noah said in a low voice, "There's a sniper here. Brought him to the car without exposing any of his body parts. I'm going to get the kids and catch up."

"Yes sir." one of the bodyguards replied.

Noah immediately stood up and looked around him. There are a lot of people who are confused with the situation. Noah smiles at them. "I'm sorry, my boyfriend just passed out because of the overly hot weather."

Everyone finally feels at ease after Noah's explanation and moves on with their activities.

After Noah leaves for the kids. One of the bodyguards asked the one bodyguard who had just given Noah an answer, "How do we move him without exposing any of his body, sir?"

The other bodyguard replied, "I think we'll just have to roll him on the carpet!"