
Mafia Royal : Black Rose

He's in the mafia and she's an assassin. They met in all the right places at the wrong time. Can love break all the barriers the underworld builds between their worlds? As the Russian mafia second in command, Yuri was living up to his family's expectations. He was a ruthless mafia leader with no intention of falling in love. That was true until he was smitten by Andi the moment he first laid eyes on her, little did he know that she has many secrets that could either make him or break him. Andi, a heartless assassin who bound her life for revenge, had long promised herself not to fall in love. Although she had admired Yuri from afar even before they met, she tried her hardest to fight the feelings she has for Yuri. Can their love, that was built around lies, can flourish to rebuild both their broken hearts? ~ "Yuri... faster..." I begged but he merely smiled on my skin. The smile of a devil in disguise. He didn't give me what I wanted, instead he kept his slow torturous phase. "Please..." only this man can make me beg for this. ''No butterfly" I whined when he stopped what he was doing altogether. "You need to learn not to make me jealous or you'll never have me pleasuring you again." I was gasping for air, the heat in my skin was still burning and my face contorted with confusion. What the hell was he talking about? "Don't stop." He smirked. "Learn from your mistake, babochka." ''What?'' knowing that the smirk on his face was fùcking annoying, I wanted to wipe it out with a fùcking lawnmower. "Fùck you, Laskin." I hopped out of the counter, hot and bothered, fuming with anger and humiliation as I slammed the door of my room. Cold shower was not fucking helping me! He did this to me? How dare that man! The shower wall shattered to pieces when I punched it too many times that my hands bleed. I let the water calm me, no one had ever humiliated me like that in my entire life. ''Angel'' I heard Yuri speak inside my shower. ''Go away before I rip your head off" I warned. Instead of following my will, I felt his hands around my waist, drawing sweet circles on my stomach. ''Not now, Yuri. Just go." "No" he pressed his body on my back and damn, he was naked and hard. "Alex told me you and him weren't even a thing. Why make me jealous like that, babochka?" ''I can't be with you, Yuri" he spun me around but I closed my eyes, not wanting him to see how I hate doing this to him. How pushing him away was hurting me like a double-sided dagger. ''Why?'' he tilted my chin but my eyes remained shut. "I only want you, Andi, no one else." Fúck control. Fúck being righteous. Fúck doing the right thing. I'll do Yuri and I need him now. ''Make love to me" I whispered and as soon as the words left my mouth, I instantly regretted them. ~ And the love-hate relationship of Yuri and Andi begins... ~ [under edits] [MATURE CONTENT] Cover by DOBOLYU V

CastielLouise · ファンタジー
92 Chs

the list


I boarded the plane home to Siberia the day after Antonio's death. Isiah was so proud of me that he had a little banquet for the two of us when I arrived. It was still cold here even in summertime. I drank my sorrows away about Yuri every night since the ball.

Isiah wasn't mad at me for intervening in the encounter Yuri and his men had with Ruiz and the Italians. He didn't ask for any explanation but I still gave him one. After Sin gave me the information she intercepted with the Italians, she called me and let me handle it myself. I was mad at the Italians and Ruiz for double-crossing Yuri, I don't know why but I was mad.

The Russians had grown on me even though I was only with them for three days and two nights. Especially that guy with the grassy emerald eyes, he was still evading my nightmares and turning them into dreams whenever I saw him there.

He was looking for me, Sin managed to remove all the traces on me as Rian Luis nevertheless she still kept tabs on Yuri's attempt in finding me. He even went to the lengths of using my DNA that was – I don't know – crazy maybe.

Here I thought I was just some girl, just a pass time while he was in Seville but why would he use his connections and resources in searching for me. I'm nobody to him.

Maybe, he wants revenge. You made a fool out of him, I told myself.

I hate that I'm giving him space in my tiny brain. My mind was clouded with hate and revenge for too long and this feeling I felt for Yuri was so foreign to me.

I miss him. I can admit that to myself. Those two nights I spent with him are the most comfortable two nights of my life. He made me feel safe, that no one can hurt me as long as he was there and I hate it.

He must hate me for lying to him.

I should be happy because I finished one of the people on my list. I avenged Mom's death by an inch, I guess. The slow fall of the Italian mafia is making my heart full as I heard the news about the problems I created for them. Soon I will have his blood on my hand. Soon.

Laying low was inevitable after a good freaking big kill. Isiah and I are having dinner five months after and I thought I can proceed with my mission already.

''Why can't I continue my task at hand?'' I asked him to take a bite of the steak.

He took a sip of his red wine ''not yet Andi. The Italians are still looking for you at the moment. The element of surprise will not be on your favor if you make a move now.'' I trust Isiah with my life. He took me in after Mom passed away when I was ten and I looked up to him like he was my father. ''So... Tell me about Yuri Laskin.''

I choked on the food in my mouth at the mere mention of his name. I emptied a glass of water before speaking. ''What about him?''

''You're blushing just by hearing his name. Do you... err... like him?'' I can feel that this subject is making Isiah uncomfortable. The strict and scary Isiah is having difficulty in asking me about boys.

I giggled lightly ''you don't have to take Mom's place, Isiah. I'll be fine. We don't- you know- have to talk about it.''

He let out a sigh ''I know. I just... you're growing up too fast, Andi'' there was sadness in his voice and I know why. He loves me very much that he wanted me to stay a ten-year-old little fragile girl forever.

''I'm turning nineteen tomorrow. We can't stop the world from spinning, right?''

He chuckled at my not so funny joke ''speaking of.'' He stood up and walked upstairs with a black shoebox in his hand. ''Happy birthday Adrianna.''

I've never had a party to celebrate my birthday. Ever since Mom was gone, it always had been me and Isiah. It was one of the things I had to give up to avenge Mom.

''You didn't have to... but thank you so much.'' I took the box and opened it. My eyes widened at what I saw. It was a scrapbook of my pictures as a kid with Mom.

My tears were streaming at every flip of the page. All her memories are in my head but looking at it in these shots is different. It's like watching my life with her all over again. I stood up and wrapped my arms around Isiah who was in tears too.

''Thank you, Isiah. Thank you.''

''That's not all, Andi'' he handed me a yellow envelope and I opened it. It's a deed to a lake house in New York. I stared at him waiting for an explanation. ''Arianne grew up in New York, she would have loved to see you living the dreams she wasn't able to Andi. If you want... we can have Sin create a new identity for you. You can start over Andi.''

Isiah made it clear the day I asked him to train me that this is not the life he and my Mom would have chosen for me. He was still convincing me to this moment that I can have a normal life when in reality, I can't. I can't just forget Mom's hardship all those years. Her bruises, her cries at night, her nightmares.

''Thank you. After my list Isiah. I will.''

A year after Antonio's death, Jon Willems from the American Mafia is my next target. He wasn't important in the chain of command in their clan. He is one of their Capo's but he is a manipulative man. Their leader is his nephew but he has a say in all his decisions.

Like what I did with the Italian's, I created chaos in their so-called business by sabotaging their arms dealing. Their clients were afraid to have a transaction with them after I killed their buyers in their previous ten trades with an arrow.

I dislike guns, they are too loud and get too much attention from the public eye when you're traveling with them.

Here I am in New Orleans waiting for Jon and his new client. This new client was anonymous, they made a few changes in their business dealings because I attacked on their trade but luckily Sin found a loophole in their database. She was able to get the time and place of the trade.

New Orleans port tonight is crowded with people which makes my job even harder. They chose a civilian packed place to keep themselves safer.

Eleven fifteen in the evening and still no sign of Jon and his buyer. I plan to make a move on Jon tonight in his suit and end his pathetic life with my bare hands.

I was positioned on this Russian tanker ship this afternoon, preparing myself for the inevitable. Using my binoculars, I can see that Jon was now waiting on the dock with his men surrounding him. He doesn't know what was coming and I plan to visit him later in his suit.

Another SUV arrived after a few minutes and my heart clenched at seeing Yuri, Kolya, Gregory, and Ivan hopping out of the car.

Why did it have to be them?

I aimed my arrow in his direction, those green orbs that I dreamt about every night since Seville was so close to me again. I can kill him or any of his men in just a snap of my fingers.
