
Mafia Boss: The Captured Pearl

In the quest for vengeance on his betrayals, he killed them and took their daughter into captive. She was met with pains and torture, then after some time, she got tangled in the middle of a love triangle but struggled out and made her choice and their love adventure started with enemies and obstacles lurking around. The question is, who did she choose?

Winters_gold · 都市
45 Chs


Mia cleared her throat for them to notice her.

Quickly Pearl withdrew her hands from Mike's.

She knows Mia will be hurt now and will be getting the wrong ideas.

But Mia just smiled at Pearl proving her thoughts wrong.

She dropped the tray, then turned to Pearl.

"I can see you are now okay Pearl"

"Yes I am, thanks for the food"

"It's nothing, now you have to eat and take your drugs".

She took the food to Pearl.

Mike stood up "I will get going now take care Pearl" he glanced at Mia and then left.

Mia just watched as he left, he didn't bid her. She sighed sadly.

"Am sorry Mia that you have to pass through all this pain" Pearl pleaded seeing the hurt in her eyes.

"It's okay Pearl, I'm not angry with you and am also trying to move on and forget him"

"Besides Mike and I are friends already"

Mia smiled but didn't show how sad she is.

Pearl was relieved at least she wasn't angry.

She doesn't want to be the cause of Mia's sadness.

"So how is your back faring, is it still painful"

"Nah....am fine now, since I will be taking my drugs it will heal quickly."

"Okay then, eat so I will give you your drugs."

Pearl began eating,

She always knew Mia was a lively person.

But it seems the heartbreak has shut her down.

She just sighed.


The other night, after torturing Pearl non-stop and leaving the room, Fred went in search of Jasper in his room to get feedback on the mission he sent the team on.

But he didn't see Jasper in his room, so he went to Piper and her team.

They got information about Godfrey's plans.

He was planning to hijack and hack the Dark Cobra's system.

But they already know his plans, so they are ahead of his plans.

He also sent a spy to give head-ups on Godfrey's next move.

He would be brought down soon' Fred had thought.

Presently, Fred is in his room going through the documents of the agreement between the Empires clan and his clan.

Then, Jasper came into his room, casually.

"Hey, man!" Jasper called as he sat on the sofa.

"Man" Fred smirked as he repeated," What are you here for?"

"Nothing just wanna relax."

Fred looked up at him before continuing what he was doing.

"Came to your room yesterday, but didn't see you, want happened?"

"Ooh that, I went to the garden to cool my head."

Fred looked at him again then smirked.

"What's up?"

"Nothing, someone just pissed me off" Jasper hissed.

"The Jasper I know can never be pissed off, did you get rid of it."

"Ahh, forget that, how about your mistress, had her yet, if not am going to have her first," He said diverting the discussion.

Knowing fully well Fred won't stop pestering him about who pissed him off.

"I already had her, she is sweet though, I gave her the punishment she will never forget, she is my puppet now."

"It seems you will get rid of Aria for now."

"That's none of my business, and mind you don't you dare touch her, she is my property now, I might disfigure your hand if you touch her."

Fred warned threateningly.

Jasper was off guard, he could sense the warning emitting from Fred and wondered why?

"I thought you said I could have her as I wish, why claim her now? And what's with these threats"

"Touch her and lose your d*ck" he glared.

Jasper gulped, he values his d* ck a lot.


Jasper gulped, he values his d*ck a lot, not when there are still p*ssy to f*ck, especially Mia's.

He licked his lips as he imagined how Mia's p*ssy will taste and how her mo@ns will be melodic to the ear.

"Hey," Fred called as he watched Jasper licking his lips.

"Are you hallucinating on f*cking her uhh?" he roared.

Jasper snapped out of his imagination.

He didn't know all his actions were obvious.

"Of course, am imagining how her p*ssy will taste, since you don't value it, why don't I take care of it" Jasper implied trying to annoy Fred more.

In a swift move, Fred grabbed Jasper's collar, banging his back on the wall, but Jasper was unfazed.

"Don't try me Jasper, you know when it comes to my property I don't joke with them, I will not consider you are close to me, I will not only cut your d*ck, I can also kill you!"

Fred said threateningly and dangerously, glaring at Jasper.

Jasper knew he was damn serious now. He also knew, once Fred has possession of something, he doesn't let go or share, not to talk of a lady with a p*ssy.

But he was only pulling his legs.

"Okay, okay fine," he said pulling Fred's hands from his collar and Fred let go.

"Gahd... man, you could go to the extent of killing and cutting my d*ck off for a woman, unbelievable!" Jasper exclaimed and scoffed.

"I warned you, but you were imagining nonsense."

"C'mon I was only pulling your legs, meanwhile I already have prey I want to catch for myself which is proving hard to get, and am determined to get her."

Jasper said smirking. Fred looked at him before he casually poured himself a drink.

"And who is the girl? I thought all girls flock around you," he smirked mockingly.

"I don't know why she is proving hard to get, also she is your bunny's roommate and friend."

'bunny' Fred called in his head.

"Who told you she is my bunny?"

"Well you are being possessive, so I thought of giving her a nickname" Jasper shrugged

Fred didn't say anything as he drank.

Though Jasper has been his right-hand man for years now, he can also be a pain in the ass sometimes.


A lady in a black cloak was walking in the night, inside a forest.

From her head to her toes was covered, making it hard for one to recognize her as a lady if not for the loose locks of her hair.

She continued walking but sneakily, looking back every minute as if afraid of being caught by somebody.

She continued walking deep in the forest till she got to an old house.

She knocked twice on the door, and it opened revealing a man also in a cloak.

"Come in" his deep voice ordered while the woman entered.

"You are late, thought you wouldn't come," the man said.

"It wasn't easy sneaking out of there, and was afraid of being caught" the woman explained

"So any information, did you get anything?" The man asked

The woman smirked as she replied

"They already know what you are planning against them, so they are making their moves already."

"They also changed their system codes from the previous one I gave to you, here is the code."

The woman said as she gave the man an envelope.

He smirked

"Brilliant! You are smart"

"I would have rewarded you with a f*ck but it's late already you have to go to avoid suspicions."

"But I will give you this!"

The woman giggled seductively as the man kissed her and massaged her breasts through the cloak.

They made out but did not f*ck.