

He's... Lucas Vantouxer. A cold man without mercy on anyone who dared to disturb his composure. Cruel and sadistic to anyone who dares to betray. They would never live in peace when it came to that Great Lord in life. There is no mercy for them if they have been dragged into a rancid-smelling room with lots of guns by Lucas’s men. But all remains the same when he accidentally helps a girl in a closed dress blocking the road and slowly enters the circle of his life. The girl also slowly brings influence and always mediates in his conflicts. Yes.. slowly but surely, out of nowhere Lucas was ys curious about the girl until the girl surnamed Waesley was able to make him change. The cruelty and arrogance that he always displayed slowly faded with time. Follow your heart as the girl once told her. “You have to follow your heart if you want to live a carefree life, Mr. Luc,” - Mrs. Waesley.

Anesa_mons · 都市
176 Chs

10. Come To Your Senses

A beautiful girl is still closed with a weak body on a soft bed in a room that has been specially made for her. The IV line was also still hanging neatly on the right side of his bed by continuously channeling saline into his body through a small needle that was injected into his hand. He had been unconscious for three days, even though the hot metal inside his body had been removed and stitched in such a way. It's even like there's no trace of anything there but maybe the pain will be felt when he wakes up. But it's only natural that it happened because he was an ordinary human who could not immediately realize after what he had experienced.

"Is he still unconscious?" asked a man in a neat black suit to his friend. His eyes stared far away at the girl's body wrapped in a white blanket in front of him.

The other man shook his head. "I don't know... Mr. Frans said he would wake up soon. But it's been three days and he still hasn't woken up."

The man who asked earlier nodded in understanding. He then turned his gaze to his friend.

"Are you still in Milan?" he asked then.

"Yes. He'll be right back today." replied his friend without taking his eyes off where the girl was.

The girl's fingers slowly moved. His ears faintly heard the voices of the people around him. But his eyes were still too heavy for him to open.

"Is he going back to the mansion?"

"I don't know... I can't be sure of that."


The two men were silent in their thoughts until the electrocardiogram machine sounded loud in this all-white room and of course very quiet. They looked at each other. Soon they began to approach the bed, where the girl the Master had brought was lying.

"Will he wake up?" asked a man named Mike to his friend. The other man shrugged his shoulders in disbelief. But his eyes focused on the girl on the bed.

The girl's fingers moved again along with the eyeballs that also moved in her closed eyelids.

"He's awake, Erix. Should we call Master?" Mike asked enthusiastically at Erix who was now rolling his eyes lazily. Oh man, he's always been like that.

"No. Don't call Master directly, But Harry," Erix replied after thinking for a while. His eyes were still focused on the girl who kept moving her fingers and eyeballs.

Mike nodded. Then slightly away from Erix and the girl. Then turn on the earphones that are always in his ears. Connect it with your smartphone.

"What's the matter, Mike?" asked someone over the phone.

"This girl is awake, Harry," report it. While his eyes were still focused on the girl who was dazed because she had just woken up after three days in a coma. While Erix tries to wake him up.

"We'll be home soon, Mike. Keep an eye on him and don't let anyone into his room."



Mike turned back to Erix and the girl.

"Master is coming home," said Mike told.

Erik didn't care. He was busy helping the girl to change her position to sit leaning against the head of the bed.

"Arghh.." groaned the girl while holding her head which was throbbing in pain.

"Miss, are you okay?" Mike asked worriedly. He immediately stood beside the girl's bed. But Erix shifted his place instead. Erix is ​​rude. Doesn't he know that Mike is also worried about his new Miss?

The girl nodded weakly. He looked at the two men in front of him in turn. "Who are you guys?"

Mike smiled. "I'm Mike and this is Erix," he answered introducing himself and one hand pointed at Erix in front of him.

The girl then looked down. He tried to remember who they were before. But nothing. There was not a shred of memory of them in his past or yesterday's life. He looked back at them in turn.

"I don't know you guys." honestly in a weak voice.

Erix and Mike looked at each other then a moment later both laughed softly.

The girl frowned in confusion. "What are you laughing at. I know you guys." he s, id trying to calm down.

Erik nodded in agreement with the girl's words. While Mike was still holding back his laughter with his charming smile.

How could the girl know them if she had just been brought to her Master's private mansion in an unconscious state with a bloody stomach from the gunshot wound? Let alone recognize, seeing their faces for the first time. And he tried to remember. Their Miss is so funny.

"Where is this?" he asked then. His eyes glanced around the white room. Then look back at these two men.

"This is Master's private mansion," Eric replied.

The girl frowned again. "Master, who are you referring to? And... Why was I brought here?" he asked confused. He didn't remember anything about them and who were they talking about? Is there a Master here?

"Young master Lucas Vantouxer. The one who saved you that night. But I don't know... I don't know why he brought you here either." replied Erix with a shrug.

For a moment the memories of that night flashed through his mind. Where he deliberately blocked the road of a speeding motorcyclist for him to ask for help. He thought he was going to get hit just like that knowing the motorcyclist was still speeding towards him at close range. But he didn't expect the man to stop exactly one meter in front of him. And...


The call snapped her out of her daydream. He then turned his gaze to the two men again.

"Just call me Zoa." he introduced himself with a faint smile on his pale face.

"Yes. Miss Zoa, if you need anything you can just tell us. But now we have to leave immediately, are you okay with us staying?" said Mike.

"I need something," he said before they both left.

"What is that?" Erix asked raising one eyebrow.

"Mukena and the Koran."

They both looked at each other. The lady is Muslim?

"Are you a Muslim?" Mike asked then. He was too distrustful of his new Miss's request. But wait. Didn't he and Erix see his miss wearing a head covering? Of course, he is a Muslim right?

Mike immediately nodded to himself before Zoa answered his question. "All right. I'll buy it for you, Miss. Don't you need anything else?"

Zoa shook her head in response. While Erix just silently watched Mike. He hesitated. Is Mike going to fulfill his lady's request? Hey. They have to go get their master immediately.

"Okay. Goodbye Miss. Get some rest." said Mike then turned around followed by Erix behind him after previously Zoa nodded.

Erix closed the door as soon as he left Zoa's room. While Zoa then looked at the clock on the wall. 20:58. Shouldn't he be praying right away?

He slowly pulled the IV needle out of his hand. He grimaced slightly after the needle was released. Then quickly got out of bed and walked weakly towards the bathroom.

"How many days have I been unconscious until my body feels sticky from never taking a shower?" he said quietly to himself. He saw his face in the mirror walk in the closet. Looks very pale and dirty. Oh, my God.

He took a deep breath before finally preparing the water for him to soak his weak body in the bath up with warm water. He thought maybe the feeling of throbbing in his head and stomach would go away after he bathed later.

After the water in the bath up is full. He immediately immersed the body in it.

Perhaps the things he needed would arrive after he stayed behind to bathe. Couldn't it be that he just waited for the two men to bring his order without doing anything?