
Mafia's sweet little wife

He's rumoured to be the most cold and ruthless Mafia Boss, An underworld mafia Don who will slaughter his enemies without blinking an eye.Yet few has ever seen what lies beneath his armour. A broken man who needs to be saved.She's naive and ordinary girl, who is accidentally into a mysterious underworld and gets untangled with the most feared underworld mafia Boss.What will happen when he discovered his enemy is a sweet innocent girl whom he misunderstood as his enemy? How will he take his revenge?Will he protect his destined love and reach the final redemption or will he hurt an broken angel? After all his deeds the question is! Will the beast ever have his beauty?

Madelyn_Rosie · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Twin sisters!

Authors's pov'


before she complete her sentence.A loud slap landed on Naomi's cheek. Due to the slap she got from her father, she fell on the floor holding her left cheek while crying...she wasn't crying because of the stinging pain on her cheek, but she was crying her heart out for the man she always loved with all her heart.

"It's your fault....not mine girl. I told you to not get involved with any boy.Didn't I?.....but you like to test my power.Don't you?"

she scoffed and a mocking laugh left from Naomi's lips.

"power...ptff..this power, the power I gave you, with the power and respect I, put you to where you are standing right now. Right Mr.Madison?...wasn't it?"

she stood on the floor and grabbed her father's collar, making the old man's eyes widen in shock.


she said the last almost choking due to her crying.


she stumbled back as her father once again slapped her. He fisted her hair in a most painful manner and pulled her face closer to him.

"Father huh....I don't even want to be your father, bitch...because of both of you, I lost the only love of my life..you two deserve the most painful lives...you both are undeserving of my love and that lover of yours...don't worry I already made sure that he would never come back again"

he said the last line while smirking to himself and threw her on the floor while storming his foot on it.

"Now stop these fucking tears and pack your stuff....your going to Paris for a new project"

"No...I'm not anywhere...I wouldn't....I want to meet him. I'm dying to see him and you can't stop me from doing it"

she said, the last part with rage in her eyes, but her father only chuckled at her words.

"Oh...go ahead, who's stopping you, but for that you have to kill yourself because he's already dead so it's the only way to meet him"

Naomi's eyes widened in fear of losing her lover...she shook her head vigorously while denying that.

"No ...he's not dead, your lying ...this can't be the truth"

shaking her head, she said to whatever her father was saying, not ready to accept.

"Oh my lovely daughter, it is the truth whether you like it or not...now go and pack your stuff or els--"

he said the last line while threateing her.

"or else what?"

Naomi's blood shot eyes glared at her father's evil eyes and his lips curved into a dangerous evil smirk...he walked away from the living area and came back while holding another poor soul in his hold and threw the poor girl in front of Naomi, making her cry out in a complete daze.

"No Eva.."

Eva looked at her sister with pitiful eyes. There was pain in her eyes feeling pity for her twin sister. She wished she could help her sister from their evil and good-for-nothing father.

"Naomi, don't listen to him to as you want...please-"

before she could complete her sentence her evil father stepped on her hand, squeezing his foots on her little hand making the girl gasp at the burning pain she was feeling, on her hand but she closed her eyes and pressed her lips in a thin line to suppress her cries...she doesn't want her sister to be helpless again...because of her but Naomi shook her head while denying her sister's request...because for her...her sister matters more than anything she could do anything for her to protect from all the cruelty of this world and getting hurt because she's too innocent for this cruel world...she knows her evil father better than anyone....so she had to agree on his condition Caz she don't have any other other choice but to agree.

"I will go...please leave her...let her go"

she said being defeated and a tear roll down her cheeks.

Mr.Madison smirked in satisfaction and left Eva's hand making her cry as non-stop tears rolled down her cheeks...not because of the pain she was feeling in her hand, but of the immense pain she felt in her heart...The sister's were defeated one who can't help her elder sister and other who don't want her little sister to get hurt... Eva once again became Naomi's weakness ..The thought made Eva more sad.

"Good because I'm sure you won't like watching me snatching your only sister from you...right?"

He said the last part while smirking, because he knows how much the sisters love each other or how strong their bond is...he knows Naomi's only weakness is her twin sister and he's using exactly as he wants, like when someone who uses their enemies' perfect weakness....and he knows how it works.

Naomi glared at the old man, making him chuckle.

"Be ready... You're gonna stay there for 2 to 3 months depending on the work."

he informed the broken sisters while walking away....Naomi took Eva's hand, caressing it before placing a loving kiss there.

"I'm sorry Eve...because of me you had to feel the pain just because of me...I'm really sorry"

she said while crying...Eva shook her head and hugged Naomi, making both of them cry in each other's embrace.

"No I'm sorry...I should be the one saying this...I'm sorry for always being weak and an obstacle to you...I'm sorry ..I'm so sorry"

she said while sneezing..Naomi cried her heart out in her sister's embrace...she felt like dying, thinking about her love was not here for her to hug, to confront her, to love her, to cocoon her in his embrace....Naomi had always protected her twin sister from their father but at last her sister is the only weakness of her and her evil father is using that key against it very perfectly.

'She vowed to protect Eva but...she would never be able to protect her from what was coming for her.'

Eva always wanted to be her sister's strength, to be her power...but to her poor faith...she always ends up becoming Naomi's weakness.

'But will the sisters be able to protect each other from the storm that's coming for them or will both end up drowning in that storm?...'


Vincent's pov'

I was punching the bag with no mercy.I could see that will rip off anytime, but I don't care....I don't give a shit about it.I stopped punching when I heard luca speaking.He's my right-hand man, more like my childhood friend.

"Vincent the information is here!"

luca said while bringing the file in his hands.

I clenched my jaw and gave him a cold nod.

"Tell me what it is, Luca?"

"Well, her full name is Naomi Madison.The one and only daughter of Louis Madison. She is one of the top millionaire businesswomen. She's known for her talented projects and speeches with the best presentations in the business world.

She's a brave, fearless and confident woman. She has achieved many awards for being the best talented business woman. She's-"

"enough..I don't give a fuck about her achievements.Tell me did you talked to that old bastard"

he asked, being frustrated.

Luca gave me the folder of Naomi's picture.I looked at it while chuckling.

'She's indeed a beauty.A beauty with an ugly heart.'

I mumbled to myself.

"Yes I did.He gave in to the offer I offered him.I didn't know that he would give in so easily leave it.He wanted to meet you."

I clenched my jaw and gave him a stern look.He knows what it means, after all, he's my childhood friend.

"Don't worry.I have already talked to him and atlast he agreed to all my conditions.

Luca is my right man for a damn reason. He never disappoints me with his work.

"Why that old rag gave in to all of my terms so easily?Doesn't he love his daughter?"

I said while glaring at the picture in my hands.

"exactly.I mean she's the only way for him to become more successful and have his way in the business world to become no.1. Why would he do that?"

I let out a sarcastic laugh like why not?

"They are all just greedy for my money and that old rag seeks my protection. He knows once he formed an alliance with me, then no one would take him down...fucking gold diggers.For them, emotions don't matter, but if she thinks that playing with my brother was just a pawn in her game, then she's fucking wrong.I'll make her regret her existence for sure.I'll make her regret her every breath.she will regret the day she met this beast's brother"

I crashed her picture in my hand and started to punch that bag again with her picture in my hands.I can't forget this day. She will regret ruining my only happiness.I'll make her question on her existence every day and night.I'll fill her life with tears and pain and will show her what an actual hell seems like.

'she will live within the real hell and that hell's owner is me'

I gave one last hard punch to that bag, ripping it apart as I was breathing heavily.Luca just gave me his blank stare.I threw the picture in my hand and stepped onto it while glaring at the wall infront of me.

'I despise you with every drop of blood in my veins'

'Now its my time to play with you...you will pay for very drop of my brother's blood which he has wasted for you'

'every drop of your blood will be my pleasure...Naomi Madison'