

Warning: Mature content. This is a story mainly about Farah Gilbert ( a young girl from Asia---) who comes from a very conservative family which do not believe in love before marriage yet she found the love of her life in a Mafia leader Ryan Carter. But can be they together when her family comes between them. He slowly came near to me and sit next to me on his bed, took my hand in his hand, and my heart stopped beating for a sec. Ryan: I know you also love me, Farah, please don't deny it because of my profession please my love. I don't know what I will do, I saw Ryan's eyes, there are some tears and my eyes are also full of tears. He is so sensor, he really loves me but how can I go into his world, my family will never understand my love for a criminal, oh god what will I do. I was just thinking when he reduced the distance between us and pressed me with my back touching the bed and my chest pressed to his Chest. And he said to me a little louder. Ryan: tell me Farah you love me, tell me, Farah! He said this continuously to me until I said to him Farah: yes! Ryan, I love you, I love you. Read the full story to find out their love story. Warning: short chapters.

_Farah_Fareen12_ · ファンタジー
31 Chs


Farah's pov:

I was sitting with Ryan in his room suddenly my phone buzzed and I picked it up.

Farah: hello.

??? : Miss Gilbert I am principal Simon, can you please come to my office.

I am become a little worried, why he is calling me all of sudden, I asked nervously

Farah: why sir?

Principal: just come to my office Miss Gilbert right now without any further questions.

And he hangs up the call. I am become very worried, about what happened.

Ryan: What happen baby? who was it?

Farah: principal, he is asking me to come to his office.

Ryan sensed my worried face and he said softly.

Ryan: don't worry my love, everything is fine, I will come with you.

I nodded and we reached the principal office I knocked softly on the door.

Principal: come in.

As I opened the door I was shocked to see my family in front of me, and dad is very angry, oh no! My body tensed.

Elizabeth: What is going on young lady?

Mom said angrily.

Farah: mom, dad I can explain.

Jone: What can you explain about all of this, and the proof is the boy behind you. Farah, what the hell are you doing here?

Farah: dad it's not what you think.

Jone: what do you think, you are clearly bringing shame to our family.

Dad said angrily raising his voice, my parents are a conservative family, they didn't believe in love before marriage.

Farah: dad!

Dad raised his hand and said angrily:

Jone: you are coming with us right now, no more studies for you and no more shame to our family, you are getting married straight away after reaching home, I trusted you and you bring shame to our family.

I was shocked, my heart was beating fast. I can't leave, I can't leave Ryan, I can't marry anyone, Ryan and me are going to have a child, how will I tell them. Dad took my hand and dragged me out of the office but before he can go further, I stopped him and freed my hand, and said.

Farah: I can't dad, I can't.

Dad looked at me angrily and said annoyed.

Jone: What do you mean you can't.

I said nervously.

Farah: I can't leave Ryan.

Jone: how dare you to say like that, you are coming with me Farah Gilbert and that is final.

Dad took my hand again and try to drag me out but I stopped and freed my hand rudely and said raised voice.

Farah: I am pregnant dad!

Jone: What!!

Dad looked shocked and my mom came forward and said angrily.

Elizabeth: What did you say?

She raised her hand to slap me but suddenly Ryan stopped her hand and said angrily.

Ryan: enough of this drama and don't you dare to slap her again. She is an adult and she can make her decision.

Mom was shocked, I saw Ryan's eyes full of rage. Mom back away.

Jone: Farah you chose this criminal as your partner. I am ashamed of you.

Farah: dad.....

Dad cut me and said angrily.

Jone: make your choice either us abort this Child and come with us or forget about us and choose this criminal.

What? How can dad say this, how can he say to me to abort my child? I said nervously

Farah: I am not going to abort this child.

Ryan said angrily.

Ryan: And she is not going anywhere.

My parents looked at me angrily and my brother looked at me worried.

Jone: then you are dead for us. I have only one child now.

I was shattered, how could he say that. I get it he is angry but this, how could he say that. My dad took both my mother and brother by their arms and left. I fell to the ground and burst into tears. Ryan took me in his arms and said softly.

Ryan: I am sorry baby, I am sorry, but I am here my love, I will never leave you.

I hugged him and cried.

Ryan: shush baby please stop crying.

Ryan took me to his house and I slept in his arms, I was shivering.