

Warning: Mature content. This is a story mainly about Farah Gilbert ( a young girl from Asia---) who comes from a very conservative family which do not believe in love before marriage yet she found the love of her life in a Mafia leader Ryan Carter. But can be they together when her family comes between them. He slowly came near to me and sit next to me on his bed, took my hand in his hand, and my heart stopped beating for a sec. Ryan: I know you also love me, Farah, please don't deny it because of my profession please my love. I don't know what I will do, I saw Ryan's eyes, there are some tears and my eyes are also full of tears. He is so sensor, he really loves me but how can I go into his world, my family will never understand my love for a criminal, oh god what will I do. I was just thinking when he reduced the distance between us and pressed me with my back touching the bed and my chest pressed to his Chest. And he said to me a little louder. Ryan: tell me Farah you love me, tell me, Farah! He said this continuously to me until I said to him Farah: yes! Ryan, I love you, I love you. Read the full story to find out their love story. Warning: short chapters.

_Farah_Fareen12_ · ファンタジー
31 Chs


Elena's pov:

I felt betrayed, they didn't tell us this and they let us come near to them, Farah was right there were bad vibes coming from them from start. They are criminals. How can we fall for criminals? My heart is broken. Of course, they have money, how stupid I was thinking he is prince charming. The most important thing he didn't tell me about it, he know I was falling for him. How could he hide this thing from me?

Farah's pov:

I knew that from start but I let my heart make my eyes blind and I didn't only hurt myself but Eli, she is shattered. And I don't know how to handle her. She locked herself in her room. I tried to approach her but she is not answering, I am afraid she will do something bad. I knocked at her door loudly.

Farah: Elena opens the damned door. Please, Eli.

Finally, after lots of effort, she opened the door and threw herself in my arms crying.

Farah: oh Eli please stop crying everything will be alright honey.

Elena: How... How... I... Love him so much how could I love a criminal.

Farah: stop blaming your self honey.

I rubbed her back... I was broken too but she was shattered. After some time she closed her eyes and fell asleep and I put the covers on her. As I was about to leave my room. Her phone buzzed it was a call from Matt. I felt so much anger I declined his call keep Eli's phone switched off. I went to my room. There was a soft knock on my door. As I opened the door. It was Ryan. I was so angry to see him and felt broken and betrayed.

Ryan: can I come in.

Ryan said softly but I was so angry. I felt betrayed by his every move.

Farah: No

I said angrily and slammed the door in his face. It's not my fault nor my anger was unnecessary but still, I felt a little bit guilty. He knocked on my door and said worriedly

Ryan: What happened Farah, did something happen?

But I didn't answer him. He knocked at my door and called my name and asked me why I m behaving like this. Then finally he left. I was angry but suddenly I burst into tears. I was broken and there was a terrible pain in my chest, I don't know whether it was due to betrayal or my behavior as I behaved with him.

Matt's pov:

I felt worried about why she declined my call and kept the phone switched off. Is everything alright? I think I Should go there but wait Ryan is there, if bad had happened he will have informed me then. I am worrying for nothing, Maybe her battery go down. I will call her after a few minutes. Ryan and I decided that he will invite Farah while meeting and I will invite my angel on phone. Don't get me wrong I too want to go there but because of some emergency, I had to stay at home.

I tried to call her again but switch off. I decided to call Ryan but soon he busted into my room, angrily anxiously he said.

Ryan: something is wrong.

Matt: What do you mean?

Ryan told me what happened with Farah and I told him about the phone call. Now we both got anxious and worried. Soon Maxx entered my room and asked for permission. I gave him and he told us.

Max: sorry sir I want to inform you early but you came very late last night and left too early but the boss has talked with your girls and told them everything.

We said In union: WHAT!

Maxx: yes sir, sorry sir.

And he left the room. I got very angry about how could our father do such a thing to his sons. He betrayed us, we were planning to tell them, but it was not his place to tell them. Oh, angel, shitt she must be Shattered, she must felt betrayed, I hope she doesn't do anything stupid. I have to explain everything. I am sorry baby. What will I do now?

Ryan's pov:

Oh shitt... No! No! it should not happen, dad how could you do that. For 1st time in my whole life I felt love attraction and my father destroyed it. How I am gonna manage it how I am gonna fix it how I am gonna explain it to Farah. Now I get her behavior. She must felt betrayed she was so angry. But I know she is not only angry but she is broken. She didn't let me see her tears but I know she must in tears this time. Shitt! fuck. Suddenly Matt stand up and left the room very angrily. Oh, shitt how I am gonna handle Matt. I hear Matt shouting.

Matt: Dad! Dad!

Oh no Matty, he is so angry I don't know what is going to happen. I went outside to the living room where Matt is shouting.

Gabriel: What happened son? Why are you shouting like this?

Matt: don't you know why I am so angry.

Dad must understand so he said gently.

Gabriel: look sons it must be done, you were doing a mistake by hiding this thing from them, Clearly they were not going to be with you if they knew from the start.

Matt: we were going to tell them but you didn't give your sons a chance. Maybe they accepted it if we said this to them. Now they were only one feeling that is betrayal more than anything else.

Matt said it while shouting. I know dad did wrong. Still, he is our dad Matt can't talk like this to him. Suddenly mom came said angrily to Matt.

Sim: I think you are crossing your limits young man, this is no way to talk to your father. And don't blame him, blame yourself you shouldn't hide your identity from them. And as for your dad, I insisted him do this.

Oh shitt! Matty, now he will feel more betrayal. Don't get me wrong I too felt betrayed but I am less aggressive than Matty. I understand my parent's point as well, but Matty. Matt broke the chairs and left the house in his car.