
Made of iron and steel

After Shirleen's mother was brutally murdered one night she swore revenge on her mother's killer. Unfortunately her revenge was never achieved as she was locked away by her father's wife Angela until an opportunity came along. With Angela keeping her prisoner as a way to manipulate and control her father her hatred grew nonstop. With the chance to finally get her revenge dark and terrible truths are revealed. Shirleen finally realize just like there are two sides of a coin, there is also two sides to a story and she is about to find out dark secrets.

Sanaet · ファンタジー
56 Chs

28. The training

"Baby you have one month to do it," Adrian said softly pulling Shirleen to her feet. "The Queen's blade is not a normal tournament being killed during the tournament is actually normal and is not considered foul play, as long as the rules are considered and taken into account."

"Yeah, the fact that you forgot to mention that you criminal guys got the concept of the queen's blade from an animation, a Japanese animation to be exact, escaped your minds? I googled," she said smiling and rose on her toes to kiss him. His hands slid onto her rounded ass and pulled her against him a teasing smile on his face kissing her deeply.

"Well the original owner kind of forgot to inform us which was truly tragic, and I never said we are a creative bunch unless it involves something illegal. But that does not negate the fact that an island the size of a small country was founded through that idea. It is called the queen's capital. The final tournament between the last two champions and the queen takes place to decide the winner within the capital. The capital consists of the queen's palace and seat of power, her assassin's and informants. The fact remains that the island remains a monarchy where only criminals gets passports to. It is closed off from everyone who does not know their way around the crime world. To put it simply it is a haven for criminals, and it has the biggest physical black market in the world. The queen's laws within the island are absolute."

"It sounds like a fascinating place," she said taking a fighting stance and moving in to attack him.

"It is," he said smiling evading her blows. "Now remember most of your opponents have been trained but mostly in a single form of fighting unlike you who knows a lot of fighting styles. So, I want you to combine all of them it will help you in surprise attacks and will keep your opponents confused."

"Good advice but not enough," said a voice that immediately made Shirleen stiffen and they both turned to look at Angela. She was wearing black tights, a red tank top and red sports shoes. "You are going easy on her. I should have known the fact that you are her boyfriend would limit you." Angela walked forward stretching her arms, "It looks like I will be taking over her training for the next three days. If she does not put me on my ass in the next three days, I will be her teacher for the next one month," Angela said reaching for a sword from the weapon's stand. Shirleen turned to walk away but Adrian stopped her. "What she says is true I have been going easy on you because I am afraid to hurt you but with her help you can learn something," he whispered. "When she was fifteen her father sent her to the queen's blade. The reason she survived was because by the time she turned eight years old her father had already started assigning targets for her. She was the Phoenix's family assassin." Shirleen stopped and looked at the man she was rapidly falling in love with because she trusted him above everyone else. "Angela made it to the top three and fought the second runner's up for the crown. She lost of course but it was quite a fete." Shirleen turned to look at her arch nemesis and wondered what would happen if she became queen. Would she be invisible? Would she finally be free, and would she be able to kill the she-demon standing before her? She turned and with a regal nod she said, "Come at me with all you got I am sure I can take you."

Angela smiled with amusement, "I would like to see you try," she said and then she attacked.