
Madara uchiha in magic world

In a world where magic reigns supreme, a thrilling adventure unfolds as the legendary shinobi, Madara Uchiha, finds himself unexpectedly transported to a realm of mystical wonders. "Madara's Summoning in the Magic World" takes readers on an epic journey filled with magic, mystery, and the clash of two vastly different worlds

Loko_Poko1 · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 2: Whereabouts

Madara found himself confined within a small cadet cell, his captors having underestimated his true potential. As he observed his surroundings, he discovered that the people who had summoned him were merely captains within the First World Accord organization. However, they possessed deep knowledge of mysterious jutsu, which intrigued Madara.

Madara: "So, these captains hold the key to unlocking the secrets of this world's magic. I must learn from them, exploit their knowledge to further my own goals."

The organization's captains, unaware of Madara's true identity, engaged in their own conversations, oblivious to his presence.

Captain Alistair: "Our plan is progressing smoothly. With the entity under our control, we shall harness the power of magic to achieve our objectives."

Captain Evelyn: "Indeed, this entity's potential is immense. We must ensure its loyalty and obedience."

Madara, in his silent contemplation, absorbed every word they spoke. Their conversations provided him with valuable insights into the workings of magic and the organization's objectives.

Madara: 'They possess knowledge of the mysterious jutsu of this world. If I can gain their trust and learn from them, I may be able to unlock the true extent of my power.'

As Madara's thoughts raced, he noticed a book placed on a small shelf within his cell. The book's title caught his attention: "Basics of Mana."

Madara: 'This book... It seems to hold the key to understanding this mysterious energy called mana. Perhaps within its pages, I shall find the answers I seek.'

With curiosity piqued, Madara delved into the contents of the book. He immersed himself in the knowledge of mana, learning its fundamental principles and how it differed from chakra.

Madara: 'So, mana is the life force of this world, similar to chakra in nature. It is the source of power for magic. If I can grasp the concept of mana and merge it with my own chakra, I may be able to wield both forces to my advantage.'

Armed with this newfound understanding, Madara devised a plan. He needed to find a way to incorporate his chakra into this world's magic system, combining the two forces to unleash his true potential.

Days turned into weeks as Madara continued to observe and listen to the captains' conversations. He meticulously studied the spells and incantations they discussed, silently practicing them in his mind.

Captain Evelyn: "The entity's obedience has been exemplary. We can proceed with the next phase of our plan."

Captain Alistair: "Excellent. Its potential is far greater than we anticipated. We must guide it further, unlocking even more powerful spells."

Madara's mind buzzed with anticipation. He had gathered enough knowledge to make his move. It was time to demonstrate his true strength.

Madara: 'They see me as a mere pawn, but little do they know, I am the mastermind behind their downfall. I will use this organization's own power against them.'

With newfound determination, Madara awaited his opportunity, concealing his plans within his silent thoughts. The world of magic would soon witness the resurgence of the legendary Uchiha, and the First World Accord organization would tremble under his wrath.

As the days passed and the stage was set, Madara prepared to unveil his true abilities, merging chakra and mana in a symphony of destruction. The chessboard was set, and the pieces were about to be moved.

Madara: 'The time for waiting is over. The world shall witness the might of the Uchiha clan once more.'

With resolute determination, Madara's path towards reclaiming his power and reshaping the magic world began, setting in

motion a chain of events that would shake the very foundations of existence.

To be continued...