
Madara In The Beginning After The End

My name is Madara Uchiha, and I have to this date lived 3 lives and am about to live my 4rth. In my first life, I built a village with my friend, but left, and eventually died due to old age, I was then reborn by using the Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique, and fought a huge war. In my third life, I learned the error of my ways, and tried to become who I was when I was first born. Now, I am entering the world of The Beginning After The End. I don't plan to be like how I was in my previous lives, I plan to protect instead of destroy. This life, will be different. I am excite though, excited to finnally be able to fight strong people again. Are you ready to dance with me? (Okay, last line kinda cringe, but I wanted to say this part: MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD, DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE NOVEL MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD, DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE NOVEL MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD, DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE NOVEL You have been warned. . . . . . Also guy, I don’t actually know TBATE well after the school arc too well. I mean, the reason I am writing this is because my friend went ahead and spoiled the freaking novel at volume 8, then I just lost the will to read the novel, so I proceeded to find spoilers. I know about Asura's Indra’s, Virtra’s. I also know about the main antagonist being Agrona, and the reincarnation experiments. I also know about Elijah actually being someone important, the Tess thing and the other continents. However, I don’t know about the aether and the other powers. So essentially, I will be writing with knowledge about volume 4 and some after volume 4. I was hoping someone would tell me a site where all the volumes are summarized, if not I am going to have to waste like 1 week to read the entire thing. ( Disclaimer: I do not own any non Original characters and all the credit should go to the original authors. The world will also have slight changes, so you can treat it as an AU)

Fat_Cultivator · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Chapter 8: Training with the Grandparents (Part 2/2)

Chapter 8: Training with the Grandparents (Part 2/2)

"Put him down Toshinori." My grandmother, Alicia Uchiha said sternly.

Although begrudgingly, my grandfather put me down. This old man, he threatened my manhood, so it's my turn.

"Grandma, sometimes I wonder how someone as beautiful as you married someone as ugly as this old man." I said while feigning shock and surprise.

"This brat, when they all leave I will kill him." Mumbled my grandfather.

She kneeled down in front of me with a huge smile on her face and said," I wonder why sometimes too hunny."

Then she stood up and said," Madara, for the next few years you have to practice a lot. Since you are a conjurer just like me, you will train in elemental magic and mana manipulation with me in the morning. In the afternoon you will train with your grandfather in your physical capabilities, and maybe you will pick up a weapon you want to train."

I just nodded and listened to what she had to say. I learnt before the hard way that I should never interrupt my grandmother.

She then looked towards me and said," Also, you will learn how to fight properly. I do not want to see such a disrespectful fight again."

My grandfather seemed confused a little bit, but I understood what she was saying. She wants me to change the way I fight.

I am going to be honest, the reason I chose to not use my hands to fight… is because I did not want to dirty them. I have to deem you worthy for me to use my hands, only then will I use the 2nd stage of my taijutsu.

She thought the reason I didn't use my hands is because I did not respect my grandfather, but honestly, the opposite was true, for me to deem you worthy of my time, you will have to pass the first stage of my taijutsu and make me go serious.

However there were exceptions, against the army, the only reason I just used my hands and fought was because at the time, I believed that everyone there was filth, so there was no point for me to hold back.

Some might say this is me not progressing in my mentality, but I see it in another way. My pride. I have pride, and I am not going to sacrifice it.

It seemed to hit my grandfather. He wasn't mad like I thought he would be. He just smirked and said," You sure think like an Uchiha. I just have to make you fight like one."


It's been 1 year since then, and I have already hit the light red-core stage. It didn't come as much of a surprise to everyone, they have been using the sharingan this time to check my cores progress, they didn't want to make the same mistake as my awakening.

And there was a good news, the whole clan was in a harmonious mood. My mother was pregnant!

I was so happy, I would once again see my little brother! Even though I know there is a 0% chance, I was hoping that maybe, just maybe, Izuna would reincarnate into this world, but I know it's impossible.

For some reason though, my grandfather didn't seem happy, and my father even seemed pissed sometimes. Something was happening, and I didn't like not knowing what it was.

Training wise, I was way stronger than 1 year ago. With more mana to work with, I could use more jutsu, which allows my battle style to be more flexible.

My family did try to ask me where I had learnt my techniques from, but I just told them that I saw some of the clansmen training, and with the sharingan changed the methods. They were obviously suspicious, but who would doubt a 2-year-old kid.

As for my elements, for now they believe I am a Quadra elemental mage and let me tell you, they were shocked, but what they didn't know was about the deviants I have.

I also have some problems regarding the deviants, which I still do not know how to tackle yet.

I also have the body of a 4-year-old right now, and if you compare my strength to the shinobi world, I would say I was around a genin's level.

If I compare this worlds system with the ninja world, it will be approximately like this.

Black core- Academy student

Red core- Genin

Orange core- Chunin

Yellow core- Jounin

Silver core- Elite Jounin

White core- Kage

Anyway, right now, my grandparents, and my father were outside of the room where my mother was giving birth.

A/N: I have apparently found a rival, hahahaha. We both had the same idea about having Madara in Tbate, and started uploading at the same time as well.

Honestly, it is encouraging to write with a rival, and I want to see how our stories differ.

For those of you whom are curious, the stories name is, Madara Uchiha in TBATE, and the author is H2kizzy, do check it out if you are free.

And, just a heads up, don't get triggered by the next chapter.

Word count: 768 before authors note