
Madam please we need you!

"I'll kill you even if it's the last thing I do you'll suffer so much that your little wife won't be able to save you, you used me your the reason I can't just live why what did you want from me I loved you I gave up everything for you but you dumped me why, bacause you weren't satisfied or because I wasn't rich like little miss gold"Tang Qin said with bloodshot eyes as she deeply stared into Chang Feiyu's eyes. "you thought I loved you why would I love a bitch like you manipulative fake and a devil in descise pulling strings to get what you want but out of all you're actually lucky you got your self a miniature bitch just as disgusting as you, you can try as hard as you want to send one of your sugar daddies at me or all of them I won't mind they won't dare land a finger on me I have power all you have is your body, why don't you just take of that mask of innocence and show how vicious you are but I'll take you back as a toy you'll still enjoy the rich life isn't that what you want" Chang Feiyu said with pure disgust in his tone. "hahaha"Tang Qin laughed in a phycopathic manner"you still think your higher than me, let's test that out, you do look like you have no strength and if I accidentally kill you at least I know there's a witness"she said as she walked towards Chang Feiyu and looked towards one of the dark corners of the empty parking lot then turned her head back to Chang Feiyu and hugged his neck"but I do hope you remember that I used to love you so I can't do that for now just take this, and remember, don't play with fire"she whispered softly into his ear and kissed him before he felt a sharp pain in his neck he had been stabbed he last saw her retreating back before he blacked out immediately after four men came out from the shadows but one stood out a tall man with a pale complexion sharp brown eyes a sharp nose thin lips and a chiselled chin looked at the man being tended to by the three other men with cold eyes as he said"I told you not to play with her

Mercy_Tendo · 都市
1 Chs

Chapter one- CEO Tang please reconsider

"Miss Tang according to the latest readings stock have risen drastically over the weekend due to a large investment from Sang corporation and Mr. Ran personally met with the CEO In order to discuss the details and things ended quite well as the CEO agreed that we would take 80 percent of the total profits but we are to provide a detailed report of the activities carried out on the 3rd of every month and we arranged this meeting to hear your thoughts on this". Chang Aiguo said in a nervous tone inwardly praying to God that this woman would be like her father.''wait why am i scared of this woman iv worked here longer than her'' he thought but later calmed down seeing that the CEO was calm but he got a sick turn '' all investments from Sang corporation are rejected secretary Yi blacklist Sang corporation immediately , thank you all for your hard work I'll take my leave'' she then walked out of the conference room with elegance leaving every one in the conference room dumbstruck for a few seconds everyone stood still only after she fully disappeared did everyone get into an uproar

''who does she think she is'',''she cant do that'',''OK,now im sure she has an affair with the director'',everyone was in an uproar all but one man who just smiled and walked towards the CEO's office

"Girl, you shock me every day, that was what was on my mind, now to say what is on everyone's mind 'why the freaking hell of a freak did you blacklist Sang corporations do you know how lucky we are for them to think or for them to even glance at our company'' Yan Ming yelled at Tang Qin.

"Calm down I know what I'm doing"she said with a smirk on her face

"Taking us down the drain with you!,girl I love you, as a friend and I know that you love me too,as a friend, but I need this job where will I get the money to take care of Yan Nian he needs a new bed, CEO Tang please reconsider." Yan Ming cried as he hugged Tang Qin's head

"damn you let go of me!, I don't care I don't want anything to do with that company and either way I could fire you and you would lose that money that you waste on a dog you treat it like your own son you even gave it your last name, how is your actual son going to feel knowing his brother is a dog, but I don't have to worry cause you'll never find a wife cause you're wasting all your heart on only two things me and that dog!."Tang Qin took deep breaths trying to calm down"but I know you love Nian so much please find a girlfriend"she continued after she regained her composior "haaahaaaahahahaa me girlfriend ahhh you want to kill me never I can't go look stop stop stop!"Yan Ming yelled with tears of laughter in his eyes as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world. "You know me I just can't fall in love I've seen too many examples of what happens, so I'll just adopt a child when I feel like being a father"he said as he lazyly jumped into the couch in the office.

"ok I might just say something that may blow your mind "

"lay it on me"he said as he ate grapes from the table near the couch

"five years, just five years let's date each other I mean we're both hopeless in terms of love but we don't love each other instead it's just for show your mom keeps calling you and my dad keeps calling me so let's play pretend it benefits both of us"Tang Qin said with her head down low bitting her lip with hands behind ber back.

Time first stood still it felt like centuries to Tang Qin

"Ok, it's a double sided benefit but we're just dating when our parents ask but we're still friends"Yan Ming said with a carefree tone just like himself.

"Who said we're still friends"Tang Qin said and caused Yan Ming to stop in his actions"We're best friends, thanks your a life saver, works almost over you wanna go out for dinner"she continued in a cheerful tone "phew, you scared me but before we go, please just take the investment!"Yan Ming yelled with tears in his eyes.

"I thought I made myself clear 'no' there's nothing you can do or say to change my mind"

"fine but because you've refused you're paying for the meal"

fine, let's go I'll stay at your place tonight, I can't believe I miss Nian that thing" she sighed as she took her purse and walked out hand in hand with Yan Ming.