
Mad God's Love [Dark, enemies-to-lovers BL]

Being from the void takes interest in a human already at the end of his rope. Its unbearably heavy affection makes a miserable life that much more difficult. __ A realistic take on an unwanted, daunting attention from a creature of different logic. It's not rosy, it won't be smooth, and there are no instantaneous feelings. As such, the story is barely even a romance - there's struggle, ambiguity and things going from bad to worse on an express train. All that said, there will be semblance of a happy ending. __ Consider supporting the story: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D5WL39BL (chapters 1 R - 12 BC) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CYT3Q7H7 (chapters 13 R - 25 R)

Audranasa · LGBT+
42 Chs

6 R 3 2

Thoroughly freaked out but still blissfully absentminded, I just picked a sunniest direction and walked off. It wasn't contributing towards getting any warmer after the night's damp chill and I eventually broke out of my stupor.

"Carry me!" I demanded with my arms raised towards hulking figure as I'd seen other, happier kids do at the market."No," monster shot it down immediately. I sighed, not in the least bit surprised. Life was never kind to my whims, no matter how small they were."What, why?" I grumbled stubbornly with fake surprise."I can walk myself," monster replicated my voice perfectly without a trace of growling or ticking. It probably was what I'd said before. Ancient beast was being so petty."I'm sorry, baby, that was so rude of me. I take it back," I hung off his arms and tried buttering him up with sweet-talk. No reaction."If you carry me..." I concentrated my entire brainpower on this. He could eat me anytime anyway, and didn't lack anything else in general. He'd been taking care of himself for literal ever. So I had nothing to offer. On the other hand... there had to be a reason I was still alive and permitted to run my loud mouth. I banked everything on curiosity. "I'll answer a question!"There was no reaction for long-ass time again and I'd given up on the venture. I was thinking to suggest doing a request, then disregarding it completely if I got slapped with something like a don't run away again. The human hand I was still clutching on untangled itself and swept around me."Weeeeee!" I squealed pretending glee as I was raised up, arms up in the air and legs dangling. Perhaps if I faked hard enough... it hadn't worked even once thus far, I reflected sourly. Forced my lips to stay curled up as reality tried to force itself back in once again. No thinking about dead friends, bad brain! Concentrate on romantic getaway in countryside with a literal monster.Wondered what would be the big question. Something he thought he couldn't just ask? Ominous. Especially after he'd just answered everything my flippant mind landed on. Of course, perhaps the timeless creature just wasn't naïve and bided its time to increase chances of an answer. Because even now, in all likelihood I'd still spout bullshit. Was this a test of character, then? To ask something obvious and see if I'd lie. Ugh, the mind games!"Why do you force yourself to do the opposite of what your instincts demand?"Ugh. Tough, tedious question. I swung my dangling legs and stared at the sky. The direction we walked in seems to have changed, I noted absentminded. I guessed he meant sticking my hands into his maw and the like."Why indeed," I muttered but what other choice did I really have? Doing the opposite of expected either amused the threat and they'd let me off, or surprised enough to give me a chance to escape."Suicidal and I've nothing to lose?" I eventually offered blatant and obvious answer."Incorrect. You've got teeth," monster informed me chillingly as though he'd extracted one or two back in the day. Subtle threat? No, not very subtle. I did not want to dwell or reflect on any of this. Buried my face within the palms, but that changed nothing. A scream was welling up inside, which would also be heard by nobody and only fuel fervour of my tormentors. Did this particular monster deserve the truth? The key to my inner workings?"You think you can force me to do what you like with a little pain?" I scoffed and held back a flinch to this game-ending bluff. I was very malleable. It didn't take much to get me to do anything."Yes," monster stated simply. Wonder if that was because he'd seen me in the mansion or because the countless years taught him a thing or two about tickling under fingernails."Let me down," I said, starting to struggle weakly. I didn't want to talk about that, therefore wasn't entitled to this ride."No," monster stated and made no move to release me from firm one-handed grip."I wasn't threatening. Few living things could withstand what I can do," he eventually spoke. And by that I meant when the scenery has changed. Can't say my mind drifted far either. "Sometimes young humans aren't afraid, but you are. And yet you act otherwise.""Enamoured with my impulsiveness?" I teased with a grin I didn't feel. Too exhausted to go on playing joviality I muttered, "You're not the scariest thing I've ever seen." I slumped against warm monster and stared at passing branches. "I'm sure you're terrifying as fuck and all, my cup is just full.""But how have you survived thus far jumping head first into the danger?"Not on my own, that's how."Oh look, kitties!" I pointed and flailed. Monster eventually took the hint and walked towards a band of several cats. It has been a long while since I've seen those. When he'd stopped, I looked down at the worst distraction in the world of distractions yet. There were around ten bodies lying in a ditch. Obviously whole and uneaten. One was face up and had a round hole in it. The animals stared on at us without flinching.I looked away from the sight and found several blackened squares with charcoal poles sticking out. Unbelievable, some small community had still existed in out in the wilds not too long ago. Until.Tried to keep it in, but couldn't resist it in the end. "See, this is scary," I said flatly. "Ancient monsters doing their thing eating one or two? That's just survival of the fittest.""Isn't this survival of the fittest as well?" monster suggested. "Your people consume the weaker too, if they have what you want."I shrugged, "I guess. I might just be salty from sitting on the lowest rung so much." Being powerless was such a universal sin.Monster turned his blind head towards me in some gesture I could not decipher. "That is why I wonder how you survived. You're very well adapted. Even took down the humans of the privileged class."He just won't leave this alone, huh. I rubbed my eyeballs and in absence of sight, the smell of rotting flesh hit me like a hammer and awoke other associations. "By dying myself!" I shouted, losing all composure. "How does that seem as winning? Great survival trait, isn't it? Is that what you want to absorb from me? Well fucking take it! Shove it and choke on it! Go hang from a tree!"Just before I shouted some more angry nonsense I felt my head clear and anger dissipate. It was sudden and therefore very noticeable. I had no doubt monster purged those emotions, leaving me calm as the sky. Why was the weather so nice all the damn time? I wanted to get angry, be angry, but nothing was happening."I do not need anything from you, human. I am perfect," he paused and gave me ample time to roll my eyes. "You simply are my pet – and I will take care of you, even against your wishes."I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. Could resistance be a particular point of interest?"Right. Well, fine. Just so you know - I am very much like a parasite. I latch onto the capable and then get them killed. You're next," I grinned venomously and tapped his chest. This wasn't a threat nor a warning. Merely a pity party for one. I would normally be better at hiding my inner workings, but monster didn't bother with repercussions and my search for boundaries continued.The other too-human hand reached out and cupped my cheek. That, coupled with the still turned face almost made the devilish creature seem human. Almost. The gestures were still fixed and uncanny. "That is acceptable," he said gruffly.