
Maō No Gyokuza / The Devil's Throne

A competition broke out in hell, between the 666 sons of Satan based on their hells (knowing that the 666 th hells is the most powerful), the eldest jealous of the younger (the 666th) makes escape the first 100 damned from hell forcing the 666 th son Ozren to go to the earth of this world called Vinverth to bring them home. (This story is already ended)

MeNotUbitch · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Lord Yama’s turn

After being defeated, without having successfully completed even an Enma world, returned with his head bowed in his world, to prepare for the turn of Yama the master of Hindu judgment. Yama was to begin as the previous one did, that is, the world of Yanluowang. Yama entered room number 1, that of Niu Mowang. - Stop vulgar disbeliever, you will never succeed in beating the world of the great Lord Yanluowang, I would put my hand in it, said Niu Mowang in an arrogant era. - We'll see, but if I pass don't forget to throw your hand, ok? Said Yama with a smile on his face Although Yama is less known than Enma, he is certain that in battle he is more powerful than Lord Enma. Yama took his heavy club and made it twirl in the skies, when everyone watching the club carefully, approached him to Niu Mowang and gave him a small pat on the shoulder as he said "It will be fine. ", Niu Mowang's eyes went to look at Yama's face with his smile, Yama then started to move away from Niu Mowang, after going far enough, he turned around and stuck his tongue out at him. Suddenly a cry was heard, it was that of Yanluowang saying "Look above you!" Niu Mowang looked up to the heavens and suddenly the club fell on him, immobilizing him and paving the way for Yama. Yama arrived in room number 2 where Yaoguai was, but he did not stay there very long, because Yama's gaze has the particularity of frightening all animals, and apparently this demonic beast was no exception. Yaoguai ran hid in one place, leaving the way to Yama. Yama quickly arrived at room number 3 where the Heibai resided. - We were waiting for you Yama, do you think you can beat us, I don't think I give up and go out without a hitch or fight and beg for forgiveness, said the Heibai - Sorry, but I don't choose any of your choices, I choose won and leave you there., said A fight started between the Heibai and Yama, but Yama defeated them in one stroke. Yama took his fire lasso and wrapped it around the Heibai so as to bring them together, because you see the Heibai have different black and white outfits, drying that it is not only their clothes that are opposite but their powers too, one uses light, while the other darkness . By bringing them closer their powers were canceled simultaneously, before Yama two immortals without any power, Yama fought against them, and won in less than 10 seconds by 1 single punch. Yama was heading for the door leading to the next world, but he stopped and went to see Niu Mowang before leaving. - Eh Momang, I won, then throw your arm in the intense and infinite fire of my lasso., Said Yama - MY NAME IS NIUN MOWANG NOT MOMANG !!! Said Niu Mowang very angry - Ok, Ok but that doesn't change the fact that you have to throw your arm, preferably right. Said Yama - Well, well I'll rip my arm off but never come back to see me again. , says Niu Mowang Niu Mowang tore off his arm, you could even see his bones parting (although the members of demons can be pushed back, once their members are thrown into hell as for the lasso of Yama, then the arm will never come back again, it is like that his arm had a soul and that it was going to the hell of Yama.), at this sight Yama was happy left towards the next world, that of Enma. When he arrived in this world, he was in room number 1, he looked around, he saw only a large lake, but when he looked carefully he saw, a small part of the earth.

Yama went to this island and settled there while waiting for his opponent. After waiting for a while, a Yo Kai surfaced, it was a Kappa. The Kappa is a race of Yo Kai resembling a mixture between a human and a tortoise, they have a humanoid shape, with a green skin color, on the back a shell, webbed fingers, black hair, a bird beak, a loincloth of algae and finally the most important part, a hole on the top of his head, this hole is where water resides, without it all his life force would be consumed by the abyss, until to find water to replace the one he lost, but in our case there is no shortage of water with this lake. The Kappa is a creature, living in lakes. When a human gets too close to his territory the Kappa grabs him by his legs and takes him underwater where he will eat his soul, although the Kappa see humans as vulgar insects, they respect every custom of their world and worship it, so they love cucumbers and could leave a human or other for one, although this information could not help since Yama does not work with cucumbers.

- Stop, you will not be able to beat me, and I will not let you pass without giving me cucumbers, I advise you to give up. Said the Kappa They then went to engage in a fight, but Yama said something unusual " Doing our best Kappa-dono ", (dono is an appellation that respects Japan.) While making a Japanese bow (it's a 45 ° curve, tilting the head forward), seeing that all said he gave up, seeing that the kappa did the same and bowed, making his bow all the water of his skull fell on the ground, it left him weak, the Kappa tried to leave, but without success, Yama caught him and twisted his neck, until he could not move due to lack of strength, then everyone understood that it was only a trap. After a while, Yama went to room number 2. On entering it, he saw that this room represents a Japanese temple during festivals with fireworks that never stopped. He looked better and saw his opponent, but he had become outraged at the sight of his opponent. - M, you said that for pets it must be animals or plants but nothing else, and yet it is a woman, so disqualify her., Said Yama - Ah, no, it is indeed an animal. says M

- And yes, Kitsune shows him your true form., Said Enma - Yes, Lord Enma., Said Kitsune It was a woman with long black hair, sort of canines with skulls as face, fatal lights and fox ears. But when she took her true form, this woman changed into a blue fox, with marks on the tails and flames around them.

The kitsune is a creature no different from a normal fox in the first century, after that a second queue pushes it from the moment the psychic powers begin to manifest, and each century a new queue pushes up 'to' with nine queue which is the maximum when a Kitsune Get 9 file his name becomes Kyubi No Kitsune, in fact the Kitsune are not like the Kappa and do not want to pass souls, on the other hand they are very players and like to make fun of humans by turning into women, according to a legend once a Kitsune seduces a man, and the next morning the man found himself naked in a cemetery, the Kitsune are basically pranksters. - Good then played to fight., Said Le Kitsune - To assist, that tells you to play a game., Said Yama - A game? Said Le Kitsune - Yes if I win you let me go, but if you win I would give you 13 humans. - Well, let's do that, what game are we going to play? Said the Kitsune - We are going to flip a coin, if the coin falls on the left face I pass but if it falls on the pile I give you the 13 humans, ok? Said Yama - Okay, I accept these terms, but we are going to do one and only one round, without a curl., said the Kitsune So Yama threw the coin in the air, when it fell, it had fallen into the one of the crevices which is on the cobbled street of the temple, in a way that has not been highlighted. - So, what do we do? Said the Kitsune - Either we both win and everyone shares with whatever he wants, or we both lose and have to fight, knowing that if you choose the second option, you will never have your humans. , said Yama - I want my humans, so I'll leave you behind, said the Kitsune Yama went to the third room, over there is an Oni. The oni are mythical beings of Japanese mythology, according to the numerous legends about them, they would have humans having been changed into Oni after their death, because their heart had too much treachery, are similar monstrous creatures to ogres, there are most often with red or blue skin, they have horns of bulls, a thick, large and strong body (we could call them a perfect soldier), sharp teeth and as a single garment they have a loincloth made of the fur of a tiger, these creatures are very known for the great honor. The oni that was in front of Yama looked a little special, because the oni are brainless brutes who show their act and mischief to all, while this one hid his face by a white mask. - You may have rigged them, but you will not do anything about me, I am the most powerful oni of all time, the 1st oni ever created Aireg the all powerful, if you want to pass you should fight like a man., Said Aireg - Yes, yes, come and attack me. When Aireg li spoke, Yama understood that he was very oni do not know how to speak or at the limit badly and the greatest scholars of oni do know that spoke like a child of 5 years (example: Me hungry), whereas that one, knows very well spoken and moreover has a name, whereas the oni have only figures like 1,2,3, etc ..., if that one knows his name, it is that he remembers his humanity and that he made a sort of pact with Enma. powerful, Yama stopped thinking more about him and started to fight, they remained thus, during hours, at one moment Yama gave him a big blow on his skull which made him break his mask, under his mask hidden the face of a pretty normal, except for his atrophied lips, his broken horn and especially his inverted cross representing that a pact has taken place. The fight raged, except that Aireg put more force like this than this cross had made him unleash his power, but Yama had a malicious idea, he bent down, and took the loincloth oni and threw him at level two saying "Here, Kitsune you can play with that! ", Aireg had a great honor and with his loincloth which was removed he had to recover it to continue his match. - You, res - Yes, yes. Kitsune I'll send you Aireg play here I'm coming right away, said Aireg with him too! Said Yama Aireg went to level 2, while Yama continued, what you still don't believe Yama was going to wisely stay there like he said he was a demon never forgot. Yama had finally arrived in his 3rd world, that of Ozren. -Greeting Yama, I had a lot of fun seeing how you thwart the plans of the first two, finally a demon like me who thinks, if you succeed has passed my first room, I will leave you behind my world quietly, ok? Said Ozren - Yes, I am delighted. Said Yama In the first room, there was a large library, Yama said to himself that it must have been a scholar who lived there and thought it would only be an intellectual match, but looking towards the room where people were resting, he found a legend, one of the best known beings in Hell, although he is not a demon but a damned, this person is none other than Cain, little recalls from part 1, this damned is the first damned in history, it is the son of Adam and Eve, the big brother who killed his little brother, this story was told thousands of times in Hell to make you fall asleep children, the story of the king of the damned, he is mostly feared because he has holy powers due to his parents. - What, why are you working for him, I was told that he put you in hell, why are you helping him - Quite simply, because there are few people who can beat me, but thanks to its temporal power it beat me, in my code of honor when someone beats me I have to give it a favor, do not complicate things and shut up vermin., said Cain Then a fight started between the 1st damned and Yama, but ended quickly on the victory of the 1st damned, because he used a deadly weapon for the demons, the lance of Login also known like the holy lance, it is a lance known to have struck the right flank of Jesus during his crucifixion.

Thus, Yama lost and had to give way to Yanluowang to start his turn.