
Apparently, Pretty Hard.

Dante sat there, scratching his head as he stared at the scroll, he was sitting in the living room of the mansion he was 'given' which was bullshit. There were clear signs of Tsunade already living in it.

He wasn't struggling on understanding chakra or anything, he understood the concept, at least the basics of it like the scrolls told him, his problem was the 'Control' part.

It wasn't the size of his reserves that was making it hard, it was the demonic energy he had. Dante sucked at energy manipulation to begin with, even if he had a lot from him, even if he were to get 100% of the template from Dante, it wouldn't change much. That meant he would need to figure it out himself on how it worked, how to control his demonic energy.

It wasn't hard to suppress it, or channel it to be stronger to increase his strength, that part was easy. It was controlling 'How' much that moved, he was either at 100% or a little under 5%, which seemed to be the absolute minimum he could go.

The problem wasn't that he was struggling to use his chakra, it was the fact his demonic energy would mix with the chakra. It isn't exactly control if he can't control the mixing, it's not a bad thing of course.

Demonic energy empowered his jutsu's a lot, but to a point that even if he wanted to fire off a simple thing like an 'Air' bullet, it would turn into a massive destructive force, subtly was never the DMC DAnte's expertise, and it didn't exactly help the fact that he had no experience when it came to this 'energy' control., it was then he heard a lot of dinging ringing off in his ear that he groaned, turning to look at his system where a new quest appeared.

[Finger Blast a Milf.]


Able to toggle certain energies on and off, and to better control it consciously which will lead to an easier method to train it until the toggler is no longer needed.

He scratched at his chin a bit, the soft noise of him scratching at the growing beard hair filling the silent room.

Problem is, he hasn't made any 'progress' with an actual milf, only potential milfs.

Wait, did that even matter?

[No, just finger blast Tsunade already.]


Able to toggle certain energies on and off, and to better control it consciously which will lead to an easier method to train it until the toggler is no longer needed

Able to silence notifications.

His brows went up, he knew he was going to be watched by the Goddess, he was 'entertainment' after all, but he thought he would be like ,recorded on a DVR or something, not live view.

He shrugged only to feel a fast presence before Tsunade threw the front door open, looking around before she locked eyes on him.


Interest: 100%

Attraction: 100%

Respect: 100%

His brows went up at the maxed stats, Respect was fine because it was because of his strength, and Interest could be understandable since he just brokered peace between two villages.

But the attraction was maxed out too? Maybe he had some sort of skill that increases the stat generation for Milfs or something, it was the name of his system after all.

Little did Dante know, after that, not so holy kiss, Tsunade had struggled to get herself. 'Unheated', constantly horny throughout the night and day, only to masturbate for the first time as well, however the first time hadn't been enough.

Actually, no one had seen her today because of it, and by the time it had finally settled just a little bit, she learned straight from her teachers lips.

Dante had, single-handedly forceed a peace treaty to happen between them and Iwagakure under mutual benefit, and since they had Hanzo the Salamander, peace would broker between that village as well with some time.

That information had lite a fire under her crotch that refused to go away, she hadn't known Dante a week, and she was willing to give him everything she had to offer, years of war, bloodshed, years of pain for not just her, but so many people. Ended within hours, simply because a random man.

A random, handsome Demon showed up and forced them to reconsider, it wouldn't be perfect of course but...

If he could do that, with just a kiss, and a date?

''What more could he do, right?'' Dante spoke, breaking Tsunade out of her thoughts, and causing her to blush.

''I can't read minds or anything, you just look ready to devote yourself to me like some sort of God.'' Dante added with a chuckle as he looked back to the scroll.

''...Are you one... A God?'' Tsunade asked hesitantly.

''No, far from one even. I'm just, really strong, and war is stupid. I'm not saying I'm smart or something, because War is technically 'good' business, but most people who have a country on their shoulders can't think of the small, simple things.''

She advanced, closing the door behind her as she moved to straddle him, pulling the scroll and tossing it onto the table as she gripped his face with her hands.

''Ninjas are trained to kill from when they were a child, throughout most of their lives, because of it a 'phenomenon' has begun to appear in humans now, it has no real name since it hasn't been properly studied as of yet, but it is basically called 'Battle Lust', a lust so strong that happens on the battlefield it can 'Make' people love someone. It is a mix of the need to reproduce, and to reproduce with a strong mate, of course, there is a lot, and I mean a lot of other things involved that make it happen, but I'm pretty sure it's happening to me, towards you.''

Dante gave a nod, truth be told he could smell her, and he didn't need a demon part of him to be screaming at him to 'Eat' her up for him to want to.

''There will be others, most likely a lot of others.'' Dante bluntly stated, Tsunade shook her head.

''Strong people attract multiple mates, my Grandfather had a main wife, and four concubines, it's less practiced now since there 'was' peace and things were settling, but Clans will need to be rebuilt... Especially Senju.''

''I may not love you 100% the level you do for a bit.'' Dante added, keeping his eyes on the percentage of Tsunade's stats.

''Doesn't that mean it will just take time? I'm not the best 'Housewife, but I have good qualities, my amazing body aside. I'm good at listening, I am a well-studied Medical Ninja which means that massages from me are legendary, I'm not the best cook but there are a few dishes I can make that are amazing, and I know all the best places to eat and drink at in not only here, but many other villages as well. My hymen broke a long time ago, but I am still a virgin. I have been trained properly in Ninja Seduction techniques... Not that those will work on you most likely.''

''So, knowing this you are still willing?'' Dante asked, the stat had never changed at all. Once it reached 100%, was it stuck there, or was it simply a product of all three reaching 100?

''I would be actually stupid not to grab you while you're fresh and on the market, and if I don't do it now, I am going to regret it, so I'm not going to bother with the worries I might have.''

''I can promise not to sleep with another woman, or make activate advancements on one unless you give permission?'' Dante offered, his Milf system didn't seem to require him to 'Breed' ALL milfs, or it would be weird. But he did need to do his part in making them happier. He still wasn't sure exactly the terms and conditions of his 'contract'

Tsunade smiled a bit. ''That... That's really sweet. Well, I'll keep that in mind, and if it's any consultation, Orochi is fine, she was actually the first person to make me orgasm.''

Dante's brows went up, his hands lifting as he took ahold of Tsunade's thick ass, properly squeezing it as he brought her further into him, having her body press up into his own. ''That's a story that I need to hear, but for now? I'm going to show you the one Jutsu I've ever been able to master.''


Does it make sense? NO!


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