
M no Monogatari

This is my story, going from worlds to worlds, making friends in each one of them, I don't know what all this will prepare for me, I didn't choose this path, but... since this happened to me *sigh* Why not make the most of it? What am I in this life? My mind has been going round and round for as long as I can remember, I've been happy in many moments, I've been sad in many moments, I've lived a normal life, I want to think so, I'm happy with everything I've lived for, I'm content, I didn't ask for anything more than to always have what I had, so why are they taking it all away from me? I want them to stop destroying my world and my dreams, I can't take it anymore, huh? what? a chance? do I have a chance? me? If I can rebuild my life, then I will finally become everything I never was, you who reached out to me Do you want to join me? 『Then are you willing to take the proposal I made to you? I've watched you for a long time and in all this from reboot to reboot, I'm going to say that I came to sympathize with you rather than pity you, but yes, I won't hide that I felt sorry for you *smiles* 』-『I'm sorry I have to involve you in all this, but this will also be my good deed of at least being able to help someone, so when we meet at the end of it all, destroy it with your own hands with everyone's help, I was born without any purpose, the task I have now is totally different from what I had before, that of living quietly, continuing to watch them made me happy, but if he is willing to destroy them, my duty is to protect and take care of what I love the most in my life』-『From now on, your real story begins』. Here we are starting something that I did it out of curiosity....well, not really, since I discovered this I swore to myself to finish it completely, always on such days I will continue this routine, ah! Regarding what I think of my story, well what can I say, I hope,I go and finish them as a great job and a great story!!!! Yes!.....Even if it's crap, garbage on many occasions and you think it's nothing worthwhile, for me it will be at the top......After all, who is going to believe in you if you are not yourself? I don't own the characters from Anime,games or manga that will appear in the story.

Shin0bu · アニメ&漫画
421 Chs

Chapter 359: Submerged Part 1

S͇u͇m͇e͇r͇g͇i͇d͇o͇ ͇P͇a͇r͇t͇e͇ ͇1͇.

Let's start with exploration or should it rather be called research? Although in my case it would rather be mission, it is not the first time that this place is explored, I have very understood that already for this decade that has passed, many people with interest to know more about the world, curiosity or simply see with their own eyes everything that was created concerning the Abyss, of all those people only a few managed to get out to tell not to the world, but to achieve either to be rescued or leave by your own means that was almost impossible, as if it were a cage inside a cage, all those intrepid people now had to stay on the continent of Ice to simply not die. Of the small percentage that has been rescued, little information could be extracted, since many of them relate events that one can hardly believe, there was not a piece of information that was not fictitious that could serve as information, of all those people that by the stories told, the rumors and myths that happen inside the Abyss were spreading every time.

Many reported having felt more members than they were going, others commented that even having the map or the guides they ended up getting lost, others commented that their things were getting lost each time they went deeper and deeper, they all had one thing in common, they were not alone, even being accompanied by their exploration group, it was as if they did not feel alone. ...they all felt as one and that even a member of their group remained in that group, they felt that sensation that if that person with whom they entered, lived together, lived the same before, now and in the future, that really has to be happening? Surplus was the right word as they were remembering their little story of fear, and when you realize that that person should not be with you, is where it really starts to hurt everything, since from the beginning, since you entered the Abyss, the deeper you enter, if you stop being accompanied, is where you are really going to suffer the most. Who do you prefer? A companion who is your friend and who would help you in everything but you know that he is not enough in this trip, or to be accompanied or rather watched and incited by several people that you yourself do not know and do not allow yourself to know, you yourself by nature and unconscious will choose how will be your way in this trip, for Cliston who first had to go alone to the Abyss, the fact that Svein is accompanying him and making the trip more fun, he really appreciates it very much.

『We have a total of 20 days right Cliston? 』

『That's right, Nushi told me that I have to return 10 days before October 14 so that I have enough time to analyze the curse』

『With that we already have to be back by October 4, fine, but taking into account and analyzing how the Abyss really is....entonces....Fine! We will take maximum 10 Days between the First and Second Layer』


Svein was analyzing the situation, it seems that he is going to leave his idiots aside for most of the trip. This one was proposing a new modification to the mission and the days they have to complete the mission. Listening to Cliston he could not understand this, and let Svein know that the last explorer to visit the Abyss other than the Chief of Norway, would be a person who took 40 days to return, the fatty stressed to Svein that they can not take so much time as a break in the first layers that are literally already explored.

『That's why we have to take advantage of the fact that the first layers are safe and where we can gather information, besides the most important thing about staying here is that you can master your Wind Thread, the other time you saved us thanks to it, but I bet it was pure luck, I bet it was pure luck, repeat *laughs*』

『It wasn't luck...okay, you'll see if I can do it again』.

Cliston couldn't seem to cope with Svein's mockery, just to give him the counter and remove that smile, Cliston tried to redo the technique of the Wind Thread, he collected wind in his hand and having the hint of the thread, he threw it as a yo-yo to the snow and .... Just like the first time, he was able to create a small hole in the snow. It was clear that Svein was right and further confirmed that they would stay here to complete what they were missing, leaving without being completely in perfect condition is what hurts the most on a trip, not having something vital in your luggage, even if it is small or tiny, you don't know how much you will need it in a moment.

『If your plan was to stay longer, then it doesn't make sense that we went to explore the Abyss...we could have stayed at Nushi's house while I perfect my technique...』

『Not at all, but now that we are going to spend these days in the first layers of the Abyss, we can explore even more things, I also want to finish analyzing in detail these layers, and of course have an idea of how to introduce us to the 3rd Layer, I want you first to get used to little by little how it is to go outside in Antarctica, as I'm sure you wouldn't be able to sleep well if we go deeper, take it easy my friend, life is to prepare you before the real challenge *smiles*』

Svein was giving him his true intentions concerning this plan, where in turn this one seems to pull out of his huge backpack both tools and small picks, a small hand drill, as well as magnifying glass and a few swabs. It seems that they are going to divide the roles in this way, Cliston will stay training in the First Layer until he can master his Wind Thread, while Svein will be in charge of planning how their journey will be the further down the Abyss they go.

Svein was leaving with his objects where he told Cliston to come back before it was too late. They left with a smile and encouragement on their faces, it was like watching a child being in a park where he wants to see but everything. To this Cliston could only be grateful to his partner as it makes him feel that this mission will not be so difficult after all. The only thing on his mind is that if Nushi finds out that they are still in the primary layers, he will surely scold them like never before, since by the same Antarctica Leader, what makes it late is the 4th above all, since it seems like there is no concrete path where to head to, every one glimpse or place you go is new and where you think it's the right path, you end up finding something completely different.

『I think if I had asked him for a few more days of training at Nushi's house, I'm sure he would have kicked us out XD』-『Well, as Svein said, I have to take it easy, so I don't make mistakes again...good! Let's train again!』

Cliston was motivated to think things through and this time to listen to what others say rather than to impose his own thinking on others. Although he always had that same thought at the time of doing things, I think he is the one who most takes into consideration the word of others, but all this about being a hero and being someone important and unique you just have to make the right decision, it seems to have taken him further away from how he really was. He hopes that when it's all over, he will have learned something new, he doesn't know what it will be but that only makes him more excited to know what he will discover at the end of it all.

While Svein was already in the Second Layer, he was happy because he had the whole Abyss for himself, for a researcher or scientist to be left to free will something that you can take full advantage of your curiosity, there can be nothing better than this. And he could quickly feel it, in the Second Layer it feels warmer than in the First and especially the lower ones, it is a resting place after all. While walking with his tools it also makes him a good idea to spend the night here these days, Svein can already imagine what it will be like to spend dinner eating outside. This is because Svein always liked to spend the nights in the forest or a place close to his village in Norway, despite the cold conditions that plague him, this did not prevent him and his family to make a fire, heat the pot and prepare the meal together, where your tent and your sleeping bag are waiting for you to sleep. 

『Another time I brought with me some meat and vegetables from my home in Norway, this time I didn't do it on the sly and asked them nicely, I thought they would refuse but they ended up giving me extra, yes *smiles* that home is like a family』.

Svein thought that he should have brought all his backpack with him instead of leaving it with Cliston, after all this will be his temporary base. But he was also quick to refuse since by leaving the backpack with Cliston, Cliston is indirectly making it clear to him that he will be back at any time, the least for a novice who is embarking on a journey is to feel that he is alone. 

『Cliston is my junior, I think they call them Kouhai, as his superior I have to take care of him no matter what! So I'm his superior *smiles* Who would imagine that I would be in charge of someone? eh? eh? We are going to have great adventures, in case of danger I'll be there to give him a hand, I'll be the first to venture and even be the one who puts himself in danger so that my Kouhai is safe, yes! I'll act as his Big Brother! That's better! Ah! penguins!!!』

As happy as he was walking around imagining and having a great imagination, it was as if the whole environment was filled with his thoughts. Where Svein was always the first in everything, before a cliff Svein would be the one to put himself in danger, before a bridge with a chasm, Svein would be the first, even if they meet a ferocious polar bear, Svein would be the first one to face the danger. I doubt very much that he will be able to accomplish incredible things, but if Svein is determined to take care of Cliston above all things, I guess we can at least trust his words. He heard some penguin sounds and quickly headed to where they were, but as soon as he got closer, a penguin came out and scampered all over the Second Layer, with its beaks and flippers flapping, telling him to get away from the place.

『But why!!! If they always let themselves be approached and even petted!!!! Why now!!!!.....!!!! Don't tell me he took a defensive attitude because...his eggs are about to hatch!!!! 』

At that Svein smiled and with more speed he was walking away from the penguin that was chasing him. Meanwhile Nushi was walking back to his home while he was thinking about the last thing that just happened, just remembering the last words he heard from Cliston, that was a promise, wasn't it? can he trust his word? Nushi was returning in the cold and protecting herself with her blanket, while she had an annoyance on her face, even though she spent a few days with Cliston, she knows that she can't sympathize with him after all.

『I already made a decision on what to do with you Maao...This plan also works for me in not interacting with you anymore, I don't want to spend too much time with irritating, annoying, idiotic, joking, laughing, naive, selfish, conceited, conceited, conceited people...I don't want to spend too much time with them because I'll catch their disease and then .... and then....』

Nushi's snot came out, he stopped and took his little moment to blow his nose, he did not continue on his way, rather he turned his gaze back, he could see the entrance of the Abyss from afar, and he seems to be still upset, he frowns his face with anger, he even wanted to clench his hands because of what he was feeling...but...as if everything had been a deception, he relaxed or rather depressed his body from one second to the next.

『I'm going to go back to being the only one who feels this way every day...it's so cold...I'm going to make myself a maruchan, I hope I don't burn the water』.

Nushi returned home with various emotions that he did not accept them and vice versa, he undoubtedly still thinks and denies how opposite poles attract each other, he accepts that in a scientific way because of the magnets giving an example, but to apply it in real life about all sentimental and love issues, not even that, if someone who is completely opposite to you becomes your friend, that is defined as a rival, who you must defeat at all costs.

『Although....That there is someone equal to you and that you live with him, if it is more annoying』.


When Nushi arrived in Antarctica, the first thing he did was to investigate the little he knew about the cave he was about to explore. He was in his room and finally alone for himself, but as soon as he entered the room he realized something, there was a cabin in the room, this quickly did not even say anything, his face said it all, he had totally lost faith in humanity.

The house where he had stayed was really huge, it seems that if they have put a lot of budget to the exploration you can even notice it in the home where they are going to stay for the first days. Nushi would have liked them to give him a home of his own, but in this life if you ask for something, clearly they will give you the opposite. Let's remember that this is a large exploration group and they will all live together in the same home, and obviously it would be going too far for everyone to have their own individual room. The maximum they could do is to have 2 people in one room. Nushi understood quickly when he saw the cabin.

『It seems that even here I can't get away from my mother...I know she's capable of coming to my bed to sleep in my arms all night long. ....』

He remembers this because all through his elementary school, his mother, Li Meilin always sneaked into his room to hug her son and sleep warmly, this was a joy for his mother because she loved her son very much, but for Nushi this was like a suffering that thank God stopped when he entered high school.

『Do you like to sleep with your mother?』

A person of the same age as Nushi appeared on his back, Nushi was quick to deny it, even emphasizing that he had already locked his room several times and even every day, but of course that was useless since she had the keys to the room.

『I threatened to change the lock on the door and that's where my mother stopped, at least she stopped being so insistent...』

『Ehh...I can tell she was a bother to you, if my mother had done the same to me even though she knew she was a bother to me, I really would have hated her 』.

When she heard that answer Nushi, she looked at him turning her gaze, and when she looked at him she got a surprise, for some reason that person in front of her, reminded her a lot of her father, her mother showed her pictures when they went to the University together, and if we put a picture next to this person, the similarity with her father was huge. Despite this fact Nushi remained calm as there was something much more important that ended up bothering him and quickly backfired.

『Hated is very strong, I don't get to think like that about my mother, she is a nuisance and her affectionate attitude towards me irritates me but, I don't know, I don't like her but if she didn't do that kind of thing, I feel like she wouldn't be my mother....』

Nushi was making one thing clear about her mother and even seems to hide her face while saying it. Who still the person was still on his back at the door entrance, and despite listening to Nushi with his answer, he already for a while now had his.

『Ehh.... then why don't you tell him?』

『There's no need to say it, she knows how I feel』.

『You are wrong boy, for a foolish and annoying person how you really think of your mother, for people who superimpose their desires on others, they are the ones who don't understand at a glance, they don't take the trouble to look inside deep inside people, as long as you don't tell them what you really think, they will never understand, besides I think the same thing, it is better to make it clear if you are sure of your truth』.

What was this....Nushi at that moment felt confused at that time, why....why is he so much at odds on what this person thinks...just listening to him...the fact that he looks so much like a member of his family....the way he speaks so much dry and would be...it's like having met someone like you but at the same time very distant but....Nushi didn't express it at that time, but now he understands to his mother's words, poles that are alike really can't meet at all.

『No, she for being too stupid, silly and affectionate knows perfectly well what I feel, after all I am her son and she is my mother, words are unnecessary, she already made it clear to me what she feels for me』.

『Ehh...well with more sense, you also make it clear to her how you feel about her, not receiving an answer even for a fool is painful』.

『Hey, enough with that, the only one who can call her a fool, is me, her family, so please, even if you have the truth, I won't believe your words』.

『Her family? Ehh...That you are her family doesn't give you the reason to tell her what you want, the only thing that decides the truth is how that person is in the sight and perception of everyone, I say it silly because that's how you refer to her and it's the only basis I have, don't worry kid, I myself if I get to see her I will realize if she's an idiot or not』

『*tsch* (What's wrong with this guy, and why did he come here? Go away already, or are you going to tell me that ....)』

『Can you step aside? I want to leave my luggage in the room, I see that you left yours, then we'll be roommates, my name is Shinu, nice to meet you』

『(Shinu??? Really your name is Shinu??? Who the fuck are you? ....) My name is Nushi...Li Nushi...』

『Ehh...I'm grabbing the bed upstairs』

!!!!! Nushi quickly got angry at this because he had put his luggage on the floor first, and like any person with good taste he would always prefer to sleep on top, why? Because. Besides, who doesn't like to experience something out of the ordinary? Nushi at that time was not going to let them win the bed upstairs so he challenged Shinu in a game, the classic rock, paper and scissors, where the guy did not refuse and it was even entertaining. 

They arrived around noon and everyone had already had lunch on the ship, so by orders of the South Korean Chief, they could be in the big house to familiarize themselves and settle in their room until dinner time. Where literally so much time had already passed and everyone in the group was gathered in the main dining room, they were serving the meal where Meilin seeing that her son was not there, was worried, even her son quickly walked away from her as he just entered the home without telling her which room he was going to stay in.

『(I think she must have been surprised to find out that the rooms are shared with 2....) !!!! You can leave that plate of food here with me!!!! It's for my son who is not coming yet but he is coming!!!! Yes!!!!!』

Meilin called the food server who was the Chief of South Korea himself, thanks to this he left the tray of food with the mother who was happy. She was looking for where her son would be, but quickly a smile appeared on her face when she noticed that he was finally coming, you could see him upset on his face and playing with his hand, Meilin raised his hand to sit next to her, where she asked him what had happened.

『How is it possible.... really how is it possible.... we spent 4 hours playing Rock Paper Scissors because there was no winner...how can you get to tie several times and in an exaggerated way...this is ridiculous.... 』

Nushi recounted how he spent playing that game with Shinu, he thought it was easy because it was easy to deduce the person's draw just by looking at the position or movement of his arm or even wrist. But to his surprise Shinu got the same as Nushi, in the first attempt he thought it must have been coincidence, in the second it must have been luck, in the third he even thought it was a joke, but the following times this was really surreal, so much time passed that he even said he was going to quit, but at that moment Shinu said "Then I'll take the top bed" Comment that Nushi was annoyed and simply for not giving him the whim they played until now where ....

『That idiot ended up beating me...my hand got tired faster and he was able to read my moves more easily...』

『They spent 4 hours drawing the same thing in rock, paper, scissors? That should be in the World Records!!!!』


『*smile* You must be hungry, here, here's your food, I made it myself with lots of love 』

『No, you didn't make it, this is tastier than what you prepare』.

At that moment it was like a low blow to mother Meilin that even seemed to knock her out. With little strength and even in tears she proceeded to also eat her dinner. While Nushi did not seem to know more about that guy, she was looking for him with her eyes and could not see him, it was too strange not being able to find that guy, until she turned back to where she came from and it seemed that he appeared and .....

『And that was the room where I will be staying during my stay in Antarctica!!! we also checked the bathroom of the huge home and to tell you clearly and objectively .... It is one of the best bathrooms I have ever seen, I would even go so far as to say that it is better than the homes of the forests .... !!! And now my friends we have arrived at the dining room, it's full and I like that, taking advantage let's abide and give an opinion on our dinner today!』

Shinu was with what seems to be a camera and was recording a video? All of his comments seem to be thus a record or what is normally done in a video vlog. Shinu was approaching the dining room and giving a greeting with a smile and charisma on his face, where everyone present likewise waved at the camera and even waved their hand. Nushi didn't do that and when she looked at her mother, she really seemed to want to grab more camera by the movements she made, and to avoid embarrassment, Nushi made her sit on a strip of her clothes.

『Here we are again with the Chief of SouthKorea, I repeat again that thank you very much for giving me this opportunity, I promise to give my best in this new exploration towards this newly discovered cave friends! We will be among the first to document something new to the world and I am very happy to share it with my exploration group and above all, so that you my friends can see the truth with your own eyes, let's give it to him!

Seeing Shinu with that attitude after seeing how Nushi remembers him, it really takes him out of his mind a bit, you could even say he's crazy. To this Meilin commented that that guy is the influencer who had been told to accompany them on the trip. At this Nushi is surprised by the word influencer.

『Influencer? What do you mean influencer?....I thought only people who can contribute to the settlement were coming.....But how much more will these people spread....』

『He was initially a scout, he knows everything about the subject, he became an influencer since he wanted to share his experiences with others, it turned out well and now he is also a labor in his life, don't be discouraged son, that guy knows what he is doing』

『She can be a mother but, that the word influencer is in her resume makes me think twice before accepting it....』

If he didn't like Shinu before, now that he knows that his work is not so much of an innate explorer, wait, he must be a Spectrologist who became an influencer, but still...Nushi doesn't have much confidence in this guy if at the end of the day he will be in the exploration, these people care more about the impact of their video. Nushi just hopes that when there is a moment of truth, that guy will put down his camera and become the person he would be... True, Shinu is a serious and dry person, so maybe he will be useful in the exploration. Nushi was eating but her mother wasn't, she seemed to keep looking at Shinu, the reasons were obvious.

『He looks a lot like daddy, doesn't he?』

『Yes, both in hair, body and facial features...they look like your father....only the attitude is the only thing different, your father if he was doing that, he would be dying of embarrassment right now *smiles*』

『My father was very embarrassed to be recognized, wasn't he? he didn't like to take pictures or be around a lot of people because he knows he won't be able to stand up to them』.

『Why do you describe yourself son?』


『*laughs* But well, I don't know, but not only this guy, but everyone in the group gives me confidence that everything will be fine, forming friendships and acquaintances is the best mission you can do in life, the more contacts you have, the more people will take you into account and as everything is returned as a bond of life, those people that you once helped or talked to, will return the favor you gave』-『Besides it's fun to have friends *smiles*』.

『Do you want me to bond with everyone here? *sigh* Help will be returned to you....』

Nushi to this he recalled his student stage, in Primary despite standing out from the others, he had his friends who he hung out with, in Middle School from the group of friends he had, it gradually dwindled, when he got to High School he only stayed with one friend who was the one he hung out with. And when he got to the University he literally ended up staying alone, he didn't see the need or better said, he couldn't make friends at that age or moment, he doesn't know but...when they told him something or offered him something, he always ended up giving the opposite to the others and this surely discouraged his classmates to approach him. When they did team work, he mostly did everything without commenting on it because...he saw it that way...He did not have relationships nor did he form them, even for seeing him useless he missed important events where he could have made friends, Nushi had what he needed and knew that his career would be easy but...when he finished everything and received his diploma at graduation, what he remembered most from previous moments and even expected it, was not at that moment.

『When I called you to ask you how you were doing at the University you always told me that you were doing well, I asked you if you made friends where you answered me that everything was going well and not to worry, I know very well what you are capable of son but, I would like you to be more sincere with what you feel, you didn't even tell me when your graduation would be, you know that I would have done everything to be there and receive you with a big hug and kiss *tsch* I would have liked to take a picture of that moment....』

Nushi for that very reason went to a distant University where he can't see his mother, since for him everything before was a harassment of affection that he wanted to get rid of. Now that he finally became an adult, he wanted to get away from his mother and see for himself the world, how he was doing on his own, to see if he could achieve many things. But now that he remembers, the only way he made friends in elementary school was because his mother helped him by giving her son a push.

『I'm sorry....』

Nushi whispered where his mother could not manage to hear, rather she was watching Shinu and what he was doing. Her son would pass to eat in silence where in her mind she said to herself that as it happened in elementary school, maybe now that he was reunited with his mother, maybe again it would help him in the push he needed in his life.

During dinner, for Meilin there was nothing better than spending time with her son if there was a chance, and she commented that she might try to pick up the man who was her roommate, which made Nushi spit out her food where her mother could only laugh at this. After a conversation that ended with a bad taste in the end, it seems that this does not end, because at bedtime, it seems that Shinu was not sleepy and wanted to spend time talking to Nushi, who despite the several times that he was called, did not respond.

『Hey, don't act sleepy, it's a new and unfamiliar place for us, you falling asleep easily would be praiseworthy, or it also means you are careless and foolish』.


『Someone confident also make sure their surroundings are, what keeps you from sleeping? Tell me, maybe I can do something』

『(You're a son of a...) What...what do you want....』

『*happy*Oh! If you're awake, I thought you were really asleep, or are you ignoring me?』

『.....I'm going back to sleep if it's not for nothing...good night....』

『But if you didn't even sleep in the first place, you're wrong so often Nushi』.

Really just talking to Shinu made him want to pull his head out of his body, he doesn't even know why he listened to him the first time, so Nushi sank the pillow on his face so he couldn't listen to Shinu, who seems like the latter couldn't fall asleep that night. The next morning the whole group made plans where the Chief of South Korea was giving the roles to each one, it was not so difficult since each one by their profession knows what to do, they were planning how their first moves will be with the small database of the first group that made a quick exploration and look at the subway cave.

『(The best thing to do would be to take what is necessary in our luggage, I can see that the cave is recent but that does not mean that it is not something out of this world, if it is a cave it must have similarities with the terrestrial ones, the cracks and paths become shorter leading us to dead ends where our crushed body fits the most? I remember that I investigated many cases and several people ended up dying trapped by going too deep...)』-『(I see that you plan to carry extra luggage but I think that would be more of a hindrance than anything else.... in many of those alleys is also where a new cave or even biome awaits us...and this cave being from the descending Antarctica, those possibilities increase...)』

Nushi had his own thoughts on how to carry out the exploration, quickly without holding back he commented in the meeting his proposal, that it is best to carry light luggage to go further into the cave and enter the narrow path that will be there, he compared it with those of the forest where his logic was that the caves of Antarctica mostly have a huge area at the beginning, but over time it will become narrow and carrying heavy luggage or more will only make it a waste of resources.

『I see, you make sense what you say Nushi, if in the end the road gets narrower and shorter, our luggage we will have no choice but to leave it behind....』

『I give you the word Nushi, as a geologist who explored many terrestrial caves, it is true that the deeper you go the more crashing and difficult the path becomes, I will never forget that cave that only my body dug and the air was nonexistent, if you want to know more go to my channel 』-『But that is an option what you propose, nothing says that the cave is as you say Nushi, moreover, I believe that the more we descend the path instead of becoming narrow, it will become even bigger』.

Here it came again, the counter of the 2 appeared, both Nushi and Shinu were giving their reasons why their choices, one wanted to take less luggage to make the trip faster, lighter and can explore more, while on the other side, he wanted to take a lot of luggage to investigate the cave more and also he had a hunch that it will be more extended the cave going down, so taking as much as they can in a huge place will be the best.

『Hunch? That's not a logical basis』

『Of course it's a supported rationale, I support it myself, thanks to my hunch I was able to go into many explorations and come out of it alive, if you want a physical basis, me being here with you is more than enough』.

It seems that these two will not be able to get along, it even seems that they will say everything to each other if they do not accept his plan. So that there would be no problems, the Chief of South Korea reviewed the little information he had about the cave, but did not say anything about what the two were saying. They were somewhat confused about this, they didn't know what to do, there were those who supported Nushi while others supported Shinu, it was a 50/50 in this case, if they choose the right option for exploration everyone will win, but what if they don't.

『We'll all die』

Hearing what Shinu said, everyone was worried about this, it was not a simple thing to decide, this was serious that by one wrong step even in planning, it may cost everyone's life. To this Nushi tired of this guy keeps contradicting him, angry he would shout banging on the table saying.

『No one is going to die!!!!』-『We all come here to explore and fulfill our dreams!!!! Don't paint it as something dangerous, it's an undiscovered truth of the world, of course we are happy for this opportunity and want to make the most of it but, that's the same thing I'm trying to say!!!! research can wait, don't forget our original purpose, we are explorers! Our job is to reconnoiter the area! If we go all the way and then come back we will be done! You on the other hand Shinu want to stay for a long time to investigate and make more videos for your channel, right!!!』

To this Nushi emphasized strongly, where Shinu remained silent. Now that Nushi says it, it is true, they are not here to explore or make a detailed analysis of the cave, with the recon team and their job is to visit the cave, get a little data, just enough and after that, come out victorious from the cave.

『After that, anyone who wants to know more, now with our data they can investigate as much as they want, with our trip they will know how they should go, what they should not lack and what they should do in a certain situation, I repeat again, no one will die because no one will be in danger!!!』

Nushi expressed himself as never before to the meeting, where everyone was silent because of this, the only one who was happy or rather crying with joy was Meilin, who covered half of her face while being proud of her son. When it was all over Nushi realized something, having shouted like that all the time, he realized that it was very embarrassing, but he didn't sit down again anyway. At this Shinu who was against him, clapped several times at Nushi's decision.

『So that's what you look like when you are sincere with your thoughts, well done Nushi *smiles*』-『Your logic base is stronger than mine, I understood that very well, and it seems that your words also reached and motivated all of us, okay Nushi, we will agree on the plans according to your idea, does everyone agree? Isn't there anyone who refuses?』

Shinu understood that he could not do anything about Nushi's motivating words, even when he shouted for those moments, he became a true leader by nature. All the other members of the group were not refusing, even now they are even more supportive of the idea, that even Nushi gave them the assurance that there will be no danger in the cave. Seeing that everyone is supporting Nushi, Shinu proposed that.

『You could even be the Exploration leader of our group, it is seen that you know more than me an expert, what do you say SouthKorea Chief, do you accept the exchange of positions?』.

『Eh? no,I don't want to be a leader of the group and anything, I am not good at leading others, I don't even know how to express myself to others...I would be a lousy leader....』

『Don't say that Nushi after encouraging everyone, but hey, we'll trust your hunch Nushi *smiles*』

My hunch? At that word Nushi didn't know how to react or what to say, just after that explosion of emotions, she would sit back in her seat while her face was totally red, she really couldn't deal with this being the focus of attention. Meilin would go on to pat his head with a smile as she said.

『You're a brave boy Nushi, I love you very much son *smiles*』.

『Not here mother.... you're going to embarrass me more...』

In the face of the denial and even removed his hand from his head, this Meilin would not forgive him, for her it did not matter that there are more people around her or if it is not the time. For her it will always be time where she can show how much she loves her son, she would go on to hug Nushi very tightly who this was not expected, at his claims to stop, his mother has no intention of doing so.

『If you deny my love for you again, son, I won't forgive you!!!』

『Mother---.... my back...---.... you are taking my breath away mother....----...』

It was an endearment that hurt you according to Nushi, as everyone heard and saw this scene, for everyone present this brought a smile and laughed at the scenes and moments that this family can give. Where the Chief of South Korea at the time made it clear that now they will plan everything according to Nushi's suggestion, who Shinu seeing this, this also smiled and commented that he must appreciate with all his heart the moments he spends with the person who loves him the most in the world.

The next 2 days they were preparing for the exploration, each on their own, the typographer ready with their notebooks and to document the day to day exploration, it was daily to see him as he was walking from one side to another writing what was happening around him, where many more to see it in detail, more like a diary than a documentation.

The Cartographer was making pre-maps according to the little information that was available, it was common to see him walking around the settlement and even around it, he looked at the distant while he seemed to draw what for him would be our maps for exploration, although it was also normal to see him looking at the horizon of the sea and take the opportunity to draw it as well. Although yes, everyone commented that he looked more like an illustrator.

The nurses were a male and female duo, they also came because the settlement needed some to help the only doctor there, thanks to their integration they could facilitate the work of the doctor and even help giving recommendations if one felt bad, although most of them seemed to be more mental than a disease. The safest thing is that only one comes in the exploration.

On the subject of Spectrologist, we have Shinu, who seems to know a lot about the subject and can be trusted when he wants to act according to the situation, and that's it. I don't want to talk about him anymore, we don't have to give him much screen time if that's what he wants "Don't say that Nushi, aren't we friends?"..... I really hate this guy....

The Biologist was also busy, he was mostly investigating the fauna in Antarctica, it seems strange to him that the penguins seem to be having a habit here, since in many of his reports it was said that they seem to go to another place but he doesn't know where, I wish I could go with him, I also want to see the penguins up close. The truth is that he is not necessary for the exploration, what can be found inside the cave? I am sure that new Biomes but...ah...I understand, he wants to be the first to discover and analyze the life in this cave, surely he will take some discreet piece.

The Pantheologist also spent most of the time trying to find some fossil in the snow, although of course here in the settlement there is nothing, but when he went to the sea, he brought with him lots of shells and what seems to be crystals inside, I remember I spent an hour talking to him and he explained to me about the origins. He is going to go to dig up possible ancient fossils that are trapped in the snow. Although he is a bit silly to think that he will find a frozen mammoth...those animals had a continental distribution, they were walking on most continents except this one.... just because of the animated movie they already believe that the Mammoths are in Antarctica....

The Archaeologist who accompanies us is also there to study the history inside the cave, which I give him merit since it is surely a place with a lot to tell, he gets along very well with the Pantheologist since both like to discover more about the mysteries of life, although he also tells very silly stories according to me, since he thinks that the cave is the base of an ancient civilization here in Antarctica .... we will see what happens.

The Geologist who is in charge of studying the Biomes, both its evolution and its origins, also spent his time going around the settlement and almost went to the extremes where there is no pass, I know you want to know more about Antarctica but what more are you going to discover than what is already known? As you can see he is also here to be able to see with his own eyes what the cave can offer, although once I heard him and he thinks that before a huge heat stroke to the earth, it will freeze and that is how it will be our end of the world....

Now that I think about it, the ones I just said are a bit weird in the head...are we really going to go into the cave with them? I think if I would have done everything I could to go to Hawaii.

Not to forget the mechanic and electrician, who quickly became a duo and as if they were brothers all their lives, they support each other, they are old men with beards that even look like Dwarfs as the mythologies, the truth only to see them brought me a lot of confidence. I count on them when we are in danger, besides they look strong physically, if something goes wrong, they will be able to repair it. They are the only two who were allowed to carry extra luggage, which I agree with, I'm sure their tools will be of great use to us.

And now tomorrow we will have to explore the cave, we are all ready and prepared to leave. What I did these 3 days was to be with my mother, I would have liked to be alone but it really sticks to me like nail and dirt, we went together to look around the settlement and make friends, I correct, my mother became friends with everyone easily. We stayed till night because the time flew by, seeing the sea lions is amazing, I was happy for this but ....it's so cold that I can't smile, I was shivering like a rat and hugging myself.

『I see that the glove and scarf are not enough....』

In addition to wearing a coat, I seem to be giving in to the cold, but my mother, despite being dressed like me, is not cold at all, and when I asked her, she said.

『Do you want to? *smiles*』

.....She was red-cheeked and smiling, while in her hand she saw a bottle of alcohol she had. Now I understand why she's not cold, the same alcohol kept her warm internally, seeing her drinking like that...being in college for all those years made me forget that my mother likes to drink like crazy....I was in denial since I'm not a big fan of alcohol, it's just a drink that makes you behave like a fool.

『You're wrong Nushi, alcohol only makes you enjoy life better *smiles*』

『No, it only stimulates you momentarily to feel pleasure and release you as you really are only to suffer the consequences of not having been in agreement....』

『....You're very serious Nushi!!!! *smiles* I have something that may change that, look at me son』

The moment he looked at his mother, Nushi found his eyesight totally dark, when he lifted whatever it was that took his eyesight, he found that his head was no longer so cold, what he had on and his mother put on him was a cap with kitty ears. Which when Nushi noticed, this one could be seen in his expression that he didn't like it but....

『Do you like it son? *smiles*』

『Like it is saying a lot....but it serves its function of warming up....I'm going to keep it...mother...』

『*smile*That's good, I thought you were going to turn me down, and well, how do you say?』

『How do you say what?』

『Don't play dumb, how do you say son? It starts with gra and ends in cias, go on say it *smile*』

『....Gra....gra....ga....(I don't...I can't say it....) ci....ci....Converse your gift mother, I'll keep it in mind....』

Nushi was so embarrassed that he even hid his face with his new cat cap, where his mother to this upon seeing him, she was smiling and went on to hug her son where she repeated.

『I love you very much son, you are my pride in life』.

She was giving him her own motherly warmth and always will, to this Nushi knows he should say something, but simply nothing came out of his mouth, but he was truly grateful to his mother Meilin, looking back at her he found that she was drinking as if she was bottomless the whole bottle of alcohol, and his embarrassed expression changed to a more disappointed one.

『I would like to say the same thing, mother, but .... won't help...』

After that night watching the waves of the cold Antarctic sea, both mother and son were returning where tomorrow they would begin their journey to the cave.

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