

In a world where humans and lycans inhabit the same realm, Alina, a young woman with an unquenchable curiosity, finds herself drawn into a forbidden love that defies the boundaries of their societies. Elias, a lycan with a deep sense of loyalty to his pack, becomes her confidant in an enchanted forest where their love blossoms under the moonlit nights. As their bond strengthens, so does the tension between their worlds. Alina's quest for understanding the mystical lycan way of life deepens, even as the prejudices and conflicts of their societies threaten to tear them apart. When a newcomer named Preston arrives, his intentions spark a series of events that lead to unexpected revelations and a dangerous love triangle. As Alina's world unravels, she discovers the true extent of her own latent magical abilities. The clash of love and loyalty, combined with hidden secrets, sets the stage for a battle that transcends the physical realm. As Alina grapples with her feelings for both Elias and Preston, she's faced with a choice that could forever alter the course of their intertwined destinies. The ensuing conflicts, heartbreaks, and unanticipated alliances lead to a climactic confrontation that uncovers the dark secrets lurking beneath the surface. In the end, Alina's journey is one of self-discovery, empowerment, and the ultimate choice between love and freedom. "LYCAN WILD AT HEART" is a riveting tale of love, magic, and the enduring quest for understanding in a world where boundaries are meant to be broken.

Mrs_Snow_5340 · 都市
12 Chs

Threatening Shadows

My heart felt heavy as I woke up the next morning, the events of the previous day still fresh in my mind. The sun's rays filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. But despite the beauty of the surroundings, a cloud of sadness hung over me.

As I glanced around, I realized that I was alone. Elias wasn't by my side, and the emptiness beside me echoed the ache in my heart. The memory of seeing him with Catherine, their tense conversation and her hurt expression, replayed in my mind like a relentless loop.

The love we shared, which had once felt like an enchanted haven, was now mired in complications and hurt feelings. I knew Elias had his responsibilities and obligations to his pack, but it didn't ease the pang of jealousy that gnawed at me.

I sat up, wrapping my arms around my knees, and stared out into the forest. How had everything become so tangled and complicated? The serenity of the woods, which had once brought me comfort, now mirrored the turmoil within me.

"You're up early."

Elias's voice, tinged with weariness, pulled me from my thoughts. I turned to find him approaching, his expression a mixture of exhaustion and concern.

"Yeah," I replied, my voice quiet. "Couldn't sleep."

He sat down beside me, his presence offering a strange mix of comfort and uncertainty. "I'm sorry about everything, Alina. I never wanted you to be dragged into this mess."

I nodded, unable to find the right words to express my emotions. My gaze drifted to the ground, my fingers tracing patterns in the dirt. "Seeing you with Catherine yesterday... it hurt."

Elias sighed, his gaze distant. "I know. And I'm sorry for that, too."

The silence between us was heavy, each word unsaid adding to the weight of the situation. I wanted to ask him how Catherine was, how their conversation had gone, but the words caught in my throat.

Elias's voice was hesitant when he finally spoke. "Catherine was furious. She didn't deserve any of this, Alina."

I looked at him, my heart aching for both of them. "I never wanted any of this to happen. I never wanted to hurt her."

Elias's gaze met mine, a mixture of understanding and sadness in his eyes. "I know. And I never wanted to see that look in your eyes either."

Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes, and I blinked them away. "What do we do now, Elias, You're going back to her?"

Elias's voice was filled with regret as he spoke. "I have to, Alina. For the pack, for Catherine, and for our future."

The weight of his words settled heavily on my chest. I knew he had responsibilities, obligations that extended far beyond our love. But that knowledge didn't ease the ache of watching him walk away, back to a life that didn't include me.

"Elias," I said softly, my voice trembling. "What if things don't work out with Catherine?"

He looked at me, his gaze pained. "Then we'll have to face whatever comes next."

Tears welled up in my eyes, and I blinked them away furiously. "I wish things were different."

Elias reached out, his fingers brushing against my cheek. "So do I, Alina."

I leaned into his touch, my heart breaking with the weight of our circumstances. "Promise me one thing, Elias."

His eyes bore into mine, a mixture of determination and sadness in their depths. "Anything."

"Promise me that you'll figure things out, that you won't let this tear your life apart."

Elias's grip on my cheek tightened, his thumb wiping away a stray tear. "I promise, Alina. No matter what happens, I won't let this destroy everything."

I nodded, my gaze locked with his. There was a sense of finality in the air, a knowledge that our paths were diverging for now. But even as Elias prepared to leave, I held onto the fragile hope that somehow, against all odds, our love could find a way to endure.

As he stood up and began to walk away, I watched him go, my heart heavy with a mix of longing and uncertainty. The forest seemed to echo my emotions, the rustling leaves whispering a melancholic tune as I sat alone in the midst of nature's embrace.


As I sat there alone, the weight of Elias's absence settling heavily on my shoulders, I felt a strange mix of resignation and sorrow. The forest around me seemed to hold its breath, as if it too sensed the tension that had infiltrated our once tranquil sanctuary.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice when Catherine emerged from the trees, her presence casting a shadow over me. Startled, I looked up to find her standing there, her eyes ablaze with anger. My heart skipped a beat as her furious gaze locked onto mine.

"So, you're the one Elias has been sneaking off to meet AGAIN," Catherine's voice dripped with venom, her tone laced with accusation.

I swallowed hard, my heart racing as I struggled to find my voice. "Catherine, I—"

"Save it," she spat, cutting me off. "I heard enough of your conversation with Elias to know what's going on."

The tension in the air was palpable, the energy crackling with animosity. I could feel the weight of her anger bearing down on me, and I fought to remain composed.

"I'm sorry," I managed to say, my voice trembling slightly. "I never meant for any of this to happen."

Catherine's eyes bore into mine, her anger unabated. "Do you think your apologies mean anything? Do you think they can undo the damage you've caused?"

I lowered my gaze, my heart heavy with guilt. "No, but I want you to know that I never wanted to hurt you."

Her laughter was bitter, devoid of any humor. "Oh, how noble of you. You didn't want to hurt me, so you decided to go after my husband."

I looked up at her, my eyes pleading for understanding. "Catherine, it's not like that. Elias and I—"

"You don't get to explain anything to me," she interrupted, her voice icy. "I saw enough to understand what's happening."

The air between us was charged, a silent battle of wills that left me feeling helpless and exposed. Catherine's anger radiated off her in waves, and I could feel it seeping into my own veins.

"You're a threat," Catherine's voice dripped with disdain, her eyes narrowing at me. "A threat to my marriage, to my pack, and to everything I hold dear."

Tears welled up in my eyes, a mixture of emotions swirling within me. "Catherine, I never wanted any of this."

She scoffed, a bitter smile twisting her lips. "Well, congratulations. You've managed to do just that."

I struggled to hold back my tears, my voice cracking as I spoke. "I don't want to take him away from you, Catherine. I just... I care about him."

Her gaze remained unyielding, her anger showing no signs of abating. "Care about him? Is that what you call it? Trying to steal another woman's husband?"

The accusation hit me like a punch to the gut, and I fought to keep my composure. "It's not like that, Catherine. Elias and I share a bond, a connection that—"

She took a menacing step forward, her voice a low growl. "Don't you dare talk to me about bonds and connections. You have no right to be a part of his life like that."

My heart raced as I felt a chill run down my spine. Catherine's anger was palpable, and I could see the fire in her eyes, fueled by jealousy.

"I never wanted to be in this position," I said, my voice a whisper. "I never wanted to hurt anyone."

Tears spilled down my cheeks, mingling with the rain that had started to fall. "I'm sorry," I choked out, my voice breaking.

Catherine's expression remained hardened, but there was a hint of vulnerability in her eyes. "Sorry won't fix this, won't erase the fact that you've torn us apart."

I wiped away my tears, my heart heavy with the weight of the situation. "I know. And I'll do whatever I can to make things right."

She scoffed, her bitterness evident. "You think there's a way to fix this? To undo the damage you've caused?"

I looked at her, my voice earnest. "I don't know, but I'll try. I'll do whatever it takes.

The rain fell harder, mingling with my tears as we stood there, two women bound by a web of emotions and circumstances.

"You listen to me," Catherine's voice was a low, dangerous growl. "Stay away from Elias. He's mine, and I won't let you ruin what's left of our relationship."

Tears welled up in my eyes as her words hit me like a punch to the gut. The intensity of her anger and possessiveness was palpable, and I could feel the weight of her threat hanging in the air.

"I don't want to hurt anyone," I managed to choke out, my voice trembling.

"Then stay away," she spat, her eyes blazing with a mixture of anger and desperation. "If you care about him at all, you'll stay away and let us try to salvage what's left."