

In a world where humans and lycans inhabit the same realm, Alina, a young woman with an unquenchable curiosity, finds herself drawn into a forbidden love that defies the boundaries of their societies. Elias, a lycan with a deep sense of loyalty to his pack, becomes her confidant in an enchanted forest where their love blossoms under the moonlit nights. As their bond strengthens, so does the tension between their worlds. Alina's quest for understanding the mystical lycan way of life deepens, even as the prejudices and conflicts of their societies threaten to tear them apart. When a newcomer named Preston arrives, his intentions spark a series of events that lead to unexpected revelations and a dangerous love triangle. As Alina's world unravels, she discovers the true extent of her own latent magical abilities. The clash of love and loyalty, combined with hidden secrets, sets the stage for a battle that transcends the physical realm. As Alina grapples with her feelings for both Elias and Preston, she's faced with a choice that could forever alter the course of their intertwined destinies. The ensuing conflicts, heartbreaks, and unanticipated alliances lead to a climactic confrontation that uncovers the dark secrets lurking beneath the surface. In the end, Alina's journey is one of self-discovery, empowerment, and the ultimate choice between love and freedom. "LYCAN WILD AT HEART" is a riveting tale of love, magic, and the enduring quest for understanding in a world where boundaries are meant to be broken.

Mrs_Snow_5340 · 都市
12 Chs

Convincing the Elders

Her gaze locked onto mine, and I felt a mixture of guilt and fear wash over me. The secret love Elias and I shared was now exposed, and I couldn't help but feel responsible for the turmoil that was evident in her eyes.

Elias stepped forward, his voice tense. "Catherine, please, let me explain."

Her lips curled into a bitter, incredulous smile. "Explain? What's there to explain, Elias? Your actions speak for themselves."

I swallowed hard, feeling like a deer caught in headlights. I hadn't meant for any of this to happen. My heart raced as I searched for the right words to say, but they eluded me.

Elias's voice held a hint of desperation. "It's not what you think. Alina and I—"

She cut him off, her tone laced with sarcasm. "Oh, I see. So, this is your grand farewell? How touching."

Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I watched the hurt and anger in Catherine's expression. I never wanted to be the cause of anyone's pain, especially someone I had never even met before.

Elias stepped closer to her, his voice a mix of frustration and sincerity. "Catherine, this isn't what it seems. Alina and I never meant for—"

Her laugh was bitter and devoid of any amusement. "Save your explanations, Elias. It's clear enough."

The tension was suffocating, the emotions swirling around us like a tempest. I wanted to reach out, to somehow convey that my intentions had never been to hurt her, but my voice was trapped within me.

With one final scathing glance, Catherine turned away and began to walk off, still in her wedding dress. The air felt heavy with the weight of her departure, and I felt a pang of guilt in my chest.

Elias turned to me, his eyes filled with a mixture of regret and longing. "Alina, I'm so sorry. I never wanted you to be dragged into this."

I sighed, my heart aching with the weight of the situation. "I know, Elias. But sometimes, things just... unravel."

He reached out and took my hand, his touch grounding me amidst the chaos. "No matter what happens, you'll always be in my heart."

I managed a weak smile, appreciating his words even in the midst of the mess we found ourselves in. But as we stood there, hand in hand, I couldn't shake the feeling that our love had caused a ripple of pain that extended far beyond just us.

The forest seemed to hold its breath, the rustling leaves and distant sounds of nature creating a backdrop to our emotions. It was as if even the world around us recognized the complexity of our situation.

"Elias, I never wanted any of this," I admitted softly, my voice heavy with regret.

He squeezed my hand gently. "I know, Alina. And I'm sorry that you're caught in the middle of it."

As the reality of the situation settled over us, I couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness. The love Elias and I shared had ignited a fire that was now consuming all of us, and I didn't know how to put it out.


Elias's voice wavered as he attempted to explain the situation to me. "Alina, I... I need to get back to the village. Catherine, she's... she's furious about what she saw. She's my wife, and I have a responsibility to calm her down, to try to make things right."

My heart sank even further at his words. The reality of the situation hit me like a wave. This wasn't just about our love or the tangled emotions we shared. It was about the intricacies of a world I had only begun to understand, a world of obligations and consequences that reached far beyond our personal feelings.

Elias's heart pounded in his chest as he made his way back to the wedding reception. The moon cast a soft glow on the clearing, and the air was thick with tension. He knew he had to face Catherine, to explain what she had seen between him and Alina. The consequences of her misunderstanding could be disastrous, not just for their relationship, but for the entire pack.

As he approached the gathering, he could see the flickering torches illuminating the area, casting shadows on the faces of the werewolves who had come to celebrate. He scanned the crowd, his heart sinking when he finally spotted Catherine.

She stood off to the side, her arms crossed and her expression a mix of anger and hurt.

Elias took a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation ahead. He approached her cautiously, his heart aching at the sight of her distress. "Catherine," he said gently, his voice carrying a mixture of apology and determination.

She turned to him, her eyes flashing with a mixture of emotions. "Elias," she replied tersely, her tone indicating that she was still upset.

He took a step closer, his gaze never leaving hers. "Catherine, can we talk? There's something I need to explain."

She looked at him, her arms still crossed defensively. "Explain? What's left to explain, Elias?"

He took a deep breath, searching for the right words to convey the truth without further escalating the situation. "What you saw between Alina and me—it's not what you think."

Catherine raised an eyebrow, her skepticism evident. "Oh really? Enlighten me then."

Elias's eyes held a mixture of sincerity and regret. "I care about Alina deeply, Catherine. But it's not what you're assuming."

Catherine's expression remained guarded, her voice tinged with bitterness. "Care about her? Is that what you call it?"

Elias shook his head, his voice steady. "Catherine, I should have explained this to you earlier. Alina and I share a bond, yes. But it's a bond of friendship, of understanding. What you saw—it was a moment of comfort, of connection."

Catherine's eyes narrowed, her anger still simmering beneath the surface. "Comfort? Connection? Is that what you call kissing?"

Elias's heart ached, knowing the pain he had inadvertently caused. "Catherine, I know how it must have looked. But I promise you, my feelings for Alina don't diminish what we have."

She looked at him, her eyes searching his for any sign of deceit. "And what do you have, Elias? A convenient explanation?"

Elias's voice was earnest as he reached out to touch her arm gently as he was lying to Catherine. "Catherine, please believe me. Alina and I are friends, nothing more. I would never do anything to jeopardize what we have."

Catherine's shoulders slumped slightly, her anger giving way to a mix of confusion and vulnerability. "So, what do we do now, Elias?"

He took her hand in his, his grip gentle yet firm. "We move forward, Catherine. We talk to the elders, we explain the situation. And we make sure they understand that my actions were not meant to disrespect you or our marriage."

Catherine sighed, her expression still conflicted. "And what if they don't believe us? What if they see this as a threat to the unity of the pack?"

Elias's voice held a note of determination. "We'll make them understand, Catherine. We'll face the consequences of my actions together, and we'll do whatever it takes to preserve the harmony of our pack."

She looked at him, her eyes holding a mixture of uncertainty and a glimmer of hope. "You're willing to risk your friendship with Alina for this?"

Elias nodded, his gaze unwavering. "For you, for our pack, and for the love we share, yes."

Catherine's expression softened, and for a moment, Elias saw a flicker of the woman he married earlier. He feels ashamed that he is lying like this to convince her, his heart will be with Alina always.

Elias squeezed her hand reassuringly. "We'll find our way through this, Catherine. We'll face the challenges together, and we'll come out stronger on the other side."

Catherine looked at him, her eyes finally showing a glint of trust. "And Alina?"

Elias met her gaze, his sincerity evident, but he knows he is lying. "Alina is a friend, Catherine. She understands the situation, and she's willing to support whatever decision we make."

Catherine nodded, a mix of relief and uncertainty in her expression. "So, what now?"

Elias's voice was gentle but resolute. "We go back to the reception, Catherine. We face our pack, and we show them that our unity is stronger than any misunderstanding."

Catherine took a deep breath, her grip on his hand tightening. "And if they question our commitment?"

Elias's smile was soft. "We prove them wrong, Catherine. We show them that our commitment to each other and to the pack is unwavering."

As they made their way back to the wedding reception, Elias felt a mixture of anxiety and determination. He knew that facing the pack and the werewolf elders would be a challenge, but he was willing to do whatever it took to ensure that their marriage and their commitment to their pack remained intact. And as he walked by Catherine's side, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope that they could overcome the obstacles before them, and the pack can be stronger than ever.