
Lusting over her

DaoistvoDZzW · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Hurt! (ii)


The alarm clock goes off... 


 By the sound of this, Lora opened her eyes gently as a ray of morning sunlight reflected on her face through the shutters. Why would Bill open the shutters for the sun to have its way in? She thought. Bill had already left for the office. He usually reports early. 

 Lora got out of bed and removed the covers subsequently, her legs and waist were aching terribly due to the hard sex from last night as she gasped, leaping out of the room in her nightie. On getting to the living room, she found Bill's workers as well as Nanny Isha, all up for their responsibilities. Nanny Isha was the oldest lady here and was well respected as a mother. She saw how Lora managed to walk and how disorganized she was looking all through as she set the dining table. 

 "Good morning ma'am!" 

The workers greeted uniformly and resumed working as Lora replied by waving.


 "When will Bill quit hurting you, Lora?"

housekeeper Isha asked looking into her eyes. She knew all that had been transpiring between these couples and the everyday pain Lora was going through. 

 Lora smiled 

 "What's for breakfast?" She asked as she looked around the dining table trying to ignore Isha's question. 

 "I'm talking to you Sweetie, don't feign here" 

 Isha's question struck like an arrow at her in no time, she was misty-eyed and her head went low. Isha's two palms covered Lora's chin as she carefully raised it, she found her already pouring innocent tears. 

 "Poor dear! come here." Isha took her into her arms and patted her back gently. 

 "Bill is causing me so much grief housekeeper, what've I done to deserve this? I am tired!" She said in a crying tone.

 "I understand" 


Isha was almost in tears too. She could feel the pain of a helpless daughter who had been ensnared under the roof of agony and what hurt her most was that she couldn't do anything to help the situation. Lora was a young beautiful lady in her early twenties and she didn't deserve any of these. If Isha tries to confront Bill, he will put an end to her job, so she is careful. 

She released Lora from herself. 

 "Lora dear, you've got to put yourself together so you won't catch ill."

 "What other illness is more deadly than this, tell me? There's no cure for it. Every day, every night, Bill hits me like am nothing while I haven't recovered fully from the one he does, referring to me as his sex dull" 

She lamented.

 "Forgive me if I can't do anything to help but it's all going to fade away, I promise you," Isha assured wearing a worried expression. 

 "Don't be. I shouldn't involve you in my marital affairs."

 "We're family you know, and am as a mother to you. I shall keep trying my best" She smiled "C'mon get dressed and come have breakfast. I have prepared a series of food just for you and I know you would love them." 

 "That's so sweet of you housekeeper. I will do just that" She smiled mildly and headed for her room still leaping as Isha stared at her retreating.


Bill's Flora company 

 "Sir, you called?" Bianca, his secretary said.

 "Take stock of every piece of flowers at the mart and deliver it as soon as possible. Make it snappy or you're fired!"

Bill ordered his voice to portray authority. 

 "Yes sir." She said and hastened her pace, shutting the door after Bill.

 Bill had been managing the Beauty flower company for the past few years and had been progressive throughout his life. He earned lots of money from this and invested it in his mansion where he employed several workers. He was a foxy and strict guy in his late thirties. The staff never lasted in his company cuz of his character and the ones that were here tried to be careful never to fall victim to his temperament.


 In a jiffy, Bianca delivered the stock book to him. 

 "Was this what I asked you to do?" He yelled looking evilly at her and the stock book.

 "Yes sir, I did exactly what you asked me"

 "So what are you tryna say, that I am lying?" His temper heightened

 "Not that sir, I just..."

 "You're fired!"

 "Am sorry sir, please don't do this...I don't wanna lose this job" Bianca pleaded, crying.

 Bill laughs

 "Really? You don't wanna lose your job right?" He got to his feet and began approaching her, she slowly made a few steps backward. 

 "Yes." She nodded.

 "What if I had my way with you, then your job remains," He said stroking her body with his fingers. 

 "I don't get you, sir," Bianca said in a trembling voice 

 "What's there you don't get? I wanna sex with you or get fired! The ball's in your court!" He smiled lopsidedly and ridiculously

 "Never!" I won't let you have your way with me. You can have your job and swallow it for all I care!" She yelled and pushed him against the wall.


 The air gushing out of him was like a rage of fire. No one ever talks back at him. Lora never does talk more of a mere worker! She has got guts!

 "Get out of my company and never show ur face here again, you understand me?" He yelled " Security!...get her outta here, she disgusts!"


 Tun tun...

Receptionist picks

 "Prepare a new secretary for me first thing tomorrow morning!" He rang off. He couldn't stand the fact that he had been insulted, therefore he ordered his P. A to set the car so he could go home.

His Mansion 

 Bill packed under the car garage as he alighted from it, he made his way into the mansion ignoring his worker's greeting. He headed straight to his room, Lora wasn't there and this increased his temper even more.

 "Lora! Lora!" He barked, taking off his suit.

Lora comes in

 "Baby, why are you home so early?" Bill didn't respond "I will get your lunch ready at once," She said and turned to leave, but Bill grabbed her and flung her on the bed, tearing her clothes apart.

 "What're you trying to do Bill?"

 "What does it look like I want to do? I am horny can't you see that?" He yelled still forcing himself on her body.

 "Stop it, Bill, you're hurting me! stop it!!!" 

 Nanny Isha heard Lora's screaming from the inner room and she shook her head in anguish... 'Not again!'