
Three Powers of Human Part 1

Kim didn't pass out but his body was trembling in fear. He realized that his Battle Soul didn't even have the courage to come out.

He knew that the Battle Soul was formed from someone's long battle experience, powerful Willpower, and spirit. So, it was hard to imagine that someone could suppress his Battle Soul with their aura alone.

Although he was on the verge of losing all of his spiritual power, he still had the power to use Battle Soul for a few more seconds. And, it's not like its power will decrease because of his low spiritual power or stamina.

Realizing it, Kim slowly moved his mouth. It was hard. Not only he was forcing himself to stay conscious but also controlling his body.

"I….. can cook ….. for you after I recover."

The middle-aged man stared at Kim with surprise. He didn't expect to find someone with such strong Willpower.