
Lunatics In Love

"Hey, Dylan. I'm going to kill you if you dare flirt with someone behind my back." Grizel said in her phone while watching the dorm burn in ashes, with a lighter in her hand. "This prince consort will only flirt with you my queen." "You are no noble, shut up. I'm the master and you're the slave." "Of course, master." "Anyway remember my warning or I'll kill you." "There was no need for that, Grizel. I'm always loyal." Dylan smiled while looking at the masterpiece he made in front of him. "Remember, Killing is against the law." Dylan softly reminded Grizel as he wash away the blood from his hands, the owner was the latest someone that Grizel just had enough and dumped while cheating behind Dylan's back. ------ Grizel is someone who likes everything to be under her control and has a pleasure to see other people suffering. Grizel Cereno might be the pettiest woman you would ever meet and a complex person to boot. She's headstrong but has a somewhat obsession to suicide. She's caring but easily gets violent. She's narcistic but insecure to many things. She's bipolar and psychotic. Grizel has a strange sense of fondness to taboo things. She's a lunatic. Dylan looks normal but has an extreme obsessive and possessive nature. He's definitely broken in the head. Dylan Arceo, he's normal. That's what everyone thought of him but he's definitely a closet-lunatic. He had long been scheming to be Grizel's lover ever since that incident and now that she's finally his. He'll do everything to make sure it stays the same. Even if he had to kill people. This is a story where almost everyone has a side of their brain that is smashed, they are different types of lunatics. This is the story that tells what happens when lunatics are in love. [Photo isn't mine, I just edited it.] [PS. I created this story to satisfy my cravings of morally corrupt characters. So, you know what to expect. Don't worry I created them to be humane thus their moves aren't beyond reasoning. As in if they were in real life, their actions wouldn't be superhuman. HAHAHAHA I already feel excited when the lunatics plan were destroyed as it was impossible for someone to never fail.] [BLOOD! MURDER! ARSON!--- oops, the law won't allow that. Let's just be careful then.]

UngracefulGrace · 若者
6 Chs

Sabina and Joshua


"Sup, Josh!"

Grizel smiled at the fool named Joshua who doesn't even know that his lovely girlfriend was already feeling confused with her own sexuality due to the girl that he used to be chatmates with for almost a year.

"Where's Sabi?"

[It's not like you are included in our gathering.]

"Sabina said that she'll arrive a bit later. It seemed that something happened and her mother wanted to talk to her."

Joshua quickly became concerned to his girlfriend.

"What happened?"

[Dude, I just said that 'it seemed' so it means I don't know either.]

"Oh, don't worry. Sabina said that her mother just want to clarify something with her. No biggie."


Joshua looked relieved but still felt a little uneasy, it felt like something was about to happen.

"Hey Josh, I'm bored."


[F*cker, you used to be so attentive to me before.]

"While waiting for Sabina, tell me the love story of you two."


Joshua smiled as if reminiscing something that made him feel so happy.


"I met Sabina at a bar that time. She's so cute and clumsy at the same time. I don't know it must be love at first sight."

[Lust at first sight.]

"She was drunk that time and was almost taken advantage by others so I saved her that time."

[You have a bit of Hero Syndrome but since you save an innocent girl, I'll give you that.]

"T-then since she's drunk... w-we.."

Joshua had a hard time continuing as his face was full of blush. It was obvious as to what happened next, after all Grizel had carefully investigated it long ago.

[And then as if you guys were in a webnovel, you fucked.]

"Anyway, after that meeting we were a bit awkward with each other."

[A bit? As in you stalking her and her calling police is a 'bit'?]

"She probably touched by my constant showing of sincerity thus we then became close friends."

[Feeling threatened is being touched, huh? You said that you would commit suicide if she avoids you after all.]

"I can't accept that we will only be friends so I always show my intention to her, which Sabina didn't avoid."

[Well, I kind of influence her to read those trashy yet pleasurable novels where logic doesn't exist. If trash, why hot? Thank God that Joshua looks handsome.]

"I thought everything was going smoothly and I got complacent. I was woke up from my dreams when another suitor anonymously gave Sabina gifts and it looked like she likes the other person."

Grizel slumped on her seat as Joshua continue to narrate his own version of story. She needed Joshua to fall hard on someone thus she staged a play in which he willingly jumped in and became so obsessed with Sabina.

With her elbow on the table and hand on her cheek, she stared at the boy who was lost in his story.

Grizel is someone who is falls in the category of 'Marupok'. They are the type of people who easily grow romantic feeling for the other party. Though Grizel isn't the type to fall hard, it was still troublesome as she was the one to fall easily.

It wasn't much of a problem though. As they said, 'Time will heal your heart'. It was true for Grizel, not that she's injured. She has a handy self-brainwashing technique that she use almost on her daily life. As long as she ignore the other person for a period of time, she'll slowly lose the favorability that she has for the other party and completely come back to square one.

What a terrifying ability to adapt.

Well, it was also due to the fact that before she could even be 'familiar' with the other person, she had already convinced herself that this connection would only be temporary. Either they leave her or Grizel finds them boring and find an excuse to cut off friendship with them.

"Oi, Griz. Josh might melt if you continue to stare at him like that." Sabina pouted her lips and grudgingly sit beside Joshua.

"My baby is jealous huh."

"So what if I am?"

"Then feel free to hit me."


"Just kidding."

Grizel clapped to get their attention.

"Since Sabina is finally here, get lost Josh."

"Why should I? Sabina is my girlfriend."

"I never said that you are not, duh. You were never invited to begin with."

"That's right Josh! Or did you want to spend more time with Griz?" Sabina eyed Josh suspiciously in which Josh quicky reacted.

"Of course not!"

"Then get lost." Grizel chimed in.


@At Sabina's house

"Wow, you're so awesome Sabina! Too think that you have a version of this book." Sabina blushed when she heard and saw Grizel's admiration for her. Or rather for her ability.

"It's not a big deal. My uncle visited a bookstore and saw it behind the other books, hidden. He remembered that I was wishing for it so he bought it."

"I wish I also had a reliable uncle." Grizel eyed Sabina enviously.

[Though I would prefer it if my relatives all drop dead.]

"Let's read it!"


Sabina and Grizel sat at the floor with their backs on Sabina's bed. Grizel has her arms clinging on Sabina's to limit their distance as they will be sharing and read the same book.

"Eek." Sabina's breathed hitched when she felt Grizel's softness. She quickly looked over to see whether Grizel noticed her abnormality.

[Thank God that she didn't though I'm also a bit disappointed.]

"Here we go."

The book that they were holding is titled 'My Roommate is Cute', it's a yuri novel. Meaning that the protagonists would be girls who were romantically inclined with the same gender.

It was a bit bland for Grizel who loves hardcore novels and those who feature taboo concepts that 'cultured' people wouldn't touch. But it was perfect for Sabina who was still entering the world of Yuri.

It was part of Grizel's plan.

I'm going to say this at the start, Grizel is straight. GRIZEL LIKES MEN. GRIZEL IS NOT LESBIAN. GRIZEL IS NOT BI. and sorry I have no plans to change that.

UngracefulGracecreators' thoughts