
Lunatics In Love

"Hey, Dylan. I'm going to kill you if you dare flirt with someone behind my back." Grizel said in her phone while watching the dorm burn in ashes, with a lighter in her hand. "This prince consort will only flirt with you my queen." "You are no noble, shut up. I'm the master and you're the slave." "Of course, master." "Anyway remember my warning or I'll kill you." "There was no need for that, Grizel. I'm always loyal." Dylan smiled while looking at the masterpiece he made in front of him. "Remember, Killing is against the law." Dylan softly reminded Grizel as he wash away the blood from his hands, the owner was the latest someone that Grizel just had enough and dumped while cheating behind Dylan's back. ------ Grizel is someone who likes everything to be under her control and has a pleasure to see other people suffering. Grizel Cereno might be the pettiest woman you would ever meet and a complex person to boot. She's headstrong but has a somewhat obsession to suicide. She's caring but easily gets violent. She's narcistic but insecure to many things. She's bipolar and psychotic. Grizel has a strange sense of fondness to taboo things. She's a lunatic. Dylan looks normal but has an extreme obsessive and possessive nature. He's definitely broken in the head. Dylan Arceo, he's normal. That's what everyone thought of him but he's definitely a closet-lunatic. He had long been scheming to be Grizel's lover ever since that incident and now that she's finally his. He'll do everything to make sure it stays the same. Even if he had to kill people. This is a story where almost everyone has a side of their brain that is smashed, they are different types of lunatics. This is the story that tells what happens when lunatics are in love. [Photo isn't mine, I just edited it.] [PS. I created this story to satisfy my cravings of morally corrupt characters. So, you know what to expect. Don't worry I created them to be humane thus their moves aren't beyond reasoning. As in if they were in real life, their actions wouldn't be superhuman. HAHAHAHA I already feel excited when the lunatics plan were destroyed as it was impossible for someone to never fail.] [BLOOD! MURDER! ARSON!--- oops, the law won't allow that. Let's just be careful then.]

UngracefulGrace · 若者
6 Chs

How to bent a straight girl

Sabina 'is' a straight girl and it would be a no-no in the play that Grizel wants to direct.

Grizel first befriended her and then slowly became one of Sabina's most trusted friend. It was a torturous task for Grizel who hates taking the initiative with strangers but thinking of the fun things that Sabina will give her, she persisted.

She was then 'discovered' by to Sabina, Grizel apparently has a hobby of reading Yuri manga and novel. Grizel acted as if overwhelmed and embarrassed that someone knew about it. Sabina comforted her that there was nothing disgusting with it.

Sabina doesn't hate homosexuals.

It was a good news to Grizel as she won't need to spend time making girl x girl an 'acceptable' concept to Sabina. Now, she needs Sabina to 'support' it.

Accepting and supporting are two whole different things. Merely accepting merely means that you have no opinion of it, not that you would do something or even feel something when someone is openly against it. You're just indifferent.

After making Sabina 'support' it, Grizel sent signals to Sabina. This made Sabina aware that Yuri aren't only applicable to books and other people but also to her. Grizel made her conscious.

Thoughts can be suppressed so Grizel moved to the 'physical phase'.

On the grounds that they were girl bestfriends, they did intimate things such as touching each other's chest. Buying each other menstrual pads. Checking each other's size. Taking bath together while laughing.

Grizel felt soooo awkward at this phase as she never did any of it. She also hates it when others invaded her territory. And also, she absolutely hates it when Sabina measured her chest but she endured.

Grizel used to have a friend named Ria in middle school. She's the type to be extremely clingy and annoying. She likes to grab other's butt and sometimes she would even kiss their cheeks.

Grizel used to be one of her 'victims' until Ria continued to ignore her warning thus when Ria attempted to kiss Grizel's cheek, she was sprayed alcohol on her face. It caused her to be sent in the infirmary as lots of it entered her eyes.

To be honest, Grizel doesn't think that Sabina really turned into a lesbian or a bisexual. She might be just momentarily confused, well due to Grizel's signals.

Hmm, to simplify it... Sabina's common sense used to only accept the fact that she'll fall in love with a boy and thus she's utterly confused when she was suddenly told that she can be with a girl too.

[She's probably having gender identity crisis. Not that I care, as long as she's deep into the illusion I had instilled on her then it's alright.]

But since Grizel is getting tired of Sabina, she'll soon refer her to other romantic targets. Grizel have no plans of being in a serious relationship with Sabina. She likes boys, not girls.


(Flash back)

Dylan was wearing a satisfied and relieved smile as he stare at her older sister's lifeless body.

He must be an angel for granting pitiful people's humble wish, right?


There was a sudden disturbance and Dylan only saw a silhouette when he turned his gaze to the slightly opened door.

[Father is still alive, huh?]

A sudden paranoia surged inside Dylan.


[He should have died.]

[Did he witnessed my masterpiece? He is unworthy.]

[Sister Vivian, you could have done a better job.]

If their father really died, he could have staged a crime scene where he isn't involved in the killing. Vivian Arceo loved her only sibling so much that she would always volunteer to take the share of his supposed beatings. Poor Dylan Arceo, he didn't know the horror that his older sister had suffered for his sake due to his father being a two-face and his sister feeding him blissful lies.

Vivian Arceo finally snapped when his father turned his sight to her beloved brother after having enough of her body. She gathered her courage and pushed him down the stairs. She snapped out of her delirious state when she saw the blood that was flowing from her father's head.

Her father is dead.

Vivian killed her father.

She's a murderer.

A murder who killed her own kin has no place in society.

Vivian wrote a suicide letter as well as instructions for her little brother Dylan so that he won't be too sad when he found out about their death. The letter was full of lies in order to coax the child.

Vivian Arceo committed suicide after killing her own father, Arman Arceo, in order to protect her only sibling. Meanwhile, Dylan Arceo have no slightest idea about the crime even after the suicide of his sister due to the lies that Vivian had instilled on him.

[Tsk. I can already perfectly copy her handwriting and manipulate it so that it would look that the writer is in an unstable state.]

Dylan took a sigh and after calming down, he chase after his father.

[What a miscalculation. Guess I'll have to kill him myself.]

Run. Run. Run.

"Don't chase me you Demon!"



No matter how much Arman shouted, no one will come to his rescue. It's probably karma as he had chosen to live with his family here for the same reason.

So that no one will help his children.

Arman is still injured thus he's having difficulty in running.

Bit by bit, the healthy Dylan is shortening their distance.

{Troublesome, I want to throw a block in his head so that it'll finally be over but if I do that, I might leave evidence.]

[That'll be bad for my play.]


Arman was tripped by a little girl around the same age of his son. His head was once again hit thus he lost consciousness.

"Aiya, thank god there's no blood splattered." the young girl looked at the middle-aged man in dislike. She shifted her gaze to Dylan who was shocked that someone else.

Irritation bubbled up inside him.

[Just why won't things go my way? How should I deal with--]

"Yow, kiddo. You're so lame. Next time that you're planning to murder someone, better plan everything. don't think that they will obediently follow the plan that you laid. Dumbass." the girl clicked her tongue while muttering 'stupid' to the boy.

"Anyway, bye. That bitch will get mad if she don't see me." The 8-year old Grizel complained at her mother.

Dylan stood there unmoving as he watched her disappearing figure.

Yow, so it' now possible to give the store stones. Now it's time to beg. Please give me some? PALIMOS PO.

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