
Lunatic Dragon

(A/N: The original version of this book (Reborn as a Dragon) was contracted, but I realized it was a mistake when I made it privileged so early on since readers couldn't continue reading, and the pay was so small too. So I just copy pasted that book into this, and am hoping nothing will go wrong. Read this book instead, since I'm going to continue the story here instead and will be completely free. But if you want to read ahead by 5 chapters (10 and 50 in the future), check out my Patreon at That_One_Dead_Ali.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for this one particular boy, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali, another question would be more appropriate. What happens when a boy dies, meets an almighty and omnipotent Omniversal Being, and gets his wishes granted? When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B (Random Omniversal Being) casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him. One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, asked to be an Dragon. What kind of a dragon? Well, one that could grow infinitely stronger by consuming other beings. Gain their physical capabilities, gain their abilities, gain their levels, you name it, he can Devour it. What happens when an SS-Class Dragon and one hell of an overpowered redhead team up? Guess the world has to experience the effects of this monstrous team for itself.

That_One_Dead_Ali · アクション
59 Chs

CH 39: Mother Fucking Dragon

(A/N: I don't know if I've already said this, but when I write smut, I like the entire chapter to be just porn. So, sorry, but the smut is in the next chapter and this chapter is just half as long as my normal chapters. But don't worry, I'll make the next chapter filthy!)

(A while back)

"Well, welcome to our home, little dragon!" Walking in excitedly and closing the door behind, Serilda spoke cheerfully :"Make yourself at home!" Raising him by his armpits like she would to a child, she smiled at his cuteness :"Aww, you're so adorable!" Due to overwhelming cuteness, she couldn't help but hug him intensely :"I thought dragons were scary, but you're just so adorable!!"

Alistair couldn't lie, being shaken left and right due to her excitement felt nice. He liked hugs after all. Even if it came from a stranger. He smiled as he let her enjoy the high of seeing something adorable. He had felt the amazing feeling himself numerous times in his previous life when keeping pets.

"Oh, I totally forgot to ask, but what's your name?" She smiled curiously. Smiling back, dark flames sipped from his mouth and turned into words :"[Alistair. Nice to meet you.]" Reading the words formed by flames, Serilda looked amazed :"Wow, you can do that? You're so amazing and smart!"

"Gauw." He smiled, his tail wagging a bit. But the sound of his stomach growling caught their attention. Chuckling, Serilda patted his head, putting him down :"Alright, I should start preparing dinner now. You and your friends must be tired after traveling."

As she walked to her kitchen, he followed from behind. Not before being amazed by her amazing ass and hips though. That was an ass that could suffocate whoever was brave enough to take on the challenge, aka that booty.

When they reached the kitchen, however, he was dumbfounded. He caught a glimpse of something from the corner of her eye, before quickly looking back at it again in confusion.

'Is that... a stove???' His flames turned into question marks unconsciously. No matter how he looked at it, it was definitely a stove. Although nothing fancy, it was definitely a stove as far as he could see. But he realized something just when he looked around.

'Wait a minute. Isn't this kitchen... too advanced for a medieval fantasy type world???' He saw a sink, he saw a fridge, he saw a dishwasher, he saw a washing machine. He saw whatever that would be expected in a normal household.

Frowning in confusion, he decided to gain altitude. It could simply be his mistake, since his range of sight was quite low. Literally. Flapping his wings, he flew and landed on the cabinet. Observing from a higher ground.

'Nope, those are definitely what I think they are.' He hummed to himself :'Actually, now that I think about it, this world is quite advanced for its theme. They have fastfood, they've got fridges, ice creams, and I'm just seeing stoves and such.' But he didn't mind it. In fact, he smiled :'Doesn't this just make it better?

Although being in a medieval fantasy world is fun, lack of technology for someone like me who's so used to and reliant on them would make things quite difficult. Seriously, you don't appreciate how useful some things are until you use them. Just the damn sink makes it so the poor single mom wouldn't need to go to a river. Thank you, whoever invented these with Magic. I owe you one.'

Oh, how he was going to enjoy meeting the person one day. But that was for the future. Seeing him sitting beside the stove, Serilda smiled, petting him :"Aww, do you want to watch me? Just be careful to not be burnt, okay?"

'Telling a dragon to be careful of being burnt. Heh, the irony.'

Putting on an apron, she smiled encouragingly :"Alright, let's finish this as soon as possible." As Alistair sat there, he grew amazement at her speed. She was preparing the food at such speed that her hands were all over the place.

'Goddamn, as expected of the beautiful single yet kind mother of an MC. You really can't underestimate single mothers, huh?'

Seeing his amazed face, she smiled :"Don't worry, with someone with the R2 Chief Job, food will be ready in no time!" Before diving back into cooking with even more enthusiasm.

'A Chief. Hmm, I see. So that's why she's so proficient. Although housewives become really experienced with passing years, I've never seen someone move like her in a kitchen. It's almost scary how she barely looks even when she's cutting with a knife at such speed. Miss, you're going to chop your fingers right off with that strength and speed, you know?'

A few minutes. That's all it took for her to prepare all the ingredients for cooking. In less than 10 minutes, she had prepared everything that was needed. It was the first time Alistair had seen how much a Job affects its needed situation. With everything prepared, only cooking the food was left. Putting them all in the pot, Serilda started the stove. Humming gently as she started cooking.

'Why doesn't she move to a city and start a business? I don't know about this world's standards, but she's quite a skilled cook. Would definitely be hired as a chief, I think.'

He was curious, but didn't act nosy :'Eh, whatever. None of my business. Moving into a big city from a small village can be pretty hard, after all. But anyway, rather than thinking about that, I've got better things to do.'

Hiding the evil smile and glint in his eyes behind his innocent facade, he called out to the milf :"Gauw!" Stirring the pot, she smiled at him :"What's the matter, Alistair? Do you need something?"

He breathed out softly, forming words with his fire :"[Is there a place where I can clean myself?]" She grew curious :"Oh? Do you want to clean yourself? Well, you have been on the road for probably a long time, so I understand. Yeah, we do have a bathroom. But can you clean yourself?"

Eyes big, he looked like the personification of innocence as he shook his head :"[I do, but I've never taken a bath by myself. Natasha's the one who has always washed me. Would you please accompany me?]"

Looking at his cute appearance, she couldn't help but place her hands on her chest, suffering critical damage from cuteness overload :"Aww, of course I would, you adorable baby! It's my fault, I shouldn't have thought of leaving you alone even though you're clearly so young! Just let me do the final touches, then we can take a bath and I'll make your beautiful scales sparkle!"

'Success~!' Alistair mustered his will to stop his body from reacting. Stopping himself from giving the Solo Leveling smile was even harder than dealing with a hoard of monsters. 'You're a pervert who takes pride in his perverseness, huh, trashy reincarnated waste of space? Well, I wonder if you're perverted enough to enjoy cuckoldry too, trash!'

Dealing with the final touches, she put the lid on the pot before picking him up :"Alright, let's hit the bath!" After she took out two towels, she carried him to the bathroom. Where he spotted the same advancement despite the world genre. 'Well, I've actually seen the same thing in the inn though. I was surprised there too.'

While he looked around, he heard shuffling sounds from the dressing room in the bathroom. Turning around, his eyes bulged out at the breasts that bounced around after Serilda took off her clothes.

'Goddamn...' He salivated at those juicy treasures. Eyes fixated on those big nipples. Gulping when she bent over to take off her skirt and free that amazing booty, causing those huge breasts to just hang and swing like pendulums.

'This is going to be amazing... losing this life's V card after just days of reincarnation, and to the mother of a trash MC, at that. Hide your mothers, MCs, the Mother Fucking Dragon is in town.'