

The thunderous sounds of gunfire echoed throughout the whole place, shattering the peaceful atmosphere and sending everyone into chaos.

"Stay close to me. I'll protect you no matter what," he whispered as they tried to take cover.

Elaine's heart raced with fear as the bullets whizzed past her head. She clung onto him tightly, her body trembling with terror. But as he held her close, she could feel her fear dissipating bit by bit. His strength and presence were like a shield against the chaos and danger around them, making her feel more secure.

It was as if he was her protector, ready to face any threat that might come their way. And with him by her side, she felt a sense of calm that allowed her to think clearly even in the midst of chaos.

But then something changed. Suddenly, Fir tensed up, and she felt a sense of foreboding wash over her. She looked up at him, trying to discern what was happening, when the gunfire abruptly ceased.