
Lunar Legacies

As the stories that every knows and has heard off Popularly known as the lunar mythology. But it isn't really a mythology. The mythology is real and the world and everyone's fate is linked to it. And to restore the balance to this world, the truth of the lunars must be discovered. And to do that our characters go on a weird and extraordinary supernatural journey.

Ashlesh_Bhati · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Rainy Night

How did it suddenly get so dark? It was sunny just a moment ago, wasn't it? Everything seems to be going slower than usual. It doesn't seem right. Am I lost? I have never been here before.

It's not good. I am hallucinating and I hear voices. It almost feels like I am going insane. What are these voices. So many voices. I can't hear anything. It's a noise. And what are these things that I can see. So many shadows.

It just kept getting darker. Am I going blind or is it actually getting darker? "Choose.... Me..", that's all I can understand in this noise. "Stop or you will fall.", someone said from behind but too late.

I was already falling. Falling and falling. How high up I was from the ground. This is taking a while. I will definitely die. Nobody can survive this fall. I can finally see the ground. I am going to die. My fall ended with a jolt.

The boy woke up from his sleep. He's all sweaty in this cold night. Must have been a bad dream. He looked around. He was sitting on a chair and had fallen asleep on the table. He had a pen in his hand. And head on a book.

He went outside the room. Someone is standing over there. It smells like coffee "Oye Ginnu, can't sleep,eh? We have an exam. Here have some coffee. It's real strong. We have to pass at all costs."

"Oh. Thanks", the two boys took their cups of coffee and went into the balcony. It was raining outside. It was a bit chilly. Sipping hot coffee felt really good.

"Hey, Hari. I had such weird dream. I saw weird shapes and there were voices in my head. And it's not just that. All day since morning, I have been feeling strange. I kept feeling that someone is watching me. I kept seeing something moving out of the corner of my eye. But when I look it's nothing."

"I think you are really stressed out. We have an exam in six hours and you haven't studied at all. That's all." Yeah maybe he's right. But it can't be just stress it's too weird.

"It has been happening from the moment we picked up that potato. Nobody is gonna put a golden potato on the side of the road. That's a cursed potato I am telling you. We need to throw it away right NOW. I have been feeling strong negative vibes coming out of that potato all day long."

"Ah. Shut up! Do you hear what you are saying, do you? because if you can you should know it's plain bullshit. Potato sending negative vibes. What the fork? It's made up of gold. Do you realise it's worth two Iphones?"

"How do you know it's gold? All you did was submerge that potato in water. And then just declared it to be gold." Hari looked at him in surprise and after a moment of silence said. "You don't even know basic physics, dude."

"Let me explain, there's a basic principle in Physics given by... Um.. I don't remember the name but he was a Greek guy. A great mathematician who was killed by a Roman soldier. I used his principle to calculate the density of the potato and it's approximately equal to density of gold. Let's not talk sciency stuff in detail. Or else it will get boring for the readers."

"Oh. So that's what you did. You are really smart dude. Teach me something or else I might fail. " The two boys finsihed their coffee and headed back into their room to study for an exam that was just hours away.