
Lunar Laurel: I'm not a failure, let me get reborn to show you this.

Lunar Laurel was a genetically engineered superintelligent catgirl from the planet of Blue Alfaa, however, she wouldn't get to stay there long because she faces discrimination and harassment. The people in the world expect her to be merely a cute domestic servant. She decided to leave the world by being a subject in extradimensional research, knowing she won't come back. She landed on a dimension known as Keidas where everything, the physics system, and her own body, is now different. With no knowledge of the world, but full of intelligence, it is time for her to prove that she is not a failure, but a gift to this new world. Join her as she tries to bring the civilization of this world to a new age.

TarnyGGChannie · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 3: New world.

Lunar would find a series of gates leading to different places, she would just pick one at random... this one brings her to a world...

Lunar somehow feels dizzy but stands up quickly. She is in a new world...

The grass is green. Finally, a new world!

She would soon meet a female elf.

She would try to talk, but find it difficult to say anything. A new language, shoot! When learning a new language, we usually learn languages from books in the old language, but no such thing exists! She needs to learn the new language from scratch!

This is not going well for Lunar.

Meanwhile, the elf says "Fiona". Lunar would not know what that means.

Lunar would point at the grass. Fiona would say the word...

Lunar would then point out at the tree, her ears, her tail, and so on, and Fiona would say these words. To confirm it, Lunar would try them again. Lunar would quickly learn a few words in this new language.

Still, the words are not languages. Languages have subjects, objects, and verbs. She only knows these. Surprisingly, the elf would understand what Lunar wants.

"So, you're an otherworlder?" The elf would ask. Lunar wouldn't understand, and neither does she know how to reply.

Next, Lunar would test it by pointing at the tree and saying "Grass" in this new language, and Fiona would say "No". And then she points at the grass instead, this time, Fiona would say "Yes". She would try a few other things. Now she knows how the word "Yes" and "No" works.

Lunar would say "I am Lunar". Of course, the elf doesn't know which word was her name, so she would call it, word by word until it hits the word "Lunar", and she would answer "Yes". She would also call Fiona until she gets that Fiona is the name. Fiona would then walk away, Lunar would follow, and Fiona would say "Yes". This way, Lunar finds a way to Fiona's home. Lunar would spend some time learning the new language, then. Lunar would sleep at Fiona's home for now. So generous that Fiona offers her free housing. Lunar would meet many people, some people have animal ears and tails like her, some with glass hair and reflective skin, and others look like elves.

Seeing a lot of what looks like little girls sleeping, Lunar would wonder what's going on. Lunar has not seen any males in this world, so it is possibly all female or mostly female. Why are they looking like kids? Maybe they look this way, or maybe she's operating a foster home. Regardless, she can sleep for the night.

And Lunar would finally fall asleep.