
Lunar Cultivator

Mu Yue, an orphan who stumbled upon an inheritance, walked the path of cultivation to get strong. To see her teacher in person and perhaps find her family. That is until she met her. Mu Yue's priority was now her. Spending time with her is the greatest happiness she receives. Being together always was her wish... whatever it takes. And so a promise was made, "Let us grow strong, stronger than anyone else. Us two on the peak that no one will reach. It will be our place where we can spend our time together."

Lynhart · ファンタジー
187 Chs


"Hey Mu Yue, are you not angry at me for making that kind of decision?" Xiao Yan asks as she finishes cleaning the wounds.

"No, I know that you only gave that command as you had no choice."

"Then why did you choose to fight the tier 6 wolf? You could have let Li Jie handle it."

"I have higher cultivation as well as agility. I'm more suited to be the one fighting it."

They then went towards the group. They saw the group gathering around Wang Yong.

"Did something happen to him?" Xiao Yan asks.

"His wounds reopened. He also collapsed due to exhaustion." Liu Yang replied.

The others only received light injuries that will heal after consuming a healing pill. They then have those that are not tired to be the lookout for the rest of the night.

Xiao Yan decided that they should all wait for Wang Yong's injury to properly heal up. This event made her even more cautious as she doesn't want the same thing to happen again.

They waited for three days before starting to hunt again. They still have a week left before the deadline.

Because of the attack of the wolves, Xiao Yan decided to also hunt beasts that are in a group. She wants the group to be accustomed to fighting multiple beasts.

At the start, they had a hard time hunting multiple beasts at once. There were always some beasts that manage to escape their encirclement.

They got used to it after a while of hunting. Only after this did they start to hunt for tier 6 beasts. They also didn't meet the wolf pack that attacked them.

They found a tier 6 beast and observed for a while before making their plans. With the experiences of their past hunts, they easily killed the beast.

While roaming the forest, they also encountered some cultivators. Whenever they do so, they always have their guards up and keep a certain distance away from the other party. This way, they can easily defend if the other party decided to attack them.

They finished the task with still four days before the deadline. A teacher went to them and told them that they still have to stay inside the forest for the remaining days. They decided to stop hunting and wait it out.

"Oh lucky me, I was just roaming around and already found some good targets." Says a man who was approaching the group.

Xiao Yan and the others quickly put their guards up. Because of the man's tone, they knew that he was an enemy.

"Heh, how brave. Sadly you guys are only at the Qi Condensation stage while I'm at tier 3 Foundation Establishment!" The man then pressured them with his aura. Only Mu Yue looked fine while the others felt something was pushing them down.

The man was surprised to see someone who was still standing. He then sneered, "Oh, someone wasn't affected. It still won't change the outcome anyway."

"There are three girls here and you all are beauties! Haha, I will go play with you three after killing those boys."

Hearing this, Xiao Yan burst out laughing. This made the man frown. "What are you laughing at?"

"Oh, nothing! I'm just imagining how you will look after some time." Xiao Yan smiled after saying this.

"Laughing instead of getting scared. I will make sure that you won't be able to laugh after I'm done using you!"

Mu Yue noticed that Xiao Yan was already wearing her odd smile. 'Xiao Yan will surely do something to that man.'

"Alright, time for me to stop talking and start having fun! Blame yourselves for being weak and having a bad luck meeting me!" The man then slowly approaches the group.

"Indeed, it's time to stop the act. Hey, teachers at the back! When will you make your move? Do you want me to badmouth you guys in front of the principal?" Xiao Yan yells which made the teachers to quickly apprehend the man.

She then shouted at them, "You guys really wanted to wait for that filthy man to touch us?!"

The teachers shake their heads. One of them asked, "No, we were just waiting for your signal young miss. What do we do to this man?"

The man was shocked when multiple Core Formation cultivators appeared beside him. He started to shout curses which made one of the teachers send his spiritual energy to shut the man's mouth.

Xiao Yan thinks for a while before saying, "Hmm, this is a good opportunity for an experience. Mu Yue, why don't you behead the man?"