
Luna in Disguise

Anora Windrunner was once the beloved Luna of the Forester Pack. Being unrivaled in beauty, compassion, and intelligence, she served her pack well. Even giving her mate, Luther Windrunner, a few pups to carry on their lineage. Life seemed perfect as she enjoyed her days of motherhood and being the doting wife of Luther. Until her son's 10th birthday when a rival pack planned a raid in their pack house. The raid resulted in the death of her beloved mate, her pups, and pretty much their entire pack. If it hadn't been for her pregnancy, she contemplated ending her own life. Being separated from the other surviors, Anora ended up in the woods of the Rouges, seeking refuge. Unfortunately, she comes to learn that the other rouges don't take so kindly to her pack. Having to hide her identity as Ann Wind to protect her unborn pup, she blends into the rouges. However, she experiences a lot of abuse and cruel words. Then one day they run her into the pack territory of Pinetop Pack, who captures her. After being brought to the pack house by the guards, she is spared by the Alpha who gives her the chance to join his pack. A new adventure awaits her and her unborn pup as she hides in her enemies territory under the illusion of being Ann Wind.

Dead_Gamer_Manx · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 5: My Pup

I returned to my job after a few days of rest, per the instructions of Alpha Travis and Nat who was very prescient about me taking a break. The little break seemed to help my condition as I wasn't getting as sick or stressed as before. I assumed I must have just been putting too much pressure on myself since the raid. Luckily, Andrew kept me company. He said the she wolf who was supposed to be watching him was mean and kept bullying him, so he'd loose her somewhere and then come back to me. I was grateful for the little pups concern and affection, he gave me hope for the future. Having someone love me unconditionally and with the pure innocence of being a pup. I couldn't wait to meet my little pup once he was born.

Another couple of weeks passed and Andrew started asking if I would take him around the pack territory. It took me a while to figure out, but after I get used to it I realized it was similar to my packs. The pack house was located at the heart of the territory. Only the Alpha, his pup, the beta and his family, and a few select Guarda were allowed to stay inside the pack house. The omega house was only like a six minute walk from the main house and that's where Nat was staying. A few omegas would come early in the morning and prepare food inside the pack house. They were allowed to eat breakfast with us. I only stayed in the pack house because I needed to be close to Andrew to watch over him. Luke on the other hand, was staying in the guard house about a fifteen-minute walk away from the main pack house. Luke had already adjusted well despite his studder. He was stronger than most of the other guards and earned their respect. No one dared make fun of him after he started gaining weight and building his muscles again. The sparring pit was just outside the guard house. It's where the guards trained and they'd bring their charges to teach them how to properly fight and also how to defend themselves. Deeper into the territory, there was an ancient ruin left behind that was used as the shifting point. When a member of the pack received their wolf and had to transform for the first time, their parents would take them to the ruin and spend the first shift with their pup. If the pup didn't have parents then their mentor would fill in for the parent spot.

The pack worked fairly organized with a pretty good system in place. Granted the omegas were of a lower rank, they weren't mistreated or looked down upon. They seemed to treat each other with respect and appreciate what each Rank provides to the pack. That was until I met HER...

I was washing Andrew's dishes he had used to eat some ice cream when I suddenly felt cold water flung down my back. I shivered and turned around in shock.

There stood a shiny she wolf with raven hair and golden eyes with a massive grin on her face. "Oooooh I'm sorry, I tripped!" She roared with laughter.

I glared at her,  "Please be more careful around the Alpha's pup. You could've splashed him." I wanted to remind her of my position.

She rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue in disgust, "Being the pups nanny don't make you a f*cking queen. You should be more respectful. I'm a Rank above you after all."

Andrew yelled out, "Stop bullying Ann!"

The she wolf turned around and raised her eyebrow at Andrew, "Oh, what're you going to do about? Go cry? You're too small to even scratch me. Let alone stop me."

That is when I realized this had been Andrew's fill in nanny while I was resting up a few weeks ago. Now I see why he hid from her.

I wasn't about to let her get away from what she did, I growled at her, "I'm just the right size to kick your ass. Don't assume because I'm a Rank below you that I respect you or even fear you enough to listen to your mouth. I suggest you leave him alone and go find someone else to pick on."

"You b*tch! Hasn't anyone told you that omegas are the lowest of the pack. No one will even think twice if I were to-"

I took my hand and hit her across the face. I was tired of her talking nonsense and overestimating her power over me.

Her eyes stretched open in horror and she yelled, "You just hit me!"

I crossed my arms and arched an eyebrow at her, "Yeah and I'll do it again if you don't take your irriating self elsewhere."

"I'm going to tell the guards. You'll be punished!" She growled before storming out.

Typical. She runs her mouth thinking no one will stand up to her. Then when someone does, she runs away, so she can find someone who's stronger than her to fight her battles.

Andrew grabbed my hand and smiled, "That was so cool! I've never seen anyone tell her off!"

I smiled at him, "It was one thing when she was talking about me. When she threatened you though, I wanted her to know that she isn't as strong as big and bad as she thinks."

"I love you, Ann. You're so nice." He giggled innocently.

I felt my heart shake as he muttered those words. I swore to myself I'd protect this pup as long as I was here. "I love you too, little Alpha."

After that, Andrew wanted to go down to the sparring pits and watch the guards train. We sat up on the bank of the pit where we could see them train. Some of them were in human form, practice their hand to hand combat. Others were in wolf form, circling each other. Then they'd lunge and defend as if there were in a real fight.

"I wanna be strong like them one day..." Andrew sighed, "I'm always getting picked on."

"Well little guy," I rubbed his back, "it's okay to rely on bigger wolves to protect you. One day, you'll be strong enough to protect others. Are you going to protect the weak?"

Andrew nodded, "No one will bully another member of my pack when I'm the Alpha."

I felt a surge of pride at the conviction in his voice. I hated that he had to fear for his own safety at such a young age when he should be playing and having fun. There was so much I wanted to teach him, but I knew I only had about six months left here. After my pup was born, I planned to escape the forest and try human life. It had to be better than hiding from an unknown enemy. I'd not have a wolf at my back, slowly closing in on me.

Andrew hollered out, "Look!"

I turned around to see where he pointed and there stood that female wolf. She was fuming with anger. A male guard at her heels. She walked up to me with a triumph grin. I knew this wasn't good.

"That one!" She pointed at me.

The guard looked at me narrowed his eyes, "Did you strike her?"

"Yes." I held my ground.

"You realize that we have to punish your actions, correct?" He lowered his voice.

"I won't let her bully those weaker than her in front of me. If that's what I'm being punished for, then I'll make sure next time I really embarrass her." I growled at the she wolf.

She acted offended and clung to the guards arm, "See?! She's threatening me again! Do something!"

The guard nodded and grabbed my arm with a growl, "Let's go."

Andrew cried out, "Let her go!"

I shook my head at him, "No, go back to the pack house. Have Luke take you there. He's in the guard house."

Andrew seemed dejected as he turned around and ran towards the guard house. The guard that was holding my arm, hit me across the shoulders.

"Let's go!" He asserted.

He pulled me along behind him. I watched that b*tch she wolf walk behind us. She was incredibly pleased with herself. I wanted to wipe that ugly look off her face. Thought, I was amused, thinking there was no way to make her less ugly.

The guard drug me to the back of the pack house where he shoved me to my knees. My knees scraped the pavement and I gasped. The she wolf sat on a bench on the patio to watch.

I glared at her and all of sudden I felt a sharp pain in my guts. A knee hit me straight in the stomach and I howled out.

Our pup! Lady howled in anger, I'll kill that son of a b*tch and his wh*re!

The pain was overwhelming and before I knew it, Lady took over.

She growled, speaking through my body, "Back off!"

The guard and she wolf seemed stunned as they seen my eyes shift colors. My eyes were a bright gold when Lady took over and she had a very strong commanding spirit.

"What the hell? You think you can raise your voice to us?" The she wolf yelled out.

She was enraged and struck us in the face. Lady growled and reached to grab her when we seen an arm reach out in front of.

Someone grabbed us and pulled us away. We turned to the newcomer to find Travis holding us to his chest.

"Alpha!" The she wolf gasped and knelt down. The guard followed suit.

"Who the hell authorized you to punish this she wolf?!" Travis growled.

The guard lowered his head in shame, "I... Kata told me-"

"Is Kata your Alpha?!" He snarled.

"But Alpha. She hit me!" The she wolf cried out.

"My son told me what you did. How you mocked him and how Ann took up for him and hit you. Had I been there. I would've kicked your ass for what you said." Travis stood over her, his hazel eyes burning with fury.

"I'm sorry..." Kata whimpered.

"Sorry?" Travis mocked. "Not yet. I want you out of my sight. My Beta will come tell you what your punishment is later. Guard Evan, I will also be giving you a punishment as well. Leave!"

I watched as the two wolves cowered in fear and ran from their Alpha. I was a little alarmed that Travis didn't let me go. I was so close I could smell his musky scent and it reminded me of cedar trees.

"A-alpha Travis..." I blushed. Not sure how to feel about this situation.

He looked down at me, his gaze softening, "I'm so sorry this happened. I'll make sure they never forget who's their alpha next time."

I sighed, "Thank you, but can you... let me go?"

Travis shook his head, "You're hurt. I'm taking you to the healer."

"I'm fine! I just got a little scratched." I reassured him.

"You've been sick here recently and he kneed you in the stomach. I'm taking you to the healer."

Before I could even protest any further, Travis picked me up in his arms and carried me to his car parked out in the garage. He carefully sat me in the passenger seat and buckled me in. Then climbed into the driver's seat and drove out the woods. He took me to a small clinic in a nearby town. The waiting room was filled with people and I anticipated having to wait a while, but Travis talked to the woman at the front desk and within three minutes...

"Mr. Travis, Dr. Marrow is waiting on you." A nurse called to us.

Travis got up first and insisted on helping me to my feet. I never noticed how strong he was before, but I definitely noticed when he hoisted me up. He walked me down the hallway to the room where his name was written on the door.

The little nurse walked in and started asking, "Name?"

"..." I froze not knowing whether to give my real name or my false one. I would've if Travis wasn't in here.

"Ann Wind." He answered for me.

"Date of birth?" She asked.

"6/13/96." I answered.

"Well Ms. Wind, what is the problem?" The nurse asked.

"She got kicked in the stomach and she's been having a lot of vomitting recently." Travis spoke up. Part of me was relieved that he answered for me. I didn't wanna explain how I got my injury.

"Got it! Dr. Marrow will be with you shortly." The nurse left with her clip board.

I sighed and sat back against the examination chair. I was honestly exhausted.

"The rest of my pack isn't like Kata... she's just always been jealous. Insecure even. When we were pups. She used to cry to her mom every time someone just looked at her wrong." Travis spoke up first.

"I am not sorry for hitting her. She needs to learn to watch her mouth. I won't let anyone bully Andrew." I told him.

Travis smiled just a little, "Thank you for defending my son. He's always been scared of the rest of the pack. I can't believe she would bully him like that."

I roll my eyes, "Those kind of wolves just want to hurt some one that can't defend themselves."

"Yeah... I guess you're right. I'm sorry this happened. I really am." He told me again.

Before I could respond, a new woman entered the room. She looked like she was of Indian descent with her deeper skin tone.

She smiled at me and Travis, "Alpha Travis. I need to examine the misses here. I'm going to have to ask you to wait outside."

Travis didn't agree, instead he nodded his head and walked outside. Once he shut the door, she turned back to me.

"I'm Dr. Marrow, I'm also a lycan. That's why he brought you here." She smiled.

"I am relieved." I sighed.

"So Ms. Wind, I have to ask when your last cycle was." She pulled out her paper and looked to me.

I turned away, "A few months ago."

Dr. Marrows eyes lit up, "Months ago? Well. I'm afraid I have you to take a pregnancy test before I can look at you now."

I nodded to her, "I figured. Can we hurry this up?"

She handed me a pregnancy test and I returned after a few minutes, theew positive pregnancy test in hand. Dr. Marrow examined it carefully.

"And you got kicked in the stomach? Oh my. We need to check the health of the baby and yours. I want you to come back with me to the ultrasound room." Dr. Marrow opened the door and stepped out, urging me to follow her.

As we walked down the hallway. I spotted Travis. Who appeared very concerned. He luckily didn't notice us and we got past him.

Once in the room, she told me to sit in the chair and lay back. She got out her gel and rubbed it on my stomach. Then took out the transducer, adding gel to it as well.

She pointed at the screen, "The image will be displayed up here. I'm going to rub this over your uterus now to see if I can spot the baby.

I chuckled, "This is my fourth pregnancy, I know the drill."

She nodded to me and I could feel the icy gel rub over my sensitive stomach as she started looking for the baby. I hated the feeling of the gel, but I was a little excited to see the image of my unborn pup.

After a minute. The Doctor found the baby and pointed at the screen, "There they are!"

I looked up and she pointed out the small dark shape that was barely the size of a plum and and curled in on itself. My heart swelled with love.

My baby! My pup! I love you already! Lady cheered.

There you are my love... I thought to myself.

Three month of carrying this little guy and today I finally get to see him or her for the first time. I could feel Lady's excitement as she howled and cheered. She ran circles around the recesses of my mind. I felt the joy and love as well. This was my pup. The pup I created with my destined mate.

Do you see them, Luther? It's our baby. All of our love created this life. I thought to myself.

Tears rolled down my cheeks and I felt myself choking up. There were so many feelings right now. Joy, anxiety, hope, fear, despair, but most of all love. I swore that I'd give this pup the world. It'd never suffer.

"Congratulations Ms. Wind, you have a baby." Marrow chuckled. "They're a little underdeveloped, but once you start eating right and take some vitamins. That should help and the baby."

"Thank you... but I have a favor to ask." I scratched my cheek nervously.

"What is that?" She asked.

"Can you... not tell Travis? Just tell you're putting me on pre natals for low iron. I don't want to announce my pregnancy yet." I sighed.

Dr. Marrow's eye stretched open, "Lie to my Alpha? You know what you're asking?"

"I got attacked when no one knew I was pregnant. I can't risk it." I beg.

"Fine... but you have to tell him the truth later on. You're not far from starting have a baby bump. Which means you have about 8 weeks before you start showing your pregnancy."

"I understand, thank you." I feel relieved knowing I could hide my pregnancy a little longer.

I will keep you safe no matter what, I silently tell my pup.

Dr. Morrow handed me a printed out copy of my ultrasound and I stared at the picture with amazement. My pup. My child. It was beautiful even if I couldn't tell it was a pup yet. Still. It was mine. I folded the paper up and stuck it in my pocket.