

Lia woke up hearing the loud hesitant knocks from the door. She was so in sleep that she didn't even realize where she was and yet something in her forced to make her way to the door. She rolled out of the bed and lazily dragged herself to the the unceasing knocks. Her eyes still closed, she let out a yawn and opened the door only to be pushed to a side.

"Noah is not here." Ren panicked as she looked at Lia.

"Wh-what? He must be there somewhere." Lia crawled back to the bed and pulled the blanket to her side.

"Agghh, give the blanket." He groaned as he pulled the blanket back to his side.

Ren looked pissed seeing the boy sleeping next to Lia under the same blanket. It was kind of a hurtful view because he had to sneak out of her room to come to Lia even after saying they were just friends. His hand was around her waist as if he wouldn't sleep without her and his wounded leg didn't bother him too.

"So, this is how friends are? You want to find a new house for this?" Ren muttered as she harshly banged the door behind in her in an attempt to wake them up.

"What the fuck was that?" Noah flinched as he jumped up on the bed.

He looked to his sides with sleepy eyes which was now completely shot open. The half of his body was tucked under the blanket which was controlled by some one else whom he didn't even expect. It took him a few good seconds to remember what all happened the last night and how he ended up sleeping with Lia. His eyes fell on the clock as a reflex and that's when he knew, he screwed up big time. It was already eight in the morning.

"I am done." He jumped out of the bed and ran out hoping that Ren wouldn't have been up but he was wrong.

She had already left for work and kept a note for him in the table which made him realize how much Ren was pissed. He read the note twice to make sure that it was Ren wrote for him but the scribbled hand writing spoke the opposite.

'Hope you had a good sleep. I have the prepared some food so please make yourself at home. I am locking the door from out and would be back early. Take care.'

He sighed as he walked to the kitchen to have something as his stomach was growling. He remembered how his mother always wake him up early in the morning so that he could eat the food without losing the taste. He wondered what she would be doing there alone when everyone would go against her for his mistakes. He didn't even once think about his mother in all these situations.

He took out a box from the fridge assuming it would be the food and indeed it was. Some bacon and sushi but he wondered why she even put them in the fridge, maybe she assumed he wouldn't wake up till late evening. He took them to the oven and somehow managed to turn it on. The information that he collected from Ren was more than enough for him to survive but the sudden changes was suffocating him.

He didn't know what he should do with Lia because any day from then she could give birth and then how would he explain it to Ren and others? Her identity would be exposed and even his would be out along with it. He took out the food when the alarmed went off and walked off to the dining to see Lia already awake.

"When did you wake up?" He asked placing the food for both of them.

"Now, Ren saw us right?"

"I don't know. She went for work so it is just us till she comes back." He said as he sat down taking the chop sticks.

"Did you cook?"

"No, she prepared it before going." He answered keeping the piece of paper to Lia which Ren left for him.

"What is this?" She asked taking the paper and keeping it upside down in her hands not being able to understand a word.

"Forget it, she asked us to be safe and eat well."

The rest of the day was supposed to be going smooth and fine but the moon goddess had other plans for them because Lia was twisting in pain. Her stomach hurt soo much that Noah couldn't figure out what to do. He wanted to call someone for help but being locked in with no means of communication was like a dead end. He couldn't even turn to his animal form as there were cameras installed every where.

"Tell me something." He begged sitting by her side as she held his hand really tight.

"I don't know, I feel as my muscles are crushing." Her face was blood red after all the crying and screams.

"Is it normal?"

"I don't know for fuck's sake. Do something, I can't take it anymore." She cried while pulling her knees up to her chest and going in a fetus position.

"Don't do that, it will hurt your cubs more." He said helping her sit straight as he looked into her eyes.

The next moment what he did was not expected by both of them. He doesn't know what got into him and the courage he got all of a sudden was unbeatable. He cupped her cheeks and pressed his lips on hers, his soft pink lips synced well with hers even when she was crying. She gave in quickly maybe as an impact of the pain, she couldn't think straight.

He quickly pulled her close to cut the gap in between them and she just let him do whatever he want and surprisingly the pain didn't matter anymore. Being in his proximity, feeling his warmth and comforting breath fan against her was all it took. He was being careful to not hurt her stomach or touch her in any other way but the sensation he felt for the first time was quiet unexplainable.