
Luminous Marble

Norah is a 20-something woman who hates her mundane day job and seeks more out of life. She desperately wishes for a way to make her mark on the world. Then one day, the apocalypse strikes without warning, destroying everything she's known and leaving chaos behind. During the chaos and destruction, Norah meets Angelus, a mysterious stranger who is seemingly beyond the boundaries of time and space. Angelus tells Norah that he can give her magical powers to get her revenge. Naturally, she takes the offer and becomes and Acolyte of Chaos herself.

Moon_Beam_6477 · ファンタジー
12 Chs

The Chaos Dimension

I am dreaming. In this dream, I am running in an endless dark hallway. Followed close behind me is a man without any distinguishable shape or form. My attacker is covered in shadows that I can't even tell if this thing is human or not.? Anyways, it is chasing me through the hallways with a knife in its hands trying to kill me.

I can't hide because there are no doors. I can't outrun this thing either because it's a dream. Everybody knows that when you are trying to escape something in your dream you move as if you were in Jell-o.

As I try my hardest to escape this crazy knife-wielding psycho, I am forced to stop because of a dead end. Talk about a horrible cliche.

I have no choice now but to face my attacker head-on. As I turn to face my attacker head-on, I am stunned to finally see my attacker's identity due to some convenient light. To nobody's shock, the attacker is me. That's two for two, at this point I'll expect to wake up from this dream right before my evil version can attack me.

"Nowhere left to run now, Norah." My sinister version hissed at me as she raised the knife above her head.

"Please just kill already. Instead of gloating or whatever it is you're doing, you could've just gotten it over with."

All of a sudden, my dark doppelganger stopped mid-swing, inches before the knife pierced my heart.

"If you're going to be a Negative Nancy about this, I'm going to take my knife and go home."

Wait, what?

"Hey, where are you going? Aren't you supposed to kill me?" I call out to Nega Norah as she skates away from me.

"I've changed my mind. Besides, you're about to wake up."

Right on cue, I awake to the sound of a horn blaring in my ear. To my annoyance, there was a strange-looking bird right next to me. It's about the size of a house cat with four pairs of wings, golden feet, and a beak, and covered with red feathers that look like they are on fire. It opened its beak, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth, and let out that annoying blaring horn directly into my ear.

"Shut up!" I punched the damn bird, exploding it into a red paste.

"Oh shit!"

I instantly feel regret about what I've done. I didn't want to kill the thing. Then I remember that I am no longer human, and I'll try to be more careful in the future.

It just suddenly dawned on me that I was lying on a pile of trash this whole time. Disgust

consumes as I jump immediately off of the pile. I instantly check myself for bugs and trash juice and stop when I realize that I am clean.

Just where the hell am I anyway? The last thing I remember was I was back on Earth after I killed the Master. Then how did I end up here? Whatever 'here' is anyways, it's not Earth that's for damn sure.

For starters, I am standing in the middle of a clear blue sky, but I don't feel anything solid beneath my feet. Secondly, the ground is where the sky should be, it is a sprawling mountain terrain with red mountains and soil. From what I can see, there are no signs of life visible on the surface. It reminds me of the alien surface of Mars.

"OK." I really have no words for what I am seeing.

I turn my attention back to the ground or sky, whatever. In the not-too-far distance, I see a lonely house sitting in the middle of the sky. It's Victorian style, complete with a white picket fence, a garden with flowers that I don't know the names of, and even a treehouse in the backyard. Old cars are floating to and fro as if they were fishes swimming in the sea.

If I am going to get any information about this place, that house is as good as any to try and get some answers.

Just what the hell is a run-of-the-mill house doing in this topsy-turvy world anyway? I opened the gate and walked along the stone pathway. I tried opening the door, but to my shock, it was locked. So I try using my superhuman strength to open it, but the damn thing would budge an inch.

I cursed.

Just how come this random door can withstand my strength? With little choice left, I rang the doorbell.

I can hear the jingling ring inside the house. Never in a million years have I ever thought of myself being in some weird dimension ringing a doorbell. It beats dealing with raging Karens at Walmart any day of the week.

Heavy footstep is approaching the door on the other side. I am preparing myself just in case the thing on the other side is some eldritch abomination. I'm talking tentacles, a billion eyes, and thousands of mouths filled with razor-sharp teeth. Just in case an evil god greeted me, I had my Mana Sword ready to slice it to bits.

The Mana Sword is the name I decided to call that energy sword I created to slice that Master in half.

The locks are undone and the door is finally opened. Instead of facing an unrecognizable threat, I am greeted by Angelus himself. Seeing as I still don't know what he is, I guess he can be considered an eldritch abomination, so I can get half a point.

"You're finally awake, Norah. Took you long enough." Angelus said with an annoyed tone.

"Wait, you live here!"

"No. I am just using this house as an army base. Of course, I live here!"

"Why do you always have to be a jerkass to me?"

"Don't be such a wimp. As my Acolyte, you should develop a thicker skin. Besides, you're asking the wrong question."


I swear that he always says the weirdest things sometimes. What does he mean that I asked the wrong question?

Suddenly, all of the neurons in my brain started to fry up.

"Oh right…where am I?"

Angelus audibly sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. "You're in the Chaos Dimension, Norah. It's my domain, naturally."

"The Chaos Dimension. That sounds like a Dungeons and Dragon expansion."

"Trust me, it's way older than Dungeons and Dragons. It's even older than your universe." Angelus bragged, a smile showing on his pale face.

"Anyways, why did you lock the door if you knew I was supposed to come? It's a little odd for someone to do it in their own domain. I am assuming you're all-powerful here."

"Your assumptions are correct. I'll prove to you, just because I can.

My survival instincts are kicking into overdrive. I don't know what Angelus is planning, but I have to prepare myself for anything.