
Luminous Marble

Norah is a 20-something woman who hates her mundane day job and seeks more out of life. She desperately wishes for a way to make her mark on the world. Then one day, the apocalypse strikes without warning, destroying everything she's known and leaving chaos behind. During the chaos and destruction, Norah meets Angelus, a mysterious stranger who is seemingly beyond the boundaries of time and space. Angelus tells Norah that he can give her magical powers to get her revenge. Naturally, she takes the offer and becomes and Acolyte of Chaos herself.

Moon_Beam_6477 · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Cleave the Sky and Split the Earth

With Artemisia's help, finding the Master that killed me didn't take me too long. The freaky cross thing was hovering above the Grand Canyon. Just seeing this thing makes my blood boil over. It was because of this cross thing that my life was ruined.

I will use this anger and tear this thing apart!

And I have just the tool to get the job done.

In my mind, I picture a sword sharp enough that it can cut through anything, even the metaphysical.

A large sword that if I wanted to, can even cut the planet in half. Well, maybe not that big, I still want a piece of Terrene.

Here goes nothing. I concentrate Chaos Energy over my hand or at least I try to. The damn thing is leaking like a faucet all over the place. Everything the energy touched, got disintegrated like it never existed.

"Holy shit!" I yelled.

"You're doing great Norah!" Artemisia said, slapping my back.

"Are you crazy! Get away from me before you get hurt!"

Artemisia laughed at my concern for her safety. Is she mental or something?

"Don't worry about me, you are so weak, you couldn't even damage my clothing, let alone me. See." She stuck her hand inside the pouring energy and took it out with the very same hand intact.

Artemisia's hand may still be in one piece, but my pride sure shattered into a million pieces.

"Don't get too discouraged, Norah. They don't call me the Ultimate Life Form for nothing," she said with a bolstering laugh.

Then suddenly, she stopped laughing and looked at the Master ahead.

"Whatever you are planning to do, you better make it quick. For this one time, I shall help you."

She must be referring to the pressure and heat that the Master is releasing. If I would have to guess what that pressure and heat are, it would be the killing instinct of the Master.

I must be right because the Master just summoned an army of those damn tigers that killed me. There have to be thousands of them, waiting to sink their teeth into us.

Dammit! My sword isn't ready yet! I have no choice but to fight.

But before I had the chance to do anything, Artemisia stepped right in front of me as if she was defending me against the army of beasts.

Without saying a single word, she lifted her hand out in front of her and fired an endless array of green energy. It took exactly three seconds for Artemisia to kill every single one of those beasts.

Not wanting to waste the opportunity given to me, I finally have enough energy to create my sword.

I raise my left hand above my head and concentrated on everything I have to create a huge fucking sword that surpasses even the sky.

Following Artemisia's lead, I didn't waste any time and brought that sucker down on the Master, cleaving it in two.

Massive energy released from the corpse of the Master mixed into the chaotic energy from my sword. I have no doubt that the two opposing energies will have a longing impact on the environment, but I really couldn't care less.

When all of the smoke cleared, the terrain was drastically different, you couldn't even tell that used to be the Grand Canyon let alone the planet Earth. The sky turned into a bright shade of red and the clouds black. Black lightning released from the clouds showing the huge scar that my sword left on the surface of the Earth. There is even a tear in the sky itself, creating a gateway into another dimension.

"Well Norah, if I would have to grade you, I'll give you a C. '' Artemisia jokes.

"Yeah." was all that I could muster. I feel completely drained that I lost the ability to hold myself up and fell hard on the ground.

As soon as I hit the ground, I slept as if I haven't slept in years.