
Luminous Marble

Norah is a 20-something woman who hates her mundane day job and seeks more out of life. She desperately wishes for a way to make her mark on the world. Then one day, the apocalypse strikes without warning, destroying everything she's known and leaving chaos behind. During the chaos and destruction, Norah meets Angelus, a mysterious stranger who is seemingly beyond the boundaries of time and space. Angelus tells Norah that he can give her magical powers to get her revenge. Naturally, she takes the offer and becomes and Acolyte of Chaos herself.

Moon_Beam_6477 · ファンタジー
12 Chs


I've been trying to learn to play guitar for the longest time. It's been difficult to learn since there is no one left to actually teach me. You would think that being immortal I would eventually pick up on it.

But no.

I still suck at playing this damn thing. I have no sense of rhythm, I am always out of tune, and I don't know jack about music composition.

Angelus came into my room without knocking first. At this point in time, I am used to him and his rude behavior. Not even his insults can get under my skin, maybe it is because I accepted that he is the Lord of Chaos and my master. Who honestly knows at this point?

"Still trying to play that guitar? Why don't you give it up?"

"It's the only thing that reminds me of my humanity. Besides, it's nice once in a while to do something other than fighting and killing."

"I will never understand why you mortals place such high regard on pointless objects. Especially if this planet is dying on this very day."

I shrug my shoulders.

"It's a mystery to me as well. Whatever, let's get this show on the road."

I gently leaned the guitar against the wall and followed Angelus out of my room. I locked the door to my room. Which is odd, because I will never return to this room ever again.

Alexandria and Artemisia were waiting for us down the stairs.

"Finally, I was getting bored waiting for you," Alexandria said bluntly.

"Sorry, I just wanted to see if I can finally play something."

"Pointless as that may be, I am glad you could find something that made you happy," Artemisia said, smiling at me.

"We should be on our way. We haven't enough time to waste before my Mother gets here and lays waste to this universe." Angelus said, snapping his fingers, and immediately we were at our destination.

The Tower of Urza, the tall behemoth of a tower that easily towers the Burj Khalifa when that thing was still around. It's about 500 miles south of Republic City that could be easily seen within the city walls. A grim reminder to all of the citizens there that Terren could kill them incredibly easily.

That ends today.

Terren was expecting us, before we took two steps towards the Tower of Urza, giant golems had risen from the ground. They stand about nine feet and are built like gorillas. Some are decorated with gemstones throughout their bodies and one of them even has a diamond drill arm. I have got to admit that one is pretty cool.

Too bad they are still no match for me.

In a blink of an eye, I turned all of the golems into rubble with my Mana Blade.

"Let's go," I said to my group.

"Congratulations on slaying your enemies!" Artemisia said, clapping her hands in excitement.

"Uh, thanks. I guess?" I rub the back of my head out of embarrassment.

I always feel embarrassed being praised for my fighting abilities, it makes me feel like a savage.

"With the tower's defense taken care of, there is nothing left standing in your way," Angelus said. "Continue forward."

My body moved on its own upon Angelus's command.

I kicked the door open, sending the doors flying right off of their hinges. The two large doors managed to destroy the walls behind them.

"There was no need for pointless destruction, Servant of Chaos." a serene voice said coming from above me.

I looked up.

Descending down, like an angel coming down from heaven. It is a woman decked out in some weird clothing you might find some characters would be wearing in some fantasy drama. She has long green hair with a crown sitting on top of it.

When she made landfall, countless flowers started to bloom on the marble floor. Flowers covered the entirety of the room and even made it outside.

"Cool trick. Let me guess, you must be Terren right?" I said, pointing at her.

"That is correct."

A devilish smile appeared on my face. "Good. That means that I get to kill you."

Terren let out a hearty laugh, which unnerved me honestly. Never in a million years, I would ever imagine watching the planet Earth laugh at a cringey threat that I made. In my defense I was trying to imitate an 80s action hero, thank goodness I couldn't see the others' faces when I said that.

"You really are a Servant of Chaos. You are truly a mad woman."

"Syas the bitch wearing a fucking cape and a hula-hoop. Where did you get your clothes, a circus tent?"

"Please stop trying to be witty. It's embarrassing." Angelus said.

"I thought it was clever."

Ignore him, Norah.

"Enough of this! You will die with the rest of the foolish life forms who desperately cling onto me like parasites." The stupid cape Terrene disappeared as it turned into the wind and blew away.

I summon two Mana blades in each hand. I think I have one more witty quip in me.

"It's way past your bedtime, Terrene, about time you take a nap."

With that said, I rushed towards Terrene as fast as I could muster. Angelus and Alexandria let out audible groans. Comedy must really be dead or Ancient humor must be different from us mortals, or a former mortal in my case.

I attack Terren like a wild animal. Slashing at anything that even looks remotely vital. That was the plan but Terrene blocked all of my attacks.

Terrene attempted to attack me with claws but I was able to jump back to dodge at the last second.

Now that I have some distance between us, I better change up tactics. If I get gutted by those claws, then I would be in serious trouble.

My Mana Blades, once blue, are now dyed black. A red and black aura surrounds as black lightning is conducted from the aura. I am increasing my natural chaos energy to the utmost limit. This isn't the most practical trick I have at my disposal but does pack a punch.

"Just what are you planning, Servant?"

"Instead of telling you, why don't I just show you!"