
Luke Adventurous Life in Final Fantasy VII

Reza, a rich middle-aged NEET gets reincarnated into Final Fantasy VII world after filling a questionnaire on the net. How will his life be as Sephiroth Twin brothers?

AliefLucas · アニメ·コミックス
25 Chs

Chapter 1 Life in Icicle Inn

A week has passed since I remember my past life and many things happened in this week. First, I start to train my body with the knowledge of Kosaka Shigure while familiarizing myself with Yamato. The 100 times training speed works perfectly since my body development is so fast. Luckily my Reactive Evolution also at work as not to stunt my growth. Mom didn't know about it though since she thought that I just play outside.

Second, I've checked on the storage and I own any type of Mineral even Mythical ones. Like Orichalcum, Adamantium, Mythril, Uru Metal, Vibranium etc. I even have Katchin from Dragon Ball.

Right now I just finish my running around the village and I am so bored. There is no anime and Game here. I am on a withdrawal symptom. The only thing to look forward is bath time at night since I take a bath with Mom and Ifalna. I am a pervert, so what? What more I am a Mothercon since my last life that bathing with two beautiful MILF is Heaven for me, ehehe. We take a bath together to save money on Hot Water since it was cold here. Well, good for me.

"Not good, I have to search for something to do before I become crazy from boredom." I said to myself as I get up.

"Let's train swordmanship to distract myself!" I said and start to swing my sword. "Yosh, Lets do a hundred swings!"

Back home after training.

[Light Lemon incoming]

"I am Home!" I shout as I walk in.

"Welcome home Luke. Uh, you are dirty again! Come, let's take a bath!" Mom says as she greet me.

"Okay, where is Ilfana and Prof Gast? She won't join us today?" I asked as there is no one besides my home.

"What? Not satisfied with just me?" she said teasing me. "They won't be back for a week," she said and I thought that they are creating Aerith now.

"Come, it's just us two now!" she said taking me to the bathroom. She takes off my clothes before undressing herself.

"You know, I can take off my own clothes now right, Mom." I said.

"Ehehe, just let me spoils you a little longer." she said with a smile while I look at her naked body in appreciation.

"Well, whatever makes you happy." I said walking inside the bathroom.

"What a good boy. Now, sit. Let me wash you!" she said and I sit letting her wash my body.


"done! My turn, help mom wash her body!" she said and I happily complied.

I start with her back, continue on her armpits and her hand. Usually that's all I do when there is Ilfana with us. But, today being just the two of us. With My Devil side continue egging me. I sneak my hand to the front and start playing with her breast.

"Mnhh~~, what a naughty boy." Mom said but she's not stopping me. I walk around and start washing her body from the front. Staying at her breast a bit longer and play with her nipples which she seem to like from what her expression tells me. " You want to suck Mommy's breast again Luke?" she asked and I just nodded.

"Then hurry finish this up so we can soak in the bathtub so you can do it." she said. It seems she is frustrated and horny. Prof Gast and Ifalna seem to trigger her libido making her like this. Finnish washing her as I play with her pussy just a little bit we get into the bathtub with her hugging me from behind.

"Now come Luke, you can suck on Mommy's! But I don't think there will be milk anymore." she said and I don't waste time sucking on her breast.

"Mnhh~ so strong. You don't have to rush." she said and I slow down and start to lick her nipple while my right hand plays with her other breast.

After a while, she seems to climax which woke her up. We stop and get out of the bath, eat dinner and go to the bedroom to sleep.

"Good night Luke. We should do something like that again once in a while. Moms like the feeling." she said before kissing me and sleep while hugging me.

'I seems to awaken her lust. A gain for me, hehe.' I thought before asleep. Since that night it was a routine that I suck Mom's breast before we go to sleep.


Two months later

"1489,1490,1491....1499,1500. Fuaaah, that is Haah~~Haah~ finish~" I just finish my sword swing for today 1500 Swing each direction Iaido include.

"Lets go home, I am Hungry." I said and walk back home.




"I am back!" I shout as I walk into my home. "Huh, why there are so many foods today?" I asked as I sit in the dining room.

"Hey, go take a bath first! Today, we are celebrating Ifalna pregnancy." Mom said while ushering me to stand up again.

"Pregnancy?" I asked tilting my head.

"It means she will have a Baby." Mom explains, maybe thinking my question for ignorance.

"I know what Pregnancy is. I read about it, for how long?" I asked.

" It seems to be a month." answer mom as she put food on the table. Prof Gast was being paranoid looking after Ifalna while asking for her needs. "Now, you go take a bath!" said mom as I left the room.


Five months later.

Right now I am outside the village on the snowfield fighting with Monster. It's been a week since I deem myself to be strong enough to fight monsters which is an underestimation of my strength since it seems that I am too strong for this Monster since one cut is enough to kill them or is it Yamato that is too sharp. I've been letting it absorb every material I own inside the storage space after all.

I think it's both since their movements look like crawl to me. They are too slow, I tried to block their attack once and it was so weak that I don't feel anything. Well, it is only Bandersnatch and Jumping after all. "Let's fight around Grassland next time." I said as I sit after storing the corpses inside the storage.

"Hmm, I think it was time for me to own Yamato fully by becoming a Demon." I said to myself while looking at Yamato on my lap. It seems to have little sentience since it vibrates a little when I say that.

"Hmm, Nah let's do it later. I don't want to do it outside when I can be attacked and doing it at home is impossible unless if I want to give Mom a heart attack from seeing me Impaled by Yamato." I say and can feel Yamato sulk.

"Be a little Patience Buddy," I said and it is back to normal.

"Mnhhh, let's tried the grassland now to cheer you up." I said and start to run toward the Grassland.


After going around Grassland killing Vlakorados and Trickplay I go back to Icicle Inn.

Before going back home I visit the weapon store first.


"Hmmm, Luke! You come to dump your monster's corpses on me again huh?" said the old man manning the shop. His name is Doyle. "What do you need this time?" he asked as I always just barter it with his goods like Potion, High Potion, Ether, Turbo Ether, X Potion, Vaccine etc though I never uses it since I one cut kill the monster.

"Well, do you have any Materia?" I asked.

"Materia huh, I have a few on the stock but let count your goods first." he said and take out all the monster I killed today. There is 30 Bandersnatch, 50 Jumping, 57 Trickplay, and 45 Vlakorados.

"Whoa, you went to grassland area?" he asked. "How did you go that far in a day?"

"Hehe, I am just fast. Now start counting!" I said and he just nodded respecting my privacy.

"Hmm, for all of this. You got yourself around 15000 Gill not enough to buy a Materia. What Materia do you want?" he asked.

"I see, I want Magic Materia For Lightning and Ice." I told him.

"I have Ice but the lightning one I don't. It is 42000 Gill for that." he answers.

"Okay, just two more day and I can buy it right? I will come again in two days!" I said and leave the weapon shop.

"I will asked my supplier at Costa del Sol if the got one you got any request?" he shouted and I thought for a while before answering him. "Get me Restrore, Time, Gravity and Slash All if you can." I told him and left.

Areiving home I see Ifalna sitting on a chair while stroking her bulging stomach while mom was cooking in the kitchen.

"I am Home." I said while walking toward Ifalna putting my ears on her stomach.

"You really like to listen to her huh Luke." said Ifalna with a smile.

"Huh, how come you know it's a girl?" I asked her.

"Its a secret." she said in mischieve.

"Hmm, well whatever. Mom, I am hungry!" I said getting up.

"Go take a bath first!" she said and I nodded.

"Yes, let's take a bath while Luce prepare for dinner." said Ifalna as she follow me to the bath. I am helping her as she being pregnant it is hard to take a bath. Why not her husband? He is busy in his lab doing whatever it is.