
Lucrada Chronicles: Origins

I'll also be posting chapters here https://www.royalroad.com/profile/553083/fictions and here lucrada.net In the year 2108, the world has changed its definition of being normal. The people of the world gained unique abilities and magical powers. However, with this development, the corruption of the world grew. The spread of crime and murder increased all over the world. To fight the corruption of the world, the world’s governments decided to rally together and fight against this threat. They formed an army of people who have special powers, called SP User, and magicians to combat against the corruption of the world. They called this organization The World’s Army Association. Thanks to the power of the World’s Army Association, corruption has decreased in the world. As a result, the world became a peaceful place and began to flourish, however peace doesn’t last for long. The world on the outside looks normal, but it’s horrible and full of corruption. The corruption of the world spread to the world’s government and the army’s leaders. However, in this corrupt world, there is a righteous boy who dreams of leading the world’s army. However little that he knows, He would be the leader of the World's Strongest Team, The Amagiri Clan, or that he would change the world.

R_Lucrada · 都市
24 Chs

Chapter 9


In another dimension(world) from earth, on a large island floating in a black void is where the Jan-gu and their angels live in peace and harmony. This place is called Eden. However, lately this world been in chaos because the change their kings. A false king have brought a darkness to this beautiful world.

In a forest ,somewhere on this island, Reo and Anko are passed out and separated from each other.

"Uh, what's going on? Where am I?" Reo said as he wakes up.

He gets up and roams around to see if he finds anyone to help him.

"It seem I'm not the only one here. I should meet up with Anko as soon as I can." Reo thought to himself as the felt the energy flow around him.

Suddenly, he heard screams come the opposite direction. He instantly runs to help the person who screamed. As he rushes there, he realized that he had changed little. He was releasing a lot of power with every step, his body was lighter, and was moving a lot easier than normal.

Somewhere in that forest, there are two angels, a teenage girl and her little brother, are being chased by a chimera. They both injured their wings trying to run away from the chimera, so they couldn't fly away. As they was running, the boy tripped over a tree root.

"Come on, hurry, we have to get outta here. There's village is up ahead." The girl said as she helped her brother up.

"Okay. Thanks, Sis." He said as he gotten up.

Then, the chimera leapt in front of them and snarled at the two of them, paralyzing their bodies with fear. They backed-up as the chimera came closer. They fell backwards. Then, the chimera pounced at the two of them. The two angels closed their eyes as they expected death.

"Hey, are you two okay?" Reo said as he stopped the chimera.

"Yes, we're fine, but how are you doing that?" The girl said.

"I'll explain that after this, but let me handle this lion-goat creature. Wait, is this a-"

The creature snake-like tail attack his side suddenly.

"You okay?" They both asked concernedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but I don't think this chimera is going to be." Reo said

Then, they saw that he was stabbed through the torso. Reo extends his left arm, and created a nova gauntlet. However, it looked completely different. It was like a dragon's claw. Then, he punched the chimera blowing off its goat head, filling it with fear it, and causing it to run away. Then, he threw a miniature fireball at the chimera. As it made contact with the chimera, the fireball grew massive, and incinerated it.

"W- Who are you?" The teenage girl asked.

"I'm Reo Amagiri, Grandson of King Vlad Lucrada and Queen Meliona, and Current king of Jan-gu."

"No seriously. Who are you?" She said.

"I'm telling you the truth. I'm the grandson of King and Queen Lucrada. My full name is Reo Ira Lucrada Amagiri."

"So, why are you here?" The little boy said.

"To tell you the truth, I don't where or what this place is?" Reo said looking around.

"Well, this is your so call kingdom, Eden." The girl said sarcastically.

"Really, but why are those things here. This is supposed to be a peaceful place." Reo said.

"Because of the current king released dangerous beast that was sealed up by the previous king. Every few months, He requires every city and village to sacrifice one boy and one girl to appease the beast." The girl said disappointedly.

"Okay, where's the current king? Me and him got a problem. How dare he does that? He should've just left them alone." Reo said angrily.

"Why are you mad?" The girl asked.

"Sacrificing people shouldn't be an option for all-powerful beings like a Jan-gu." Reo said as he transformed into Omen mode.

"Well, I would take you there, but I can't fly. Our wings got damaged earlier, and it's going to take a while to heal." She said.

"Don't worry, I'll carry you." Reo said as he walked over to her and picked her up.

"By the way, what are your names?" Reo said.

"I'm Raphael, and that's my sister Cassiel, in your arms." the little boy said.

"Okay Raphael, climb on my back. I'm going to fly us to the king."

"How are you going to fly without your wings?" Raphael asked.

"I don't need wings." Reo said as he knelt over so Raphael can get on his back.

Raphael climbed on his back and secured himself. Reo jumped and levitated in the air. Cassiel pointed north, and said "Over there is the castle.". Suddenly, he took off at sonic speed toward the castle. On the way, Reo felt two powerful people headed his way coming from in front of them and one person behind them.

"How long until your wings are healed?" Reo asked.

"About half a hour." They both said.

"Okay, I'm going to drop you off here." Reo said.

"Don't you dare. There is no way you can fight them all by yourself." Cassiel said.

"Don't worry, I'm your king remember. Plus, I was going sit you on this platform." Reo said as he created a floating platform.

He sat Cassiel and Raphael on the platform and formed a barrier around them. He waited in that one spot for the people coming in front of him to show up. Two minutes later, the people showed up. One was a little girl ,around Rias age, with black hair in ponytail, silver eyes, and dressed like a boy. The other one was a man, around the age of Reo's dad, with a long white hair, yellow eyes, and dressed in an all black suit.

"Welcome true king of Jan-gu, Reo Ira Lucrada. My name is Dragia, The Dimensional Dragon God. I'm here to escort you to the castle." The man said.

"Indeed, My name is Sapphire, youngest daughter of the King and Queen Lucrada, princess of the Jan-gu. I guess that makes me your aunt in a way, but I'm just going to call you big brother." She said.

"How did you know it was me?" Reo said.

"Dad, always watch big sister, and you in the crystal monitor in the castle family room. We also watched yours and Anko's fight against Asta and his army in person, so I recognized your energy once your took out that chimera."

"Okay. I wanna talk to the current king. Take me to him. It's time I returned to my rightful place."

"Yay, Big Brother has finally returned to lead his people. Now Uncle and cousin can leave." Sapphire said as she hugged Reo.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew past them with a intense force. Reo turned around and saw Anko floating.

"Anko, this is not what it looks like." Reo said nervously.

Suddenly, Anko rushed over to Reo, and gave him a hug while crying in his chest.

"What's wrong?" Reo asked sincerely.

"I was so worried about you. I didn't think about how you must be feeling. I don't deserve to be with you." She said as she continued to cry.

"Anko, I'm okay. There's no need to worry. I mean. Yeah, I was upset at first, but I realized that I have to be strong for Rias. Not only her, but you and Lucie too. I don't want worry the people that means the most to me." Reo attempting to cheer her up.

Anko continued to cry in Reo's chest.

"Ahem, Did you forget were here?" Cassiel said.

"Yeah, Reo, who is this person?" Raphael asked.

"Oh, this is

"Anko Superbia L. D. Amagiri." Sapphire said as she interrupts Reo.

"No, It's Namikaze. I'm not married to Reo yet." Anko said as she wipes her tears .

"Okay, How about we change that? Let us hold a ceremony after you take the throne back. That should be enough time for the others to get here." Sapphire said.

"Okay, sure?" Reo said cautiously.

"Reo, Who are these people?" Anko whispered to him.

"She is Cassiel, her brother Raphael, my aunt Sapphire, and Dragia, her familiar." Reo telepathically said to Anko.

"Sorry sir, but I'm not just her familiar. I'm a familiar of the Lucrada family. If I was to tell you the truth, I would say we familiars, in general, are actually family, so that would make me your Grand Uncle." Dragia said.

"I agree. If that's the case, we have already have a huge diverse family. Right Anko." Reo said smiling.

"I'm sorry to break up this reunion, but what are you waiting for?" Cassiel asked impatiently.

"We were waiting for your wings to get better, so we can go the castle. I want to reward you for helping me out." Reo said.

"Oh. Well, I apologize for my rudeness." Cassiel said bashfully.

"It's alright. You wasn't rude at all." Reo said.

"Wait, your wings were damage. Why didn't you heal her, Reo? Come here, I'll heal your wings." Sapphire said.

"Okay. Thank you, Your highness." Cassiel said.

"Can you heal me too, Your majesty." Raphael said.

"I'll heal you, Raphael." Anko said.

"No, I'll handle their wounds. You and Reo go in that direction to the castle. We'll catch up as soon as we can." Sapphire said.

"Okay, we'll leave it to you."

The two of them turned towards the direction of the castle. Suddenly, they took off at top speed into a dimensional vortex, causing a gust of wind with the strength of a tornado.

"Holy crap! They're stronger than I expected. But I should've known because they remind me so much of father and sister." Sapphire said.

"Strong, milady." Cassiel said.

"Yes, that too, but I was talking about not knowing how to hold back." Sapphire said as she smiled.

"Yes, but the only time Lord Vlad doesn't hold back is when someone of his family is threatened. Like your sisters, Jeanne and Leska." Dragia said.

"That's true. It is a good quality to have. However, when it come to those two, they purely don't know how to precisely control." Sapphire said.

"Um, actually princess, I think you got them wrong. Reo seem to have perfect control of his power earlier." Cassiel said.

"Your right, he has control, but it's not perfect control. The last time I saw him fight was in a battle royale with three of the elite human guards. He didn't use any other abilities beside Dimensional Shift and some shoddy technique of creation, not to mention his weapon handling skills are very lacking." Sapphire said judgingly.

"Milady, I don't think you should talk about them like that. I remember when you struggled to open a dimension gate or to execute a dimensional warp , and they just did a dimensional warp with ease without even knowing it. They just need time. Also, you might want to go back to your true form now." Dragia said.

Sapphire looked down, and started blushing as she noticed that her body changed from her true form to an luscious adult form.

"Whoops." Sapphire said as she changed back.

"What was that?" Raphael said.

"An ability we Jan-gu have, Deception. It allows us to change our form to anything at will." Sapphire said.

"Cool!" Raphael said.

"Okay, I done with healing your sister. Come over here so I can heal you too, Raphael." She said.

"It's alright. I was blessed with amazing regenerative abilities since I was born. My wing were healed some time ago." Raphael said.

"Oh, okay, well let us get going." Sapphire said as she levitated.

"Okay." Cassiel, Raphael, and Dragia said as they open up their wings.

Then, they all took off at high speeds towards the castle. As they reached the castle's gates, they saw injured angelic guards lying everywhere in front of the gate.

"Poor guys. They didn't have chance against those two." Cassiel thought to herself.

"I agree, but they did get in the way of their king and one of their queens. Fools." Sapphire said as she looked at the angelic soldiers .

Then, they made their way into the castle, where they saw more bodies of the guards. Suddenly, they heard a loud crash coming from the throne room. They rushed to the throne room, and seen Reo fight a giant version of the his cousin while Anko fight a giant. Then, Sapphire noticed that her uncle was casting a spell that could only affect an enemy.

"Reo, Anko, move out of the way." Sapphire yelled, but it was too late.

The spell successfully hit its target with remarkable precision. Reo and Anko was put into a strong illusionary spell that alter their perception of their surroundings.

"What happened to them, Sapphire." Cassiel said.

"They're under a forbidden magical spell called Mind Bind. It's a spell that attacks the only weakness that we Jan-gu have, our minds. It shows us horrible things such as reliving a traumatic experience or the thing we fear the most."

"Wait, the all-powerful Jan-gu have a sense of fear." Cassiel said shocked.

"Yes, but it's harmless against us."

In the minds of Reo and Anko, they both experience two different scenarios of trauma.

"Where am I?" Reo asked.

Suddenly, a jolt of immense pain went throughout his body causing him to scream.

"Haven't felt pain like that since Ezra Sensei training."

"Oh really, I should be honored, but I know that's a lie. You been through way worst like not being there to protect our city. Your families, friends, and your classmates are all dead because you wasn't there Reo." A shadow of Ezra said as it appeared.

"Ezra-sensei. You supposed to be dead. I saw and buried your body myself." Reo said with fear in his voice.

"Well, I never called you a genius, son." A familiar voice said.

Reo turned around, and saw a shadow of his dad. He stood there paralyzed.

"D-d- Dad. You supposed to be-"

"Dead! I know, but I'm not the only one here." Reo's dad interrupted Reo as he fell to knees in sadness.

"Hey, Reo, where you been?"

"Reo, why didn't you come to our rescue?"

"Reo, I was killed trying to be like you."





A crowd of shadow said continuously as they appeared one by one.

"Ahhhhh, stop this. Stop messing with my mind." Reo yelled out loud as he slowly sinks deeper in his crazy delusions.

"Princess, Can't you help him? He looks like his suffering." Cassiel asked worriedly.

"Unfortunately, No. They have to escape that prison with themselves."

Back in Reo's perception, Reo is constantly being tormented by the shadows.

"What's wrong, my little monster. Not feeling so well. Maybe you should go to sleep. Just fall into a deep sleep." Reo's shadow dad said as Reo slowly closed his eyes and fell to the ground.

While Reo was experiencing his torture, Anko was confronted with her most difficult opponent, herself.

"Reo, What's wrong?" Anko asked worriedly.

"Just admit it. He has gotten tired of being with you. He probably going to just get married to that bitch Lucie and that old hag of a fox, Kasai, and leave you out own your own. I can hear them now. Them laughing at us, enjoying themselves." The shadow of herself said.

"They would never-"

"Do that. Yeah, The old Reo wouldn't do that, but this Reo is king of the most powerful races in the entire multiverse. Do you really think you can stand beside him now."

"Of course she can. She's the next queen of the Jan-gu and the last of the Dragonia family. The only family strong enough to stand beside the Lucrada. Now out of my sight." Meliona said as she appeared behind Anko.

"Grandma Melionaaa." Anko said as she fainted.

"Sorry, We were a little late. We wanted you to get stronger, but all we did was put you two through stress. I'm sorry." Meliona said as she touched Anko's head.

"Mind captured complete, and now our biggest problem are out of the way. My son and I can take over this universe without any trouble." Their grand uncle said maliciously.

"Why would you do that, uncle? They're family." Sapphire yelled.

"It's simple. They're the only ones who can stop us on our conquest, and I can't have that, now can I." He said.

"You basta-"

"Tsk tsk tsk, A princess shouldn't be using such language. Oh, I'm sorry, Former Princess." He said as he interrupted Sapphire and shaking his head.

"Father, I would like to take her, Jeanne, and Leska as my concubines. I feel like they would be excellent choices to continue the Lucrada bloodline." Her cousin said.

Then, a light shined from Reo and Anko's bodies.

"So, the little brat thinks he can take my daughters, and make them into sex slaves. He must've got some confidence in himself to suggest that ridiculous request. Looks like we need to teach him a lesson. Right dear." Vlad, possessing Reo, said as he raises up to his feet.

"Like father, like son. They both need a lesson." Meliona, possessing Anko, said as she risen too.

"Quickly, crush them, Jr." His father said with fear.

Jr. raised his giant foot, and stomped them as fast as he could. He repeatedly to stomp them causing the whole island to shake.

"Sapphire, what's going on? Who shaking the island?" Jeanne telepathically asked as she yawned and walked down the side stairs.

"Jr. and uncle trying to kill big brother Reo and big sister Anko. They're trying to take over the universe." Sapphire said.

"Come on, Sapphire, don't leave out the funniest part. Jr. request to take us three as his concubines." Leska said laughing appearing out of nowhere.

"Yeah right. That's never going to happen. I'm already promised myself to serve my nephew and only him." Jeanne said angrily.

Their uncle sighed.

"The three princesses showed up. Great." He thought to himself.

"Enough Jr. They should be down by now." His father said.

"Finally, I thought he was never going to stop. Anymore he would've broke through the palace. Besides, you would've thought that he would know how to fight, instead of stomping like a child on a tantrum, to say we share blood." Vlad said.

"He might be your nephew, but your brother's son. You should've expect him to be like this." Meliona said.

"You right." Vlad said.

Everybody looked up, and saw the two of them unscathed and annoyed, sitting in the air, while in transcendence mode.

"Wh-Why do they have that form?" Vlad's brother asked fearfully.

Then, Vlad snapped his fingers and, instantly, a crowd of people showed up while Jr and the giant disappeared.

"What can we do for you, milord?" The crowd of people said as they knelt down.

"Remember this face. This is my Grandson, Reo Ira Lucrada Amagiri, Your new master and king of Eden." Vlad said.

"Yes master." They said.

"Also, this is one of his future wives, Anko Superbia Lucrada Namikaze, Your new queen of Eden, The latest of the Dragonia family. Treat her like family especially you three." Vlad said while pointing out Sapphire, Jeanne, and Leska.

"Of course, father. I always thought her as part of the family." Jeanne said.

"Okay, daddy." Leska said.

"I bet they'll be fun to be around." Leska said thought to herself.

"Yes, father. I will." Sapphire said.

"Sweetheart, I think you forgot something." Meliona said as she pointed out someone standing in the crowd, trying to tiptoe away.

"Oh Yeah, I knew I forgot something." Vlad said as he extended his arm.

Suddenly, his brother levitated upwards.

"What are you going to do to me? Kill me like you killed my son."

"No, I let him off easy. I made him human and sent him away, but you will burn for all eternity in the dimensional prison, Tartarus." Vlad said.

"No, Please anything but that. I begging you." his brother pleaded.

"Hellfire." Vlad chanted.

Then, black flames appeared on his brother legs, and moved upwards till his body was engulf in flames.

"Chains that bounds gods, wraps around the one who done wrong to me, and seals him away forever." Vlad chanted as broken glass-like pieces forms around his brother, and reconnects perfectly leaving no traces of his brother.

Then, Vlad looks at Jeanne, Leska, and Sapphire and mouths 'Catch'. Suddenly, they powered down, and begun to fall. Jeanne rushed over and caught Reo, but she missed Anko. However, Leska was there waiting to catch Anko beneath Jeanne.

"Sapphire, They seem tired. We're going to take them to Mom and Dad's old room. Put those two in some extra rooms." Jeanne said.

"Okay, I come around later." Sapphire said.

Then, Jeanne and Leska took off down the halls of the palace to their parents rooms. The crowd of people dispersed slowly.

"Wow, that was a lot to process." Cassiel said.

"Yeah, Sorry about that. I didn't expect this to happen." Sapphire said.

"Oh, Don't worry about it, Princess. I was just thinking out loud. Anyway, I think Raphael and I should get going."

"No, you're staying here for indefinitely." Sapphire said bluntly.

"What? What about our mom and dad? What about the village? We should let them know that we survive."

"Don't worry about that they'll know that when they see you right beside the new king as a part of his family. Besides, Do you really want to go back to the village that unanimously decided to sacrifice you and you little brother to the Chimeras. Even your mother and father said to do it." Sapphire said.

"No, I don't to go back to that horrible village, but I, at least, want to look them in the eyes, and show them the wrong they did." Cassiel said as she started to tear up.

"Sister." Raphael thought sadly.

"Good answer, Cassiel. Welcome to the family. and your brother are now the adopted children of King Reo and Queens Anko, Lucie, and Kasai." Sapphire happily said .

"Adopted Children? What do you mean?" Cassiel asked.

"It's exactly how it sounds. You will be apart of the Lucrada family. You will have the same experiences that we have and access to all the knowledge of the multiverse."

"Won't people look down on us because we don't share the same blood as them." Cassiel said.

"No. Jeanne and Leska are adopted and were humans before. No one in this castle looks down them, and they won't look down on you. So, please say 'Yes'." Sapphire said.

Cassiel looked to her brother and saw a smile on his face. She could already tell that he wanted to stay with Reo.

"Yes, we would love to be apart of the Lucrada family." Cassiel said.

Sapphire jumped and hugged her new family members with excitement.

Suddenly, Sapphire felt something entering the dimension. She didn't know what it was, but she did know it had a lot of strong people on board.

"Laracia. Scarlet. Akuya. Kara. Azazel. Velvet. Egor. Eza. Come with me. Kuromi, can you show Cassiel and Raphael to their rooms?" Sapphire commanded as she walked outside.

Then, three clouds of bats came from the crowd, flew towards the entrance, and formed three different people; One man and two women. One of the women had long, silver hair and blood red eyes, and had the look and the body that could put a goddess, who are known for their beauty, to shame. The other woman had short, red hair and the same blood red eyes, and looked the same as the first woman, however she had a pair of glasses that distinguish their differences. The man had long, wavy, black hair and the same blood red eyes, but he looked tired as if he was up all night. Suddenly, a dark shadow appeared behind Cassiel.

"You're pretty cute for an Angel. How about I make you a fallen angel." The shadow creepily said as he touched her body.

"Azazel, If you don't remove your hands from Lord Reo's child right now, I will personally kill you myself." A woman said as she appeared behind him holding a demonic knife to his head.

"Hey now, calm down Scarlet, there's no need to be jealous. Besides, I don't accept that man to be my master. He can go bite it for all I care." Azazel said as he continued to feel Cassiel up.

"Insolence. Don't you dare talk bad about your master. Especially someone so great as my great nephew Reo." The silver-haired woman said as she turned around.

"Oh, Yeah, what are you going to do about it, Laracia." Azazel said.

"Fool, You dare talk back to your superiors. Prostrate yourself." Laracia said.

Suddenly Azazel dropped to the ground with his head facing downward. Every second passed, and every time he tried to raise his head, it felt like thousand of pounds was beating the back of his head repeatedly, slamming his head into the ground.

"Are you okay, Lady Cassiel. Please forgive this fool for touching you. He won't do ever again." Laracia said as she bowed her head.

"Oh no, I'm okay, but what's going to happen to him?" Cassiel said.

"Nothing to horrible, but I'll leave that up to Scarlet. For now, we'll leave him like this for a few hours. Also, Please don't hesitate to hit him if he do it again." Laracia said.

Laracia turned around and walked back out of the castle. Following her was Scarlet and two unusual, muscular men.

Outside of the castle, Sapphire and the other eight waited for the unidentified guest to arrived.

"Eza. Egor. You can release your limiters." Sapphire said.

"Yes, Princess." the two unusual, muscular men said.

The two of them grew to outstanding heights ,and radiated a strong magical aura. Suddenly, Kuro attempts to land in front them, but Eza grabbed her wings. Kuro reverted back putting everyone in a freefall. Then, Egor attempted to catch them, but Kasai pulled everybody towards her with her tails. Suddenly, Laracia appeared in front of her, and punched her, trying to launch her in the ground. However, Yuko caught her punch while Lucie was trying to get free from Kasai. Laracia, surprised to see one of her daughters, was caught off guard, and attacked by Maria.

"Wow, this is a surprise. I get to see two of my precious girls. They grew up to be so strong. I'm so happy." Laracia thought to herself.

"Astral Bind." Scarlet chanted.

Then, chains of light, similar to the ones that One (captain of the Royal 13) use, appeared and binded Kasai.

"Purgatory" Lucie said as she dodges the chains.

Then, she transformed and summoned three massive fireballs.

Akuya prepared to stop them, but Sapphire stopped him. She walked forward and chanted "Wind Dragon God Art; Heaven Destroyer." Suddenly, strong blades of wind sliced through the fireballs. Lucie surprised to see such power coming from one person. Let alone a little girl.

"Let the fox down, Scarlet. They're not enemies." Sapphire telepathically said.

"Yes." Scarlet said as she released her spell. Lucie and Kasai landed in front Sapphire.

"I guessed everything has calmed down. Now Lucie ,Kasai, Maria, Yuko, Princess Kana, Princess Rias and friends, Let me be the first to welcome you to Eden." Sapphire said.

"Eden. This place is beautiful." Kana said.

"Well, Of course, this is the land of the Jan-gu and their angels." Laracia said as she and appeared behind them.

"Reo and Anko? Are they?" Lucie said

"Yes, Lord Reo and Lady Anko are fine. Right now, they are sleeping to recover their strength." Scarlet said.

"And, we will be holding a worldwide celebration(wedding) for the return of King and Queens." Sapphire said.

"By that, do you mean?" Lucie asked nervously.

"Yes, tomorrow is the day you wanted. Along with Kasai if she want to?" Sapphire said.

"Question?" Kana asked.

"What is it, Kana?" Sapphire replied.

"Who are you people? What do you mean 'return of your king and queens'? And, can some explain why I don't feel so well." Kana asked.

"I'm sorry. I should introduce myself. I'm Sapphire Lucrada, youngest princess of the Jan-gu, and these are

"Scarlet Lucrada, High rank demon."

"Laracia Lucrada, Shinso(divine Vampire). My daughters have been under you care. I thank you for your kindness."

"Akuya Lucrada, Vampire."

"Velvet Lucrada, Vampire. Also Head of the Elite Guard here on Eden."

"Eza Lucrada, giant clan"

"Egor Lucrada, last of the Titans."

"Okay, so what do you mean return of your king and queens?" Kana said.

"Reo Ira Lucrada Amagiri , Anko Superbia Lucrada Namikaze, Lucie Luxuria Lucrada Amagiri."

So, does that mean Reo is now in charge of all of this?" Kana asked.

"Yes, Kana Hasegawa, and I suggest you leave with your maid. You won't like what's going to happen in the future." Sapphire said bluntly to Kana.

"What do you mean by that?" Kana asked.

"It's just as I said. You won't like it. Plus, I doubt you'll last here any longer than this." Sapphire said.

Suddenly, Kana, and the humans fainted.