
Lucrada Chronicles: Origins

I'll also be posting chapters here https://www.royalroad.com/profile/553083/fictions and here lucrada.net In the year 2108, the world has changed its definition of being normal. The people of the world gained unique abilities and magical powers. However, with this development, the corruption of the world grew. The spread of crime and murder increased all over the world. To fight the corruption of the world, the world’s governments decided to rally together and fight against this threat. They formed an army of people who have special powers, called SP User, and magicians to combat against the corruption of the world. They called this organization The World’s Army Association. Thanks to the power of the World’s Army Association, corruption has decreased in the world. As a result, the world became a peaceful place and began to flourish, however peace doesn’t last for long. The world on the outside looks normal, but it’s horrible and full of corruption. The corruption of the world spread to the world’s government and the army’s leaders. However, in this corrupt world, there is a righteous boy who dreams of leading the world’s army. However little that he knows, He would be the leader of the World's Strongest Team, The Amagiri Clan, or that he would change the world.

R_Lucrada · 都市
24 Chs

Chapter 7

While trouble stirs in Demoria and Alfhiem, Reo and Anko are asleep in a bed, dressed in white robes. Then, a woman walked into the room, carrying a bowl of water with towels. She then splits herself in two to clean Reo and Anko. However, as she began, Reo and Anko woke up in a panic.

" Oh my, you're awake." She spoke.

"Who? Where?" Reo asked.

"Your majesties, you're in the castle on Caleaxia." The woman said.

"Caleaxia?" Anko said.

"Yes, Anko. Caleaxia. The original home for us, Jan-gu." Meliona said as she walked into the room.

Suddenly, Reo and Anko fell unconscious.

"Majesties!" The woman said.

"They're fine. They are just not used to this strain from the atmosphere's thickness and gravity. Give them a few more days. They'll wake up again." Meliona said as she walked out of the room.

As she walked out, the woman started again to wash Reo and Anko. "Reo and Anko, huh? They don't look like the Royal lineage type. However, they do give off a strange aura within them." She thought.

Two days later, Reo wakes up in a white room. Confused, he tries to get up but struggles. Then, Vlad walks into the room with a familiar-looking woman.

"Finally, you woke up. Seriously, you're running late." Vlad said as he grabbed Reo's arm.

"What are you talking about, grandfather? What am I late for? Better yet, why are you here?" Reo asked.

"I'll explain later... Anko has already left for her training. She's probably at Ara's war zone by now. You have to help her." He said as he, Reo, and the woman flew off.

"I'm sure Anko's okay. She can take care of herself."

"I don't think you understand. My brother, Ara, had a reputation when Caleaxia was the only dimension in the universe. He wasn't the type to accept a no from a woman he had eyes for, and he was staring at Anko yesterday."

Suddenly, Reo disappeared.

"I think he's angry, Brother." The woman said.

"Yeah, I think I made a mistake, Teiga," Vlad said.

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure Reo wouldn't be so foolish enough to charge into a war zone blindly." The woman said as her body changed.

"Huh, I guess you're right," Vlad said as he relaxed.

Meanwhile, Anko struggles to walk around a deserted town that covers the side of the mountain.

"Now, where am I? The last thing I remember seeing is three people standing in front of a big door, claiming to be our instructors." Anko thought to herself.

Suddenly, the ground shakes and splits open. Out of the openings, Millions of dolls in a variety of shapes and sizes appeared. Each one of these dolls radiated a strange, powerful aura.

"Welcome to my war zone, beautiful." A mysterious voice said.

Anko looked around for the voice but didn't see anyone.

"Where's that voice coming from?" Anko thought to herself.

Then, one of the dolls moved its arms in a flowing motion, causing a gust of air to build up. The doll quickly extended its arms, causing an air blast and sending Anko into a building.

"Okay, that's new and completely unexpected." Anko thought to herself.

"Trust me; I haven't taught you anything yet. Give me one night." The voice said.

"Sorry, I'm a happily married woman. Not to mention, you are not my type." Anko said teasingly, trying to aggravate the voice.

"Oh, and that weakling is... I'm disappointed. You should have a better choice of men."

"You mean someone like you," Anko said before slightly laughing.


"Keep dreaming. There's only one man I love." Anko said as she got up.

"Aw... I thought we had something special. Well, there's always plan B." The voice said as dolls instantly appeared all around her.

"Plan B, huh," Anko said while she sighed.

Then, the dolls disappeared and attacked Anko from all sides. Feeling weak, Anko tried to transform into her Omega Mode, but she couldn't.

"What's wrong? Can't transform. Well, I expected that. Your transformation is based on emotions and dimensional energy, creating imperfect forms of our transformations."

"What do you mean imperfect forms of your transformations?" Anko asked.

"For example, your Omega form. While you do release a lot of dimensional energy, your power doesn't change. It stays the same, like your other transformations. It's like you're releasing the power you keep locked up instead of building on that power. Haven't you noticed how Reo's grandfather's transformation differs from yours?"

"We never saw Grandpa's transformations." She replied.

"Oh. That doesn't surprise me. The favorite son is strong enough to fight twenty billion of my puppets without transforming." The voice said with a jealous tone.

"Sounds like someone is jealous of his older brother," Anko said.

"Well, I wouldn't expect you to understand. You and Reo are the eldest kids of your families. You don't have to live up to the amazements of an older sibling. Having your mother always comparing you to your older brother. So, what if that half-breed brat is uniting the races? I'm the rightful heir of Naru-bu Race."

"Okay, someone has major issues." Anko thought to herself.

Suddenly, one of his dolls created a black orb and blasted a huge hole in Anko's stomach. Then, another one kicked her body into another wall. Struggling to move, Anko lies on the ground bleeding out.

"Come on! That little wound. You should be able to heal that instantly. Why are you pretending?" The voice said.

"Well, that plan is out. I guess I have to take this seriously." Anko said as she got up.

"Huh, so you got back up. Good, I like to break my targets."

"Not today," Anko said as she closed her eyes. "Focus, Anko. Release all of the power that I locked inside. Released everything. Don't hold back." She thought to herself.

"Does that actually help you focus your power? Because it doesn't look like that helps?" The voice said.

Anko sighed.

" Why is this so difficult? It's not like I'm trying to move with AGMS again. They just limited our move... How can I be so dumb?" She thought to herself. Then, she closed her eyes and focused on her body. She felt a strange, minuscule object in her left shoulder. It seems that the object was absorbing all of her energy, which caused her abilities to fail. Annoyed by the fact she missed this, she dimensional displaced her right hand and shoved it into her shoulder until she reached the strange object. Suddenly, she stopped displacing her hand, and an explosion happened.

"Woah! You just blew your arm off. Do you enjoy extreme pain? What do humans call it? Masochistic?" The voice said teasingly.

" Do you really think I'll tell you my kinks? All you've done was hit on me." Anko responded, stopping herself from yelling while enduring the pain.

" Wow! You still have room to be arrogant when you're bleeding out. We may not die, but it doesn't mean we can ble-

Suddenly, Anko instantly regrew her arm, surprising the voice. "What's wrong? Can't you heal your body this fast? Good to know." Anko said. Suddenly, Anko felt a massive surge of power enter her body, causing her body to transform. Her hair turned red with a white stripe, and her eyes silver. However, this transformation was more powerful than her others.

"Well, that's new. I've never seen a transformation like this one before. Is this even possible?" The voice thought to itself.

"What's the matter? Afraid?" Anko said as she held out her hand. Suddenly, the world around her shook. She pulled her hand back, causing a man to appear out of thin air.

"So, this is how you look. Wow, It's funny how you don't look like your brother or father." Anko said.

"Funny. My father isn't that pathetic excuse of that man. My father is the first king of the Naru-bu, King Sartra."

"Sartra? Wasn't he the one who tried to fight Ira when he and Vel tried to make a union between the most powerful races?" Anko asked.

"Yes, but he only did that because he was afraid of losing the one woman he loved."

"If you think beating her was love, you're just as delusional as him." Anko said as she raised her hand.

"How do you know all this?" He asked.

" Generational Knowledge. Don't Naru-bu have something like this ability?" Anko said.

" Generational Knowledge? Since when did we have an ability like that?"

"Huh, so maybe, you're not the right person to teach us. Maybe, you should get your brother, Vladimir."

Suddenly, Anko fell to her knees. She felt like her energy was being sucked directly from her body.

"What was that about me being the wrong person to teach you?"

Anko struggled to speak as her lungs began to collapse. Then, blood came out of her body and formed into a crimson ball with a little amount of blue in it.

"Well, look at this. Your blood is mostly crimson. Seems you haven't been bleeding enough for your Jan-Gu blood to activate entirely. Probably because of that incredible regeneration ability of yours. I mean, that's rare even for us. Now that think about it, what bloodline do you have?" He pulled the blood ball towards him and ate it. "Dragonia. You're a part of those monsters. Well, that makes sense. You and the boy did have a strange connection. But that's because of your bloodlines. The strongest bloodlines of the Jan-gu are the Lucrada and Dragonia. However, that doesn't make you a threat to me. Compared to my bloodline, you're weaker than the humans."

Anko smiled.

"You sure that's not your ego talking."

"Oh, I'm positive you're not a threat to me. Only that pathetic brother of mine, Jan-gu bloodline, scares me."

Anko laughs right before she coughs up blood.

"What's so funny?"

"Your worst nightmare is about to sho...

Anko said as she fainted from excessive blood loss.

"Pathetic!" He said as he looked at Anko. Then, he smiled maliciously. "Don't mind if I do." He thought.

Then, Reo appeared.

"Oh, the other one showed up." He thought to himself. Suddenly, he noticed Reo was giving off a strange aura. He walked closer to Reo and saw that he was unconscious while standing. But he was still worried about this mysterious aura. It wasn't like any other being's aura he felt. It gave off a dominating feeling that made him want to submit.

"So, the grandson of the half-breed, how are you enjoying your stay on Caleaxia. Beau... The man's head falls to the ground. "What the... How did he cut off my head? I didn't even see him move. Could he have used that strange aura? No, not even his grandfather can use his dimensional energy without me noticing. Could this be a new ability they created?"

Then, Vladimir appeared behind his brother's disembodied head and picked it up.

"What did you do," He asked, giving it a serious look.

"Why do you automatically assume it was my fault?" the head said.

Vlad turned it and showed it to Anko, unconscious. "So, that wasn't your fault?"

"Well, it's not my fault she was weak," he replied.

"Really. Look at this." Vlad said as he showed a holographic screen. On the screen was a number that Jan-gu and Naru-bu used to record the amount of power they output.

"Superbia Dragonia-Lucrada, Five trillion. What's that supposed to mean?" He read.

"They're are only fifteen thousand years old. Remember when we were that age? We were never that strong. And, I think they resonate with each other to get stronger."

Suddenly, Anko rose up and gave off the same aura. Together, their power created immense pressure that instilled fear in both Vladimir and the head. Then, Meliona, Ira, Vel, and three others appeared. Immediately, they felt the same feeling that Vlad and the head felt.

"What is this feeling? I can barely breathe." Ira said as he trembled.

"Transcendent Mode?" Meliona said.

"Huh? Transcendent Mode? What's that?" One of the others asked.

"Transcendent Mode is a transforma-

Reo appeared in front of Vlad and flew them both to the upper atmosphere of Caleaxia, where the air was thinner compared to the surface. Then, he punched Vlad back. Stopping himself, Vlad transformed into his Transcendental form and summoned his Dragon Sage armor. However, it looked different from Reo's. It had big, bulky arms and large wings with a large cannon in between them. Then, Reo summoned his Dragon Sage armor, but it looked different from the last time. It formed a black skin-tight shirt, black baggy pants, and a jacket with a cape that was formed from the jacket.

"Huh, that's a strange form of the Dragon Sage armor. It doesn't look like it can do anything but look cool." Vlad thought to himself.

Then, Reo flew towards Vlad at high speed and punched him with all his strength. Fortunately, Vlad blocked and countered Reo's punch. But, Reo did the same, and they continued to counter each other repeatedly around the world, without showing any signs of an advantage. Meanwhile, Meliona and Anko were looking at each other intensely. Confused, Teiga walked closer to Meliona to ask a question.

"Teiga, don't move, or you'll be caught in the crossfire of our attacks," Meliona said, telepathically.

Then, Teiga felt a slight cut on her cheek. Surprised, she immediately backed away. Then, she saw streams of dimensional energy moving faster than light itself, making them unseeable.

"Woah, they're on a whole different level. I can't even imagine what big bro going through with Reo." She thought to herself.

Suddenly, everybody hears loud shockwaves echo throughout the planet. Then, Reo and Vlad appeared between Anko and Meliona. Both were shirtless and healing many small injuries.

"Meliona, I think I'm going to need some help dealing with Reo."

"Speak for yourself. I can barely keep up with Anko holding back. There's no way I could keep up with them both." Meliona replied.

Then, Reo and Anko looked at each other. Suddenly, they both reverted to normal and passed out. Rushing to their sides, Ira and Meliona caught Reo and Anko's bodies.

"What happened to them?" Meliona asked.

"I don't know. If I had to guess, they exhausted themselves past anything we experienced." Vlad said while looking at Reo's body.

"Leave them to me. I'll heal them quickly in the Fountain Room." Teiga said ask she levitated their bodies.