
Lucrada Chronicles: Origins

I'll also be posting chapters here https://www.royalroad.com/profile/553083/fictions and here lucrada.net In the year 2108, the world has changed its definition of being normal. The people of the world gained unique abilities and magical powers. However, with this development, the corruption of the world grew. The spread of crime and murder increased all over the world. To fight the corruption of the world, the world’s governments decided to rally together and fight against this threat. They formed an army of people who have special powers, called SP User, and magicians to combat against the corruption of the world. They called this organization The World’s Army Association. Thanks to the power of the World’s Army Association, corruption has decreased in the world. As a result, the world became a peaceful place and began to flourish, however peace doesn’t last for long. The world on the outside looks normal, but it’s horrible and full of corruption. The corruption of the world spread to the world’s government and the army’s leaders. However, in this corrupt world, there is a righteous boy who dreams of leading the world’s army. However little that he knows, He would be the leader of the World's Strongest Team, The Amagiri Clan, or that he would change the world.

R_Lucrada · 都市
24 Chs

Chapter 7


Almost a year has past since the day they began their first day of World's Army Association Academy, and many things happened for Reo and Anko. They, along with Lucie and Kana, are now recognized as the strongest team in the WAA(World's Army Association). Always being challenged by random students and soldiers all over the world capital, deploying out on difficult S-Class missions, and keeping up with their training and classes at the Academy, they been working extremely hard. However, while they was working hard at the academy, Tragedy has its sight on Takayama. Walking to Reo's house for a surprise party for Reo and Anko, Rias is accompanied by five people. Reo's little cousin, Yana Amagiri, her twin brother Tyrell Amagiri, and his friends: Geikei Naru, Takemura Naru, and Shura Tachibana.

"Man, I can't believe I have the opportunity to meet the strongest person in the world." Takemura said.

"I still can't believe that we know two people who related to him." Geikei said. Takemura and Geikei are huge fans of Reo and Anko.

"Hey, you're forgetting about me. I'm their daughter." Rias said.

"Rias, you're not an Amagiri. You are only Reo's goddaughter. Please don't treat yourself as one of us. You're not worthy of our blood." Tyrell said.

"Rel, why you gotta be so mean. You have no right to be confident in our family strength. Big brother Asta said it himself, the Amagiri family is weak compared to everybody in the capital. Besides she might not share our blood, but Reo recognizes her as a member of his family. You should respect that." Yana said.

"Humph, You think I care what I think that weakling thinks. Him and friend are nothing, but fakers. I don't even think they that strong." Tyrell said.

"Um, Tyrell, can I ask you not to disrespect my papa and mama? They're strong because they mastered my family's fighting style in two years, and that's the fastest anyone has mastered it." Rias said under her voice.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you." Tyrell said as he tried to intimidate her.

"She probably said that you shouldn't talk about your cousin like that. He is the only reason why the Amagiri name is famous in the capital." Yana said.

"Nuh un, The Amagiri name is famous in the capital because of Asta's achievements and his alone." Tyrell said.

"Okay, believe what you want everyone knows the truth about Reo's strength beside you." Yana said.

"Yeah, he's the strongest man in the World's Army. And, he proved that fact during last year's Fall Fighters." Takemura said.

"Yep, I wished I was there to see that in person last year." Yana said.

"Um, Yana, why didn't you two go to the Fall Fighters tourney last year to see Reo and Asta?" Geikei asked.

"Because we was in school at that time, but I really wanted to see Reo and Anko fight each other."

"Yeah, I bet it was cool. And, the way Rias described it Reo and Anko were the strongest people there. They even beat Royal 13 members." Takemura said.

"What! I thought that was just a rumor. Did they really beat an elite guard member?" Yana asked shockingly.

"Yeah, Papa Reo and Mama Anko fought One, Ten, and Six of the royal guard in a battle royale, and they won." Rias said.

"Wow, Rias you're so lucky you got to go see that in person." Geikei said.

"Hey, can we stop this conversation. All you four talk about is Reo and Anko. I'm getting tired hearing this same conversation. Rel, Reo is the strongest person in the world. Stop denying it." Shura said.

Everybody was shocked by Shura's sudden burst, and continued to walk toward Reo's house in silence. While walking to Reo's house, they encounters their new teacher's intern, Iris, walking out of a store.

"Big Sister Iris! Are you going to Reo's house?" Rias said as she walked up to Iris.

"Oh Rias! Yes, I'm going over there now." Iris said nervously as she hid something behind her.

"What's that behind your back, Big Sis?" Yana said.

"Oh, Nothing. There's nothing behind my back." Iris said.

"It's gifts for Papa and Mama's birthday today, isn't it?" Rias said.

"How did you know?" Iris said.

"You're that type of person." Rias said.

"What type are you talking about?" Iris asked.

"The ones you only see in manga. The type of person that hold their feelings in, and do the slight things to show you care." Rias said.

"You're too smart for an eight-year-old." Iris said.

"It's kinda annoying when you think about it. She reminds me of two people like that." Iris thought to herself while giving Rias a reassuring look.

"Hey Rias, do you wanna be like Reo and Anko?" Iris asked.

"Yeah, I wanna be as strong as Papa, and as smart as Mama."

"Yep, Just like them." Iris said.

"Huh?" Rias said confused.

"Nothing, So are you headed over there?" Iris asked.

"Yeah, I'm headed over there with my friends." Rias said.

"Hey! Big sister Iris, How about we walk over there together?" Yana asked.

"Oh, I was going to go change clothes at my house, then head over there. I'm sorry." Iris answered.

"It's okay. We'll see you then." Yana said.

Iris and Rias' group said their goodbyes, and went their separate ways. Little did they know, this is going to be the last they see each other for a long time.

"Hey Yana, you and Rel are related to Reo by blood, but you don't look nothing like him. Why?" Takemura asked.

"That's because Reo and his sister take more after their mother's DNA instead of my uncle. That's why they don't look like us." Yana said.

"That's also explains why they're also so much weaker than us." Tyrell said.

"What do you mean?" Geikei asked.

"Well, the Amagiri family is a special family. From birth, every member of our family is born with a Pwr level of seven thousand, and it grows as we get older. However, Reo and Evee was born with a Pwr level of three thousand. They're known a the black sheep of the family." Tyrell said cockily.

"You wouldn't have expected that his Pwr level was three thousand now." Rias said.

"Yeah. They surpassed us all." Yana said.

As soon as Rias' group walked in front of Reo's house, they heard a fight. They ran into the yard, and saw Evee and Lacia sparring. Evee and Lacia have been training to awaken their powers ever since they learned about their heritage. They been taking lessons from both their mom's and Ezra.

"Hey, Auntie Evee and Auntie Lacia." Rias said as they stopped their punches.

"Hey Rias and company." Lacia said.

"Hey Rias. Yana and Rel. How you been?" Evee said.

"Humph." Tyrell expressed.

"Hello E, everything been good. We here for Reo's birthday. We brought some big fans of his too. Is he here yet?" Yana said.

"No, We're going to see him and Anko. We're just waiting on Ezra Sensei." Evee said.

"Dad said that he was going to catch up with my bracelet. He had to meet with auntie Mai today." Rias said.

Everybody except for Lacia looked confused by Evee and Rias' conversation.

"Evee, can you come help us?" Reiko shouted.

"You too Lacia." Asia said as she appeared outside instantly.

"Oh, hi Rias. how yo-

"Rias! How has my sweet granddaughter been?" Reiko said as she appeared in front Rias.

"Fine, Grandma." Rias said.

"No, No, No, I told you to call me Momma Rei." Reiko said while pinching Rias' face.

"Owwww. I'm sorry Momma Rei. Please forgive me." Rias said in pain.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you hear you." Reiko said as she continued to pinch her cheeks.

"Please stop Momma Rei." Rias begged.

"Okay, my little God-granddaughter. Reiko said.

"That looks really painful." Geikei said.

"You have no idea." Reiko said.

"You're still the same, auntie." Tyrell said.

"Oh, if it isn't the twins, haven't seen you two in a while. You here for the party?" Reiko said.

"Yeah, I can't wait to see Reo and Anko. Oh, I almost forgot. I hope you don't mind, but we invited some friends who are also big fans of Reo and Anko." Yana said.

"Not at all. They're welcome to come with us. We'll be sure to get them bring back before it gets dark." Reiko said.

"Don't worry about that. We already told our parents we were staying with Tyrell tonight." Shura said.

"Alright. Well, we're not leaving yet. It'll be another five minutes before everything is ready. Come inside and make yourselves at ho-

"Mom, We're done." Evee said as she appeared out of nowhere.

"Wow, Auntie Evee you got good at using Flash step. I think yours is as fast as dad's." Rias said.

"Thanks Rias, but I do have your dad to thank for that though. Without his training methods, I don't I could've made this much progress in a year." Evee said.

"You really think that Rias' father is a better teacher than my father, your father, or any of the other fighters in the Amagiri family. They would've given you three times the power you have in three months. Three times faster than Rias' idiot father would have done." Tyrell said.

"Tyrell, that was ru-

"Apologize." Rias said interrupted Yana.

"What?" Tyrell said.

"I said APOLOGIZE!" Rias yelled angrily.

"Rias, calm down sweetheart. Tyrell, Say you're sorry to Rias for talking about her father." Reiko said.

"Why should I? I'm telling the truth. The Amagiri have better fighting, and teaching methods than her family. If she and his students are too stupid to realize that, well, that's their problem." Tyrell said.

Rias' power and anger grew exponentially. Then, she disappeared and reappeared in front of Tyrell instantaneously, and punched him in the diaphragm, knocking all of the air out of it. He fell to his knees, struggling to catch his breath, and holding his vomit down.

"Wow, Looks like the Amagiri family fighters didn't teach you about fortifying you body unlike the Mashiro family. We learn that in the first week." Rias said while towering over Tyrell.

"Rias, calm down. He's not worth it. He spouts stupid stuff every time he opens his mouth." Yana said as she tried to hold Rias back.

"No. Not only did he insult my family's fighting style, he also insulted my father, Papa and Mama. I let it go earlier, but I can't let it go this time." Rias said as she raised her fist, and aimed it toward Tyrell on his knees.

"Hey now, I'm sure Tyrell didn't mean it. So, would you please calm down." Reo's Dad said as he caught Rias arm.

Rias sighed and slowly calm down. Tyrell regained his composure, and got up off his knees.

"Thanks for proving my point, Uncle. We, Amagiri family members, are the stronger than her weakling

"Shut up boy, Don't dare say another word. You already disgraced the family enough." A unknown voice said with anger. Tyrell looked over and saw his father, who he looked up too, walking out of the house.

"Brother, I'm sorry for how my idiot son acted. I also apologize to you and your family for his stupid comments. I should have taught him better than this. Unlike him, I saw what kind of power your father and mother had." He said.

"It's okay, sir, but that wasn't my mother. She was my aunt." Rias said.

"Okay everybody, let's go in the house, and sit while we get ready to go." Reiko said as she tried to change the subject.

"Okay, Come on, Rias let go." Evee said nervously as she pulled Rias' arm.

"Okay." Rias said as she was being dragged.

"What's wrong Rei?" Reo's father asked. Then something crashed down in the yard.

"What was that?" Yana asked. It was Ezra covered in fatal wounds.

"EZRA! What happened?" Reiko yelled.

"The World's Army is-" Ezra said as he fainted.

"What? Did the world's army do this?" Reo's father asked.

"Probably, but we don't know for sure

"Hey, Momma Rei what's taking you guys so long." Rias said as she toward them. Then, She saw her dad laying on the ground in a puddle of blood. She fell to her knees and mumbled "Daddy. No, Please don't die." with a blank expression.

"Rias, what's happened to everyone." Evee and Lacia said as they came outside. They saw Ezra covered in wounds close to death, and their mothers trying to heal him.

"Rias, don't worry. It's going okay. They're going to fix up him up." Evee said hugging trying to cheer Rias up.

"Yeah, even if Ezra-sensei doesn't recover, You will still have Reo, Anko, and the rest of us. You're a part of our families now. You're never be alone." Lacia said as she joined in.

Reiko walked over to Rias, Evee and Lacia and started crying as she hugged them.

"I'm so sorry, Rias, I couldn't save him." She said as she continued to cry.

"Thank you, Momma Rei. I know you and grandma Asia tried your hardest. Besides, I have all of you as my family." Rias said as she started to cry.

Then, a large beam shined in the center of Takayama. Monsters, wearing World's army crest on their shoulder, came out of the beam, and attacked the civilians of Takayama, ranging from children to adults.

"Takayama is being attack. Rei, we need to get them out of here." Asia said as she raised a barrier around the house.

"Rias, I need you to go with Evee to Hikojima." Reiko said as she opened up a portal.

"No, Momma Rei, you can't leave me too." Rias said.

"Rias, listen to me. I'm not going to leave you alone. I'll always be with you." Reiko said before she pushed Rias into a portal to Hikojima.

"Lacia, take care of yourself, and try not to mess with your sister too much." Asia said.

"Hey kids, go with them you'll be safe with them." Reiko said.

"Okay." the kids said.

Then, the monsters, that attacked the people of Takayama, broke through Asia's barrier.

"Hurry up, and go through the portal." Reiko said as she held the monsters back with gravity manipulation. Yana and the others ran into the portals. You three go too. It wouldn't make sense for all of us to die." Reiko said.

"Your right. Brother, I'm sorry for this." Reo's dad said before he threw his brother into the portal. Then as Reo's and Anko's dad attempted to enter the portal, two of the monsters killed them in cold blood. Reiko and Asia attempted fight off the monsters, but ended up giving up, and decided to reunite with Rias and the others. However, they were captured by an unexpected person.

"Where are we?" Yana asked as she came to.

"This is Hikojima. The place of where my masters and their familiars live. Hello Miss Evee, Miss Lacia, and Lady Rias. Who are these people?" Aria asked.

"No time, we have trouble. Contact Lord Reo." Kasai said.

"What's wrong?" Reo said appearing instantly.

"We have thirty monsters on the island." Yuko said while coming out of shadow.

"That's good. We don't need to worry." Reo said.

"Yeah, We just to handle ten monsters each." Lucie said as she appeared behind Anko's little sister.

"For now, Kasai watch over them, and call everyone here." Anko's said walking up on Reo's uncle.

"Mama Anko, Momma Lucie, Papa Reo. I'm so happy to see you." Rias said as she wiped her tears.

"Whoa, It's them. It's the strongest people of the WAAA. Reo, Chronos The Demon Swordsman, Anko, The Dimension Queen, Janus, and Lucie, The Immortal Flame." Takemura said excitedly.

"What! Reo! I thought we were going to get help from someone powerful to help Takayama, not them." Tyrell said.

"You should shut your mouth you lowly human. Insult our master again, and I won't show you mercy." Yuko said.

"Calm down Yuko. He didn't mean it."

A loud boom came from outside the door.

"Reo, it looks like we're needed." Anko said.

"Okay. Rias, we'll be right back." Reo said as he walked away.

"No, don't go." Rias mumbled as she reached out a trembling hand.

"Don't worry, Rias. They'll be back real soon. Your not alone." Lucie said as she grabbed Rias' trembling hand.

"Mama Lucie, thank you." Rias thought to herself as she started to cry again.

"Hey, Can anybody explain where we are?" Reo's uncle asked.

"As I said earlier, this is Hikojima." Aria said.

" We know that. What we want to know who are you people? Why are my weakling cousin and his weakling friends here? Where is your true master?" Tyrell yelled.

"Tyrell, stop being rude." Yana said.

"It's alright. This island is the home of my master and his wives' familiars while also serving as their second home and base of operation." Aria said surprisingly calmly.

"Okay, who is your master?" Yana asked.

" My master is Lord Reo, or some of you humans, call him Chronos." Aria said.

"What? Reo's familiar. I thought familiars were some type of animal." Yana said.

"Those are the low-class familiars. Everyone here are familiars of a higher class. I'm a vampire, a legendary class, My sister, Yuko, is a Shinso, a legendary vampire, Super-legendary class." Aria said.

"Enough, I refuse to believe my weak cousin has enough power to make a pact with a monsters like you." Tyrell said.

"Quiet, you foolish human child. Don't insult our master and my future husband in front of me." Kasai said with a menacing look.

"How dare you talk to me like that you lowly servant. What are you anyway?" Tyrell said.

"You lowly human. you dare to talk to me, Kasai, leader of the Kitsune, like that. I'll incinerate you for your insolence." Kasai said as she summoned a blue flame to her hand.

Tyrell stood there, paralyzed by the fear of death.

"Huh, Kasai." Rias said as she turned around. Kasai looked over at Rias.

"Rias, how have you been? I missed you so much!" Kasai said as she squeezed Rias.

"I missed you too, but you're choking me. I can't breathe" Rias said struggling for air.

"I almost died just now." Tyrell said.

"Well Yeah. I told you to be more respectful to people you don't know." Yana said.

"I still can't believe that Reo has these two as his familiars." Tyrell said.

"Huh? We all have five familiars and races under us." Lucie said.

"What? How is that possible? How much power does he have?" Reo's uncle yelled.

"Hey, don't yell at lady Lucie. If you're curious, see for yourself." Kasai said. She snapped her fingers, and a holographic screen appeared. It showed Reo and Anko stand in front the thirty monsters. They transformed in their Omen mode, and launched towards the monsters.

"Whoa, that's amazing. We're watching Reo and Anko fight." Geikei said.

"Hey, Ms. Kasai, what does those numbers mean at the bottom of the screen." Yana asked.

"That is their PWR level." Kasai replied.

"What? Two-hundred thousand! That's impossible. No one has that kind of power." Reo's uncle said.

"Actually, most of us on this island has that kind of Pwr level. Also, The Royal 13 are also this powerful. There's is plenty of people who has PWR level like this." Kasai said.

"Remember Kasai, humans are dumb beings." Tsuki, the beautiful leader of the Oni race, said as she walked in the mansion with her entire race behind her.

"She's right. Humans are dumb, but they do have their uses." Artemis, Lucie's familiar and leader of the succubi race, said appearing out of a shadow with her entire race behind her.

"Like what, beautiful." Behemoth, leader of the Golems, said as he and entire race coming out of the ground.

"They make excellent clothes, and cute accessories." Saya said.

"I was actually talking about them being a food source, but that too." Artemis said.

"Enough with this conversation we have children present." Ryuu said as he walked in.

"Yes, I get that you don't like humans, but at least respect lady Rias and the rest of Lord Reo, Lady Anko family." Shiro said as she walked in beside him.

"I don't see why should we. She just as disgusting and weak as any other human." Enir, leader of the wolf race, said as he walked in leading his pack.

"How dare a lowly dog call lady Rias disgusting and weak?" Leah, One of Kasai's subordinates, said as she led the Kitsune race in the mansion.

"Yeah, that was uncalled for, leader. You should've just said 'Rotten meat'." One of Enir's subordinates said. The rest of the pack laughed. Kasai summoned a blue flames. Ryuu summoned his black flames mixed with black lightning. Shiro summoned lightning in her hand. Those three powers alone spark fear into wolves, but the one they feared the most was Yuko. Surprisingly, she was calm with a smile on her face, but that was only on the outside. Inside her mind(which the wolves saw), she was beating the wolves into chunks of meat constantly.

"Wow Yuko, I could feel your thoughts from the battlefield." Reo said as he appeared behind Yuko.

"Assuming the situation, it was the wolves fault again, Right." Anko said as she looked at Kasai, Ryuu, and Shiro holding their attacks.

"Enir, from now on, you and the rest of your pack receive orders from Yuko. Oh if you think you can get away with call Rias 'disgusting', you have another thing coming." Reo said angrily giving off an immense amount of power.

"Yes, Lord Reo. I'm sorry for disrespecting your family. We'll be more kind to lady Rias and her friends." Enir said bowing in fear.

"Ryuu, Shiro, Kasai, and Yuko, Thank you for standing up for me." Rias said.

"Anytime, lady Rias." Yuko said.

"Reo, Takayama is being destroyed right now." His uncle said.

"Is this true?" Reo asked.

"Yeah, the monsters you were fighting are the ones that attacked Takayama. Mom stayed behind to fight them off." Evee said.

"Also, daddy is dead, Papa Reo." Rias said as slowly started to tear up.

"I'm sorry, Rias. I should have been there, but I'm here now." Reo said.

"He's not the only one, Rias. I'm here for you always my beautiful daughter." Lucie said.

"The same goes for me." Anko said.

"Are you still feeling lonely, Rias." Evee asked.

"No, I'm have my family right beside me." Rias said wiping her tears away.

"Okay, be back. Ryuu, take everybody to the Dimensional ship in the basement, and take it to the new Hikojima. Our enemies are coming." Reo said.

"Yes milord, but may I ask? What are you going to do?" Ryuu said.

"I'm going to Takayama to look for survivors. Anko, Lucie. I think you already know what to do." Reo said.

"Yeah, We're one step ahead of you. I'll tell Mai sensei the news about Takayama and Ezra. Also, turn in our resignations at the school, but what about you, Lucie?" Anko asked.

"I told you two the first day we met that I'll be beside you even if the world is against us, so of course, I'm dropping out too. Plus, It's no fun without you two there with me." Lucie said.

"Reo, I wanna stay with you." Yana said.

"Why?" Reo's uncle asked.

"Because I want to find out who attacked Takayama, so please let me stay, cousin." Yana said.

"It okay with me, but ask your dad." Reo said.

"Can I daddy?" Yana asked.

" I don't care if you stay with him, because you always looked up to him like he was a savior. Now seeing his abnormal PWR level, I admit he is the only one who can both help you grow and keep you safe." Reo's uncle said.

"Okay, we'll start when we get back. Uncle, if you want to go to the capital, follow Anko and Lucie." Reo said as he walked towards a door. Rias followed him, and jumped on his back.

"I'm going too." Rias said stubbornly.

"Okay, but don't let go." Reo said as he opened the door he made to Takayama. They walked through the door, and appeared in Reo's parent's house. They saw a bunch of monster corpses in the house.

"Wow, mom did some damage." Reo thought to himself. He walked outside and saw his and Anko's dad's corpse. He looked over to right, and saw Ezra corpse.

"Rias, we'll take them back with us when we're done here." Reo said with a serious look on his face.

"Okay." Rias said.

Suddenly, They were surrounded by the remaining monsters who was struggling for life.

"Rias, hold on tight, and don't let go." Reo said concerned about Rias.

"Okay!" Rias said surprisingly calm.

Then, Reo jumped and flew over the monsters and blasted them away with a barrage of Ki blast. After taking down a few thousand monsters, they landed at the center of the town where the light shined down. There he saw Sora and all the Royal 13 members. Right beside him was Iris in a stasis pod, and his and Anko's mothers tied up, against their will.

"Wow Sora, I didn't think that you was into that kind of play. Nonetheless, the type of guy to force himself on my mother and mother-in-law. Unlucky for you, you choose the three people I care about, so please let them go." Reo said.

"Sorry, I can't let these beautiful women go. They're the main subjects for the Demon Queen Project,aka your demise. Catch you later." Sora said as he turned to walk off.

"Don't you dare move." Reo said while extending his arm summoning a ball of energy.

"Wow, a star blast ball. You're serious. I would to play with you. Unfortunately, I'm already gone. Luckily, all of the Royal 13 members are here, so you can have fun with them." Sora said before he disappeared.

"Reo Amagiri, and Anko Namikaze, For the crime of purging the town of Takayama, I hereby sentence you two to death." One said.

"Sorry, but I'm the only one who's here for now. Anko is informing some family about what truly happened here. Wait, Are you blaming me and her for this?" Reo said.

"Yes, you are the only ones here." Two said.

"Enough with the talking, let's get done with him already." Four said.

"Four is right. Everyone release you full power." One said.

"Yes captain. God release; Max Overdrive." they said. Then, the royal 13 member radiated divine lights and they completely changed. All of the eyes became silver, and their hair turned blue.

"Pretty cool." Reo said.

All of the members charged at Reo at once. Reo teleported to the nearby rooftop and sat Rias there.

Reo sighed.

"You couldn't wait until I put her down. My daughter is not immortal. Here I thought you was supposed to protect the innocent and stabilize the world's peace." Reo said.

"Nope. Our only job is to protect the royal family, and carry out the king's orders." Five said as she appeared behind Rias preparing to attack, but Reo kicked her miles away before she could've.

"Now, You're attacking kids. Now you really pissed me off." Reo said.

"You mad bro, come at me." Three said.

Reo powered up to Omen mode while immediately charging at three, and started to fight As they was fighting, Seven and Thirteen attempted to catch him off guard, but it didn't work. He was prepared for all of their attacks. Eight slashed his sword towards the three of them causing a sharp wind sharp enough to cut through building. Then, One threw her spear, from the sky, as Six shot her arrows, from the ground, at him piercing his body.

"Didn't you learn last time." Reo said appearing behind One.

Then, Twelve entwined him with his wire. One attempted to strike him with elbow spin, but he dodged it at the last moment.

"Why toy with us you, Jan-gu freak." One said.

"Oh, so you know what I am." Reo said.

"Yeah, Of course, we're many years older than you." One said.

"Wait, Really. You look good for an old lady." Reo said bluntly causing One to be flustered and angry. Then, Reo was grabbed by a hand of sand.

"Huh, I was being careless again." Reo said.

"Yep, and now you're powerless." One said as the rest of the member gathered around.

"Why?" Reo asked curiously.

"Because we all know that sand is the only thing that can stop a Jan-gu." Two said.

Reo laughed continuously until Nine asked

"What's so funny?"

"No, it's not." Reo said.

"What?" Nine said.

"It's not our weakness. We created the multiverse and the dimensions. Why would we be weak against sand?" Reo said while laughing.

"So, why haven't you escaped yet?" One said.

"Oh, I'm toying with you, or at least that's what I would like to say, but technically I did already escaped. I'm a transformed piece of his hair. I was supposed to stall and now that done." He said transformed back into hair and went back to Reo head instantly. One screamed in anger, and flew off towards Reo at high speeds. Then, the rest of them followed after her.

Reo sighed.

"She's not going give up. Rias, I going to have-

Suddenly, Reo felt an intense pain coursing throughout his body causing him to pass out and fall out of the sky.

"No, Papa. What's wrong?" Rias worriedly said. Five minutes passed, Rias and Reo, still unconscious, was found by the Royal 13 members.

"Little girl, Hand him over, and I'll let you go." One said.

"No, he's one of the only family I have left. You can't take him." Rias said.

"Wow, look at those eyes. They remind me of someone." Two said.

"Little girl, what is your name?" One asked.

"Rei Amagiri, and I will protect my family." Rias said.

"What a waste." Two thought to herself.

"Stubborn little bitch." Thirteen said as he charged at her. Rias attempted to push him back with an air pulse, but it wasn't strong to push him back.

"Wow, what was that? It was so weak." Thirteen said unscathed by Rias' attack. As he got closer to her and attacked, Rias screamed. Then, Reo suddenly got up, and knocked thirteen upwards almost hitting One.

"You poor excuses for gods dare to attack one of my family. Not to mention calling her 'bitch'. I will show the true power of a Jan-gu." Reo said.

"Rias, I'm talking to you using telepathy. Right now, Reo is experiencing changes in his strength causing him to pass out, so I took over his body. I'm your great-grandfather, Vlad Lucrada. I'll take it over from here, you did great. By the way, you should use my last name, Rei Lucrada. " Vlad, possessing Reo's body, said.

"Thank you grandpa." Rias said as she teared up.

One suddenly attacked Vlad, but he was unscathed. She backed up and attacks came down on him causing a huge dust cloud to appear. Once the cloud cleared, all they saw was Rias.

"Where did he go?" Seven yelled.

"I don't know. I can't even find him." Nine said.

"Everybody back to back formation." One yelled.

"Really, come on. I can't believe these are the best of this dimension has to offer." Vlad said.

Suddenly, huge amounts of sand fell on top of Vlad. Then, a flame pillar sprouted up, and turning the sand into a complete glass prison freezing Vlad in place.

"You keep underestimating your enemy, and that was your downfall." One said as she flew towards the prison. Suddenly, Vlad walked through glass as if it was normal. Everybody was shocked and afraid.

"Rias, are you okay?" Vlad yelled.

"Yes, I'm fine." Rias yelled.

"Okay, Let me end this quickly." He yelled as he transformed into Transcendence Mode instantly.

"What? I can't feel any aura off him. Why?" Four said.

"You won't understand." Vlad said appearing in front four. Four punched him in the face, but four broke a his hand.

"Armor Body. I can transform my any part of my body into something stronger than the scales of dragon." Vlad said as he transformed his hand into a claw covered in scales.

"Impossible." Four said nervously.

"There's no such thing as impossible for a Jan-gu." Vlad said as he punched four, sending into orbit.

Then Two, Three, Six ,Eight all slashed him, but it didn't cut.

"Really, were you not listening? My Armor Body ability. Seriously." Vlad said annoyed by their attack.

Then, he snapped his fingers a black lightning came down on top of them, knocking out the four of them.

Vlad sighed.

"They're boring me. I wonder how my granddaughters, Anko and Lucie, are doing." He thought to himself as he dazed .

"Don't take your eyes off of me." One yelled as she attacked him with her spear. Vlad dodged using Dimensional Step, and took out the rest of Royal 13 member leaving One last.

"Do me a favor and take your comrades back to the capital. Tell your king that 'You made enemies with the unknown, We will not show mercy." Vlad said.

"You lowly piece of- You dare threaten the king." One said as she charged at him.

"Stop." Vlad said.

One suddenly wasn't able to move.

"What's happening." One asked.

"Absolute voice. It's a power that only uses the voice to intimidate the target. You can also say I have control over every nerve in your body. It's a power that only a few beings can use. Vlad snapped his fingers, and opened a portal. Then, he levitated the unconscious Royal 13 members, and threw them into the portal.

"What the hell? What did you do?" One said. Vlad pushed her into the portal, and closed it.

"Jeez, any longer than this, and I would've destroyed something by mistake." Vlad thought to himself.

"Grandpa, Are you okay?" Rias yelled.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go get our family bodies, and clear Hikojima of that little infestation of man-made monsters, oh but first." he said as he snapped his fingers. The remaining monsters in Takayama all was compacted into a light box, and were teleported to another universe where they kept for eternity, in a secure place. Suddenly, Reiko and Asia appeared out of nowhere.

"Grandma Rei, and Grandma Asia, are you okay?" Rias asked.

"Weird, I thought that I was freeing them all." Vlad thought to himself.

"Iris and the rest of the citizens were in a special barrier that keeps them into a coma-like state. That's probably why you can't bring them here." Reiko said as she struggled to talk.

"Okay, but are you too feeling okay?" Vlad said.

"Yeah, but I think the world's government has become corrupt." Asia said.

"Don't worry about it I already know, but I need to tell you something important that you can't tell Reo or Anko. I want them to find out for themselves." Vlad said.

"Okay, What is it?" Reiko asked. Vlad explained to Rias, Reiko, and Asia the truth behind the world.

Meanwhile, Anko and Lucie are walking around the capital looking for Mai to tell her the bad news. While they were walking around, they noticed the glares of the citizens focus on them.

"I have a feeling that things will not be as good as we hope." Anko said.

"Yeah, we should hurry and find Mai-Sensei." Lucie said.

"Huh, I already know where she is." Anko said.

"What! You already know where she is! Why didn't you say something sooner?" Lucie asked excitedly.

"Well, Excuse me for wanting to spend time alone with one of the people I'm going to be with forever?" Anko said sarcastically.

"You know you can just say wife, right. Now I think about it, this is the first time the two of us have been without Reo, and to think we get to have our first girls' day at such a problematic time." Lucie said disappointedly.

"Too bad it has to an end. I was actually looking forward to it, but you're right. We need to find Mai." Anko said while reaching out for Lucie's hand.

"Yeah, okay." Lucie said disappointedly as she grabbed Anko hand. Then, Anko began to levitate, pulling Lucie up with her, and flew up towards Mai.

While they were heading towards Mai, Sora was giving a report of the Takayama purge to the world's council and the king, at the castle.

"The purge on Takayama was a success, and we have plenty of the subjects for project Demon Queen. They should be able to withstand the side effects of the experiments." Sora said.

"Good, Initiate phase two. Announce the news of Takayama purge and blame it on The Demon Swordsman and Dimensional Queen." The king commanded.

"Yes Father, but what about Kana? She knows about our plan." Sora said concernedly.

"No need to worry about her. She might be one of my spawn, but she hasn't awaken yet. She is not a threat to our plan or me, the King of the Humans and Gods." The king said.

"You're right, Father." Sora said.

Back in the capital, Lucie and Anko land in front of a traditional Japanese home on the far side of the capital.

"So, this is where Mai-sensei is at. Is this her house?" Lucie asked.

"No, Lady Lucie. This is your capital base." A familiar said as she walked out the front gate.

"Oh, Maria. What is this place?" Anko asked.

"This place is the capital base for you three. Lord Reo told me to build and manage this place." Maria said.

"Okay, but what's the purpose of this place?" Lucie asked.

"This is for you live, and easy way to access Hikojima by both portal and message screen," Maria said.

"Alright. By the way, is someone else here?" Anko asked.

"Yes, somebody named Mai Mashiro landed a few minutes ago looking for your three. She still waiting on the top floor." Maria said.

"What do you mean top floor? This is a one-story house." Anko and Lucie said.

"What do you mean? This is a ten story building with a special magic placed on it. It tricks the eyes of the people besides the people who have a special symbol that Lord Reo have designed and those who are familiar with your powers." Maria said.

"Okay, We're going to head up," Anko said.

"Yes, Lady Anko, Please follow me. I'll lead you there." Maria said as she turned and walked through the front gate. Then Anko followed her. Lucie stayed outside. Suddenly, she felt something pull on her. Then, she was flung in through the gates.

"You should keep up," Anko said smirking.

"Not funny Anko," Lucie said.

"Lady Anko, Lady Lucie, This way please," Maria said.

"Okay," Lucie said as she and Anko followed Maria.

"By the way, Maria, who else works here?" Anko asked.

"A few members of the Golem and Oni clan, and my Vampiric shadow," Maria said as she led them down a hallway. Then, Maria stood in front of an elevator, and the doors open automatically. As they entered the elevator, they felt a sensation similar to them flying. As Maria pressed a hidden button on the elevator wall, she received a message from Reo.

"Lady Anko and Lady Lucie, I have a message from Lord Reo for you. It says 'My accusations were right. The world's government is our enemy. Sora kidnapped Iris and several others. We will need more allies. I'm headed back to Hikojima to regroup with Ryuu to clear Hikojima. I'll contact you later. Love you both'." Maria said.

"Those bastards. Not only did they destroyed our home, but they kidnapped my best friend. I will make them pay." Anko said furiously.

"I know you're mad, but you have to control it." Lucie said.

"You're right. I have to calm down because Reo is going need us to keep him sane." Anko said.

"Yeah, I can only imagine how Reo's feeling now." Lucie said sadly.

"Welcome to the Amagiri Clan members Superbia and Luxuria." the elevator voice said.

Once the elevator door opened, they saw a luxurious apartment with an extraordinary view of the capital.

"Happy birthday, Anko. How have you been?" Mai said as she walked out of the kitchen. Anko turned towards Mai, ran to her, and hugged her while crying her eyes out.

"Hey now, what's wrong?" Mai said concernedly.

"I'm so sorry, Mai Sensei, Ezra-Sensei has passed away. The world's government killed him." Lucie said.

"Oh, that's why the cool, calm-headed Anko is crying her eyes out. I can only imagine how Rias is feeling. How is she?" Mai said.

"She was very upset, but she's doing fine now. She and Reo went to look for survivors." Lucie said.

"Rias says she wants to learn how to fight. Isn't it funny? I think we're rubbing off on her." Anko said as she stopped crying and forcing herself to smile.

While Anko forcing herself to smile, Mai hugged Anko.

"It's okay, Anko. You're hurting right now. You don't have to force yourself to smile, but I do have a request for you two and Reo." Mai said.

"What is it?" Lucie said.

"There's a person out there looking for Rias to exploit her powers. " Mai said.

"What do you mean powers, and who would use Rias?" Lucie asked.

"Rias, her mother, and I are being called Celestials, People of the Stars. We're beings who have the power of the stars. Our power are similar to the Jan-gu power, however we're slightly weaker than them. Anyway, Rias' mother, Hinako, will come for Rias because she wants to use Rias to overthrow our mother." Mai said.

"How would that work? Rias would be a half-bloodied Celestial compared to the queen. Wouldn't the queen be stronger?" Lucie said.

"Yes, but the queen loves her granddaughter more than me, her favorite. She can never raise a hand against Rias, and Hinako will use to her advantage." Mai said.

"Well, Lestia really cares about her family and friends. That's one thing I like about her." Anko said.

"Anko, are you okay?" Mai and Lucie asked concernedly.

"Yeah, Anko is okay, but she and Reo are have the final changes of their strength. This usually happens to Jan-gu around this age. So, right now I'm helping my granddaughter-in-law like Vlad is helping Reo right now." Meliona said as she was possessing Anko's body.

Then, she disappeared from Mai's arms, and appeared in the kitchen.

"Sensei, What's happening?" Lucie said.

"I don't know, but it seems Reo's grandmother has taken over Anko's body." Mai whispering.

"I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about today being their birthday. I didn't know that." Lucie said.

"Well. Uh. To tell you the truth, I didn't know either." Mai said.

"But to have all of this had to happen on today of all days." Lucie thought to herself.

"Mai-sensei, Can I ask you a favor?" Lucie asked.

"Sure, What is it?" Mai asked cautiously.

"I want you to quit the World's Army." Lucie said determinedly.

"Okay." Mai said bluntly.

"But Sensei, They're the reason why -

"Takayama been purged. I know. I already quit, and turned in your resignations papers." Mai interrupting Lucie.

"Oh. What are you going to do now, Sensei?" Lucie asked.

"I was hoping that Reo would accept me into his little harem."

Lucie got angry and summon flames, while Meliona laughed.

"I'm glad one of you saw my joke. Anyway, I want be a familiar the three of you and help you all fight forever." Mai said.

"Yes, sensei, but only one condition. Be the officiant for our wedding." Lucie said.

"Sure, I'll officiate your wedding. My lady." Mai said. Mai walked off towards the exit.

"Where are you going?" Lucie asked.

"I'm going to go get some air. I'll be back." Mai said.

Once Mai got onto the elevator, she fell to her knees and began to cry, but they weren't tears of sadness. They were tears of happiness. She was happy that she gained a new family even if she lost her brother. From that point on she knew she would need to help those three the best way she can. She was determined to help them.

"You know you could have done this up there. Nobody was going to judge you." Meliona said appearing out of thin air.

"I know, but I didn't want to them to see me like this." Mai said.

"Okay, but you should really talk more. What did you say to Anko? If you were hurting, don't force a smile. Your family needs you especially your niece." Meliona said.

Suddenly, loudspeakers all over the world turned on.

"Attention, Attention. This is an emergency broadcast of dire important." Samip said.

"People of the world. I, Prince Sora Hasegawa, have very upsetting news. Takayama, Japan has been purged of the face of the earth. Reo Amagiri and Anko Namikaze, aka Chronos The Demon Swordsman and The Dimensional Queen are the cause for this destruction. Please, if you see them, call the police and they will contact the World's Army. Do not confront them. They're the most powerful dangers to the entire world. So, powerful we deem them with the priority of Demon God. Whoever turns them in would be rewarded nicely. That is all." Sora said.

"Hey, Lucie can you hear me?" Meliona asked telepathically.

"Yes, I can. What's wrong?" Lucie asked.

"Nothing, I'm just telling you that Me and Vlad are taking Reo and Anko bodies back home meet us there." Meliona said.

"Okay, See you later." Lucie said. Suddenly, an alarm went off.

"What does that alarm mean, Maria?" Lucie asked worriedly.

"Unauthorized guest are in the building. It looks like lady Kana and an unknown woman. Also, some kids along with Yuko and Kasai." Maria said.

"Oh, you can turn off the alarm now. Come on, we have to greet our guest." Lucie said as she walked towards the elevator.