
Lucrada Chronicles: Origins

In the year 2108, the world has changed its definition of being normal. The people of the world gained unique abilities and magical powers. However, with this development, the corruption of the world grew. The spread of crime and murder increased all over the world. To fight the corruption of the world, the world’s governments decided to rally together and fight against this threat. They formed an army of people who have special powers, called SP User, and magicians to combat against the corruption of the world. They called this organization The World’s Army Association. Thanks to the power of the World’s Army Association, corruption has decreased in the world. As a result, the world became a peaceful place and began to flourish, however peace doesn’t last for long. The world on the outside looks normal, but it’s horrible and full of corruption. The corruption of the world spread to the world’s government and the army’s leaders. However, in this corrupt world, there is a righteous boy who dreams of leading the world’s army. However little that he knows, He would be the leader of the World's Strongest Team, The Amagiri Clan, or that he would change the world.

R_Lucrada · 都市
22 Chs

Chapter 1

Arriving on Edn, Reo and Anko were welcomed back with problems on top of problems. First, while the majority of the Lucrada main family were away, Goddesses appeared in front of the castle and demanded to see Reo and Anko. Luckily, Dragia was there to accept them into the castle while they waited. Then, a large number of demon refugees appeared in a forest that wasn't cleared of the chimeras. Fortunately, they were protected by Yuko, Aria, and Maria, who were venting their anger. The reason was that they were too late to save Lucie and Kasai, who was abducted by two different people. And they knew Reo and Anko were going to be angry and reprimand them, which scared Yuko more than anything. Lastly, the Faes refugees, Reo and Anko, sent there, were confused and afraid by the instant change of scenery. And sadly, Rias and the others couldn't calm them down. They almost lost all faith in their queen, Titania, thanks to Oberon.

"Okay, first, we need to figure out what we're going to do about the refugees," Sapphire said.

"I was thinking about that. I proposed that we fuse Edn with Caleaxia turns it into a Nexus from all kinds of races." Reo said.

"Wow, I didn't expect to hear that from you, big bro," Evee said.

"I agree. That plan was almost perfect." Vlad said.


"Did you forget that Caleaxia's atmosphere is thicker than any atmosphere in the universe?" Ira asked.

"No, I was going to give them a device so that anybody can breathe it easily." He said as he created a projection of a watch.

"Did you design it?" Evee said.

"With the help of Ayako. I already gave them to the Faes, and they work perfectly."

"Ayako?" Everyone in the room wondered.

"The woman me and Anko fused into on Alfhiem," Reo said as created another projection of her.

"Anyway, they seem capable of making any atmosphere livable. Even the thick atmosphere of Caleaxia can be easy to breathe by normal people." Anko said.

"Alright, how long will it take to make as many for three races?" Sapphire asked.

"Not long. We can create a factory that can make them as fast as possible."

"Okay, that's one problem solved. Onto the next, the goddess." Jeanne said.

"Do we know their names?" Leska asks.

"Uh, I believe one of them was named Kaguya. Sadly, I didn't catch the other names." Dragia said.

"Kaguya! As in the moon goddess of Japanese culture." Lacia said, shocked.

"I believe so. I'm not familiar with human cultures like my grandchildren." Dragia answered.

"Bring them in," Reo said.

Dragia left out the room to go get the goddesses. Anko then got up and sat in Reo's lap.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked him.

"I would say yes, but you know me all too well to believe that. Right?" He answered.

"You're worried about Lucie and Kasai, aren't you?"

"I could say the same thing about you."

"Of course, I'm worried about them too. We promised to protect them for eternity, and just two days later, they get kidnapped. I feel like we failed them." Anko said as she placed her forehead on his.

"Don't worry, we'll get them back. I promise." Reo said.

"Oh my, the leaders of the Lucrada Clan are so bold. To do something so scandalous in front of their own family members." Kaguya said as she walked into the door.

"Kaguya, please don't say things about my grandson and his wife. Do I need to remind you of the time we spent together?" Vlad said.

"Oh, I don't know what you're talking about. All I remember is coming third to a vampiric beast and ugly Jan-gu queen."

Instantly, Meliona and Velvet appeared beside Kaguya and held up blades to her neck.

"Vampiric beast?" Meliona said.

"Ugly Jan-gu Queen?" Velvet said.

"You dare disrespect, my wife, in front of me. I will have your head." They said simultaneously.

"Oh, so scary. Vladimir, are you just going to sit there and watch them threaten me." Kaguya said innocently.

Vlad snickered and said, "you dug your own grave when you insulted them both. You know how they are."

"Tsk," Kaguya clicked her tongue. "I guess you're right about that. I apologize for my rude joke about you two. I love you both." She said.

"What was that?" Meliona said.

"I said I'm sorry!" Kaguya said nervously. Meliona and Velvet laughed slightly.

"Woah, isn't that sweet? My grandmothers are getting along so well." Reo said.

"Yeah, I just hope we four have that kind of relationship," Anko said telepathically.

"Of course, we will," Reo replied.

"Ahem, your majesties, King Reo and Queen Anko, I have come to make a request of you. Will you please help the gods clean their mess?" Kaguya said.

"What do you mean?" Anko asked.

"We, the gods, have been ignoring one of our own for centuries and let him do whatever he wanted with the humans for even longer. Now, he has finalized and started his plans to conquer the universe." Kaguya explained.

Suddenly, everyone, except Kaguya and her escorts, laughed loudly.

"Why are you all laughing?" One of the escorts asked.

"Do you really believe that we'll allow that to happen?" Vladimir asked.

"We've been observing Kenzo's movement for centuries. Ever since his interference with both Transylvania and Atlantis. There's no way in hell we wouldn't keep watch over the person who killed our daughter." Meliona said.

"Daughter?" Kaguya and her escorts thought to themselves.

"Right, you wouldn't know about her. She was murdered before we met."

"Wait, you mean the teenage girl who gave birth to a set of vampire triplets in Transylvania? It was said she was purged for being a…

"Kaguya, choose your next words wisely. It could be your last." Vladimir says as everyone, besides the goddesses, radiates heavy pressure. Instantly, her escorts surround Kaguya.

"Lady Kaguya, get behind us!" one of the escorts said as she summoned a sword.

"Calm down, everyone. I'm sure she didn't mean what she said." Anko said.

"Sorry, Lady Anko, but beings like gods don't have the ability to lie. It's a part of the curse I placed on them after separating the races among their dimensions. They always speak their minds. No, it's more like they're forced to speak their minds to avoid another war. However, some of the gods found a way around it. I'm assuming Kali had something to do with that. Or was it Merlin?" Ira said.

"Kali? Merlin? Who are you talking about?" Kaguya said.

"Two human witches that survived those atrocious hunts. Must've made a deal with Kenzo for their survival," Reo said.

"Witches? Why would Kenzo make an agreement with an impure witch?" One of Kaguya's bodyguards said.

"Probably to manipulate the mind of man to carry out his agendas. That seems like the usual when I think of that pathetic man." Anko said.

"Hey! Watch your tongue when speaking of…

"You watch your tongue. You're talking to the current queen of the Jan-gu, Anko Lucrada." Shiro said as she appeared from the bodyguard's shadow, holding her claws around her neck.

"Shiro, don't kill her. It's not her fault that can't recognize us as a serious delegates. We haven't had time to prove ourselves. Not to mention, to them, we might look like the humans they laugh at and manipulate." Anko said.

"Yes, la… I mean… alright, I'll stand down. For now," Shiro said as she walked away from the bodyguard.

Paralyzed by fear, the bodyguard stood there, struggling to catch her breath.

"Hey, are you okay?" Kaguya asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just need some fresh air. Excuse me." The bodyguard said before walking out of the room.

"That sounds like a good idea. Let's continue this meeting later. Besides, I'm really tired." Reo said.

"Agreed," Anko said.

"Tired?" Everyone thought.

Suddenly, Reo and Anko instantly disappeared.

"So, question, since when did all-powerful Jan-gu feels tiredness?" Kaguya asked.

"We don't feel tiredness. But we do sleep when we are bored. But did anybody else notice that they didn't radiate any kind of energy signatures?" Sapphire asks.

"Even though they were radiating enough dimensional energy to make us tremble at the sight of them," Jeanne said.

"Uh, I'm confused. What's going on?" Evee asked.

"And, what is dimensional energy?" Lacia asked.

"Right, you're new to this. I'll explain from the beginning. In every universe in the omniverse, there are thousands of different energies that it's composed. For example, soul energy or chi, spirit energy or nature, and demon energy. And, out of all of those energies, dimensional energy is the strongest." Leska said.


"Well, from what we learned, dimensional energy holds together universes and reality. It's also where all the others a derived from ."

"And, we, Jan-gu, can just manipulate it to make ourselves stronger?" Lacia asked.

"No, sweetheart, we don't manipulate it. We, Jan-gu and Naru-bu, are made of it. When the void was making reality, she needed a way to constantly supply it with dimensional energy. Hence us. We constantly radiate dimensional energy. Even now, We're all radiating it without any effort." Vlad said.

"But Reo and Anko weren't radiating any kind of energy as if they didn't exist," Jeanne said.

"Really? I think the only thing different about them is how they act. I mean, my sister is acting too feminine compared to how she used to act." Lacia said.

"Right, and don't get me wrong. Reo is smarter than people think. But he wasn't so smart to create an atmospheric negating band. What happened on Caleaxia?" Evee said as she looked at Vlad, Meliona, and Ira.

"Truthfully, we don't know," Ira said, causing everyone to be shocked.

Appearing above their bed, Reo and Anko plopped onto the bed.

"Finally, a bit of time to relax." They thought. They hear a large boom coming from outside. "Seriously!" Reo and Anko said as they got up from the bed. Then, they looked out the window. They immediately saw a cloud of black smoke rise up from the ground.

"Anko, I'll handle it. Get some rest." Reo said.

"You sure?"

"Of course, plus I don't want you setting fire to anything when you use your heat vision. Speaking of, you're teaching me how to do that later."

Anko laughed. "Sure, right after I learned how I did that." She said as she walked towards him. She then gave him a passionate kiss.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"For safety reasons," she said teasingly.

Reo looked at Anko bewilderedly before taking off through the window.

"Safety reasons, really. That was so dumb." Anko thought, embarrassed, as she laid back down.

Arriving at the scene of the black smoke, Reo saw the angels running from a black, snarling beast with a lion's head and body, a scorpion's tail, and giant bird wings. It pounced at an angel woman and her baby.

"No," Reo said as he reached out his hand. The beast began to float without flapping its wings. Realizing what he was doing, Reo pulled it up quickly. Not realizing how much strength he used, the beast was flung into the sky. "Whoops," he thought as he flew after it.

"Lord Reo, where has the chimera gone?" An Angel guard said as she arrived.

"I made a mistake and threw it up into orbit."


"Forget about it. How many Chimeras are left on the island?" Reo asked.

"Four, sir. But, sir, there's something that needs your attention. I was headed to the castle to tell you. There are massive amounts of power approaching the island."

"Really? From where? I can't feel a thing." Reo said.

"From what I remember, they'll be appearing over Aster City, a highly populated city."

"What!? Where is Aster City?"

The female angel pointed north and said, "Five miles that way. It's a little past the capital. It has tall skyscrapers you can't miss it."

"Thanks," Reo said as he disappeared in that direction.

"So fast." The female angel said.

"General, we need your help. We lost the chimera that was here. It's like he just disappeared. Same here. Same here. Same here." She heard over her earpiece.

"Did he? Jan-gu are amazing." The angel thought to herself.

"All angels report to Aster City." The general said.

"Yes, sir." They all said as they rushed towards Aster city.

Arriving at Aster city, Reo transforms into his 8-year-old self and lands inside an alley. Trying his best to conceal his power, he altered his look too. He had wild, long black hair that reached his shoulders. His eyes turned from silver to red and grew a monkey's tail.

"Huh, strange. I wasn't trying to alter my form. But I won't complain." Reo said as he looked and move his tail.

"Actually… I did that." A voice said telepathically. "This tail helps you return a tiny amount of the void energy you get from your core."

"So, like a power cord."

"No, think of it as a necessary appendage that protects normal people from the effect of the void energy inside your bodies. Besides, if you don't like it, you can always struggle to keep your strength and powers under control. This way, you won't have to hold back your powers." It explains.

Reminding himself of all of the times he and Anko struggle to keep control of their power and strength, Reo agrees and decides to keep his tail.

"Great choice. And don't worry. It'll only be there till you have complete precision control over your void energy." It said.

"You know, it feels like every time I get closer to controlling my powers completely, I get a hundred times stronger," Reo said as he punched the air in front of him, making a shockwave in front of him. "For the first time since the fifteen thousand years in the V-room on Hikojima, I feel like I have complete control over myself." Reo thought as he looked at his fist.

"Good to know. I hope Anko feels the same."

"She will… after you explain it to her. She's more mature than I am when it comes to things like this." Reo said.

"Wow, you really haven't noticed how you two changed." The voice mumbled.

Transforming his clothes, Reo walked from the alley. He wore a white jacket with a black form-fitted shirt and black jeans.

Walking down the street, Reo looked around him and saw how the angels lived, which was completely different from what he thought. He saw how each angel lived a peaceful life. However, he felt a strong power radiating from each one of them, strong enough to destroy the Royal 13.

"Wow, this is amazing. Everyone here is so strong. Makes me wonder how strong Jan-gu are." Reo thought to himself. Suddenly, he sees Rias, Jade, Yana, and Tyrell walking toward him with a bunch of shopping bags. Rias stumbles and falls.

"Are you okay," Reo asked as he caught Rias.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks." Rias said as she looked at him. "Do I know you?" she asked.


Suddenly, Reo felt a strong presence coming from the sky. "Get out of here," Reo said as he transformed back to his original form.

"Papa!" Rias said as he flew up into the sky.

Then, a hole up in the sky above the city. Eight people floated out of it. Appearing in front of them, Reo exerted a powerful aura.

"State your purpose." He said.

Suddenly, all eight of the visitors knelt.

"No need for that, lord Reo." One of the men said,

"We are no threat to you or Edn. We are the other bloodlines of the Jan-gu. We simply came to greet you with our families." A woman said as she opened the portal wider and pushed it back, revealing thousands of people.

"Families," Reo said as he stopped. Suddenly, Reo was knocked to the ground.

"Noir Satania, what do you think you're doing?" another woman said.

"What else, mother? I'm living up to my destiny. To rule over this universe." Noir said.

"You know there's a reason why people with that kind of goal never succeed," Reo said as he appeared behind Noir.

"What!" Noir said as he gathered energy in his fist.

"Too slow," Reo said as he pushed Noir to his mother.

"Lord Reo, please have mercy on us. I had no idea he was going to do that." The Sartani leader said.

"Do you really think I would be so cruel? Luckily, I was able to stop his treachery before he got too big-headed."

"Thank you, Lord Reo. I promise I'll reprimand him. I promise on the name of Dani Sartani."

"Alright, I'll meet you back at the castle," Reo said. Then, he flew back down to the streets to Rias and the others.

"Wow, did you see that, Kishi? Raina's great-grandnephew is so strong. He would be an excellent husband for you." A woman said.

"That's not funny, Cel. We both know Lucrada men prefer women equal in strength like from the Dragonia bloodline."

"Come on, Kishi. We both know the Dragonia bloodline doesn't have kids his age. Kaiser sent his eldest daughter to the earth dimension along with the Lucra… Wait, do you think the Dragonia girl became lord Reo's wife" Cel said.

"Come on, you two. We need to get back to the castle. And, settle in our rooms before lord Reo gets back." A man said before he took off towards the castle. Cel and Kishi followed.

Transforming back into that form, Reo landed back on the ground in front of Rias, who was glaring at him.


"Don't uh me. What are you doing here What's with that appearance? Were you spying on me?" She asked.

"No… of course not. I came here to investigate the massive powers that came. Turns out it was the rest of the Jan-gu race. Besides, I'm one hundred percent sure you would've been okay."

"So, you didn't follow me today," Rias asked.

"No. Truthfully, I literally just learned about this place." He answered. "That's just one more thing I have to learn about this place." Reo thought.

"Alright, here," Rias said as she handed him a bag.

"What's this?" Reo said as he opened the bag. Inside, there was a watch.

"Happy belated birthday, Papa. I noticed the bracelet I made for you and Momma Anko was gone. So, I wanted to make you and her some stronger replacements." Rias explained.

"Aw, Rias. Thank you. I'll love it." Reo said. Rias then hugged Reo, surprising him. "Uh, Rias. I don't think it's the right time for this." Reo said.

"Don't ruin this moment, papa," Rias said into his shoulder. Reo sighed and let her do whatever she wanted.

"Good to see you again, Reo," Jade said.

"Huh, Jade. What are you doing here?" Reo asked, shocked.

"Well, I was in Alfhiem visiting my mother when you and Anko transported all the Faes to here. I didn't even know Master Ezra died." Jade said.

"Oh, right. I was meaning…

"Don't worry about it, Reo. I know there was nothing you could have done. You probably didn't even know. And I'm sure he died protecting what he cared about." Jade said as she placed her hands on her necklace.

"Jade," Rias thought as she let Reo go.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt the moment, but I'm confused," Tyrell said.

"Yeah, me too. Where are we?" Gensuke asked.

"Oh, I thought someone would've explained to you by now. We're in another dimension called Edn. A world different from what you used to." Reo said.

"What do you mean by that?" Yana said.

"You haven't realized it yet. Everything here is different. From the thickness in the air to the power radiating from the ground. It's nothing like the magical energy on Earth. It's more powerful." Reo said as he formed a ball of energy.

"Now that I think about it. The Ki here is different. Stronger… more potent." Rias said as she radiated Ki from her hand.

"That's strange. I don't feel anything." Tyrell said.

"Weird, me neither. It's like mana doesn't exist here."

"That's because it doesn't," Reo said.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't exactly know how to explain it. It's not something I can explain without help." Reo said.

"Really? You sure you're not just saying that to get out of explaining." Tyrell said.

"No…of course not."

"Then, explain the tail," Tyrell said.

"Gladly, this tail releases a tiny portion of the void energy in my body back to the void so that I won't affect those around me too much."

"Like a power cord?" Rias said.

"I said the same thing, but no. It's more of an appendage that helps me control my new powers."

"Huh, that's weird. You don't seem any stronger. If anything, you're a lot weaker. Like you were when you finished training with dad, which is strange because you were radiating so much power back in Alfhiem. How could you change so much so quickly?" Rias said.

"Really? I don't feel any different." Reo said as he looked at his hands. "Stand back. Let me try something." Reo said as he took a squatted stance.

"Uh oh," Rias and Jade said as they formed a barrier around Reo.

Reo, then, took a deep breath and exuded a powerful aura that shook the world and thicken the air. Suddenly, Reo stops. "Woah, that was about two percent of my full power." He said.

"What!? Two percent? That was near the same power as Thor back on Alfhiem. Just what happened to you since you left for the capital?" Jade said.

"Right, how about we catch you up back at the palace?" Reo said as he opened a portal.

"Palace?" Everyone, besides Rias, thought as they walked through the portal.