
Lucrada Chronicles: Origins

In the year 2108, the world has changed its definition of being normal. The people of the world gained unique abilities and magical powers. However, with this development, the corruption of the world grew. The spread of crime and murder increased all over the world. To fight the corruption of the world, the world’s governments decided to rally together and fight against this threat. They formed an army of people who have special powers, called SP User, and magicians to combat against the corruption of the world. They called this organization The World’s Army Association. Thanks to the power of the World’s Army Association, corruption has decreased in the world. As a result, the world became a peaceful place and began to flourish, however peace doesn’t last for long. The world on the outside looks normal, but it’s horrible and full of corruption. The corruption of the world spread to the world’s government and the army’s leaders. However, in this corrupt world, there is a righteous boy who dreams of leading the world’s army. However little that he knows, He would be the leader of the World's Strongest Team, The Amagiri Clan, or that he would change the world.

R_Lucrada · 都市
22 Chs

Chapter 1-2


In the small town of Takayama, Japan, there is a boy named Reo Amagiri. A boy who dreams of being the strongest in the World's Army. He plans to join with one of his best friend, Anko Namikaze. They were together since they were in preschool with their quiet friend, Iris Newman. However, unlike Reo and Anko, Iris never liked the violence and planned to stay in the peaceful town of Takayama. Despite their differences, they still ended up great friends for many years.

One day on their way from high school, they came across an old man who collapsed on the side of the road.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Reo asked.

The old man slowly came to and saw Reo, Anko, and Iris in front of him.

"What happened? Where am I?" He asked,

"We found you here collapsed on the ground," Anko said.

"Oh, I remember now, I passed out while walking home from the bar." He said while sighing.

"So what are your names?" He asked.

"I'm Reo Amagiri. She's Anko Namikaze, and the quiet, scared one over there is Iris Newman." Reo said as he seemed to notice a strange aura coming of him.

"Okay, Reo, Anko, and Iris can I treat you to some Ramen as a thank you for helping me."

"Sure" Anko said.

"Yeah" Reo said.

"I'm sorry, but I have to refuse I have to get home and cook dinner for my family." Iris said.

"It's all right, Ms. Iris. I'll meet you two at this Ramen Shop around 7." The old man said as he handed an address to Reo.

"Alright, see you later" Reo said.

Reo and Anko walked Iris home. Afterwards, they walked to their homes to change out of their uniforms. Once they were done, they met at the park near their houses, and from there, they went to the Ramen Shop where the old man is waiting.

"Hey Anko, did you feel it too?" Reo asked

"Yeah, The old man had something strange, but powerful about him. He probably was in the World's Army." She said

"Wow, I wonder if he'll teach us how to fight." Reo excitedly said.

"We probably have to ask, right," Anko replied.

"Okay, we'll ask him," Reo said.

At the Ramen Shop, they sat at the table where the old man was sitting, and ordered from the menu.

"So, Old man, what's your name?" Reo said without thinking.

"REO!" Anko yelled.

The old man laughed loudly.

"It's all right. I was rude at first. My name is Ezra Mashiro. Also, I'm only 26." He said.

"Mr. Mashiro, were you in The World's Army? " Reo asked.

"When did you notice?" Ezra asked.

"We both noticed when we helped you earlier when you collapsed," they said.

"And, you still helped me." Ezra said surprised.

"So, Can you train me? No, can you teach us to get us ready for the World's Army?" Reo asked while on the hands and knees.

"Why would you ask me?" Ezra asked.

"You have something different about you." Reo said.

"Yeah. A strong aura of some kind." Anko said.

"Okay, let me ask you this. Why do you want to join the World's Army?" Ezra asked.

"They protect the innocent people of the world." Reo replied with a serious look.

"I want to purify this world of corruption." Anko replied with the serious look.

Ezra grinned.

"Okay, I'll teach you to prepare you for The World's Army Association Academy. I'll teach you techniques that my family excels in such as fighting and Ki manipulation techniques." Ezra said.

"Huh, What's Ki Manipulation?" Reo asked.

"I'll tell you tomorrow at this location," Ezra said while giving them a piece of a napkin with writing on it. Reo grabbed the note and read aloud 'Murakumo Park'.

"All right," Anko said.

"See you tomorrow, Sensei." Reo and Anko said while bowing their heads.

"See you tomorrow." Ezra said.

While walking home from the Ramen shop, they were talking about the things they could learn from him. They were wondering the Ki manipulation techniques he was talking about.

"Yeah, I can't wait till tomorrow." Reo said.

"Me neither." Anko said.

"Hey Anko, let's agree, here and now, to always work together, and be each other rivals." Reo said.

"All right, let's also strive to be the strongest the world has to offer." Anko replied.

"Yeah" Reo said while smiling.

"See you tomorrow," Anko said.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow," Reo said.

The next day during school Reo and Anko met Iris for lunch in the cafeteria.

"So, tell me how the free dinner went?" Iris said curiously.

"It went great." they said.

"Why?" Iris asked.

"We asked more about him, and he used to be in the World's Army. " Reo said.

"He also said he'll teach us to be prepared for the World's Army Association Academy." Anko said.

"WHAT! He said he'll teach you!" Iris yelled out.

Reo and Anko shushed her loud outburst.

"That's too dangerous. What if he's a serial killer?" Iris asked.

"If you so worried about us, come with us to watch." Reo said.

"All right, fine, I'll come along," Iris said with discontent.

So, after school Reo, Anko, and Iris all left went to the Murakumo Park to meet up with Ezra to start Reo's and Anko's training.

"Ezra Sensei" Reo and Anko yelled happily.

"Ezra Sensei?" Iris said confused

"Yeah, his name is Ezra, and he's our teacher. So, Ezra Sensei," Anko said.

"You sound happier." Iris said,

"Well, We're getting closer to our goal." Anko said.

Ezra looked up, and saw Reo and Anko with their friend.

"Hi, my name is Ezra Mashiro, or you might know me as drunkard who can't hold his liquor." Ezra said jokingly.

"Oh! My name is Iris Newman." Iris said nervously.

"Hey! Ezra Sensei, let's get started already." Reo said

"Okay. Okay. Calm down." Ezra said.

"All right, the first thing I need to do a test your strength." Ezra said,

"The two of you versus me, come at me however you want," he said,

"Okay Sensei." they said.

They got into their fighting stances. Ezra looked at their stances and thought they have a little fighting training.

"You might want to move back a little, Iris." Anko said.

"Oh! Okay" Iris said while moving back.

"Are you ready? Begin." Ezra said.

Reo and Anko leaped forward towards Ezra, and aiming punches for his stomach and head. However, Ezra blocked both punches with ease. Then, they grinned and started flurries of punches and kicks. Sadly, they weren't effective, and they tired themselves out quickly.

"All right, that's enough." Ezra said. Reo and Anko stopped their attacks.

"Okay, I know where to start with your training now. Let me give you something before we start." He said as a magical bag appeared in Ezra's hand. He reached into it and pulled out two Gis and strange tight outfits.

"These are Adaptive Gravity Manipulation Suits or AGMS for short. You will wear this every day even during school. When you put these on, you will experience gravity ten times stronger than normal gravity." Ezra said

"WHAT! Ten times the normal gravity!" they said

"Isn't that too much for beginners," Iris said

"No, it'll be alright. They can handle it." Ezra said

"Right! Let try it." Reo said.

Anko nodded.

"Okay, go get changed," Ezra said.

Reo and Anko went to the bathroom to change clothes. Thirty minutes later, Ezra and Iris went to search for them, and found them in weird positions all bruised up. They helped Reo and Anko out of their positions.

"AH HAHAHA! You had that much trouble putting it on." Ezra said while laughing

"Yeah, I had problems getting my boobs in the

suit and it's hard to move in this," Anko said as her chest bounced.

Iris felt her chest and felt self-conscious about her body.

"What happened to you Reo?" Iris asked as she snapped out her funk.

"I fell because the suit was pulling my limbs in every direction."

"Oh yeah! They also pull at you at your muscle to train your control and flexibility." Ezra said,

"It's hard to move in this," Reo said while being forced unusual position.

"Come on, Reo you can't let this suit beat you," Anko said sarcastically.

"Can you really talk Anko, you in the same position," Iris said while smiling over her

"Not funny, Iris" Anko said

"Okay, let me show you this technique before I make you run 20 laps. The name of this technique is Shunpo. It's a basic movement technique that allows the user to move faster than the eye can see without spending too much energy. The trick is concentration and speed. When mastered, you can do unimaginable things like walking on water and air."

"Really! Show us!" they said excitedly.

"Okay," Ezra said.

Then, Ezra took a step and disappeared in an instant from everybody sight and reappeared behind Reo and Anko. They were surprised and was struggling to move away. Then, he disappeared again and appeared again in the air climbing higher and higher. Then, he faced downward and launched himself towards Reo, Anko, and Iris. Then, he faded, and reappeared in front of Reo.

"That's the technique, you think you can

master it."

"Yeah, I'll master this technique in a week," Anko said while struggling to get up.

"Yeah, we'll master this technique in a week," Reo said while struggling to stand.

"Okay, a week! Do the twenty laps then head home." Ezra said.

"Yes Sensei," they said.

"You ready, Anko," Reo said confidently.

"Don't treat me like the weak link, Reo," Anko said.

They started their laps, but they could barely move how they wanted. Suddenly, they fell to the ground back in weird positions.

"I'll give you one hint on to move in these. Relax your muscles and breathing. Concentrate." Ezra said.

Then, Anko took a deep breath and relaxed as much as she could. Almost instantly, she felt less strain on her body, as if her body changed, and a strange energy around her.

"Hey, it's easier to move now," Anko said.

Then Reo did the same thing.

"Wow! It worked! Now we can move without our bodies being constricted." Reo said.

"We still have to deal with the intense amount of gravity, so let's get these laps done," Anko said.

While they were doing their laps, Ezra went over by Iris to sit and learn more about them.

"Hello. Ms. Iris, how are you doing today." Ezra asked.

"I'm fine," Iris said.

"So you don't trust me, do you?" Ezra said,

"It's not like I don't trust you, I wanted to meet the person they see as the greatest." She said.

"Oh, I thought you saw me as some kind of serial killer," he said.

"What! No, the thought never crossed my mind." Iris said nervously.

"Hahaha! I was just joking. I wouldn't hurt them. I see them as one of my own." He said,

"So what about you, do you want to learn too."

"No, I don't like violence," Iris replied.

"Well, I don't blame you. The world would be a lot more peaceful without violence. So, what do you want to do?" Ezra asked,

"I want to become a teacher, so I can help the community," Iris answered.

"Well, that's a great idea, and for a good cause!" Ezra said excitedly.

"I need some advice from someone as wise as a future teacher. I have a five-year-old daughter, and I want Reo and Anko to be her godparents."

"Huh! Why?" Iris asked

"I want my little girl to have the personality of those two. I would also want her to learn from you too Iris." Ezra said

"Wow! That's an interesting combo, but they would be there for her whenever she needs them, and take good care of her. Iris said.

"I would love to be the godfather, right Anko." Reo said.

"Yeah, I'll be there as her godmother too." Anko said.

"Uh, How long have you been there?" Ezra said nervously.

"We just got done with these 20 laps." Anko said.

"Impossible, They're just started, and they have ten times earth's gravity on their bodies. They couldn't have adapted that fast even with that hint I gave them. What are they?" Ezra thought to himself.

"Ezra sensei, What's the matter?" They both said.

"Everything's fine. And, since you two adapted so well to the gravity, the gravity going to double based on your PWR levels from now on." Ezra said.

"What are PWR Levels?" Reo asked.

"PWR levels are just an easy way of saying power ranking level in the World's Army. Anyway, your suits should be adjusting now. How do they feel?" Ezra said.

Suddenly, Reo and Anko felt their bodies get heavier. It was like a thousand pound were added to their body. The pressure was so great that both Reo and Anko fell to their knees.

"Wow, I didn't expect them to be at twenty times earth gravity by now. A regular human would have died. What are they?" Ezra thought to himself.

"Okay, I going to tell you more about the technique from earlier, and we'll be done for the day. As I said, this technique is called Shunpo, or the flash step technique. The first of the many fast movement techniques in the world. Master this technique, and you will learn the other ones easily. Like I said, It basically a technique that allows you to move at high speed without using too much energy. The trick to this technique is concentration, breathing, and speed. Pay attention to this demonstration." Ezra said.

Ezra took a step and disappeared in an instant. Later, appeared behind Reo and Anko. They were surprised and tried to move, however, they were still struggling from the intense gravity pressure, and they fell down into strange positions again. Ezra helped them out of the position and continued with the demonstration, by appearing in different locations in the park. Then, Ezra jumped in the air, and continue while climbing higher and higher. Then, he disappeared again, then reappeared in front of Reo, Anko, and Iris.

"This is the Flash step technique. The other fast movement techniques are Shadow step, God Step, Dimensional Step. Together with Flash step, they're the basics of Shunpo. Sadly, the only one I can do is the Flash step. The last one is something no one beside few people can do. So, do think you can master this technique?" Ezra said.

"Yeah, give me a week, and I'll master this technique," Reo said while struggling to stand. When he got to his feet, he had a confident look on his face.

"Yeah, same goes for me," Anko said as she was getting onto her feet. She had the same confident look as Reo.

"I see why you three are friends. You two keep things exciting. Alright, A week. Good luck to both of you. That's all for today. Remember to keep your suits on 24/7, even when you sleep." Ezra said.

"Yeah, See you tomorrow Ezra Sensei." They said.

A week passed, and they learned many new things.

"Okay, this is a weekly test to see how much your strength has grown. Go take off your AGMS and put on these Martial Arts Gi, so you can use your full power." Ezra said.

"Alright Sensei." Reo and Anko said. They rushed off to the bathroom to change.

Then, Ezra sensed more presences hiding behind the trees.

"Come out. I know you're there." Ezra said loudly.

Two men, two women, and two little kids came out from the trees and walked over to Ezra.

"Are you the one who they call Ezra." One of the men asked.

"Yes, I am. Who wants to know?" Ezra said cautiously.

"Hey Anko, Are you ready?" Reo yelled while walking out the boy's restroom looking at himself.

"Yeah, let's head back," Anko said as she walks out the women's restroom.

She looked beautiful in her black and red GI which hugged her body, showing her amazing features.

"Whoa! Anko is actually kinda cute." Reo thought to himself as his heart raced.

"Why are you staring at me?" Anko asked.

"Oh, I was thinking how good you look today." Reo said nervously.

"What are you saying? Anyway, let's head back to Ezra Sensei." Anko said while blushing.

Then, Reo and Anko walked towards the place where Ezra was.

"Reo, isn't that our parents and little sisters?" Anko said

"Yeah, that's them. Wonder why they're here. Let's hurry." Reo said.

"Right," Anko said.

Suddenly, they disappeared and appeared in between Ezra and their families.

"Well, congratulations on successfully executing the flash step technique, you two," Ezra said.

"Thank you, Sensei." They said.

"Wait a minute! Where did you two come from?" Anko's dad said.

"They used a technique called Flash Step. It's a technique that every martial artist should know, but it's famous among a certain family. What I want to know is what are they wearing?" Reo's Dad said.

"Mom, Dad, what are you doing here?" Reo asked.

"Yeah, why are you here Mom, Dad?" Anko said.

"We heard that you two always coming to this empty park after school every day, and we're here to see why for ourselves." Anko's Dad said.

"Yeah, we wanted to see why you kept coming here, so we followed you two here, and tried to stay hidden, but we got caught by this guy. Who is this guy, anyway?" Reo's dad said.

"Our teacher, Ezra Mashiro," Anko said.

"Oh okay, I'm sorry for our husbands. If it's okay with you, can we observe you two and your lessons." Reo and Anko's moms said.

"I don't mind Mrs. Amagiri and Mrs. Namikaze." Ezra said.

"Please call me Reiko, and this is Anko's mother, Asia Namikaze," Reiko said.

"Okay, Reiko." Ezra said.

"Ezra Sensei, can we start our test now." Reo and Anko said.

"Yeah, sure let begin it's the same test. You two versus me." Ezra said.

"Alright!" they said as they gotten into their fighting stances.

"Wait, they're fighting their teacher." Reo's dad said.

"Yeah, I feel like they are going to lose this fight." Reiko said.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Amagiri. I'm sure that big sister and Reo going to win." Lacia, Anko's little sister, said.

"Yeah! Reo and Anko will definitely beat their teacher." Evee, Reo's little sister, said.

"What do you think, Anko? We go at him with everything we got." Reo said.

"Of course, Reo. There is no holding back with someone like him, Reo." Anko said.

"What is this, they're taking this seriously, looks like I have to take this seriously too. I'm going to use ten percent of my power." Ezra said while radiating with power and confidence.

Reo and Anko saw Ezra getting serious, and they started to falter.

"No, don't start going soft on me now." Ezra said arrogantly.

"Don't get ahead of yourself Ezra-sensei. We're still here. Aren't we?" Reo said.

"Yeah, we won't run," Anko said.

"Okay, let's see where that get you. Ready! Set! Begin!" Ezra said.

They all disappeared and reappeared continuously around the park while causing a large gust of winds and loud shockwaves. Then, Reo and Anko stopped in the same place they started.

"Anko, do you feel that?" Reo said while breathing heavily.

"Yeah, we have gotten a lot stronger in one week." Anko said.

"And, this is only the beginning you two," Ezra said as he appeared behind them.

Reo and Anko turned around and attempted to hit him.

"Good, good. That didn't have any hesitation in it." Ezra said as he block their punches. Then, they jumped backwards to regain their strength, and regroup with each other.

"This fight is intense." Anko's Dad said.

"Yeah, but they still don't measure up to their teacher." Reo's Dad said.

"Yeah, even so, you should support your son," Asia said.

"It's alright, Asia. He's just jealous that his son didn't ask him to train him, but he needs to put his envy aside, and support his son and his friend, right." Reiko said while smiling and giving off a dark presence.

"Yeah, I should support our son with any decision he made." Reo's Dad said cowardly.

"Wow, that's Reo's mom. There is something powerful about her. Just like Reo." Ezra thought to himself while looking towards Reo's and Anko's family.

"You should pay attention to us, Sensei!" They yelled as they charged at him.

Reo and Anko threw a flurry of punches. Then, they jump away from him, and ran around causing Ezra to see multiple clones of Reo and Anko.

"Huh, that's new. You taught yourself the second stage of the Shunpo technique. Shadow Step technique is its name. Remember it well. In addition to that, I might as well teach you two more techniques. The first one would be this." Ezra said.

Then, Ezra began to float into the air, and Reo and Anko stopped.

"This is one of the basic techniques of Ki manipulation" Ezra said.

"Cool, you I want to fly too." Reo said.

"I'll teach you after you can use this other technique called Sensing others Ki." Ezra said.

"Really, you couldn't come up with a better name for it." Anko said.

"Anko, you didn't have to put the name down like that. He probably couldn't remember its actual name, and he just made one up on the spot." Reo said

"You're right Reo. I'm sorry sensei for the disrespect." Anko said.

"Wow, they're hurtful." Ezra thought to himself.

"Anyway, how does it work, Sensei," Reo said.

"First, close your eyes and concentrate on your surroundings. Feel the energy flows around you. Feel it inside you. Feel it in the trees, in the grass, and even in the air itself. This is chi or Ki." Ezra said.

Then, Reo and Anko closed their eyes and began to concentrate on their surroundings.

"Do you feel it? The large powers inside your bodies, and around you two. Now, I want you to use increase your Ki inside your body, and push it outward to raising your strength." Ezra said.

"Okay sensei." They said as they opened their eyes.

They stood there, and tried to raise their Ki, but with no success.

"This is harder than it looks." Reo said.

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting this, and he made it look so easy." Anko said.

"It's okay, this was your first attempt. You'll have time to learn to do it on instinct. Now, let's end the test with one final attack. Does that sound good?" Ezra said.

"Yeah let's go out with a huge bang!" Reo said.

"Yeah, but not one that will destroy this park. I'm kind of fond of it now." Anko said.

"Okay, Anko we're not going to destroy the place where you had your most precious memories of where you fell in

"Shut up Sensei" Anko interrupting Ezra.

"Huh, what are you two talking about? Anko fell in what?" Reo asked

"Don't worry about it, Reo. Let's just go on and finish this." Anko said.

"Okay, you two ready, because I'm not holding anything back," Ezra said as he charged up his Ki.

"Are you kidding me? He's really going all out for this." Reo said.

"So, you can feel it too. His Ki is massive, but don't wimp out on me now." Anko said.

"Please, someone got to be here with you, so you don't run away " Reo said confidently.

Anko smiled.

"Okay, let's show him we are just as powerful as he is." Anko said.

"Yeah" Reo said while smiling at Anko. ,

They got into another fighting stance they learned from Ezra, and concentrated on a single point. Suddenly, Reo and Anko gave off an overwhelming aura. Ezra yelled and disappeared. Reo and Anko did the same. Then, They all clashed in the middle of where they were standing, and caused an enormous gust of wind and a loud shockwave that could be heard from the other side of Takayama. Their clash created a huge dust cloud that covered the entire park. Once the cloud cleared up, there was only one person standing. Ezra had won the battle, however he took it a draw between them.

There wasn't any damage to the surrounding area thanks to Ezra's last-minute barrier. Ezra summoned his dryad familiar who excelled in magic, especially healing magic. He asked her to heal himself, Reo, and Anko, so everybody was okay and injury free. Then, Ezra walked over to their families.

"I would like to talk to you." Ezra said,

"Okay, about what exactly?" Reo's dad said.

"Yeah, you already have beaten our kids. What else do you want?" Anko's dad said.

"I would like to request for Reo and Anko to come to stay with me for the next two years to finish their training."

"Over my dead. No, over our dead bodies!" Their dads said.

"Of course, they can stay with two conditions. Allow us to visit them at least once a week, and allow us to welcome you as a part of our family. Is that okay with you Asia?" Reiko said.

"Yeah, that's fine by me if I can see my daughter. Plus, they seem to trust you like you're another father too, so I won't be worried as much." Asia said.

"Okay, and I would take care of them as if they were my own. I'll send my contact info to you by someone later. Feel free to visit anytime." Ezra said.

"Hold on! What are we chopped liver? We said no they can't." their dads said.

"Oh, you want to settle this a different way." Their moms said with immense pressures.

"We're good." Their dads said with fear in their voices.

"Well, now that's settled. We will be on our way. See you later" The moms said.

"Mom, can I stay until Reo wakes up, and tell him goodbye?" Evee said.

"Yeah! Can I stay too? I want to say bye to Anko too, Mom." Lacia said.

"Sure, you can stay as long it's okay with Ezra." Their mothers said.

"Yeah, they can stay. I'll watch over them." Ezra said.

"Evee. Lacia. What do you say?" Their moms said.

"Thank you for this, Mr. Mashiro." Evee and Lacia said.

"Anytime, and call me Ezra or anything you like. You don't have to be formal with me." Ezra said.

"Okay" Evee and Lacia said.

"Thank you, Ezra. Now, Evee make sure you give Reo a big hug for me too, okay. Tell him I'll see him next week okay, and listen to Ezra and be careful." Reiko said.

"Okay, Mom," Evee said while hugging her mother.

"The same goes for you Lacia, come back as soon as you can and be safe," Asia said as she hugged her daughter.

"Okay, Momma," Lacia said.

Two hours later, Reo and Anko have woken up to find themselves laying their heads on their little sister's laps. They got up yelling "What happened? Where sensei?". Their sisters smiled and hugged their siblings.

"I'm glad you're okay, big bro," Evee said.

"Yeah, I'm glad too, big sis," Lacia said.

"Sorry to make you worry about us, Evee," Reo said while patting their heads.

"Yeah, I'm sorry too, Lacia," Anko said.

"Glad to see you two up." Ezra said as he walked to them.

"How long have we been out?" Reo said.

"About two hours. You recover pretty quick to say you two was knock out cold." Ezra said.

"Did we fail the test?" Anko said.

"No, you passed with flying colors. You surprised me with your growth rate. You mastered the first level of Shunpo in one week. I'm glad to tell you that both of you have reached phase two of your training. For the next two years, you will be living with me and Rias to continue your training. I hope you're ready because your training going to be tougher." Ezra said.

"Yeah, I'm ready for phase two. Are you Anko?" Reo said.

"Yeah, but what about our families?" Anko said.

"Don't worry, He already talked about it to them, so you have permission to stay for the next two years." Evee said.

"Yeah sis, don't worry." Lacia said.

"Okay." Anko said while smiling.

"Alright, Lacia, we should head home now," Evee said.

"Okay let's go," Lacia said as they walked off. Then, they turned around and said, "See you in two years."

"Yeah, but you know we're coming tomorrow to get our stuff right." They said but their little sister didn't hear them.

Later at Ezra's house, Reo and Anko were surprised at what kind of lifestyle Ezra had. Ezra's house was a two story with a sign with the word 'Mashiro' in front of it. As they walked inside the house, it was completely different from outside. It was a lot bigger than the outside show.

"What is this place?" Reo said.

"This entire building belongs to my family, and you can choose any of the rooms in the building. Mine and Rias' rooms are on the top floor. You can even have an entire floor to yourself if you want. The training area is in the basement. The pool is down the hall on the right. There is big bath in every bedroom. And, the dining room is over there. Let's take easy, for now, and we'll start training tomorrow." Ezra said.

"Okay Sensei." They said as they wondered who was Mashiro.

"The training at the World's Army Association Academy is hundreds of times tougher, so I going to prepare you as much I can in two years. Most of the people there haven't unlocked their SP power yet, so I want you to unlock your SP powers, and to do that you need to raise your PWR levels before you go. Right now, both of your levels are around five thousand each. I want you to be at least three times stronger." Ezra said.

"Okay, we'll raise our Pwr levels tens folds within the next two years. We'll surpass your expectations, and then some, right Reo." Anko said.

"Of course, Anko. I'm always up for a challenge." Reo said.

This was the beginning of the legend of the leader of the Amagiri Clan.


After two years of training with Ezra and going to school, they're finally graduating from high school and Ezra training. Now, they are heading back home to see their families and friends before they leave to go to the World's Army Association Academy.

"Okay, Are you ready, Anko?" Reo said.

"Yeah, but before we go, can we spar a little more? I want to see who's stronger." Anko said.

"Sure, I kinda want to know that too."

They walked to the training center in the basement to have a sparring match.

"Okay, this is a thirty-minute match last one standing wins." Anko said.

"Okay, let's begin." Reo said.

Reo instantly appeared on the right side of Anko and delivered a flurry of punches at her that launch her back a few feet backward. Then, Anko instantly appeared behind Reo, and attacked him with a punch, enhanced with her Ki, that launched him toward into the wall. After thirty minutes of nonstop attacks, they were both standing with a lot of bruises, and neither one seem exhausted.

"I think we should start heading to my house now." Reo said.

"Yeah, we should. They'll probably worry if we're late." Anko said.

"Your right let's get changed and head out." Reo said.

They left the training room and went to their rooms to change their regular clothes.

"Wow, I can't believe it has been two years already. I wonder how much our families have changed." Reo said.

"We just saw them last January for Evee and Lacia's birthdays. What I'm worried about is Iris." Anko said.

"Yeah, We haven't seen her since that day two years ago." Reo said.

"I hope she's okay. We need to contact her as soon as we get the chance."

"Of Course" Reo said.

They reached to Anko's room on the second floor, and Reo's room was two doors down the hall. Once they changed, they flew out their windows towards Reo's house .

"How about a race, Anko," Reo suggested.

"No, you know we will get carried away," Anko said.

"You're right, you get carried away when you think you will lose." Reo said.

"WHAT! You get more carried away than I do. Plus, you just want a chance to redeem yourself because of the draw earlier." Anko said.

"Yeah! But, now that we have those AGMS off, we can move easier without all the gravity and constant pulling on our bodies. I just want to let loose." Reo said.

"Think for a second. Ezra Sensei will have our heads if he senses our PWR levels spiking." Anko said.

"Yeah, let's not piss him off. I still remember the twenty thousand pounds he added besides the one-hundred time gravity on our suits for that week. He was a demon that week." Reo said.

"Exactly, now let's get going before we're late," Anko said.

She zoomed through the air and headed towards Reo's house at sonic speed. Reo followed behind her and eventually catching up to her. As soon as they arrived at Reo's house, they sensed that everybody was already inside waiting for them. As they entered his house, everybody jumped out, and would yell 'surprise', but stopped because the changes they witnessed with Reo and Anko.

"Are you Reo?" Reo's dad asked.

"Yeah?" Reo answered bewilderingly.

"So, that means you're Anko?" Anko's mother said.

"Wow, to think my own mother doesn't recognize me. I'm shocked." Anko said sarcastically.

"Yeah, that's my daughter all right. You grew so much in one year." Asia said looking Anko's body up and down.

"Yeah, my son also changed a lot too," Reiko said while feeling on Reo's body.

"They especially have gotten a lot stronger too." Ezra said.

"Yeah, Papa Reo and Mama Anko are the strongest." Rias said.

"Wait! Did she call Reo and Anko Papa and Mama?" Everybody asked surprisingly.

"Oh Yeah, I forgot to tell you I've asked Reo and Anko to be my daughter's godparents." Ezra said.

"Oh okay, I thought Reo and Anko got bold on us." Their parents said with relief.

"So, why haven't we seen her last time we were there?" Evee asked.

"Because she was at the world's capital visiting her aunt for two weeks." Ezra said.

"Oh. Well, I'm happy because I have a cute little niece to play with." Lacia said.

"Yeah, I can't wait to learn more about you Rias." Evee said as she hugged Rias.

"Well, let's stop standing here, and let's go enjoy ourselves. Asia and I cooked a huge feast. So, everyone let's chow down." Reiko said.

Everybody gladly gathered around and enjoyed the food that was prepared. Soon after they started, they heard the doorbell.

"I'll get it, please everyone keep enjoying yourselves." Reiko said as she got up and headed to the door.

Once she opened the door, she saw Iris just getting from school.

"Oh, hi Iris, how have you been? Please come in, we're in the kitchen." Reiko said.

"Oh, you have company, I'll come back some other time." Iris said while walking in.

"Oh No, it's just Reo and Anko." Reiko said as she pulled Iris in.

"What! Really?" Iris said while blushing.

"Hey, mom. who's that at the door?" Reo said as he walked toward the door.

The sound of his voice paralyzed Iris.

"Oh, hey Iris, it has been a while. How have you been?" Reo said.

Right where she was standing, she began to faint from the sight of her friend she hasn't seen for two years. Then, Reo instantaneously appeared behind her, and asked her if she was okay.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said with a nervous tone.

"Reo, Why in the world are you using flash step inside. Is everything o- Oh, hey Iris, how are you?" Anko said as she appeared out of nowhere.

"Talking about me, what about you? You rushed here rather quickly." Reo said.

"That's because someone just dropped and someone else used flash step, so I thought something was wrong. So, this is your fault." Anko said.

"Hey, are you two really Reo and Anko?" Iris asked.

"Of course, we are. What kind of question is that?" Reo said.

"Seriously, I can't believe my own best friend can't recognize me either." Anko said sarcastically.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt either of your feelings." Iris said with deep conviction while moving off Reo and bowing.

"Don't worry about it." Reo and Anko said.

"Oh yeah. Reo, Ezra sensei wants to give us some graduation presents." Anko said

"Okay let's go. Come on Iris." Reo said as reached out to her.

She took his hand and followed him to the party.

"Oh, there you two are. Oh, Iris, how have you been?" Reo's dad said.

"Great, Thanks for asking." Iris said.

"That's great." Anko's dad said.

"Ezra-sensei, Anko said you wanted to give us a graduation gift." Reo said.

"Yeah, but it's more like gifts. I'm going to give you the results of your training first. Reo you first. Your PWR level when you started the training was fifty-three hundred (five thousand three hundred), and your PWR level now is twenty-five thousand. You came a long way from when you started. You also unlocked your SP Power. It's called Hephaestus Hammer. A legendary power that only the gods have. You can make any weapon you want, and this power is able to grow stronger. Please use it wisely." Ezra said.

"Ezra-sensei, how do you know all this?" Reo asked.

"My SP Power, Evil Eyes, allows me to analyze a person Pwr level and special ability to the smallest detail." Ezra said.

"Okay cool." Reo said. "What's with that name though." Reo thought to himself.

"Anko you're next. Your PWR level was Fifty-four hundred (five thousand four hundred) and now your PWR level is now the same as Reo's. You also unlock your SP Power. It's called Dimension Ruler. Another legendary power that I thought only existed in myths. You can control the vibrations of the dimensions and use them however you would like. This is also a power that could grow, so I'll tell you like I told Reo. Use it wisely." Ezra said.

"Yes, Sensei." Anko said.

"Seems like they believed me. They both have the same abilities, but why is that. It's already rare for a person to have two abilities, but they have the same abilities. I hope I made the right decision of training these two because they can destroy the world anytime they want to. What am I talking about? This Reo and Anko. They won't destroy the world, probably change it, but never destroy it. I have nothing to worry about." Ezra thought to himself while making a weird faces

"What's wrong with sensei?" Reo asked.

"I don't know." Anko said looking concerned. "So, is it Sensei?" Reo said.

"What?" Anko asked with a confused look.

"The person you love." Reo said teasingly with a smug look.

Anko punched Reo in the face as hard as she could.

"Why did you hit me, Anko?" Reo said with a swollen face.

"Because you said something stupid." Anko said

"How was that stupid? It was a joke." Reo said. "Well, it wasn't funny." Anko said.

"They really haven't changed much." Iris said. "I wonder why Papa Reo and Mama Anko won't tell each other how they feel about each other." Rias said.

"It's not that simple. It's hard to tell the person you like how much you feel about them." Iris said.

"Oh, so is that why Papa and Mama act that way towards each other?" Rias said

"Yes," Iris said.

"Wait you said, Papa and Mama. Were you referring to Reo and Anko? Who are you?" Iris said.

"Yes, my name is Rias. Reo and Anko are my Papa and Mama." Rias said.

"WHAT? REO! ANKO! What is the meaning of this? You had a child in these two years." Iris yelled without thinking.

"Stop right there. No, she is our god-daughter. She's Ezra sensei daughter. So, stop with the ridiculous assumptions. Our baby would be a toddler." Anko said.

"Oh right. Okay! So, she's the girl Ezra was talking about." Iris said embarrassedly.

"Yeah, she was the girl Ezra was talking about. I can't believe that you would think me and Anko would have a child together." Reo said.

Anko punched Reo hard as she could again.

"God, take a joke or at least let me finish." Reo said.

"Enough with your jokes." Anko said.

"Hey, Can I continue with your gifts." Ezra said.

"Sorry Sensei." Reo and Anko said.

"Anyway, for your first gift, I'm going to give these new suits for you. They have the Mashiro family's crest. This is proof that you are masters of the Mashiro fighting style. It is also proof that you apart of the main family. The suit also has a spell on it that allows you to have unlimited storage space. It is that little pocket on the right inside of the vest." Ezra said.

They took the suit and examined them. The top was a black and red sleeveless vest, while the bottoms were black and red loose pants with a black sash hanging from the black belt in the front.

"Thank you, Sensei. We will wear them with honor." Reo and Anko said while bowing.

"Your welcome. The next gift is that you're getting your own familiar. I'm going to make two magic circles for the spell, and you going to say these words 'Come forth from the unknown, and make a contract with me'." Ezra said.

"Really, that awesome. Let's get this going." Reo said.

"Okay, okay, Calm down. By the way, the summoned beast will be at random." Ezra said.

"Okay, let's get started." Reo said.

Then Reo, Anko, and Ezra went outside in the backyard, along with their sisters, Rias, and Iris. Ezra extended his arm, and summoned two magic circles.

"Now, Reo! Anko!" Ezra said.

They started to chant the words they learned from Ezra. Then, a shadow appeared out of each magic circle.

"Are you the ones who summoned us, humans?" the shadows said simultaneously.

"Yes, we want to form a pact with you." Reo and Anko said.

"Very well, we will give you a test." The shadows said.

Then, an immense amount of power and light filled the air, blinding everyone, and Reo and Anko disappeared in the magic circles.

"Ezra, where did they go? What happened to Reo and Anko?" Lacia said.

"I don't know for sure, but if I had to guess, they were teleported to some place by those shadows to test their abilities. They will be back in an instant." Ezra said.

Suddenly, a magic circle appeared, and they heard screaming. Then, Reo and Anko fell out of the circle.

"Hey Reo, Anko are you okay." Evee said. "Yeah, We're good." Reo and Anko said.

"So, did you pass your test, and make a pact." Ezra asked. Reo and Anko smiled, and said, "See for yourself.", as they showed them the symbols on their arms.

"Whoa, A black dragon symbol and a white dragon symbol. Are your familiars?" Ezra said.

They nodded.

"They're Dragons." They said.

"What! Show us." Ezra said eagerly.

"Come to my aid, Red Dragon of Hellfire, Ryuu." Reo chanted as he extend his arm.

"Come to my aid, White Dragon of the Heavens, Shiro." Anko chanted as she did the same.

Then, two large magic circles appeared in front of their hands, and two shadows flew out of them. The shadows appeared as a red dragon, and a white dragon.

"Those are god-class familiars, the strongest of the familiars." Ezra said surprised.

"Looks like someone knows of our power beside our masters, Sister." Ryuu said.

"Yes, Brother. These humans don't seem to be that incompetent. They must be related to our masters." Shiro said.

"Hey Ryuu, introduce yourself to everyone!" Reo said.

"You too Shiro." Anko said.

"Yes, Master." Ryuu and Shiro said.

"Enough with the master stuff." Reo said.

"Yeah, Shiro please stop calling me Master. Just call me Anko." Anko said.

"Call me Reo, Ryuu." Reo said.

"Okay, Lord Reo and Lady Anko." They said as they transformed into their human forms. Ryuu transformed into a dark-skin, 23-year-old man with a well-toned body, white hair wearing a red suit. Shiro transformed into a dark-skin, 21-year-old woman with a well toned and endowed, long white hair tied into a ponytail, wearing a white suit.

"Wow, didn't know you could do that." Reo said.

"We can do anything. Our power rivals the gods." Ryuu said.

"Cool. Anyway, please introduce yourself, Ryuu." Reo said.

"Hello, pleased to meet you, my name is Ryuu Amagiri. I am Reo's familiar, the Dragon of Hellfire." Ryuu said.

"Hello, pleased to meet you also, my name is Shiro Namikaze. I am Anko's familiar, the Dragon of the Heavens. Also, Ryuu is my older brother."

"Wow, both of my students has god-class familiars. They are so powerful alone, but now they have god-class familiars. They could change the world order." Ezra thought to himself.

"Yes, we are capable of doing that, but our masters don't have any ill intent to destroy the world." Ryuu telepathically said to Ezra.

"Shit, you heard that?" Ezra nervously said.

Ryuu nodded .

"Please watch over my two prized students." Ezra said.

"Yes, of course. We would protect them forever." Ryuu said.

"That goes for me too, Mr. Ezra." Shiro said. "That's great, Thank you." Ezra said.

"Lord Reo, I have a request for you." Ryuu said.

"Me too, Lady Anko. I also have a request for you." Shiro said.

"What is it?" Reo and Anko asked.

"We would like to stay by your side permanently." Ryuu and Shiro said.

"Sure, but how would that work. You kinda stand out." Reo said.

"We are god-class familiars. We can do anything. We could live inside your symbols or in your shadow, and it will also give you an enormous power boost." Ryuu said.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Let's do that, Ryuu." Reo said excitedly.

"You never change do you, Reo. Making rash decisions without thinking about it." Iris said.

Reo smiled.

"As you command Lord Reo." Ryuu said.

Then, Ryuu merged into Reo's shadow.

"Whoa, I suddenly feel a lot more powerful." Reo thought to himself.

"Yes, that my power being added to your own, but I didn't expect this much of power increase." Ryuu said telepathically.

"Wow, I can hear you in my head." Reo said.

"Yes, This also another perk to this. We can communicate with each other telepathically." Ryuu said.

"Cool" Reo said.

"Shiro, are you sure you want to stay by my side?" Anko said.

"Yes, milady." Shiro said with a determined look.

"Okay, first thing first, call me Anko or little sis. No 'Milady' stuff. " Anko said.

"Um Anko, why little sis?" Reo asked.

"Because I see her as an older sister and a friend, I don't want her to call me master." Anko said

"Okay, that makes sense. So, how are you going respond Shiro?" Reo said as if he was already familiar with her.

"Alright, I always wanted to have a little sister. I will be beside you always, little sis." Shiro said as merged with Anko's shadow.

"Thank you, big sis." Anko thought to herself.

"Whoa, their Pwr level skyrocketed to sixty-four thousand. They reach a level higher than anyone I know, and at such a young age. They can truly be called world-changing beings." Ezra thought to himself.

"Hey Anko, let's test this power out." Reo said.

"Absolutely not. You will cause to much damage. In a matter of fact, don't ever fight against each other unless you in a secluded place." Ezra shouted.

"Alright Sensei. Stop yelling, we won't fight unless we in a secluded place." Reo said.

"Oh yeah , Sensei, what about the other gifts." Anko said.

"That's right, Rias has something to give you. She made it herself." Ezra said.

"Really, what is it, Rias?" Reo and Anko said.

"It's nothing special. I just made these communicator wristbands. They can help us keep in touch with each other by using communication magic." Rias said.

"Cool, this is an amazing gift, thanks Rias." Reo said.

"Yeah, I'll be sure to call every day. Thank you, Rias." Anko said.

"Your welcome, Mama and Papa." Rias said while smiling and wrapping her arms around their waist.

"Oh, I have some more for you guys too." Rias said.

"Wow, thank you, Rias." Lacia said.

Yeah, these are so cool. I'm so lucky to have a niece this talented and smart." Evee said.

"Your welcome, Evee and Lacia." Rias said embarrassedly.

"Hey now, there's no need for you to be like that. We're family, so there's no need to be scared." Evee said.

"Yeah Rias. They already accepted you as part of the family." Reo said.

"Okay, Papa." Rias said.

"Ms. Iris, I made an extra one. I would like for you to have it. You can easily keep in touch with Reo and Anko." Rias said.

"Thank you, Rias, but just call me Iris. I'm not old enough to be called miss." Iris said.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel bad." Rias said excitedly nervous.

"No, It's alright. There is no reason for you to feel bad." Iris said.

"Okay, Iris." Rias said.

"I have one more gift for you too." Ezra said. "What is it, Sensei?" Reo and Anko said.

"I talked to my sister, who works at the World's Army Association Academy, and she gotten you enrolled to take the entrance exam." Ezra said.

"Really Sensei, that is an amazing gift." they said with excitement.

"The exams are in two days, so you should leave tomorrow." Ezra said.

"Alright sensei, we'll leave together tomorrow evening." Reo and Anko said in excitement. However, while Reo and Anko were excited, Iris looked at her two best friends' excitement and felt depressed.

"Um, Guys, I'm going to head home now." Iris said.

"Wait, I'll walk you back." Reo said.

"No, I'll be okay. I'm just going down the road to my house." Iris said.

"No, you shouldn't be walking home by yourself at this time of night." Reo said.

"Wow, that's rich coming from you. I'm gonna leave now." Iris said angrily while running away.

"Wait!" Reo yelled as attempted to follow her.

"Reo, wait, don't follow her. She needs time to think." Anko said.

"Okay, I won't follow her, but let's go to the school tomorrow." Reo said.

"Yeah, we haven't been at that school for a year." Anko said.

"Yeah, I wonder how everything been since we left." Reo said.

"Yeah, we have a lot to catch up on at school, and hopefully we'll have a chance talk to Iris." Anko said.

"Everybody! Come inside there still a party in here for everybody. Huh, where is Iris?" Reo's mom said as she came outside.

"Iris just left. She said that she was tired and needed time to herself." Reo said.

"What did you do to her, Reo?" Reiko asked.

"I didn't do anything." Reo said.

"Alright, I'll believe you this time. Now, come inside so we can continue our celebration. Plus I'm going to need your help." Reiko said.

As they walked into the house, they saw their dads have a drunkard's argument, and Asia, Anko's mother, passed out on the couch.

Anko sighed in disappointment.

"Mrs. Amagiri, Can we stay the night over here?" Anko said with an embarrassed look on her face.

"Sure dear, you always welcome over here. I already see you as a daughter-in-law." Reiko said as she smiles at Reo while Anko blushes.

Reo coughs as if he was hinting his mother to stop talking.

"Anyway mom, what are Mr. Namikaze and dad arguing about?" Reo said.

"I really don't know. We all were just having a drink and talking about how strong you both got. Then, your father said if you two fought, Anko would win, and Anko's father said Reo would win ." Reiko said.

"Wow, that's messed up." Reo and Anko thought to themselves.

"This is what I get for drinking with lightweights." Reiko said.

"What happened to Mrs. Namikaze?" Reo asked.

"Oh, she just asleep. She was tired of waiting for your fathers to stop their arguments, so she went to sleep. You four should do the same." Reiko said.

"Okay, goodnight mom," Reo said as he hugged Reiko.

"Goodnight sweetie. Glad you're back."

"Goodnight mommy," Evee said.

"Goodnight my little princess,"

"Goodnight Auntie Reiko," Anko said as she hugged Reiko.

"Goodnight my beautiful daughter-in-law," Reiko said teasingly.

"Goodnight Auntie," Lacia said.

"Goodnight Lacy ," Reiko said.

"Alright, we'll be going now." Ezra said.

"Okay, but you know you're welcome to stay," Reiko said.

"Yeah, but I need to get back to make sure everything is okay with their entries to the WAAA (World's Army Association Academy) entrance exam. However, Rias is welcome to stay if she wants to." Ezra said.

"Do you want to stay here tonight Rias? I would love to know more about my cute god-granddaughter." Reiko said enthusiastically.

"Yeah, I'll stay. I want to know more you too Grandma." Rias said while smiling innocently.

"Then, it's settled. Leave Ezra, so a grandmother and her grandchild can get to know each other," Reiko said as she pushes Ezra out the door.

"Now let's go get some tea," Reiko said while smiling happily.

"Okay, grandma" Rias said.

That night Reiko and Rias stayed up all night talking to each other. The next morning, Reo and Anko came to the kitchen to find his mother and Rias laying their heads on the table.

"It looks like they enjoyed each other company last night." Anko said.

"Yeah, they must've stayed up late talking. Let's get out of here, so they can sleep a little longer." Reo said.

"Okay," Anko said.

Reo and Anko left out the house quietly, and flash stepped towards Iris's house. As soon as they reached her house, they found that Iris wasn't there. She had left twenty minutes before they arrived according to what her mother said. Then, Reo and Anko took off into the skies, and flew to the school at amazing speed.

Meanwhile Iris walks to the school, and thinks about her actions last night.

"I can't believe that they're leaving soon. I can't believe I did that last night. This is their dream and I couldn't be happy for them. All I did was show anger and discontent towards them. I'm sure they hate me now." Iris thought to herself as she walked in the gates.

Then, two figures landed in the middle of the school courtyard, and filled the courtyard with confusion.

"Who are they?"

" Are they new?"

"Hey, that's Reo and Anko."

"I thought they transferred away."

" Why are they back?"

" I heard that they were training with some old guy to get in the World's Army Association Academy."

"Hey, wait I heard they ran away from their homes for two years."

"Do you think they eloped?"

"OMG, so bold."

The crowd whispered amongst themselves.

"Looks like we become popular Reo." Anko said.

"Yeah, I didn't expect us to attract this much attention. Now, where is Iris." Reo said.

"Over there!" Anko said as she pointed to Iris. Then, the two of them disappeared and appeared in front of Iris.

"Good morning. How are you, Iris?" Reo said.

Iris began to cry.

"Reo, Anko I'm so sorry how I treated you two last night. I should have been more supportive of this great opportunity. Could you ever forgive me?" Iris said while crying.

"Of course, you should already know us by now. We don't hold grudge against our friends, so please stop crying. You're making us seem like bad guys." Reo said.

Iris looked around, and saw the crowd whispering while giving Reo a menacing look.

"Well look who's back, the black sheep of the entire Amagiri family, my little cousin, Deo. Where you been?" A guy said while walking to Reo and the others,

"My name is Reo, Asta , and I'm here to spend time with my friends. Also, we're here to notify our teachers that we're transferring to the WAAA. (World's Army Association Academy)." Reo said.

"Really, so I guess that you're going to the entrance exams happening tomorrow." Asta said mockingly.

"Yeah, why is that so important to you?" Reo asked.

"Because I'm also going to be participating in it too, and it's not your ordinary exam. It's gonna be a battle royale fight." Asta said.

"Battle Royale, that's sounds fun. Wait, doesn't that mean you won't pass Asta." Reo said.

"What's that supposed to mean? I'm tens of thousands times stronger than you and your friend combined." Asta said.

Reo and Anko laughed.

"What so funny?" Asta asked angrily.

"It's funny that you think can take us both on." Reo said as he continued to laugh.

"Yeah, You can have hundr- no thousands of people, and you still won't win?" Anko said as she struggled to breathe.

"Oh, think so. How would you like to prove your ridiculous arrogance?" Asta said.

"Anytime you want." Reo said.

"Okay, today at the school's fighting arena," Asta said.

The school that Reo, Anko, Iris, and Asta attends is Sai Takayama High School. At this school, fighting is a form of Physical Education, and the students are encouraged to settle their disputes through this. Every fight is viewed by all the faculty and students in the arena.

Reo looked at Anko, and saw that confident look in her eyes.

"Sure, we'll take the challenge." Reo said.

"Okay, today at seventh period." Asta said.

"Okay, See you there." Reo said.

Asta walked away with a huge grin.

"Are you crazy? Why would you accept his challenge? He never lost a fight even before you stopped coming. He's one of the few who actually have awaken their SP Power. Unlike you who just awaken theirs, he know how to use it perfectly." Iris said.

"Don't worry too much. We got this." Anko said.

"Yeah, now let's head to class." Reo said.

"Oka- Wait, what do you mean. You haven't been here in a year." Iris said.

"We have always been here. We've just been hiding our presence from everybody." Reo said.

"Really! Why?!" Iris yelled.

"No, He's joking. We got our work at Ezra's house." Anko said.

"Oh Really?" Iris asked.

"Yeah." Reo said while smiling.

Then, the first bell rang, and the crowd disbanded. Reo and Anko walked into their classroom, and the class began to murmur.

"Well, look at this. The dead has been resurrected, and started a huge commotion that's going around the whole school." The teacher said.

"Oh, you heard about that?" Reo said.

"Yeah, everybody heard about that. You're the big talk around the teacher lounge. All the teachers have a side bet that you two will lose." The teacher said.

"Really, that's messed up. Please tell me that at least you, our favorite teacher, placed your bet with us." Reo said.

"Are you kidding me? Of course not. I placed an entire year worth of checks that you'll lose ." The teacher said.

"What!" Reo and Anko said with a surprised look.

"Daaamn, she showed you no support." A kid in the back of the class said.

The class just burst out laughing.

"Hey now, calm down that was a joke. I like Reo and Anko. If they were confident enough to challenge his cousin, I know that they would win easily." The teacher said.

"Um teach, you might want to tell them that." Another student said as she pointed to them in the corner.

"She bet against us. I can't believe she bet against us. We show her when she loses all her money. Yeah, She'll lose all her money, and she'll be forced to beg for forgiveness. She might even have to sell her body." Reo and Anko conversing to themselves in the corner depressed.

"Didn't you hear me! I placed my money on you to win. Please pull yourselves together. And, don't wish that kind of thing on me." The teacher yelled at them.

"Lord Reo, I was wondering. Is this really what people do at this human school?" Ryuu said telepathically.

"No, this isn't how it is normally." Reo said.

"Reo, who are you talking to?" the class Rep asked.

"He's talking to his familiar using telepathy." Anko said.

"What you have a familiar now, Reo." The teacher said ecstatically.

"Yes, his name is Ryuu. Anko also has a one too." Reo said.

"Really? What its name Anko." The teacher said ecstatically.

"Her name is Shiro." Anko said.

"Ryuu and Shiro. Show us your familiars." The teachers said with a gleam in her eyes.

"Okay, calm down. Shiro, come and introduce yourself." Anko said. A shadowy figure appeared out of Anko's shadow, and took form of a human.

"Hello, I'm Shiro, the Dragon of the Heavens." Shiro said.

"Whoa, awesome she is babe."

" Anko has a total beauty for a familiar."

"Look at her boobs. They're huge."

All the boys in the class making a huge commotion.

"Humph boys, why are they such pigs."

"I can't believe they act that way toward her."

"She's not that special"

The girls in the class said with disgust and jealousy.

"Ryuu, come out and introduce yourself too." A shadowy figure appeared out of Reo's shadow, and also took the form of a human.

"Hello, I'm Ryuu, the Dragon of Hellfire." Ryuu said.

"Oh my god, He's so hot."

"Reo's familiar is gorgeous."

"How can someone like Reo have a familiar whose so gorgeous."

The girls in class causing a commotion.

"Hey, What they mean by that?" Reo thought to himself hurt.

"Wow look at that, they are such hypocrites." A group of guys said.

"Who are you calling hypocrites you piece of shits with legs?" Five girls in the class shouted.

"Who else do you think? You sad flat-chested bimbos." The guys of the class shouted.

Anger and hatred for the opposite sex was filling the room. It was almost as if there was going to be a massacre in the class. Luckily, before any fighting started, the teacher, as depressed and self-conscious as she was when she heard the flat-chested comment, broke up the emotions.

"Good, now, that everyone has calm down, Reo. Anko. Do you have any idea what you're going to do? You only have six hours until you match with Asta Amagiri. Do you have any other teammates to fight with?" The teacher said.

"No, why." Reo and Anko said simultaneously.

"What! You going to get destroyed, and I'm going to lose a year's worth of salary, and have to sell my body." The teacher said while crying in the corner.

"Don't worry teacher, we'll win even if he has a hundred people with twenty thousand PWR. If you don't believe me, ask Ryuu or Shiro about our PWR levels." Reo said.

"Ryuu, what is yours and Shiro's master PWR level?" The teacher asked.

"Sixty-four." Ryuu said.

The class burst into laughing, and the teacher went into a depressed state.

"Lady Anko, why are they laughing? I would've thought sixty-four thousand would've scared them a little." Shiro said.

Then, the class stopped laughing.

"Did you say sixty-four thousand?" The class rep asked.

"Yeah." Ryuu and Shiro said bluntly with an expressionless looks on their faces.

Throughout that day, Reo and Anko repeatedly went over their strategy. They decided not to use their SP powers, and restrained their power to make it even for Asta's sake. In the arena, the crowd is revved up to watch the battle.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Babel arena. Today, we have a special team tower battle starring the famous Asta Amagiri and his team of a hundred, who is currently has an undefeated streak." The announcer said.

The crowd screamed as he and his team entered the tower.

"His opponents are people who haven't been here for one whole year. They are Anko Namikaze and Reo Amagiri. It seems they don't have any teammates. This might be one for the record books folks. We will begin the battle once everybody gets into positions they want." The announcer said.

"Whoa, the place is a lot bigger on the inside. Spatial magic probably." Reo said.

"Yeah, There's also a lot of places to hide and ambush us. However, I don't see Asta anywhere." Anko said.

"Well congratulations. You had the courage to actually show up to your beating, however, you're too ignorant." Asta said while appearing in front of Reo and Anko.

"Ignorant?" Reo asked.

"I think he meant arrogant, but I could be wrong." Anko said.

"I meant what I said." Asta yelled.

"Anyway. Why are you using the thought projection technique? Does that means your hiding from little ole me? I'm flattered." Reo said.

"Wow, that sounded a little stupid, Reo," Anko said.

"You know that is not the way I meant for that sound. Now that I think about it, it did sound a bit fruity." Reo said.

"Don't worry Reo, only everybody in the entire school heard you." Anko said.

"Shut up Anko, I forgot we had an audience." Reo said embarrassedly.

"Hey, I'm still here, so stop ignoring me." Asta said annoyed.

"Yeah, we know. That's why we're ignoring you. Besides, we'll see you later at the top." Reo said.

"Seems like you gotten a bit arrogant, Deo. I'm going have special fun knocking you down a peg." Asta said as his thought projection disappeared.

"How did he know I was at the top?" Asta thought to himself.

"Boom, Take out Reo first chance you get. The rest of you handle his little friend, and bring her to me." Asta said commandingly.

"Sorry for the wait everyone. I think everybody is done talking and is in position. We are ready to begin the match. This match ends when one team is completely defeated. This means for the match it going to over really quick." The announcer said.

"Wow, that's messed up," Reo said.

"I know right. Isn't that favoritism." Anko said.

"NO IT IS NOT!" the announcer yelled.

"Oh, you can hear us?" Anko said shocked.

"Of course, We all can hear you. You are in a pocket dimension. While we can see and hear everything, you can only hear me, the announcer. So, if you done criticizing me, let the battle begin." The announcer said.

Ten people jumped out of the shadows to attack Reo and Anko, however, Reo grabbed Anko, held her in his arm like a princess, and dodged their ambush.

"Reo, what the heck? I could've easily dodged that attack." Anko said while throwing a tantrum.

"Sorry for that. It was a reflex." Reo said as he let Anko go. Then, Anko threw Ki enhanced punches at Reo, causing air shots to fly toward Reo like something from a compressed air cannon(Empty King's Fist). The compressed air flew past Reo hitting five of the people who attacked earlier.

"Wow, nice shot, but you do know I had those." Reo said.

"Now, you know how I felt when you grabbed me out of nowhere." Anko said.

The remaining five, that attacked earlier, rushed Anko from behind, however Reo stopped them instantly with flash step.

"Anko, let's split up and meet up for the final boss. It'll probably be easier that way." Reo said.

"Okay, but don't be mad if I beat him first." Anko said as she disappeared.

"Whoa, now this is a surprise, it seems that Reo and Anko has split up after taking out ten opponents. I don't know about you, but this announcer is convinced that those two might have a chance." The announcer said sarcastically.

"Hey Iris, did you hear that? Reo and Anko might have a chance." The class rep said.

"Yeah, they will definitely win. I want to know why they're holding back their full power." Iris said.

"Wait, you mean to tell me that they aren't use their full power. But, I thought they said their Pwr Levels was at sixty-four thousand between the two of them, and if you do the math, that thirty-two thousand each." The class rep said perplexed.

"I think you have the wrong idea. It's not that they have sixty-four thousand when you combine the two of them. They have sixty-four thousand each, and together they have over hundred thousand as a team. However, they're not use their full power. According to their teacher, their strength can rival anyone in the Royal elite guard, possibly gods, and they're the strongest in the world." Iris said.

"Wow, I can't believe it. They have strength comparable to the 13 most powerful people next the king." The class rep said as she tries to make sense of everything.

"Hey, you okay, rep." Iris said concerned. " Yeah, I'm good. I'm just having a little problem comprehending everything." The class rep said.

"Don't worry about that too much. They're still the same Reo and Anko from a year ago." Iris said while smiling.

"Yeah" the class rep said.

Then, a loud boom filled the stadium.

"What happened?" Iris and the class rep asked as they turned their heads to the screens. They saw Reo, a little injured, facing the student known as Boom. Boom possess a SP Power that gives his punch the power of a nuclear bomb times one hundred, or about ten-thousand sun exploding in someone's face . He calls it 'Nova punch'.

"Hey, you still up. You're stronger than Asta said. I wonder. What's your SP Power?" Boom said.

"I don't know to use it now, but it couldn't hurt to tell you its name. I call it Hephaestus Hammer. I can make any weapon I want, sadly I won't be using it during this battle." Reo said.

"Well, that is disappointing. I was hoping you would fight me at full power, but it's your funeral." Boom said while charging at Reo at full speed.

Then, Reo instantly disappeared as Boom approached him, and reappeared behind him. Before Boom realized it, he was passing out from consecutives attacks from Reo.

"Oops, I meant to hold back a little. I must've gotten a little too excited." Reo said.

"Hey Reo, how many have you taken down so far?" Anko said

"Oh, I don't know. I stopped counting around twenty. Never mind that since when can you use telepathy?" Reo said.

"I'm not using telepathy. I'm behind you." Anko said.

"No, you're not. However, I do feel your presence, but I don't see you." Reo said.

"Really, I'm clearly in front of you." Anko said.

"Do you think it your SP?" Reo said.

"Probably." Anko said.

"Do you think you can come back?" Reo said.

"Let me try." Anko said. Then, Anko closed her eyes and concentrated on opening a dimensional hole.

As she focused more and more on opening the hole, she learned more things about the worlds. She saw visions of many different worlds, she saw beings that she never knew existed. In one of her visions, she saw a huge massacre of the people. Then, she sees a man with long spiky black hair, and glowing eyes standing in the middle of the bodies angry.

"I will never forgive them get away with this." he said. Then, he looked over at her. Anko stood there frozen with fear. Then, the mysterious man instantly disappeared and reappeared in front of Anko. Then, he said, "I'm happy that my family won't die out completely." while smiling.

"What you do you mean?" Anko asked.

Then, the man mouths words "Take care of him, Superbia," and pushed Anko back into the correct dimensional plane. She fell into Reo's arms

"Anko, are you alright?" Reo asked.

"Yeah, just a little exhausted." Anko said.

"Can you still fight?" Reo said. ,

"Yeah, I'm just fine if I don't use my powers for now." Anko said.

"Okay, let's take a break, and strategize while you recover." Reo said.

"Okay, have you seen, or fought against Asta yet?" Anko said.

"No, I haven't seen him yet, but he's on the top floor. I think we should just use Shunpo and take them all out quickly, so we can fight Asta with our full strength." Reo said.

"That seems like the best plan. Beside we still need to get back to he house and pack. Also, we have to remember to hit them a way that won't kill them." Anko said as she got up.

"Okay, but are you sure you're okay?" Reo said as he got up.

"Yeah, I'm good to go." Anko said.

Anko said that, but truthfully, she was wondering about her visions. The vision with the mysterious man was especially on her mind.

"That felt to real, and he also touched me. He seems like he knew who I was. He looked like Reo, but he didn't feel like him. Superbia Dragonia? Who is that?" Anko thought to herself.

"Hey, you sure okay?" Reo asked.

"Yeah, why?" Anko said.

"Because I been calling your name for the past two minutes, and you didn't answer." Reo said.

"Oh, I'm sorry, let's get going." Anko said. "Okay, let's go." Reo said.

Then, they both disappeared.

"Folks, I don't know what just happened, but it seems Reo and Anko are making one final push towards their opponents. Even though you can't see them fighting, you can tell the results by the trail of unconscious bodies they're leaving." the announcer girl said.

Reo suddenly reappeared yelling in pain while grabbing his head. His brain was feeling like it was going to explode, but really, he was also having visions about other worlds. He saw the same things Anko did.

As suddenly the pain came, it left just as suddenly. As soon as Reo opened his eyes, he saw strange gloves, with some type of metal plated on top on them, covering his forearms. They were emitting this strange aura. Reo touched the glove and it began to emit lightning.

"What is this? he asked. Then, the gloves faded into nothing.

Then, a person came out, attacking Reo from behind with a lightning spell. Reo felt the spell, and attempted to dodge it, but he couldn't concentrate on the battle. Then, soon as the lightning hit Reo, he disappeared. It was an afterimage of Reo. Then, the guy who attacked him fell out, and Reo was standing behind him.

"What was that? I was trying to move anywhere to avoid the attack, but I saw something strange. It was multiples of me." Reo thought to himself bewilderedly.

"Reo, I found Asta, and we're waiting for you." Anko said as she appeared out of a hole in space and time.

"Did Anko and I instantly learned our SP powers that easily?" Reo thought to himself.

"What's wrong? Come on." Anko said impatiently.

"Okay, here I come." Reo said just before walking into the hole.

"What just happen? We've lost all images of Reo and Anko. While we try to find them, let me tell the explanation for this battle for those who don't know. This match, Reo and Anko versus Asta and his parade of one hundred, started because of a little love rivalry. Asta got jealous of his cousin's, Reo Amagiri, friendship with Iris Newman." the announcer said teasingly.

"SHUT UP! That is not the reason, and you know it, you talentless whore for hire! If you don't know the truth about something, Don't go spreading lies. In matter of fact, you should get out of the announcer booth so someone better can do it." Asta yelled.

The crowd went silent. The girl in the announcer booth got up, and slowly left the booth as she started to cry.

"Don't leave yet announcer girl, I'm going to need you to watch and announce our victory after I beat some sense into my cousin." Reo said appearing out of nowhere.

"Wow, that was mean Asta, you should be nicer to women. The announcer girl was trying to do her job by pumping up the crowd, and you made her cry for it, and for that you have to go down quick." Anko said as she appeared behind Asta.

The crowd was shocked to see Reo and Anko completely different. They were wearing strange black and purple clothing. It seemed like the clothing almost living. It had a radiance to it that made it seem almost godlike.

"What are you two are wearing?" Asta asked.

"I don't know. They just showed up, but that doesn't matter. The results are going to be the same any way." Reo said.

Then, Reo charged at Asta.

"Reo wait." Anko said while appearing in Reo's path to Asta.

"These outfits feel like they're enhancing our bodies. If we're not careful, we could kill him." Anko said.

"Okay, I guess you're right, however it also feels like it's fading." Reo said.

Then, their godlike clothing disappeared leaving them in their T-shirts.

"What! Wow, that was fast. I think we looked good in those clothes. I wonder they came from." Reo said.

"I don't know, but I hope we can find out one day. By the way, can we finish him now? We still need to get ready to leave." Anko said.

"Weren't you the one who stop me." Reo said.

"Shut up and finish him already." Anko said.

"There you go again, ignoring and underestimating me. That is where you made a mistake." Asta yelled angrily.

He summoned all one hundred of his allies and multiplied their number by a hundred. Asta SP power is called Army Guy. It allows him to make perfect copies of anyone, abilities and SP power. He was given the nickname One Man Army. He once took out a team of a hundred by himself. He multiplied himself by three hundred and took everyone down.

"Ten-thousand huh! That's a lot. You should have done that from the beginning. I guess we have no reason to hold back anymore. Reo said.

"He's right, we could've had more fun that way. Hey announcer girl if you don't mind, can you start a countdown from ten, so we can start over seriously." Anko said.

"Sure Anko, Everyone together. Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven." The announcer girl said, into the mic, as she wiped her tears.

While the announcer girl and crowd were counting down, Iris was hoping everything goes right for them. Then, Iris looked at the faces that Reo and Anko was making, and she knew that they were going to win. Reo and Anko stood beside each other, and prepared to release their full power. The crowd said "one", and Reo and Anko lit up like a light show. The pocket dimension's air also began to feel thick and heavy. This pressure was Reo and Anko releasing their Ki. It was so thick that the weaker ones in Asta's army of ten-thousand passed out.

"What the hell! They're not human. Whatever training, they did for the past two years transformed them into monsters." Asta said with a shocked and fearful expression on his face.

After three minutes, Asta was on his knees injured, in many ways, but he still refused to give up.

"Hey, look Anko, I think he's finally understanding his situation. He was bound to lose us the minute he challenged us. Even if we had trouble controlling our powers, you still would've lost." Reo said teasingly.

"Reo, stop he still haven't given up, he can still retaliate." Anko said.

"He not that smart." Reo said.

"Still looking down on me. Big mistake." Asta said while smiling.

Then, an explosion instantly came through the floor and collapsed the floor. The crowd went silent when they saw the explosion. Iris got up, and ran to the dimensional door that leads to the space where Anko and Reo are fighting. Once the smoke cleared, they saw Reo floating in the air holding Anko in his arms.

"Reo, I told you to stop picking me up like this!" Anko yelled before jumping out Reo arms.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I won't do it again." Reo said.

"I know you won't. Because if you do that again you going to be begging for mercy." Anko said while smiling.

"Anyways, do you feel Asta or any of his allies?" Reo said as an attempting to pass on that threat.

"No, they probably all been transported back." Anko said.

"So, does that mean." Reo said.

"That coward suicided his way out of a direct loss." Reo and Anko said disappointedly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Reo Amagiri and Anko Namikaze are today's winners." The announcer girl said.

The crowd screamed and clapped that filled the arena. During this time, Iris was running down the hall leading to dimensional door. However, halfway down the hall, she sees Reo and Anko walking towards her. She started to tear up. Reo puts his hand on her head and as they walked passed her, he says "See you later Iris. Don't forget to call." She smiled and turned around yelling "Of Course, I got to be there to see you two off."

"We'll be leaving around eight tonight." Anko said.

"Gotcha eight, don't be a stranger Anko. That goes for you too, Reo." Iris said.

Reo and Anko threw up hands ,as if they were waving goodbye, as they walked off.