
Chapter 44

“I wouldn’t freak out,” he promised. “Even though part of me still can’t believe this is happening.”

“I can’t believe it’s happening, either. I can’t believe I had to die so I could see…I can’t believe I’m still here.” Most of all, he couldn’t believe that he was going to get some sort of reward. Time, any amount of time, with both Shane and Stella counted as the best sort of reward he could think of. They wanted him there. With them.

He turned Shane around to face him. Water drops hung off his eyelashes, and gathered at his mouth. His red hair was plastered to his skull, and Lucky’s nostrils flared. He liked the smell of Shane’s shampoo. He always had. A part of him was waiting for Shane to push him away, even as he hooked his finger under Shane’s chin and tilted his head back. It felt like a fresh rush of steam rose around them as soon as their mouths touched.