
Lucky Damon

He Is Damon a devil in the flesh .

Debby_Sabitue · ファンタジー
58 Chs

History 4 Velverosa (Abigail)

Some hundred years back, when Velverosa (then known as Abigail) was still young, her father worked for Master Zuka. Although they were not part of the Black Dragon clan, her father served Zuka to earn money to support Velverosa and her mother. Life was hard, but they managed to get by, relying on her father's income.

One fateful night, everything changed. It was raining heavily in Vienna, Velverosa's city. In Vienna, they were just ordinary people, mere humans with no significant standing. Despite this, her father, entangled in Zuka's affairs and privy to some of his secrets, decided to take a dangerous risk. Driven by greed and desperation for more money, he approached the king of Vienna and sold Master Zuka's secrets, hoping to secure a better future for his family.

Unbeknownst to him, Zuka was already aware of his treachery. Zuka's spies and his own keen instincts had alerted him to the betrayal. Her father's clandestine meetings and secret exchanges did not go unnoticed, and Zuka's wrath was imminent.

The night of the betrayal, the heavy rain seemed to foretell the doom that awaited Velverosa's family. Her father, oblivious to the looming danger, believed he had successfully deceived Zuka and secured a fortune. But Zuka, a master of manipulation and control, had already set his plans into motion to punish the traitor and make an example of him.

On that fateful rainy night, Zuka and his men arrived at their house. Before their arrival, Velverosa's father had been planning a way for her and her mother to escape. However, it was too late. As soon as her father realized they were coming, he quickly hid Velverosa and her mother in a concealed spot. From their hiding place, they watched in horror as her father faced his execution.

Velverosa was so terrified that she bit down on her own skin to stifle any sounds, tears streaming down her face. Her mother, unable to bear the sight of her husband's death, broke down and ran to him the moment he dropped to the floor.

Overwhelmed with grief, her mother clung to Zuka's clothes, refusing to accept her husband's death. She pleaded with Zuka, but he responded with cold cruelty, kicking her away. Without hesitation, he commanded his men to kill her as well. Velverosa watched in silent agony as her mother was dragged beside her father's lifeless body.

Before her mother joined her father in death, she whispered to Velverosa, "You must survive and avenge us," a final, desperate plea for justice. Then, she sacrificed herself, joining her husband in the flames.

Velverosa, hidden and helpless, watched as Zuka's men set her parents' bodies ablaze. She tried desperately to remain silent until Zuka and his men left, but her sobs betrayed her. As Zuka was about to leave, he heard the faint sound of a child sniffing and traced it to Velverosa's hiding place.

Her heart pounded as she realized she had been discovered. Fear and sorrow gripped her, but her mother's last words echoed in her mind, igniting a small spark of defiance and the will to survive against all odds.

She was terrified when Zuka sighted her and their eyes met. Her body shook with fear as Zuka walked over to her, his presence imposing and menacing. "Come out," he commanded, his voice cold and unyielding. Having no choice, Velverosa stepped out from her hiding place, her legs trembling beneath her. Her eyes were swollen and red from crying, her cheeks streaked with tears.

Zuka looked down at her, a sinister calmness in his gaze. He reached out and patted her hair gently, a stark contrast to the violence she had just witnessed. The touch was unnerving, filled with a false sense of comfort that only deepened her fear.

"What's your name?" he asked, his tone deceptively soft. Velverosa, her voice quivering, struggled to respond.

"Vel... ve... Velverosa," she stammered, trying to hold back her tears. The effort to speak clearly was almost too much for her in her terrified state.

"Velverosa, that's a beautiful name. I won't change it," Zuka remarked, his voice carrying an unsettling mixture of charm and menace. He observed her with a calculating gaze, taking in her trembling form and tear-stained face. "How old are you?" he inquired, his tone almost casual despite the gravity of the situation.

"I'm nine, sir," Velverosa replied, her voice small and timid.

Zuka's lips curled into a faint, predatory smile. "You see, your parents did a bad thing. That's why they're dead," he stated matter-of-factly. "But don't worry, I won't kill you. From now on, you will work for me. I will cultivate you to be powerful and useful, because you're such a beautiful girl, and I know you won't betray me like your dad did."

Velverosa's heart raced with fear as she processed his words. She felt a sickening sense of dread settle in the pit of her stomach, realizing that she was now at the mercy of the man who had just murdered her parents. Despite her fear, she dared not defy him, nodding obediently in response to his question.

"Do you want to be powerful, don't you?" Zuka asked, his voice coaxing. Velverosa hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. But ultimately, driven by a mix of fear and survival instinct, she nodded her head slowly, silently resigning herself to her new fate under Zuka's control.

After Zuka spared Velverosa's life, he took her under his wing and initiated her into the ranks of the Black Dragon clan. Despite tradition dictating a change of name upon induction, Zuka decided to retain her original name, finding it pleasing to his ears. From that day forward, Velverosa became one of Zuka's special disciples, a position of honor and privilege within the clan.

Under Zuka's tutelage, Velverosa was groomed to become an assassin of unparalleled skill. At the tender age of twelve, she was instructed in the art of killing, her young mind molded to embrace violence and darkness without hesitation. By the time she reached sixteen, she had honed her abilities to a razor-sharp edge, becoming adept at dispatching targets with ruthless efficiency.

Whenever Zuka required someone eliminated or a delicate task handled with precision, he would call upon Abigail, as he now called her. She became his most trusted and feared assassin, executing missions with a cold and calculating demeanor that belied her youth.

Velverosa lived her life devoid of compassion or empathy, her loyalty to Zuka unwavering. The cultivation of dark spirits within her had extinguished any semblance of fear or remorse, leaving behind a cold, merciless killer who feared nothing and no one. She had become a formidable force within the Black Dragon clan, a testament to Zuka's influence and her own innate talents.

As Zuka's most esteemed protege, Abigail basked in his protection and guidance, her loyalty to him unwavering. Under his watchful eye, she flourished, honing her skills until she became his best student. Zuka recognized her potential and entrusted her with the most delicate and dangerous assignments, confident in her abilities to carry them out without fail.

When Zuka decided that Abigail was the ideal candidate to retrieve the key to Blue Moon, she accepted the task without hesitation, knowing full well the consequences of failure. With a steely resolve, she carried out his orders, infiltrating Blue Moon and executing the parents of Lucky, the chosen leader. But when her initial attempt to obtain the key failed, Zuka wasted no time in sending her to the human world to manipulate Lucky into surrendering the coveted artifact.

Despite her unwavering loyalty to Zuka, Abigail harbored a deep-seated desire for vengeance. She clung to the memory of her mother's final words, a solemn vow to avenge her parents' deaths. While she dutifully carried out Zuka's commands, a burning fire simmered within her, fueled by the need to right the wrongs inflicted upon her family.

With each mission, Abigail bided her time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike back at Zuka. She knew that to truly challenge him, she needed to amass power and strength beyond measure. And so, she bided her time, plotting and planning, determined to one day confront Zuka and make him pay for the sins he had committed against her and her family. Until then, she remained Zuka's loyal servant, concealing her true intentions behind a facade of obedience and loyalty.