
I've Got You

Lucifer and you were simply relaxing and hanging out in his luxurious penthouse; this was something the two of you often did. He may have seen it as you, his dear friend, coming over to hang out, but in reality you used this precious time to get away from Adam Nevins, your abusive boyfriend. Lucifer had no clue. He had his suspicions and always made a remark about your boyfriend being the 'King of Douchebags' but never really said much about him. You secretly wanted to tell your friend from hell all about your situation with Adam but the man you once thought was 'full of love' threatened your family's safety. You felt absolutely hopeless and you didn't know what you could do.

"Darling, are you alright?" Lucifer's charming, accented voice snapped you from your fixed stare and thoughts.

"Yes, I...I was just thinking of things." You give him a fake smile which he replied with an arched brow and a 'I'm not believing you' look.

"Something is troubling you, I can tell you are lying." He stood up from his spot and sat next to youon his black couch, still giving you a respective amount of distance in between your bodies. "I'm Lucifer, I can tell when human's are lying."

"Well your lying sensor isn't working then." You gave a small huff before carefully crossing your arms to keep the pain from the hidden bruises to a minimum. You weren't aware that the collar of your shirt had moved from your movements, which revealed a small fraction of the yellowing, healing bruises from last week. It may have been only a small glimpse, but that is all Lucifer needed to see.

"Was that a bruise?" The way he asked the question made you spine shiver. You knew he wasn't fully angry at you but you couldn't help the fear and panic rise up from inside you. "Let me see, (Y/N)." The Fallen angel reached out and barely brushed against your bare skin, making you flinch away from his touch. His dark eyes stared at you for moment before it clicked in his head; the signs were flashing right in his face now. "He abuses you, doesn't he? Adam hits you." His face visibly darkened, not towards you, but to that fact that someone who is supposed to love you and care for you-someone who is sweet and has so much to offer-bruises and hits you.

"L-Lucifer I-" He cuts you off by suddenly kneeling in front of you.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner, Love? Why haven't you left this despicable human being." He let his face fall into one of sincerity as he carefully took your hand in his. You hadn't realized you were trembling until you felt his steady hand clasp yours. "Speak to me, (Y/N)."

"Adam... H-He threatens me." You reply, your voice is shakey but you try to keep it all in. "He says he will hurt m-my family and friends. H-He threatens t-that the beatings will get worse than they are... He threatens..." You take a deep breath as you felt a hot tear slide down your equally warm cheeks. "He threatens to hurt y-you, Lucifer. I couldn't- I want to but-"

"Shhh, Shhh... Cry it out." Lucifer slowly pulled you into his chest and you broke down. You wept and sobbed into his firm chest for what felt like hours. You slowly pulled away from him and noticed his signature purple dress shirt was completely soaked from your tears.

"I'm sorry about your shirt, Luci." You rubbed your cheeks and your eyes. "But letting all that out felt good."

"Good. You will be moving in with me now." He stated with a smile.

"Wait what-"

"We are going over to that Asshat-King of Douches place, getting your stuff and making sure he never lays a hand on you ever again." He stands up and instantly strides over to the door. "Off your pop."

You unlock the front door with shaking hands, scared of what might happen. You pushed the door open and hesitantly entered with Lucifer right behind you.

"You're finally home, bitch!" You winced at Adam's loud voice and insult. Lucifer gave you a reassuring nod as he walked in front of you. You watched from behind the Devil's tall frame as your soon-to-be ex-boyfriend slowly emerges from the bedroom. "Who the fuck are- (Y/N)! Are you cheating on me?!"

"No she isn't but you surely are cheating on (Y/N)." Lucifer remarked. "I am here to help her move from this... disgusting excuse of a house."

"Like hell you are." Adam tried to size up the fallen angel, but Lucifer is still taller than him. In and instant, Lucifer's right hand was around Adam's neck and pinned him to the stained, white walls, way over his own head. He dropped your ex and soon proceeded to punch the wall next to Adam's head.

"You pathetic excuse of human flesh. I have a special place in hell for you." He seethed while cocking his head to the side; he 'true' face flashed. Adams grey eyes widened as he let out a weak shriek. "You will not harm her anymore and you will definitely leave her alone. If I hear that you come close to her I will make you suffer." Lucifer's face kept flashing until he moved away from him. Adams legs gave out from fright, making him slouch onto the floor, leaving him to gasp and choke for air. "Come along, let me help you pack."

You and Lucifer brought in the last few boxes from your ex's into the guest room where you would be staying.

"Thank you for this, Luci."You turn to face the handsome Devil with a teary-eyed smile. "I-I don't know how I can repay you."

"You don't have to, I wanted to save you from that piece of trash." He approached you with his arms wide open. He enveloped you into a embrace, you truly felt safe in his arms. "Well, I best let you get you situated for the night, Darling. Call me if you need me." He began to leave the guest room.

"Wait- Lucifer." You called out.

"Yes, (Y/N)?"

"Do you... uh...mind staying with me for the night? I still feel a bit jumpy after the Adam stuff today."

"Not at all. Go get changed and we can get to bed." He smiled and gave you the privacy you needed. After changing into your night clothes, you and Lucifer laid in the silk cover bed. In sync, the two of you rolled to face each other. "Do you want to cuddle?"

"The big, bad Luci wants to cuddle? How adorable."

"Oh quit teasing and get over here." He smirked and pulled you back into his chest. With a smile you take a deep breath in and out. For the first time in a good while, you felt safe and sound. You didn't feel so helpless now nor did you feel the subtle fear in your stomach either. As long as you had Lucifer near, you could finally live.