

Happy late valentines~

Valentine's day.

You stared at the calendar with anxiety. It was your first Valentine with your boyfriend Lucifer Morningstar. Your fingers were intertwined, resting under your chin as you bit your lip, thinking of what to do for him. You didn't want to be cliché, not wanting to just go and buy some chocolates, you wanted your first Valentine with the devil to be special. You wanted to do something memorable.

Then a light bulb flickered on in your mind.

You could just make him some chocolates truffles! A grin spread across your face as you rushed to your laptop, googling a recipe. The recipe seemed simple enough, you figured you could get a batch or two done before Lucifer came to pick you up for a romantic night out. You printed out the recipe and closed your laptop, and get ready to go out to the store for the ingredients.


You pull your hair back and tied on an apron as you looked at the ingredients on your counter. You turn on some music and start the preparations required. You look over the recipe one more time, you felt anxiety build in the pit of your stomach but you tried your best to get the feeling out of you. This should be easy right?


You were close to tears as you stared at the third batch of truffles came out looking like the rest, ugly. You sigh in defeat as you lean against the counter, grabbing your clean towel and dabbing the sweat that lightly covered your face. So far the truffles were not turning out, making you feel defeated and upset. You glance at the stove clock and push yourself off the counter, you had time to try and a whip up another batch.

As you pulled the bowl of melted chocolate and butter from the microwave, you heard the jingle of keys and the front door open. Your eyes widened, knowing the only other person to have a key was your boyfriend.

"Oh darling~!" Lucifer's distinct voice called through your house. You could hear his footsteps echo closer to the kitchen. "I was thinking we could go visit Chloe before dinner-" Lucifer cut himself off at the sight of your messy kitchen and flour covered self. "What's going on here?"

"I- uhm." You gulp, your eyes filled with tears as you looked to your dark-haired lover. "I was trying to make you some chocolate truffles but they aren't turning out."

"You were making... homemade chocolates for me?" He approached you with a slightly shocked face, his eyes looked over the trays of failed attempts.

"Yeah but they are horrible."

"Have you tried them?" He asked while picking one up between his index finger and thumb, inspecting the deformed truffle.

"Well no-"

"Then how do you know they will taste horrible." You open your mouth to stop him but it was too late, he already popped the chocolate into his mouth. You look at him with worry, you knew for sure he would probably spit up the chocolate in disgust.

"So what do you think?"

"Delicious!" He picked up another one and placed it in his mouth.

"Delicious?" You repeated.

"Oh yes, very." His mouth was stuffed with more truffles. "They may not look too good but they taste amazing."


"Mhmm!" He smiled. "Try one." He picked up a truffle and placed in against your lips as you slowly opened your mouth, the truffle was dropped onto your tongue. You close your mouth and the chocolate instantly melted, the flavor was absolutely enchanting. "See?" You nodded, still taking in the flavor. "Now I understand it is Valentine's Day, but why go through the hassle to bake me chocolate when you can go out and buy it?"

"I wanted to make something special for you, since it is our first Valentines together. Homemade chocolates was what came to mind." He stared at you, his lips slightly quirked up.

"I love you. Also you have flour on your cheeks." He laughed and his hands cupped underneath your ears, his thumbs brushing off the white flour. Lucifer smiles before he placed a soft kiss to your lips.

"I love you too Luci." You close your eyes and lean into his touch. "Why don't we pay our friends and give them some truffles for Valentines before our night out?"

"Lovely idea, but none to my brother and none to Dan."

"They count as our friends, Luci."

"But they are douches."

"They are still friends."

"Oh fine."

"Now help me get these in containers while I get cleaned up." You give him an 'innocent' smile and pulled away from him, but his hand that caught your wrist stopped you. He rolled his eyes and brought close into his chest.

"But you're still one truffle for me to devour later."