
Lucifer's true love

A fanfiction from Tv series Lucifer After Chloe is killed while trying to put a mafia boss in jail,Lucifer is devastated. He doesnt leave his bedroom,he doesnt eat or drink anything and he seems to have lost his will to live. But his life is about to change when he finds a letter from his father,God. "Son,while I was on Earth,me and your mother had a little 'reunion'.The result is my final gift to you.". I will also post this story on royal road

eyaggelia146 · テレビ
21 Chs

The trip

18 years later

-David!Time to get up! Breakfast is almost ready.

18 years have passed and David as well as Charlie have become two very handsome young adults in their final year of highschool. It was decided years ago that it would be best if everyone were to live together in one house.

So for the past 10 years Amenadiel,Lucifer,Linda,David and Linda have been living in a two roof house. On the upper floor there were the boys' bedrooms and the bathrooms. On the ground floor there was the kitchen,the living room and two other bedrooms. Overall,there was enough room for everyone to live comfortably.

Linda's career has taken a turn for the better. She wrote a book about the psychological effects of denial in the lives of modern people which became a huge success.As a result her number of patients has increased exponentially. Also she frequently receives invitations for interviews and talk shows so she is always busy.

Amenadiel is performing miracles again. Not only that but he also decided to work as a volunteer at an animal center and he is very happy to be able to help others in such a humane way.Besides,with the money Linda makes every month,Amenadiel doesn't need to search for a paying job.

Lucifer has resumed his duties as king of Hell although he prefers to handle his affairs from Earth.In the past years he has learned many useful new skills,the most important of them being cooking.Lucifer made the decision to start cooking when Linda slightly undercooked a steak during a dinner when the boys were younger.Lucifer didn't let David eat the food, scolded Linda and after that incident he didn't let anyone approach the kitchen ever again.

Surprisingly,he became fairly good at it. He made a diet program for the boys,according to the principles of the Mediterranean diet,which he has been following for the last 8 years. Many neighbors have laughed at him,saying he takes his job too seriously. But truth be told,David and Charlie haven't gotten sick not even once,not even a cold so Amenadiel ignores the comments of the neighbors and lets Lucifer do what he thinks is best.

David has taken the position of Azrael as the Angel of Death after they discovered his great talent for collecting souls around the age of 12. Azrael was demoted to David's secretary that handles most of the paperwork. Her demotion was inevitable after the incident of her losing her blade. They just waited for a suitable replacement.

Lucifer wasnt happy at all that David would have to roam the world to collect all the souls of the deceased meaning he would have to be present at every batterfield,murder and bombing. Amenadiel was worried too but he trusted David to be careful and in the end he managed to convince Lucifer to allow their brother to take that job.

Charlie is very good at sports but quite average in his studies. He is the complete opposite to David when it comes to talents. David doesn't have a muscular body type so he isn't the athletic type but he is extremely good at science lessons, especially math. He is competing in the national mathematical contest in Seattle in four days.

Unfortunately Charlie and David aren't as close as they could have been because Charlie doesn't know the truth about his family. Linda asked Amenadiel and Lucifer to keep their angelic nature a secret from Charlie and both of them agreed to this.

-David! Charlie! Don't make me get up there and drag you down myself. Your waffles will get cold.

Meanwhile in David's bedroom

-Damn,David where did you put my jacket?

-It's in the chair by the window. Hurry up! We are going to be late. And I don't plan on missing today's field trip to the Natural History Museum.Of course we will be there faster if we leave right now and skip breakfast.

-Try telling that to my uncle.

-For your information,one morning I tried to leave climbing down the window.

-How did I miss that?

-You were in summer camp.Anyway,it didn't work. He caught me and dragged me back in and he scolded me afterwards.And guess what?


-To stop me from running he threw me a spoon. And as strange as it may sound, not only did it find its target but it also hurt.

Charlie laughed so hard he nearly fell on the nearby bed. He continued to giggle until they reached the kitchen. Today's breakfast was waffles with melted chocolate.When David saw the time he nearly panicked.

-Brother, please,it's already late. Can we go? We will miss the bus. I promise to eat a big lunch today.

David begged but Lucifer answered flatly without turning to look at him

-That's impossible David. I already packed your lunch. Besides,I can drive you to the museum myself or you can take the bus directly to the museum. I'm sure your teacher wouldn't mind.

David sighed defeated and went to eat annoyed. But the waffles were so good that he lost track of time and finally agreed to use public transport to reach the museum. Charlie was also eating but slowly while playing with his food. It was obvious he was anxious about something.He finally made up his mind and turned to Amenadiel.

-So,Dad,the final game of the season is coming up.

-Yes,son,I know. I told I will be there.

-What about mom? Will she come?

Amenadiel stopped eating and looked around awkwardly.

-I haven't found a chance to tell her yet,Charlie. She comes back home bone tired everyday for the past two weeks.

Charlie threw his fork on the plate angrily.

-I promise to tell her today,son.

-Oh, come on dad. We both know that for mom to do anything she has to be notified a month in advance. Does she even know I play baseball?

-Of course she does,Charlie. She loves you.

-Well I don't see that.

-You wrong her David and you should be more careful about how you speak about your mother.

-Look at the time. We really should get going.

In truth,they had some more time before the bus to the museum arrives but David wanted to get Charlie out of this house before he has a full-blown argument with his dad that would that would ruin his entire day.

-You are right. Lets go.

As they were heading towards the door David saw Lucifer signaling him. He said to Charlie that he would be out in a minute and walked towards his older brother.

-Where are you going after school?

-Iraq. After the recent bombings the number of dead people has increased exponentially. If I dont collect them now I will end up having enough paperwork to occupy myself for an eternity.

-Are you sure you want to handle this yourself? You could sent Azrael. As I hear she is not too busy this period.

-You know I like to handle these kinds of affairs myself so why do you keep bringing it up?

-Its just...

-David! Hurry it up!

Charlie sure was getting impatient.David didnt wait to hear what Lucifer had to say to him,he just grabbed his bag angrily and left the house.Lucifer sighed defeated.

-You worry too much. He has enough experience and skills by now to take care of himself. You yourself taught him self defense techniques.

Lucifer turned to Amenadiel and quoted a phrase he once read in a book

"You can return home safely a thousand times but dead you will only return once"