
Lucifer's true love

A fanfiction from Tv series Lucifer After Chloe is killed while trying to put a mafia boss in jail,Lucifer is devastated. He doesnt leave his bedroom,he doesnt eat or drink anything and he seems to have lost his will to live. But his life is about to change when he finds a letter from his father,God. "Son,while I was on Earth,me and your mother had a little 'reunion'.The result is my final gift to you.". I will also post this story on royal road

eyaggelia146 · テレビ
21 Chs

The name

Meanwhile at Lucifer's apartment"What should we do? He wont stop crying.",Amenadiel asked panicked

"How should I know? There are no babies in Hell and besides he is your brother anyway. How can you be so bad at this? Dont you have a son?"

"Yes Maze I do but he usually cries because he is hungry or because his diaper needs changing. He doesnt sob in my shoulder for 15 minutes straight because a demon from Hell told him his big brother died."

"I didnt expect him to understand. He is one month's old for Devil's sake."

"Then why did you tell him?"

"What are you trying to do,Amenadiel? Convince me that this mess is my fault?"

"IT IS",Amenadiel yelled and that scared the baby who started crying louder

"Lets just hope Lucifer gets here soon"

"You called him five minutes ago. He wont be here for another..."

"Damn you people. His crying can be heard from downstairs. I left you alone with him for two hours. Two hours and look what happened.",Lucifer said just when the elevator door opened

The baby lifted his head at the sound of the new voice and when he saw Lucifer he started desperately reaching towards him. Amenadiel nearly dropped him but Lucifer catched him before he hits the floor.The moment Lucifer took him in his arms the baby clutched on him and he simply wouldnt let go. But the crying still didnt stop.

"Amenadiel. A little help here. I dont understand why he is still upset. Im alive and Im here. So whats the problem now?"

"Why dont you try comforting him?"

"How do I do that?"

"Say some nice sweet words. Reassure him that you are not leaving and that you dont want him to cry anymore."

"Alright baby,listen up. For various reasons,I would really like to be dead right now but unfortunately I am stuck here with you. If I were to leave you,I have a feeling I would be in big trouble so I will stay alive for as long as I can. And its your fault. Also when you cry,you sound like a widow who has just lost her cat and its downright annoying. So If you yo stop that awful noise I promise to...let you sleep with me tonight. After all,you dont seem willing to let me go anytime soon."

The baby looked Lucifer in the eyes,at first puzzled but then he started giggling and everyone sighed relieved.

"That must have been the worst comforting speech I have ever heard in my entire existence but it served its purpose so Im not complaining",Amenadiel said laughing

"Great,since you are not complaining,how about you take it from here? Its bad enough I promised to keep him with me tonight and I have been holding him for two whole minutes,so I think I have done my duty for today. Take him"

But the baby just wouldnt let Lucifer go. He was holding him for dear life.Lucifer was getting quite irritated by this point.

"What should we do? This brat wont release me."

"First of all,dont call our brother a 'brat'. Secondly,Im out of ideas"

"Speaking of which,he is unusually light. You remembered to feed him this morning,right?"

"I thought you did before you left for your appointment."

"Oh,for the love of...Amenadiel,you mean to tell him that he hasnt been fed since last night?"


"Fine. Heat the formula for me and I will feed him. Do I have to do everything myself?"

45 minutes later

Lucifer collapsed on the couch excausted.

"Finally,Im done. I fed him,changed him and bathed him.And just in time because I must get going. I have a very urgent business to attend to."

"Lucifer wait. Im sorry to say it but I cant stay any longer.I have left Charlie with a babysitter but that was just until noon. Im already late."

"What? You mean to say that you are going to leave me all alone with him? And how am I supposed to work? I cant exactly appear in meetings with mafia bosses and drug dealers with a baby"

"You are still looking for Chloe's killer?"

"I will never stop until I catch that piece of scam. And then Im going to test my torturing abilities on him."

"Lucifer,listen. I understand your anger,trust me I do. But things are different now.We have a new baby brother and for some reason Father appointed you as his guardian.This baby is not just another work Luci. He is the centre of your life."

"Im gonna pretend I didnt listen all this emotionally cliche bullshit. You will come back tomorrow?"

"Actually,Luci...Linda and I are leaving tomorrow for vacation."

"What? For how long?"

"The entire summer"

"You got to be joking. I am gonna be left alone, for three whole months,taking care of a baby? And you lecture me about being an irresponsible big brother. I think you are the worst big brother in the family."

"You are being overly dramatic Lucifer.I think you have very strong instincts as a big brother. And besides,I think caring for a baby comes naturally to you."

"My patience is running thin,brother. Be careful what you say from now on."

"Oh,look at the time,I really should be going. Have fun,Lucifer."

Lucifer would have thrown something at him but his hands were preoccupied holding his baby brother.

"And before I forget,choose a name for him,will you? Its been a month already."

After that Amenadiel walked into the elevator and left.

Lucifer had to cancel all his appointments. He would never find Chloe's killer now. He knew his name and face but he needed the help of the underworld to catch him and convincing them to assist him was not the easiest thing. And now it was going to get even harder because he couldnt even meet them because of this...child.

What was he going to do?

At night

"You are a real pain in the ass,you know that?",Lucifer said just as he was about to go to sleep. The baby didnt seem to care as he was tangled up in the sheets giggling,obviously happy he was going to spend the night in this large and comfy bed.

Lucifer sighed and lied down.Suprisingly,he didnt sleep right away. He stayed awake for a few minutes just staring at the baby who had just fallen asleep.He had to admit that his brother was beautiful. Bright blue eyes,pitch black hair and porcelain white skin. He didnt resemble any of their siblings. And he was smart. Really smart.

Now,Lucifer could feel his eyelids getting heavier.He should sleep while he still can because in a few hours that problem is going to wake up hungry.
