
Lucifer's true love

A fanfiction from Tv series Lucifer After Chloe is killed while trying to put a mafia boss in jail,Lucifer is devastated. He doesnt leave his bedroom,he doesnt eat or drink anything and he seems to have lost his will to live. But his life is about to change when he finds a letter from his father,God. "Son,while I was on Earth,me and your mother had a little 'reunion'.The result is my final gift to you.". I will also post this story on royal road

eyaggelia146 · テレビ
21 Chs

Its over

-This is ridiculous. With each passing moment my daughter's chances of survival are decreasing and you insist on toying with a child's life.

-I understand your frustration,sir,thats why Im not offended but you must understand that I dont have the power to make that kind of decision.

-Thats not important right now.I own the hospital. I can protect you from any legal issues. Just get me that heart.

-Johanna! Why are you wasting your time talking with this bear? I thought I told you to keep an eye on my brother.

Johanna looked past the shoulder of the man she was talking with only to see Lucifer running towards her direction holding a small plastic glass with a strange blue substance inside. She was delighted to see him but didnt show it. Unfortunately,her joy didnt last for long.

The owner stopped in front of him having a threatening look on his face. Johanna had the sudden urge to run and hide. Lucifer hates being insulted,let alone when he was impatient or angry.

-Good morning sir.Im sorry to inform you that you have interrupted a very important conversation I was having with the doctor. Would you be so kind as to leave us and return later?

-No,I would not. I hate being kind especially when I dont have to. Now,let me speak to her because each minute you delay me you are making me more angry.Whats your name again,sir?

-Its not something you are required to know.

-I beg to differ.I think Im entitled to know the name of the man who demands my brother's heart.

-So you are...?

-Yes. I am. And you might as well start planning your daughter's funeral. Because he is going to be okay.June!

Lucifer moved past him and handed the blue substance to June.

-Make him drink it. Dont use a syringe to inject it into his blood system. It must come down his throat. He may experience some side effects like spasms,temporarily paralysis,lose of touch or a small fever but dont worry. Whatever you do,dont make him spit it out or drink half of it. Okay? Now go.

Johanna took the glass and run towards the medical ward.Lucifer wanted to follow her when he suddenly felt a strong hand gripping on his arm. He turned around furious only to see the owner of the hospital who was looking at him with a sad,defeated face.

-Please,sir. You must understand. This is my baby girl. My whole world. If she dies then I might as well die too. You cant compare the love of a father with the love of a brother.

Now it was Lucifer's turn to grab this man's arm,only this time Lucifer's hold was much stronger than his was, and lead him to an empty staff room,where he locked the door.

-I dont have time for a prologue so I will get straight to the point. I did a little research on you on my way here. And I have only one thing to say.When we get out of here you will go announce to your wife that your daughter can not be saved.You will cry with her,support her etc.Because if you dont,your wife will find out about your other wife and your other children.She will divorce you and you wont see your child ever again,thats for sure. And when your daughter grows up,if she survives the transplant surgery,her mommy is going to tell her that you forgot all about her because of your other daughter. But how silly of me,I forgot. You dont care about your daughter.At least,not as much as you declare it.Thats not why you fight for her survival. Your hospital receives generous donations and a vast amount of money from the state. Why? Because this is the only hospital in the country with a zero mortality rate. However,if your daughter were to die here that would destroy that reputation. Your hospital would stop receiving so much money.And in the end you would lose a valuable "source of income".But you couldnt bring your baby anywhere else but your own hospital.So you were prepared to do anything in order to keep her alive.

-You are insane.

-Trust me. You dont want to test neither my patience nor my sanity.Now,if you will excuse me,I must get going.It was nice talking to you.

Lucifer unlocked the door after that and left in a hurry while the owner remained sitted inside the room,silent and afraid.

A few hours later

Lucifer was pacing outside the ward growing more impatient by the second

-Why is it taking so long? I did it correctly,didnt I? I must have because he would be dead otherwise and June would have told me.But is it possible that I indeed made a small mistake and now he is suffering a slow and painful death?I should have called Amenadiel. Screw the lecture,I should have told him.


He didnt have time to turn around before Johanna hugged him tightly.

-You are a genius,Lucifer. I dont know how you did it. I would love to know but I am aware you will never tell me. The important thing is that your brother is alive and well.Im sorry for the delay. In truth the potion you gave us took effect rather quickly,with the side effects you described,but the doctors wanted to run all kind of tests on him because they couldnt believe their eyes.

-Im glad it worked. I must go home now. Im excausted.

But Johanna nudged him reluctantly without looking him in the eye

-Whats wrong Johanna?

-I know I dont have the right to ask this of you and I understand how tired you must be but...

-Speak clearly,woman,stuttering doesnt suit you.

Johanna breathed deeply and regained part of her confidence.

-Could you stay and hold your brother tonight?


-He is a baby that has been hooked up to machines for almost two days with no physical touch. Babies need contact, especially skin to skin contact and you are the closest person to him. I strongly believe that your presence here will soothe him and complete his recovery. Moreover studies show that...

-Alright,alright,I will stay. If it makes you stop blubbering I will sleep with him tonight.

-Great.Let me lead you to him

Johanna started running excitedly. She didnt think she would get this far.

When Lucifer and Johanna arrived,Lucifer didnt have time to observe the room because his eyes fell immediately on his brother.He was pale,not unhealthy pale but pale nonetheless. He was sleeping soundly and he seemed excausted.

Lucifer suddenly felt a stab of guilt for putting his brother through this but it was the only way to save him. An unknown force started pulling him towards the baby and Lucifer was already reaching for his brother before June picked the baby up and handed it to him.Thankfully he wasnt connected to any machines. David didnt wake up,he didnt even stir. He only snuggled closer to the warmth of Lucifer's body.

-I will leave the two of you alone.Lucifer,your room for the night is next to this. If anything happens call me. Although I doubt anything will occur. His tests came back negative. All of them.I have to go now,I have a shift.

Johanna exited the room and Lucifer was left alone with his baby brother who the only thing he was doing right now was breathing.

He moved to the next room where he removed his suit jacket and shirt,without putting David down,and laid down on the bed.He placed the baby on his bare chest and surprisingly David started swifting and he ended up sleeping right above Lucifer's beating heart.

Lucifer left a faint smile reach his lips and he placed his arm around the baby and patted gently in the back.

-You are an even bigger problem that I had anticipated. I think my life will be a living hell from now.What did I do to deserve such cruel punishment?

He felt himself slowly drifting to sleep while feeling the extra weight on top of his heart with each breathe.

-Something terrible,indeed.

He whispered half asleep and that was the last thing he said before finally falling asleep.