
The "Cosmos"

The word Cosmos with a capital C is referring to everything within the cosmology as I will explain it here.

Let us begin with the bottom,

Being the "Purgatory and Hell", this plane of existence resides below the main plane where humans exist which I will explain shortly (after this). The Purgatory and Hell, will be often shortened to PaH, is exactly what it is in Christian mythology, but being in one universe, which is infinite, it has a "border" separating Purgatory and Hell, it has a creator, Satan.

Then we have Life, the multiverse where countless, infinite amount of universes are to be located after a specific event. These universes differ in every single aspect, from conceptual to physical and mathematical. This is where humans and well... what humans call them, aliens reside.

The highest plane (for now), is the Lucid itself, it's a Type IV Multiverse, with infinite extending layers on top of each other, each having also infinite layers and so on. This is the plane of gods, discovered in 2145.

Updates will come in the close future.