
Lucian: Lord of the night

He met her on the night he was bound by the wolf clan but the trauma of that night blocked her memory. Years later, she unknowingly wakes him from the eternal sleep by the blood from the wound inflicted by the wolf clan but he has no memory of his past, only a growing passion to claim. But what happens when the wolf lord gets involved, insisting she is his with no idea of whom he is?

D_Infinity_0137 · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Chapter 14: Eternal Winter

"Things have not changed one bit and at this rate, I'm afraid we will be plunged back to the famine we barely survived."

"It won't change that easily. From what I know, the oath was to protect humans from being devoured by either of the two races of vampires and wolves. Originally, we were the only ones hunting ourselves and it was a case of survival of the fittest. It was either the wolves or us. There could not be two masters, so one must bear the burden. Our records say that Marcus didn't like that arrangement, he wished for coexistence but what he wanted could only be gotten from the defeat of his reigning master, Lucian.

So, if they were ever to hurt the humans, nature would turn on them and all of their kind but the problem is that we all leave, mixed up in this land, even though with different communities. It wasn't expected to happen, unfortunately we all, people of different races would suffer it together, including men...pity that they may take up arms against us soon."

"It wouldn't yield much. The last didn't."

"It appears you know very little. Elijah, they call you right?"


"If fear leaves those beings, Lucian would be the least of our problems."

Observing the snow, and the encroaching ice not too far away at that moment, Elijah put out his hands and gathered some flakes, and watched as they slowly melted.

From the side of the Heimdall's rock, he saw the large expanse of ground. From the slopes down to the valley but this time, it was no longer the position of those covered holes that got his attention, it was the large oak that stood tall in the midst of a dangerous vacuum as a testament to survival.

"I'm surprised that it hasn't come this far going by its previous speed."

"That I have no idea," she smiled and turning around, their skin met but Elijah was unaware.

Looking away, she shifted away from him and managed to keep the smile on her face , although with great difficulty.

"He has never touched me," she thought.

Her mouth quaked following that realization. Her eyes grew dull and misty, and each time she swallowed, her sadness broke through the defense to devour her countenance for a moment.

That same evening, a large turmult rose from one of the mountains nearby. Resting outside of her quarters, by the pool backing the magnificent edifice that rose into the sky, an old stone structure, covering a large land mass with a dark tower at the east corner, facing away from the human city to stare forever into fading times and endless ages, and about the wolf city as a mighty fortress.

Shanty rose from the rug, and sought the direction at once, and without so much Ado, she sniffed blood and following that scent, she came out into the open, a brown wolf with white speckles all over, standing at the rock, same position earlier, she viewed the land through the eyes of her wolf, and howled into the evening.

Catching the signal, the community inside the fortress were thrown into a panic, some responding to the call, while others went up to the walls on guard.

"Come on, get the old and children away from here...move it... I said move it.

Come Naomi... keep them safe, " he whispered and kissed her, handing over a single large key to her.

"You are taking this too serious. Maybe it's just some wounded people out there or something else. You don't have to make it a siege, or some attack."

He tucked her hair aside with a deep smile, his hands resting against her face as they sunk into each other's gaze," okay Mama, but stay safe first. You can nag me later of being paranoid or whatever...but this moment, I want you and all of them away from sight. Okay?"

"Sure, Papa,"she teased, and biting his lips, he looked away from her immediately and hastened away, and the next moment, he was as cold as the ice encroaching into their world.

"Sir...it may not be as serious as you think," a younger man approached him, dissatisfied.

"Do you have any idea what happened here fifteen years ago? Do you notice the cracks and those broken structures out there," he barked, pointing from one to another while the people hastened around, some of them guiding the elderly and women away," those things you see represents our shortsightedness, something I have sworn would never happen again.

So the next time you want to question my order, understand that you were one of the children from the last time that howl spread through our land, but unfortunately for some of those children, I and my men couldn't save them and I won't have one lucky spoilt brat to question me again, do you understand that?"he thundered, and more out of respect than fear, the young man saluted him and sped up. Feeling the familiar stare of his wife behind, he left instantly without looking back.

"Any vision yet?"

"No sir!"

"Lay low, everyone!"

The moment they reached the place where Shanty was, they found her trying to rescue a dozen patrol guard with a broken bough.

"Don't, you all should stay far away as possible," she said upon sighting them," fine, approached gently and I need you all in...,"she spoke, wearing a cynical look," well something with better hands.

The men sighed and rolled their eyes, and only Elijah could smile.

"It spreads faster than you can imagine upon contact with life bodies... four of you, build a fire over there, we need them to roast in the fire when they are out.

You clumsy little things, you dared be so careless at a time like this,"she snarled, brushing the broken ice from their faces for them to breathe.

"The fortress...the fortress," one of the dozen said, struggling to catch his breath immediately he shifted.

"What's he saying... what's he referring," murmurs rose, biting at Shanty's eardrums.

"Calm down and say something more coherent," Shanty barked at him, loosing her patience at the mere mention of her home.

"They are headed there," he cried.