
Lucas in yugioh

An office worker absolutely bored of life, passing days doing nothing but working the only moments in his life that he actually felt exiting about was when he played Duel Monsters (Yu-Gi-Oh)watch as he gets reincarnated by a godly taking pity on him in the world of duel monsters.

Xx_AlbiC_xX_C · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Lucas vs Pegasus

Lucas finally arrived in front of the castle after a long and tiring walk

"What do you want" the hairy guy in front of the castle asks

"I've got ten Star Chips, I'm ready to enter the castle" responded lucas

The guy smiles suddently. "Oh. In this case, come in. Mr. Pegasus will give you a room to sleep"

"Thank you" Lucas said as he lets him in

Lucas waked up at what it seems to be at least 10 o'clock as he gets greeted by Maximillion Pegasus himself.

"Good morning, Lucas-boy!" he says happily "Good morning, Mr. Pegasus" Lucas answered

"Congratulations for being the first Duelist to enter my castle!" he says "Wanna duel me immediately"

"you know what I'll take you up on that offer" Lucas replied 'sorry yugi you'll get your chance later anyways' he thought

"Lets duel...." shouted Lucas

"well I'll go first" said Pegasus "I normal summon the black stone of legend activating it's effect, i can send him to the graveyard to summon Red eyes toon dragon, then I activate its effect summoning toon dark magician, that's it for me"

"my turn I draw one card hmm I set two cards face down, then I set one monster and that's all I can do for now" Lucas said frustrated

"ooh my turn again I draw one card and attack your face down monster with red eyes toon dragon"

"wait you've fallen in my trap I activate negate attack ending your battle phase" said Lucas

"oh okay, I end my turn then" said Pegasus

"I draw one card and normal summon Shiranui spiritmaster using its effect I summon from my hand Shiranui spectralsword, using them both I summon Shiranui samuraisaga but I'm not done yet I activate call of the haunted summoning back Shiranui spectralsword from the graveyard and synchro summon Shiranui shogunsaga and well I activate his effect banishing samuraisaga from the graveyard, shogunsaga gains his attack points bringing it up to 5500, then shogunsaga end this duel" said Lucas

"no no impossible, how is this possible, I couldn't read your mind, how could I lose" said Pegasus

"you lost Pegasus because of your eye, don't ask me how I know I just know, you've been using it so much that you've become rusty, you can't hope to beat me when you're rusty well whatever I'm out of here" said Lucas

on the way out of the castle he encountered Mai "hey Mai I guess you qualified for finals" said Lucas "you bet I did, how about you did you qualify?" asked Mai

"did you not know, the first duelist to gain 10 star chips gets to battle Pegasus and well I already defeated him" he said while scratching his neck

"what" Mai shouted "you already beat him, ugh bummer so that means we won't meet in the finals...here" she said while passing him a paper with what he was assuming her number "call me if you ever want to hang out" she said with her usual teasing smile

"will do milady" he responded "see you later"


it was a few months after duelist kingdom, Lucas went on a few dates with Mai, but they haven't confessed to each other yet

Lucas saw that the battle city arc was about to begin, and he was happy to participate in the tournament, It sounded fun.

Arriving at the city's entrance, he was decked out in a pair of Jean's and a black t shirt making him an eye candy , with a duel disk in arm, and eager for his first match.


"battle city, here comes your new champ" he said

sorry for the short duel against Pegasus, just couldn't make him a good deck so I'm very sorry

Xx_AlbiC_xX_Ccreators' thoughts