
Loving The Forbidden

"Would you love him, if he took away all that which reminded you of the living?" "I don't know." "You should because when the devil loves you, he keeps you caged from seeing the possibilities of being without him. Even if it means killing all those that you care about," she murmured into my ear. I was sure that she could hear my heart drumming loudly in my heart and the growing smirk on her face proved me right. The sound of the door being opened abruptly was heard and we both turned to find him come in. Talk about the devil and he will appear. What happens when the life you dreamt of suddenly shattered in front of you and the only thing you had to save your life and the ones you loved was to seal your fate to the unknown? Aria, known as the young light siren dancer, who always seemed to draw people in easily with her moves and acting but never seemed to keep her pain away finds herself striking a deal with the devil twins. Now having to learn how to bite her tongue and become queen of the underworld, knowing that hell won't welcome her with open arms as she's now stepped on many people's toes for marrying the devil king.

Serial_seresposa · ファンタジー
298 Chs

Chapter Forty_Eight: In virtute pallii

"Every dark aura creates some sort of power and the more one has bad thoughts or intentions or ideas, the more power it feeds you and that is what feeds you. That aura, that energy is the one thing that will help you rule, and if you don't use it right, you will lose it or it will hurt you", he said. 

Aria and Silver's brother, Sal, sat in the garden, different cups placed before her as they began their lesson. As promised, he had been the one to begin training her instead of his brother whom she couldn't stand. She had been awakened early by her maid but this time, they had seemed to come up with a plan that didn't involve her having to be scrubbed as though a white shirt with a stubborn stain on it.

The maid had given her a fresh pair of black clothes, which were black sweat pants and a very loose shirt with black boot heels. When she requested flat shoes, all she had been told was that she needed to adapt to wearing heels as she was the Queen and trouble would occur at any time especially if she was in the most uncomfortable shoes.

"Can one being in this realm see the dark aura, especially since it's supposed to be a feeling of darkness or shadow that is unseen?" she questioned,

"One who is powerful enough can see it, mainly rulers and those who possess higher status", he answered,

"But then wouldn't each King or Queen be able to read each other too well to be able to defeat?"

"Yes, very true but that's why they need to train themselves to be able to hide that, so this will be our first lesson as it is the most crucial. The power of the cloak, in virtute pallii. It is important for every person to learn how to cover their thoughts, emotions, and ideas. Especially ideas because those can easily turn into dangerous actions, which leads to harm."

"In vir-tu-te pa-ll-ii," she pronounced, figuring it was best to learn the language as it would come in handy.

"Ita! Yes! Perfect, you pronounced it right, it is vital to know how to do that, and do you know where does one begin to protect themselves?" he asked as he stood, gesturing at his body for her to point out what her answer would be.

"The heart?" she asked,

"Nihil, no, it starts with the head. Your heart cant jump to any feeling unless a thought or an idea had been planted by the mind. Your mind, it can convince you to do something easily and you would easily do it because the idea has caused a feeling of allure", he said, "So whenever a dark thought comes, you need to have your guard up and not flood it with too many thoughts or assumptions. The more flooded it is, the more one can find a way to enter it and drain you or use you."

"But how can you be guarded? Do you just think of nothing or just to think less?" she questioned, "No mind is ever that silent."

"No I didn't say it was, but the more busy your mind is, the more you are easily distracted and you take time to respond. Your guard is down and focused on something else than what is necessary.

And the more traffic there is the darker aura it creates and one can sneak in and plant another and another. To pull away from ideas is too hard and one can often be killed from it", he explained. 

"Wait how can one be killed by an overload of thoughts?" she asked, "This is confusing."

"While trying to chase away the dark thoughts, your body feels penetrated and it tries to do whatever it can to push it out or fight. So now everything is on overdrive and the only way to stop it, is when you pull away and try to take the pain away.

This usually leads to one, killing themselves or doing what the thoughts request and you can guess how that ends up. Darkness has no power until one gives it power or feeds into it,"

"Power remains an idea until one actions it and uses it in any way possible", she whispered,
