


Josephine's POV

   You see my life? Moved to New Orleans, began to school in a place where bullies and jerks were the order of the day,got tortured by the baddest boy in school, got saved also by the baddest boy in school.

Getting into trouble with my cousin, being the bad boy's servant, getting stabbed by his brother,and now I'm here living with him,developing dumb feelings that he doesn't even care about.

I still can't believe I kissed him. I'm such a big dummy. Biggest dummy ever. I even left my journal next to him and I'm sure he would have taken a peek at it.

How will I ever face him?

I changed my clothes and took a deep breath as I was about to march downstairs.

On getting downstairs, I met all the guys doing what they do best.


They all just gathered sitting in a circle,discussing something.

Well, it should be gang shit. I'm sure whatever they're talking about is 'so important'


"Good morning" I said, as I walked past them to the kitchen.

They all looked at me and didn't say a word,then they turned their attention to themselves again and continued talking.

I was starting to feel tensed. Maybe Jax already told them what he read in my journal.

Why did they all ignore me?

I blinked and centered my focus on making breakfast. I just made oats and took some fruits.

As I walked upstairs with my food in my hands, I stared at them especially Jax.

Yes,I was so curious to know what they were talking about that made them ignore me.

While staring, Jax and I made eye contact and I didn't remove my gaze from him. He broke the contact by running his hands through his hair and facing Ace to continue their discussion.

I was a little bit embarrassed. I walked upstairs to my room and shut the door gently behind me,sighing deeply and thinking of home.

Jax's POV

She walked into the sitting room and greeted everyone. I wanted to respond,but something about the guys' reaction just made me keep quiet and stare at her.

We were discussing something really important and so maybe that's why they didn't really respond.

But what's worse was that they acknowledged her presence by looking up at her and still they didn't respond.

Maybe she has been right all along. Maybe the guys don't really like her but I have to make sure that's true.


They all stayed silent to listen to me.

I didn't know how to even ask but I had to.

"Why were y'all kinda cold towards Josephine?"

Virtually all of them rolled their eyes in a circular motion.

"Its simple. We don't like her" Andrew said.

'Well that's pretty straightforward'. I thought

"What has she done to you?" I asked

"Don't you see it?" Palmer said. "The chick has a huge hold on you, Jax"

"Yeah,you actually care about her,Jax. When did Jax Dillinger start caring about people?" Kevin said.

"No I don't" I said.

"Dude you asked why we didn't respond to her when she greeted. That's caring if you don't understand what the word 'caring' means" Ace said.

"And again...I can tell she'll turn out to be your weakness and we can't afford to have your mind focused on other things while we have a hood to run" Kevin said

"We just can't afford to have a leader who isn't focused" Joe said.

I looked at all of their faces and snorted.

"You know what,forget that this discussion ever took place" I said, as I walked upstairs.

Something told me to check on Josephine even though I didn't want to. I knocked on her door and awaited a response.

"Josey,are you alright?"

"Just gimme a minute" There was a crack in her voice

Soon,she came out with bags in her hand.

I raised an eyebrow and stopped her from taking any move again.

"Where do you think you're taking those bags to?" I asked

"Jax, I'm going home don't try to stop me." She said,walking into her room.

I followed her and shut the door behind me. I stayed in front of it to make sure she couldn't pass.

"Jax, just step aside"

"I'm not. Why are you packing your things?"

"Well,captain obvious,I'm going home. Where I'll be able to stay with people who truly love me"

"Who says we don't love you?"

"Cut it out Jax. Just stop. I heard everything they said down there. I'm a threat or distraction, whatever they called me I don't even care. I'm leaving."

I saw as she tried to fight her tears from falling but she failed miserably.

"So?...they don't like you doesn't mean I don't" I said

"What difference does it make Jax? Just stop saying that okay? I'm not falling for your sweet words. I know you don't like me or care about me. Just let me go please."

My face darkened and I moved closer to her to do what I never thought I'd have done.

I grabbed her by her waist and kissed her gently and softly. I could tell she was puzzled because she didn't kiss back immediately. Yes,she later did and it lasted longer than expected.

She pulled away and looked at me with swollen eyes. I could tell she's been crying so much lately,which I seriously hate.

Yes...I admit it. I hate when she cries.

Yes... I admit that I care about her.

Yes... I admit that I love Josephine.

I wiped her tears away with my thumb and pulled her into a hug.

I don't know what's becoming of me but something's just pushing me to do all these.

"I could drop you off if you want" I said

She nodded and I helped her pack her bags into my car.


Josephine's POV

On getting home,Maddie saw me and almost ran mad,screaming and jumping everywhere. I smiled, as I received her with my hands wide open. She jumped and I twirled her around.

"You didn't say you were coming today" she said,with the brightest smile never leaving her face.

"Well,surprise!" I yelled

Jax just watched from afar and shook his head.

Damien helped me take my things inside and Jax talked to Maddie.

Only God knows what they were discussing.

After few minutes of talking and offloading, Jax needed to get going. He said goodbye and took off with Damien.

I walked in with Maddie with a very huge grin on my face.

I was finally home.

And that's all I ever wanted....