

Year 2010, Philippines


"Babe, can you please help me with this?" right after I call my boyfriend he hugged me from behind and kisses my neck.

"Hey stop doing that we will be late" I am trying to close the zipper of my dress at the back and here he is, flirting with me again.

"I just can't give over you" I look at him with disbelief and laugh.

"Babe, we have all the time tomorrow. My friend would be mad if he cannot see us in his party" he laughed at me and helped me with my clothes.

By the way, I am Kirsten Santiago, fresh graduate of business management, 20 years old, a tutor but I am living in together with my boyfriend Leighton Corpuz, a fresh graduate of the same course, 20 years old and currently working in the Sy family.

We are going to a party tonight through an invitation of my old friend, Clyde Sy. According to him, his parents arranged him to marry the heir of the young family and tonight is the night of announcement.

Well, as a friend I wanted to support him in marrying a girl he doesn't love.

I always question myself about those scenarios. Why would a parent choose someone for their children's life knowing that they are old enough to decide on their own. Is this how rich family continue their fortune?

"Babe?" I looked at my boyfriend with so much love. I am really lucky to have him. He always listen to me when I am down, he is always a one call away and he is the man that I am going to settle down with.

"I love you" I said and kiss him on his lips. He deepened the kiss and stops when we hear someone getting our attention.

"Invitation" a Chinese guy extend his hand as if getting the invitation. I opened my bag and get the invitation to give it to him.

After that we went inside the mansion and I am truly amazed by their interior and exterior.

It is a breathtaking view that if I am living in that place, surely I will stay here all day.

I wandered my eyes and I saw how everyone's gown is glittering— a usual fashion of riches like them.

"Who are they?" I held my boyfriend's arm and asked him to help me find Clyde.

"There babe, Clyde's on that part" I let him guide me but before we could approach Clyde, the program started.

"Good evening everyone, thank you for coming to our party tonight as we will know the future wife of our son, Clyde Sy..." I wasn't attentive. I am just there, standing and I am holding my boyfriends arm tight, afraid that he will let me go.

"Are you okay?" he kissed me on my forehead and he hugged me from behind as we continue to be attentive with what they are saying.

"Please help me welcome, my son's fiance— Levithia Young..." and everyone's eyes are shining as we saw a lady in a silver gown walking towards the stage.

"Good thing we are not rich and I am so happy to be married by you" I just said out of the blue.

"You're right babe, even if we have nothing I won't exchange it with any luxury." He held my hand and kissed the back of it.

"Having you makes me rich enough to be contented with my life right now" then he kissed me on my lips.

I am always in paradise whenever he is with me. He always assures me that everything around us is under control. He makes me happy in my everyday life and I never had a moment where I regretted loving him because every moment is worth to be cherish.

Or so I thought...

"What the hell is happening, Babe?" I am freaking out as he went home with many bruises.

"That... that Lee family happened" I sit down and look at him with so many questions.

"They told me that I am their lost family when in fact my family is the Corpuz, since I was a kid I never remember any of memories being a chinese..." I focused on his face.

Actually, as you observes Leighton you will see his features as a Chinese. His chinky eyes, his nose, his lips, all of his face is shouting for being a chinese man.

And that night, is the start that our life is in living hell.

We don't know how did it happen, until here we are sitting in the floor, both back are leaned on our wall, looking at the nothingness with so many questions.

My heart is breaking that I don't know what to do anymore.

"Why?" I whispered. He is just holding my hand, silently saying sorry to me.

I cried with his silence. What did I do to deserve this pain?

"Why choose to be with one of them and just let go all our memories?" there are still more questions in my mind but all I want to ask is how can he do this to me?

Today is my birthday, November 04, 2010 thursday and he pop up the news to me saying that he is getting married tomorrow by an heir of another chinese family.

"I am really sorry Kirsten..." I cried again. I cannot accept this defeat, but how can I fight for our love if my partner chooses to surrender?

"W-what would happen now?" I didn't know where I got the strength to asked him that.

"Twelve midnight of November 6, lets see each other" I... don't know if I will agree to this.

I'm not sure if we will see each other to finally end our relationship as he is a married man that time.

I never agreed nor say no of that offer. I'm not sure and I... I don't know.

The next day came and I woke up with a letter on my side.

Please, support me on my wedding day. Here's the gown that I bought for you and a pair of high heels.

Love— Leighton Lee <3

I close my eyes as I felt another pain in my heart. To be honest, I don't know how to start this day knowing that he is not mine anymore.

Everyday in my life, when I started living with him in this house. I am used to wake up beside him, eat the food he or I prepares, shares intimate scene every other night. And felt complete as days passed by.

But now, everything changes. No sign of his presence, no breakfast in bed, no more sign of his love for me. He totally abandoned me.

I take a deep breath and started doing my morning routine. I'm not going to attend his wedding wearing the dress that he gave. Instead, I'll go there unnoticed.

I wore my usual clothes, shirt and high waist jeans. I just want to see him getting married and see him being happy with other woman beside him.

I guess I want to feel more pain and torture myself with this things his doing to me.

Why Leighton?

I arrived at the hotel and luckily there is this viewing area for those outsider visitors who wanted to witness the Lee- Chu wedding.

I am sitting in front and I can see to it that everyone in that place is so happy for the happenings today.

I even saw the parents of Leighton— well not the biological but the one who supported and approved our relationship.

They look out of place and tried to give support to their son.

Time passes and Leighton together with the priest and his best man — Clyde Sy appears in front.

My tears fall as I saw how handsome he us right now. He is so handsome with his tuxedo.

But his eyes... they are not shining as what I saw when Clyde marry the girl he develops himself with.

His eyes where looking for something or someone and when before he can see me here in viewing area I walked away.

I can't do this. The pain is too much.

"Are you okay?" I didn't bother answering that question because I'm not. My heart is being punch, being tortured without doing something to it physically.

I sit down in a corner and cried all the pain I am feeling. I just wanted to die as I cannot take it anymore.

"I know your not okay" I turned my gaze and I saw a kid beside me. He smiled at me and hold my hand.

"Everything will be okay" I stood up and smile at me before living but before he left I reach for his arm and asked a question.

"Have you ever love someone who in the end cannot be yours?" he look at me with disbelief but choose to answer me.

"I am just a kid and I don't have any experience when it comes to loving other people but the thing is, you felt the pain because you love someone so dearly that turns out to be a passersby only..."

"... you see, in this life many people will gives us importance. They will give love to us, tell us that we matter the most but in the end, they will be taking another path..."

"... as I said, I am just a kid but remember, someone is meant for you... just wait for the right timing "

And yes, maybe all I need is to heal myself and move on to this phase of my life. It's just another lesson to remember and maybe me and Leighton is being meet but not meant to be together.

Heartbreaking, but I need to accept that he is for someone else and that's not me.

He chose to let me go, and I am choosing to let him go too.

Started: February 26, 2020

Ended: —

Hold Me Tight

A story came from my dream right after I watched Crazy Rich Asians

Where I dreamed - my boyfriend marrying other girl. I just added something to make it more detailed but the idea is the same with my dream.


The next scenarios are made by me and not inspired by any dream or what. They are all in my imagination and I hope that I could give justice to the story.

joyxjoycreators' thoughts